History log of /libcore/luni/src/test/java/libcore/java/lang/ref/FinalizeTest.java
Revision Date Author Comments
d4b7449574ca69c713a3f2230cb77c68ee642700 06-Sep-2016 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> Fix 58 libcore tests that caught "expected" Exceptions but didn't fail()

There were no changes to code under test.

4 tests were fixed to not tolerate an Exception:
- libcore.java.util.CollectionsTest#test_CheckedMap_computeIfAbsent
In the case where a Map key is present, computeIfAbsent() should
not invoke the Function, so there is no return value that could
be expected to undergo a type check. The test was changed to
verify that the Function is not invoked.
- libcore.java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayListTest#test_sort and
were sorting an already-sorted non-null list that contains no null
values. That logic was redundant and wouldn't have thrown.
- org.apache.harmony.security.tests.java.security.KeyStoreSpiTest#test_engineEntryInstanceOf
(the KeyStoreSpi documentation does not mention whether NPE is thrown;
the implementation comes from upstream and does not throw it).

54 tests were fixed by adding the missing
No attempt was made to make this failure message specific to the
exception that was expected.

Tests that weren't changed:

- SSLEngineTest.test_wrap_ByteBuffer_ByteBuffer_04() requires
investigation to determine the correct resolution.
A comment was added to the test linking to the corresponding bug.

- ThreadTest#testParkUntilWithUnderflowValue() and
OldNodeChangeEventTest.waitForEvent() were not touched since
it was not clear whether that it was relevent to the test whether
or not the exception was thrown.

- two cases in Files2Test#test_setPosixFilePermissions_NPE() are
left to a future CL

(croot; make vogar core-tests) \
&& git diff aosp/master --name-only | xargs vogar `cparg core-tests`

Change-Id: I1cd3220a06e331ff049b146b393f78879f07211a
5e5169a394fd431609c3419bb4052e71dc73fed3 17-Aug-2016 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> Speed up needlessly slow libcore CTS tests

On a Nexus 6P,
run cts -p android.core.tests.libcore.package.libcore
currently runs for about 20 minutes. This consists of
two runs (arm32 and arm64 runtimes) that involved 587sec
each spent running the set of test methods.

This CL speeds up the test methods that ran the longest
(11-21sec per method) as measured by comparing wallclock
timestamps in a CTS run. The speedup is about 10% (59sec
faster per run, to now 528sec per run).

The speedup is achieved by Thread.sleep()ing for shorter
in tests that slept for what appeared like excessive
amounts of time, and by decreasing data sizes / loop counts
for probabilistic tests for race conditions. There was no
evidence apparent that these had found any bugs in years,
so needing to run them more often to find a potential bug
appears like a fair trade-off for a 10% speedup.

Test: run cts -p android.core.tests.libcore.package.libcore
(ran this three times)

Bug: 30948560

Change-Id: I9b28ce60268746b3a5edfc5b94dcc2ec29c8feca
161ab7af0434978ad3a9512293a032861a18e16e 02-Dec-2015 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Change FinalizeTest to use helper function

Old way kept the object live in a vreg.

Bug: 25851249

(cherry picked from commit cf3d432790a78b7d81da656f9a666f3d1ce4962c)

Change-Id: I3cefd317e23c602c6c74dd866f0831161ef10962
(cherry picked from commit 8210c23a598b363e89d6cd32dedeeae673bf9212)
8210c23a598b363e89d6cd32dedeeae673bf9212 02-Dec-2015 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Change FinalizeTest to use helper function

Old way kept the object live in a vreg.

Bug: 25851249

(cherry picked from commit cf3d432790a78b7d81da656f9a666f3d1ce4962c)

Change-Id: I3cefd317e23c602c6c74dd866f0831161ef10962
cf3d432790a78b7d81da656f9a666f3d1ce4962c 02-Dec-2015 Mathieu Chartier <mathieuc@google.com> Change FinalizeTest to use helper function

Old way kept the object live in a vreg.

Bug: 25851249
Change-Id: I0027d86ea1a6964bee43fde958b68fe4d21cb0ff
3edd28a92fc86a1260347d0995e65a815d73bbbe 16-Apr-2012 Mattias Petersson <mattias.petersson@sonymobile.com> Fix problem with Runtime.runFinalization()

This is a fix for a problem with runFinalization(). The
problem was that all FinalizerReferences to objects that had
not yet been garbage collected were lost when calling this
function. When a FinalizerReference was lost, it is was not
possible to call the finalize() method when the object
was garbage collected.

The result was that finalizers was sometimes never
called, which typically lead to memory leaks.

Also stop synchronizing on the class itself; use a private
lock instead.

Bug: 6907299
Bug: 5462944 # Synchronization on FinalizerReference.class
Change-Id: Ief515edbb5a1823c06d7371415d131165baef7f2
1a9cff8f68deffd618c5cba1f22f0fb0e396e067 17-Nov-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Always trigger finalization the same way in our tests.

This came up when I was recently writing a ZipFile finalization test
and I needed to copy-paste the finalizer recipe.

Change-Id: Ia67061b3dba1a7011c93c9a81e2a963876b238a1
29e0638aca737dd1093dac55216982b5af7d59a7 12-Aug-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Scrub some CTS test failures.

Change-Id: Icc35a44bac6481b549a96d0533770d11aff507da
9429d06c5427a6cac499ba90f138afac006135a2 21-Jun-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Fix System.runFinalization() to avoid running indefinitely.

This also avoids problems where System.runFinalization() calls
Thread.interrupt() and interrupts a finalizer that is doing
some I/O.

Change-Id: I8de88d7382f684798737ecd19b90d306d9590f1c
64c6c367497c7fcf88e7527022234043e4460758 21-Jun-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Implement the finalizer watchdog.

Change-Id: Ia4aaf5f0ef5a2f5f7e6ec3e8b4c4e300c9e1b2ee
6a22fa91a64739523c1344023f6dfde57e53110e 31-Mar-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Fix race conditions in finalizers.

We had several small races:
- runFinalization() could return before all objects had been
- stopFinalizer() could return before the thread was stopped

We still have one scenario where runFinalization returns
prematurely, this is due to a timing issue with the native
heap worker thread.

Change-Id: I304e4f2d744ed714a5c2069f2749df2ec1f40cc8