History log of /libcore/ojluni/src/test/java/time/tck/java/time/TCKOffsetTime.java
Revision Date Author Comments
6975f84c2ed72e1e26d20190b6f318718c849008 01-Mar-2017 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> Make Android patch docs in ojluni more consistent with style guide

This CL consists of an automated and a manual part (originally
reviewed as separate CLs, then squashed together before submitting
in order to minimize the number of times each Android-changed line
is touch, since that makes future git archaeology on these simpler).

Automated part: Run the following command (performs regex replacements):

find ojluni -name \*\.java | xargs sed -i \
-e 's/Android[- ]changed/Android-changed/ig' \
-e 's/Android-changed :/Android-changed:/g' \
-e 's/Android-changed \(BEGIN\|END\)/\1 Android-changed/g' \
-e 's/Android-changed - /Android-changed: /g' \
-e 's/Android[- ]removed/Android-removed/ig' \
-e 's/Android-removed :/Android-removed:/g' \
-e 's/Android-removed \(BEGIN\|END\)/\1 Android-removed/g' \
-e 's/Android-removed - /Android-removed: /g' \
-e 's/Android[- ]added/Android-added/ig' \
-e 's/Android-added :/Android-added:/g' \
-e 's/Android-added \(BEGIN\|END\)/\1 Android-added/g' \
-e 's/Android-added - /Android-added: /g' \
-e 's/----- \(BEGIN\|END\) android\( -----\)\?/\1 Android-changed/g' \
-e 's/\/\* \(BEGIN\|END\) Android-changed \*\//\/\/ \1 Android-changed/g'

Manual part: Move BEGIN Android-* lines out of block comments

Some Android-{changed,removed,added} lines occurred inside block comments.
This CL targets places in ojluni that contained the String "* BEGIN Android-"

Changes made by this CL include:

- Move the "BEGIN Android-" line into a line comment (the style guide
mandates that "Android-" lines are always in line comments). In many
cases, that line comment is immediately followed by a block comment
holding commented-out upstream code.
- Add corresponding "// END Android-" line comments, where missing.
- Drop documented import changes altogether. These create noise for
little benefit:
(1.) Most import problems will be found at compile time
(2.) They generally correspond to documented changes elsewhere in
the file.
- In most cases, the phrasing of comments and the decision whether to
keep commented out upstream code was not changed by this CL.
- Some additional tweaks were made in line with the style guide.

No attempt was made to:

- Verify that commented-out upstream code actually matches the
current upstream.
- Make any fixes (eg. to comments) that would have required
git archaeology (looking up historic commits).

Bug: 35841464
Test: make droid cts update-api

Change-Id: Ibc60979cb6061cfb0e9c7096cc9dcab30ddfa733
986666b60bfe25276fc3a8e5e4b6ce96d94b58b7 15-Dec-2016 Joachim Sauer <jsauer@google.com> Use BeforeClass instead of BeforeMethod.

Several java.time tests use @BeforeMethod to populate a field that is
used as in @DataProvider methods. @BeforeMethod runs after @DataProvider
is executed, 'though.

The only reason this worked is because the first test that's run in
those tests doesn't use the @DataProvider, so by the time it's executed,
the field will already have been populated.

Change the field initialization to use @BeforeClass and change the
affected fields to static.

Test: CtsLibcoreOjTestCases
Bug: 28832222
Change-Id: I499dde830a456dced8375632c45801640f795e33
c9dd3385ea6f927052783f42fb1282fb093e636e 01-Sep-2016 Joachim Sauer <jsauer@google.com> Initial import of java.time.

This is a verbatim copy of the classes in java.time from the jdk8u60
branch of the OpenJDK.

They are not yet part of the build and wouldn't compile yet (no local
modifications whatsoever).

Bug: 28832222
Test: Not build, not tested.
Change-Id: I8bb148cb1095b08af895c4abffed9f22b107c218