2 *
3 * Copyright (c) 2013-2015 Intel Corporation.
4 *
5* This program and the accompanying materials
6* are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
7* which accompanies this distribution.  The full text of the license may be found at
8* http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php
12 *
13 * MCU register definition
14 *
15 ************************************************************************/
19// Define each of the IOSF-SB register offsets used by MRC.
22// MCU registers (DUNIT):
23// ====
24#define DRP                 0x0000
25#define DTR0                0x0001
26#define DTR1                0x0002
27#define DTR2                0x0003
28#define DTR3                0x0004
29#define DTR4                0x0005
30#define DPMC0               0x0006
31#define DPMC1               0x0007
32#define DRFC                0x0008
33#define DSCH                0x0009
34#define DCAL                0x000A
35#define DRMC                0x000B
36#define PMSTS               0x000C
37#define DCO                 0x000F
38#define DSTAT               0x0020
39#define DECCCTRL            0x0060
40#define DFUSESTAT           0x0070
41#define SCRMSEED            0x0080
42#define SCRMLO              0x0081
43#define SCRMHI              0x0082
45#define MCU_CH_OFFSET       0x0040
46#define MCU_RK_OFFSET       0x0020
50// BEGIN DUnit register definition
52#pragma pack(1)
53typedef union {
54    uint32_t    raw;
55    struct {
56        uint32_t rank0Enabled       :1;             /**< BIT [0]   Rank 0 Enable */
57        uint32_t rank1Enabled       :1;             /**< BIT [1]   Rank 1 Enable */
58        uint32_t reserved0          :2;
59        uint32_t dimm0DevWidth      :2;             /**< BIT [5:4] DIMM 0 Device Width (Rank0&1)  */
60        uint32_t dimm0DevDensity    :2;             /**< BIT [7:6] DIMM 0 Device Density          */
61        uint32_t reserved1          :1;
62        uint32_t dimm1DevWidth      :2;             /**< BIT [10:9]  DIMM 1 Device Width (Rank2&3)  */
63        uint32_t dimm1DevDensity    :2;             /**< BIT [12:11] DIMM 1 Device Density          */
64        uint32_t split64            :1;             /**< BIT [13] split 64B transactions */
65        uint32_t addressMap         :2;             /**< BIT [15:14] Address Map select */
66        uint32_t reserved3          :14;
67        uint32_t mode32             :1;             /**< BIT [30] Select 32bit data interface*/
68        uint32_t reserved4          :1;
69    } field;
70} RegDRP;                                           /**< DRAM Rank Population and Interface Register */
71#pragma pack()
74#pragma pack(1)
75typedef union {
76    uint32_t    raw;
77    struct {
78        uint32_t dramFrequency      :2;             /**< DRAM Frequency (000=800,001=1033,010=1333) */
79        uint32_t reserved1          :2;
80        uint32_t tRP                :4;             /**< bit [7:4]   Precharge to Activate Delay  */
81        uint32_t tRCD               :4;             /**< bit [11:8]  Activate to CAS Delay  */
82        uint32_t tCL                :3;             /**< bit [14:12] CAS Latency  */
83        uint32_t reserved4          :1;
84        uint32_t tXS                :1;             /**< SRX Delay  */
85        uint32_t reserved5          :1;
86        uint32_t tXSDLL             :1;             /**< SRX To DLL Delay  */
87        uint32_t reserved6          :1;
88        uint32_t tZQCS              :1;             /**< bit [20] ZQTS recovery Latncy  */
89        uint32_t reserved7          :1;
90        uint32_t tZQCL              :1;             /**< bit [22] ZQCL recovery Latncy  */
91        uint32_t reserved8          :1;
92        uint32_t pmeDelay           :2;             /**< bit [25:24] Power mode entry delay  */
93        uint32_t reserved9          :2;
94        uint32_t CKEDLY             :4;               /**< bit [31:28]  */
95    } field;
96} RegDTR0;                                          /**< DRAM Timing Register 0 */
97#pragma pack()
99#pragma pack(1)
100typedef union {
101    uint32_t    raw;
102    struct {
103        uint32_t tWCL               :3;             /**< bit [2:0] CAS Write Latency */
104        uint32_t reserved1          :1;
105        uint32_t tCMD               :2;             /**< bit [5:4] Command transport duration */
106        uint32_t reserved2          :2;
107        uint32_t tWTP               :4;             /**< Write to Precharge */
108        uint32_t tCCD               :2;             /**< CAS to CAS delay */
109        uint32_t reserved4          :2;
110        uint32_t tFAW               :4;             /**< Four bank Activation Window*/
111        uint32_t tRAS               :4;             /**< Row Activation Period: */
112        uint32_t tRRD               :2;             /**<Row activation to Row activation Delay */
113        uint32_t reserved5          :2;
114        uint32_t tRTP               :3;             /**<Read to Precharge Delay */
115        uint32_t reserved6          :1;
116    } field;
117} RegDTR1;                                          /**< DRAM Timing Register 1 */
118#pragma pack()
120#pragma pack(1)
121typedef union {
122    uint32_t    raw;
123    struct {
124        uint32_t tRRDR              :3;             /**< RD to RD from different ranks, same DIMM */
125        uint32_t reserved1          :5;
126        uint32_t tWWDR              :3;             /**< WR to WR from different ranks, same DIMM. */
127        uint32_t reserved3          :5;
128        uint32_t tRWDR              :4;             /**< bit [19:16] RD to WR from different ranks, same DIMM. */
129        uint32_t reserved5          :12;
130    } field;
131} RegDTR2;                                          /**< DRAM Timing Register 2 */
132#pragma pack()
134#pragma pack(1)
135typedef union {
136    uint32_t    raw;
137    struct {
138        uint32_t tWRDR              :3;             /**< WR to RD from different ranks, same DIMM. */
139        uint32_t reserved1          :1;
140        uint32_t tWRDD              :3;             /**< WR to RD from different DIMM. */
141        uint32_t reserved2          :1;
142        uint32_t tRWSR              :4;             /**< RD to WR Same Rank. */
143        uint32_t reserved3          :1;
144        uint32_t tWRSR              :4;             /**< WR to RD Same Rank. */
145        uint32_t reserved4          :5;
146        uint32_t tXP                :2;             /**< Time from CKE set on to any command. */
147        uint32_t PWD_DLY            :4;             /**< Extended Power-Down Delay. */
148        uint32_t EnDeRate           :1;
149        uint32_t DeRateOvr          :1;
150        uint32_t DeRateStat         :1;
151        uint32_t reserved5          :1;
152    } field;
153} RegDTR3;                                          /**< DRAM Timing Register 3 */
154#pragma pack()
157#pragma pack(1)
158typedef union {
159    uint32_t    raw;
160    struct {
161        uint32_t WRODTSTRT          :2;             /**< WR command to ODT assert delay */
162        uint32_t reserved1          :2;
163        uint32_t WRODTSTOP          :3;             /**< Write command to ODT de-assert delay. */
164        uint32_t reserved2          :1;
165        uint32_t RDODTSTRT          :3;             /**< Read command to ODT assert delay */
166        uint32_t reserved3          :1;
167        uint32_t RDODTSTOP          :3;             /**< Read command to ODT de-assert delay */
168        uint32_t ODTDIS             :1;             /**< ODT disable */
169        uint32_t TRGSTRDIS          :1;             /**< Write target rank is not stretched */
170        uint32_t RDODTDIS           :1;             /**< Disable Read ODT */
171        uint32_t WRBODTDIS          :1;             /**< Disable Write ODT */
172        uint32_t reserved5          :13;
173    } field;
174} RegDTR4;                                          /**< DRAM Timing Register 3 */
175#pragma pack()
177#pragma pack(1)
178typedef union {
179    uint32_t    raw;
180    struct {
181        uint32_t SREntryDelay       :8;             /**< Self-Refresh Entry Delay: */
182        uint32_t powerModeOpCode    :5;             /**< SPID Power Mode Opcode */
183        uint32_t reserved1          :3;
184        uint32_t PCLSTO             :3;             /**< Page Close Timeout Period */
185        uint32_t reserved2          :1;
186        uint32_t PCLSWKOK           :1;             /**< Wake Allowed For Page Close Timeout */
187        uint32_t PREAPWDEN          :1;             /**< Send Precharge All to rank before entering Power-Down mode. */
188        uint32_t reserved3          :1;
189        uint32_t DYNSREN            :1;             /**< Dynamic Self-Refresh */
190        uint32_t CLKGTDIS           :1;             /**< Clock Gating Disabled*/
191        uint32_t DISPWRDN           :1;             /**< Disable Power Down*/
192        uint32_t reserved4          :2;
193        uint32_t REUTCLKGTDIS       :1;
194        uint32_t ENPHYCLKGATE       :1;
195        uint32_t reserved5          :2;
196    } field;
197} RegDPMC0;                                           /**< DRAM Power Management Control Register 0 */
198#pragma pack()
200#pragma pack(1)
201typedef union {
202    uint32_t    raw;
203    struct {
204        uint32_t REFWMLO            :4;             /**< Refresh Opportunistic Watermark */
205        uint32_t REFWMHI            :4;             /**< Refresh High Watermark*/
206        uint32_t REFWMPNC           :4;             /**< Refresh Panic Watermark */
207        uint32_t tREFI              :3;             /**< bit [14:12] Refresh Period */
208        uint32_t reserved1          :1;
209        uint32_t REFCNTMAX          :2;             /**< Refresh Max tREFI Interval */
210        uint32_t reserved2          :2;
211        uint32_t REFSKEWDIS         :1;             /**< tREFI counters */
212        uint32_t REFDBTCLR          :1;
213        uint32_t reserved3          :2;
214        uint32_t CuRefRate          :3;
215        uint32_t DisRefBW           :1;
216        uint32_t reserved4          :4;
217    } field;
218} RegDRCF;                                           /**< DRAM Refresh Control Register*/
219#pragma pack()
221#pragma pack(1)
222typedef union {
223    uint32_t    raw;
224    struct {
225        uint32_t reserved1          :8;
226        uint32_t ZQCINT             :3;             /**< ZQ Calibration Short Interval: */
227        uint32_t reserved2          :1;
228        uint32_t SRXZQCL            :2;             /** < ZQ Calibration Length */
229        uint32_t ZQCalType          :1;
230        uint32_t ZQCalStart         :1;
231        uint32_t TQPollStart        :1;
232        uint32_t TQPollRS           :2;
233        uint32_t reserved3          :5;
234        uint32_t MRRData            :8;             /**< bit[31:24] */
235    } field;
236} RegDCAL;                                          /**< DRAM Calibration Control*/
237#pragma pack()
239#pragma pack(1)
240typedef union {
241    uint32_t    raw;
242    struct {
243        uint32_t OOOAGETRH          :5;             /**< Out-of-Order Aging Threshold */
244        uint32_t reserved1          :3;
245        uint32_t OOODIS             :1;             /**< Out-of-Order Disable */
246        uint32_t OOOST3DIS          :1;             /**< Out-of-Order Disabled when RequestBD_Status is 3. */
247        uint32_t reserved2          :2;
248        uint32_t NEWBYPDIS          :1;
249        uint32_t reserved3          :3;
250        uint32_t IPREQMAX           :3;             /** < Max In-Progress Requests stored in MC */
251        uint32_t reserved4          :13;
252    } field;
253} RegDSCH;                                           /**< DRAM Scheduler Control Register */
254#pragma pack()
256#pragma pack(1)
257typedef union {
258    uint32_t    raw;
259    struct {
260        uint32_t DRPLOCK            :1;             /**< DRP lock bit */
261        uint32_t reserved1          :7;
262        uint32_t REUTLOCK           :1;             /**< REUT lock bit */
263        uint32_t reserved2          :19;
264        uint32_t PMICTL             :1;             /**< PRI Control Select: 0-memory_manager, 1-hte */
265        uint32_t PMIDIS             :1;             /**< PMIDIS Should be set is using IOSF-SB RW */
266        uint32_t DIOIC              :1;             /**< DDRIO initialization is complete */
267        uint32_t IC                 :1;             /**< D-unit Initialization Complete */
268    } field;
269} RegDCO;                                           /**< DRAM Controller Operation Register*/
270#pragma pack()
272#pragma pack(1)
273typedef union {
274    uint32_t    raw;
275    struct {
276        uint32_t SBEEN       :1;             /**< Enable Single Bit Error Detection and Correction */
277        uint32_t DBEEN       :1;             /**< Enable Double Bit Error Detection */
278        uint32_t CBOEN       :3;             /**< Enable ECC Check Bits Override */
279        uint32_t SYNSEL      :2;             /**< ECC Syndrome Bits Select for Observation */
280    uint32_t CLRSBECNT   :1;             /**< Clear ECC Single Bit Error Count */
281        uint32_t CBOV        :8;             /**< ECC Check Bits Override Value */
282        uint32_t reserved1   :1;             /**<  */
283        uint32_t ENCBGEN     :1;             /**< Enable Generation of ECC Check Bits */
284        uint32_t ENCBGESWIZ  :1;             /**< Enable Same Chip ECC Byte Lane Swizzle */
286    } field;
287} RegDECCCTRL;                                      /**< DRAM ECC Control Register */
288#pragma pack()
291#pragma pack(1)
292typedef union {
293    uint32_t    raw;
294    struct {
295        uint32_t FUS_DUN_ECC_DIS              :1;
296    uint32_t FUS_DUN_MAX_SUPPORTED_MEMORY :3;
297    uint32_t FUS_DUN_MAX_DEVDEN           :2;
298    uint32_t RESERVED1                    :1;
299    uint32_t FUS_DUN_RANK2_DIS            :1;
300    uint32_t FUS_DUN_OOO_DIS              :1;
301    uint32_t FUS_DUN_MEMX8_DIS            :1;
302    uint32_t FUS_DUN_MEMX16_DIS           :1;
303    uint32_t RESERVED2                    :1;
304    uint32_t FUS_DUN_1N_DIS               :1;
305    uint32_t FUS_DUN_DQ_SCRAMBLER_DIS     :1;
306    uint32_t RESERVED3                    :1;
307    uint32_t FUS_DUN_32BIT_DRAM_IFC       :1;
308    } field;
310#pragma pack()
313// END DUnit register definition
321// DRAM Initialization Structures used in JEDEC Message Bus Commands
324#pragma pack(1)
325typedef union {
326        uint32_t      raw;
327    struct {
328        unsigned    command         :3;             /**< Command: 000-MRS,001-Refresh,010-Pre-charge,011-Activate,110-ZQ,111-NOP */
329        unsigned    bankAddress     :3;             /**< Bank Address (BA[2:0]) */
330        unsigned    BL              :2;             /**< Burst Length, CDV:1*/
331        unsigned    CL              :1;             /**< CL Reserved CDV:0 */
332        unsigned    RBT             :1;             /**< Read Burst Type */
333        unsigned    casLatency      :3;             /**< cas Latency */
334        unsigned    TM              :1;             /**< Test mode */
335        unsigned    dllReset        :1;             /**< DLL Reset */
336        unsigned    writeRecovery   :3;             /**< Write Recovery for Auto Pre-Charge: 001=2,010=3,011=4,100=5,101=6 */
337        unsigned    PPD             :1;             /**< DLL Control for Precharge Power-Down CDV:1 */
338        unsigned    reserved1       :3;
339        unsigned    rankSelect      :4;             /**< Rank Select */
340        unsigned    reserved2       :6;
341    } field;
342} DramInitDDR3MRS0;                                 /**< DDR3 Mode Register Set (MRS) Command */
343#pragma pack()
345#pragma pack(1)
346typedef union {
347        uint32_t      raw;
348    struct {
349        unsigned    command         :3;             /**< Command: 000-MRS,001-Refresh,010-Pre-charge,011-Activate,110-ZQ,111-NOP */
350        unsigned    bankAddress     :3;             /**< Bank Address (BA[2:0]) */
351        unsigned    dllEnabled      :1;             /**< CDV=0 */
352        unsigned    DIC0            :1;             /**< Output Driver Impedance Control */
353        unsigned    rttNom0         :1;             /**< RTT_nom[0] */
354        unsigned    MRC_AL          :2;             /**< Additive Latency = 0 */
355        unsigned    DIC1            :1;             /**< Reserved */
356        unsigned    rttNom1         :1;             /**< RTT_nom[1] */
357        unsigned    wlEnabled       :1;             /**< Write Leveling Enable */
358        unsigned    reserved1       :1;
359        unsigned    rttNom2         :1;             /** < RTT_nom[2] */
360        unsigned    reserved2       :1;
361        unsigned    TDQS            :1;             /**< TDQS Enable */
362        unsigned    Qoff            :1;             /**< Output Buffers Disabled */
363        unsigned    reserved3       :3;
364        unsigned    rankSelect      :4;             /**< Rank Select */
365        unsigned    reserved4       :6;
366    } field;
367} DramInitDDR3EMR1;                                 /**< DDR3 Extended Mode Register 1 Set (EMRS1) Command */
368#pragma pack()
370#pragma pack(1)
371typedef union {
372        uint32_t      raw;
373    struct {
374        uint32_t    command         :3;             /**< Command: 000-MRS,001-Refresh,010-Pre-charge,011-Activate,110-ZQ,111-NOP */
375        uint32_t    bankAddress     :3;             /**< Bank Address (BA[2:0]) */
376        uint32_t    PASR            :3;             /**< Partial Array Self-Refresh */
377        uint32_t    CWL             :3;             /**< CAS Write Latency */
378        uint32_t    ASR             :1;             /**< Auto Self-Refresh */
379        uint32_t    SRT             :1;             /**< SR Temperature Range = 0*/
380        uint32_t    reserved1       :1;
381        uint32_t    rtt_WR          :2;             /**< Rtt_WR */
382        uint32_t    reserved2       :5;
383        uint32_t    rankSelect      :4;             /**< Rank Select */
384        uint32_t    reserved3       :6;
385    } field;
386} DramInitDDR3EMR2;                                 /**< DDR3 Extended Mode Register 2 Set (EMRS2) Command */
387#pragma pack()
389#pragma pack(1)
390typedef union {
391        uint32_t      raw;
392    struct {
393        uint32_t    command         :3;             /**< Command: 000-MRS,001-Refresh,010-Pre-charge,011-Activate,110-ZQ,111-NOP */
394        uint32_t    bankAddress     :3;             /**< Bank Address (BA[2:0]) */
395        uint32_t    MPR_Location    :2;             /**< MPR Location */
396        uint32_t    MPR             :1;             /**< MPR: Multi Purpose Register */
397        uint32_t    reserved1       :13;
398        uint32_t    rankSelect      :4;             /**< Rank Select */
399        uint32_t    reserved2       :6;
400    } field;
401} DramInitDDR3EMR3;                                 /**< DDR3 Extended Mode Register 2 Set (EMRS2) Command */
402#pragma pack()
404#pragma pack(1)
405typedef union {
406    uint32_t    raw;
407    struct {
408        uint32_t    command         :3;             /**< Command: 000-MRS,001-Refresh,010-Pre-charge,011-Activate,110 - ZQ Calibration,111-NOP */
409        uint32_t    bankAddress     :3;             /**< Bank Address (BA[2:0]) */
410        uint32_t    multAddress     :16;            /**< Multiplexed Address (MA[14:0]) */
411        uint32_t    rankSelect      :2;             /**< Rank Select */
412        uint32_t    reserved3       :8;
413    } field;
414} DramInitMisc;                                     /**< Miscellaneous DDRx Initialization Command */
415#pragma pack()
418// Construct DRAM init command using DramInitXxxx pattern
420#define DCMD_MRS1(rnk,dat) (0 | ((rnk)<<22) | (1<<3) | ((dat)<<6))
421#define DCMD_REF(rnk)      (1 | ((rnk)<<22))
422#define DCMD_PRE(rnk)      (2 | ((rnk)<<22))
423#define DCMD_PREA(rnk)     (2 | ((rnk)<<22) | (BIT10<<6))
424#define DCMD_ACT(rnk,row)  (3 | ((rnk)<<22) | ((row)<<6))
425#define DCMD_WR(rnk,col)   (4 | ((rnk)<<22) | ((col)<<6))
426#define DCMD_RD(rnk,col)   (5 | ((rnk)<<22) | ((col)<<6))
427#define DCMD_ZQCS(rnk)     (6 | ((rnk)<<22))
428#define DCMD_ZQCL(rnk)     (6 | ((rnk)<<22) | (BIT10<<6))
429#define DCMD_NOP(rnk)      (7 | ((rnk)<<22))
434#define DDR3_EMRS1_DIC_40       (0)
435#define DDR3_EMRS1_DIC_34       (1)
437#define DDR3_EMRS2_RTTWR_60     (BIT9)
438#define DDR3_EMRS2_RTTWR_120    (BIT10)
440#define DDR3_EMRS1_RTTNOM_0     (0)
441#define DDR3_EMRS1_RTTNOM_60    (BIT2)
442#define DDR3_EMRS1_RTTNOM_120   (BIT6)
443#define DDR3_EMRS1_RTTNOM_40    (BIT6|BIT2)
444#define DDR3_EMRS1_RTTNOM_20    (BIT9)
445#define DDR3_EMRS1_RTTNOM_30    (BIT9|BIT2)
449// END DRAM Init...
454// HOST_BRIDGE registers:
455#define HMBOUND             0x0020  //ok
457// MEMORY_MANAGER registers:
458#define BCTRL               0x0004
459#define BWFLUSH             0x0008
460#define BDEBUG1             0x00C4
464// BEGIN DDRIO registers
467// DDR IOs & COMPs:
468#define DDRIODQ_BL_OFFSET   0x0800
470#define DDRIOCCC_CH_OFFSET  0x0800
471#define DDRCOMP_CH_OFFSET   0x0100
473// CH0-BL01-DQ
474#define DQOBSCKEBBCTL       0x0000
475#define DQDLLTXCTL          0x0004
476#define DQDLLRXCTL          0x0008
477#define DQMDLLCTL           0x000C
478#define B0RXIOBUFCTL        0x0010
479#define B0VREFCTL           0x0014
480#define B0RXOFFSET1         0x0018
481#define B0RXOFFSET0         0x001C
482#define B1RXIOBUFCTL        0x0020
483#define B1VREFCTL           0x0024
484#define B1RXOFFSET1         0x0028
485#define B1RXOFFSET0         0x002C
486#define DQDFTCTL            0x0030
487#define DQTRAINSTS          0x0034
488#define B1DLLPICODER0       0x0038
489#define B0DLLPICODER0       0x003C
490#define B1DLLPICODER1       0x0040
491#define B0DLLPICODER1       0x0044
492#define B1DLLPICODER2       0x0048
493#define B0DLLPICODER2       0x004C
494#define B1DLLPICODER3       0x0050
495#define B0DLLPICODER3       0x0054
496#define B1RXDQSPICODE       0x0058
497#define B0RXDQSPICODE       0x005C
498#define B1RXDQPICODER32     0x0060
499#define B1RXDQPICODER10     0x0064
500#define B0RXDQPICODER32     0x0068
501#define B0RXDQPICODER10     0x006C
502#define B01PTRCTL0          0x0070
503#define B01PTRCTL1          0x0074
504#define B01DBCTL0           0x0078
505#define B01DBCTL1           0x007C
506#define B0LATCTL0           0x0080
507#define B1LATCTL0           0x0084
508#define B01LATCTL1          0x0088
509#define B0ONDURCTL          0x008C
510#define B1ONDURCTL          0x0090
511#define B0OVRCTL            0x0094
512#define B1OVRCTL            0x0098
513#define DQCTL               0x009C
514#define B0RK2RKCHGPTRCTRL   0x00A0
515#define B1RK2RKCHGPTRCTRL   0x00A4
516#define DQRK2RKCTL          0x00A8
517#define DQRK2RKPTRCTL       0x00AC
518#define B0RK2RKLAT          0x00B0
519#define B1RK2RKLAT          0x00B4
520#define DQCLKALIGNREG0      0x00B8
521#define DQCLKALIGNREG1      0x00BC
522#define DQCLKALIGNREG2      0x00C0
523#define DQCLKALIGNSTS0      0x00C4
524#define DQCLKALIGNSTS1      0x00C8
525#define DQCLKGATE           0x00CC
526#define B0COMPSLV1          0x00D0
527#define B1COMPSLV1          0x00D4
528#define B0COMPSLV2          0x00D8
529#define B1COMPSLV2          0x00DC
530#define B0COMPSLV3          0x00E0
531#define B1COMPSLV3          0x00E4
532#define DQVISALANECR0TOP    0x00E8
533#define DQVISALANECR1TOP    0x00EC
535#define DQVISALANECR0BL     0x00F4
536#define DQVISALANECR1BL     0x00F8
538#define DQTIMINGCTRL        0x010C
539// CH0-ECC
540#define ECCDLLTXCTL         0x2004
541#define ECCDLLRXCTL         0x2008
542#define ECCMDLLCTL          0x200C
543#define ECCB1DLLPICODER0    0x2038
544#define ECCB1DLLPICODER1    0x2040
545#define ECCB1DLLPICODER2    0x2048
546#define ECCB1DLLPICODER3    0x2050
547#define ECCB01DBCTL0        0x2078
548#define ECCB01DBCTL1        0x207C
549#define ECCCLKALIGNREG0     0x20B8
550#define ECCCLKALIGNREG1     0x20BC
551#define ECCCLKALIGNREG2     0x20C0
552// CH0-CMD
553#define CMDOBSCKEBBCTL      0x4800
554#define CMDDLLTXCTL         0x4808
555#define CMDDLLRXCTL         0x480C
556#define CMDMDLLCTL          0x4810
557#define CMDRCOMPODT         0x4814
558#define CMDDLLPICODER0      0x4820
559#define CMDDLLPICODER1      0x4824
560#define CMDCFGREG0          0x4840
561#define CMDPTRREG           0x4844
562#define CMDCLKALIGNREG0     0x4850
563#define CMDCLKALIGNREG1     0x4854
564#define CMDCLKALIGNREG2     0x4858
565#define CMDPMCONFIG0        0x485C
566#define CMDPMDLYREG0        0x4860
567#define CMDPMDLYREG1        0x4864
568#define CMDPMDLYREG2        0x4868
569#define CMDPMDLYREG3        0x486C
570#define CMDPMDLYREG4        0x4870
571#define CMDCLKALIGNSTS0     0x4874
572#define CMDCLKALIGNSTS1     0x4878
573#define CMDPMSTS0           0x487C
574#define CMDPMSTS1           0x4880
575#define CMDCOMPSLV          0x4884
576#define CMDBONUS0           0x488C
577#define CMDBONUS1           0x4890
578#define CMDVISALANECR0      0x4894
579#define CMDVISALANECR1      0x4898
580#define CMDVISACONTROLCR    0x489C
581#define CMDCLKGATE          0x48A0
582#define CMDTIMINGCTRL       0x48A4
583// CH0-CLK-CTL
584#define CCOBSCKEBBCTL       0x5800
585#define CCRCOMPIO           0x5804
586#define CCDLLTXCTL          0x5808
587#define CCDLLRXCTL          0x580C
588#define CCMDLLCTL           0x5810
589#define CCRCOMPODT          0x5814
590#define CCDLLPICODER0       0x5820
591#define CCDLLPICODER1       0x5824
592#define CCDDR3RESETCTL      0x5830
593#define CCCFGREG0           0x5838
594#define CCCFGREG1           0x5840
595#define CCPTRREG            0x5844
596#define CCCLKALIGNREG0      0x5850
597#define CCCLKALIGNREG1      0x5854
598#define CCCLKALIGNREG2      0x5858
599#define CCPMCONFIG0         0x585C
600#define CCPMDLYREG0         0x5860
601#define CCPMDLYREG1         0x5864
602#define CCPMDLYREG2         0x5868
603#define CCPMDLYREG3         0x586C
604#define CCPMDLYREG4         0x5870
605#define CCCLKALIGNSTS0      0x5874
606#define CCCLKALIGNSTS1      0x5878
607#define CCPMSTS0            0x587C
608#define CCPMSTS1            0x5880
609#define CCCOMPSLV1          0x5884
610#define CCCOMPSLV2          0x5888
611#define CCCOMPSLV3          0x588C
612#define CCBONUS0            0x5894
613#define CCBONUS1            0x5898
614#define CCVISALANECR0       0x589C
615#define CCVISALANECR1       0x58A0
616#define CCVISACONTROLCR     0x58A4
617#define CCCLKGATE           0x58A8
618#define CCTIMINGCTL         0x58AC
619// COMP
620#define CMPCTRL             0x6800
621#define SOFTRSTCNTL         0x6804
622#define MSCNTR              0x6808
623#define NMSCNTRL            0x680C
624#define LATCH1CTL           0x6814
625#define COMPVISALANECR0     0x681C
626#define COMPVISALANECR1     0x6820
627#define COMPVISACONTROLCR   0x6824
628#define COMPBONUS0          0x6830
629#define TCOCNTCTRL          0x683C
630#define DQANAODTPUCTL       0x6840
631#define DQANAODTPDCTL       0x6844
632#define DQANADRVPUCTL       0x6848
633#define DQANADRVPDCTL       0x684C
634#define DQANADLYPUCTL       0x6850
635#define DQANADLYPDCTL       0x6854
636#define DQANATCOPUCTL       0x6858
637#define DQANATCOPDCTL       0x685C
638#define CMDANADRVPUCTL      0x6868
639#define CMDANADRVPDCTL      0x686C
640#define CMDANADLYPUCTL      0x6870
641#define CMDANADLYPDCTL      0x6874
642#define CLKANAODTPUCTL      0x6880
643#define CLKANAODTPDCTL      0x6884
644#define CLKANADRVPUCTL      0x6888
645#define CLKANADRVPDCTL      0x688C
646#define CLKANADLYPUCTL      0x6890
647#define CLKANADLYPDCTL      0x6894
648#define CLKANATCOPUCTL      0x6898
649#define CLKANATCOPDCTL      0x689C
650#define DQSANAODTPUCTL      0x68A0
651#define DQSANAODTPDCTL      0x68A4
652#define DQSANADRVPUCTL      0x68A8
653#define DQSANADRVPDCTL      0x68AC
654#define DQSANADLYPUCTL      0x68B0
655#define DQSANADLYPDCTL      0x68B4
656#define DQSANATCOPUCTL      0x68B8
657#define DQSANATCOPDCTL      0x68BC
658#define CTLANADRVPUCTL      0x68C8
659#define CTLANADRVPDCTL      0x68CC
660#define CTLANADLYPUCTL      0x68D0
661#define CTLANADLYPDCTL      0x68D4
662#define CHNLBUFSTATIC       0x68F0
663#define COMPOBSCNTRL        0x68F4
664#define COMPBUFFDBG0        0x68F8
665#define COMPBUFFDBG1        0x68FC
666#define CFGMISCCH0          0x6900
667#define COMPEN0CH0          0x6904
668#define COMPEN1CH0          0x6908
669#define COMPEN2CH0          0x690C
670#define STATLEGEN0CH0       0x6910
671#define STATLEGEN1CH0       0x6914
672#define DQVREFCH0           0x6918
673#define CMDVREFCH0          0x691C
674#define CLKVREFCH0          0x6920
675#define DQSVREFCH0          0x6924
676#define CTLVREFCH0          0x6928
677#define TCOVREFCH0          0x692C
678#define DLYSELCH0           0x6930
679#define TCODRAMBUFODTCH0    0x6934
680#define CCBUFODTCH0         0x6938
681#define RXOFFSETCH0         0x693C
682#define DQODTPUCTLCH0       0x6940
683#define DQODTPDCTLCH0       0x6944
684#define DQDRVPUCTLCH0       0x6948
685#define DQDRVPDCTLCH0       0x694C
686#define DQDLYPUCTLCH0       0x6950
687#define DQDLYPDCTLCH0       0x6954
688#define DQTCOPUCTLCH0       0x6958
689#define DQTCOPDCTLCH0       0x695C
690#define CMDDRVPUCTLCH0      0x6968
691#define CMDDRVPDCTLCH0      0x696C
692#define CMDDLYPUCTLCH0      0x6970
693#define CMDDLYPDCTLCH0      0x6974
694#define CLKODTPUCTLCH0      0x6980
695#define CLKODTPDCTLCH0      0x6984
696#define CLKDRVPUCTLCH0      0x6988
697#define CLKDRVPDCTLCH0      0x698C
698#define CLKDLYPUCTLCH0      0x6990
699#define CLKDLYPDCTLCH0      0x6994
700#define CLKTCOPUCTLCH0      0x6998
701#define CLKTCOPDCTLCH0      0x699C
702#define DQSODTPUCTLCH0      0x69A0
703#define DQSODTPDCTLCH0      0x69A4
704#define DQSDRVPUCTLCH0      0x69A8
705#define DQSDRVPDCTLCH0      0x69AC
706#define DQSDLYPUCTLCH0      0x69B0
707#define DQSDLYPDCTLCH0      0x69B4
708#define DQSTCOPUCTLCH0      0x69B8
709#define DQSTCOPDCTLCH0      0x69BC
710#define CTLDRVPUCTLCH0      0x69C8
711#define CTLDRVPDCTLCH0      0x69CC
712#define CTLDLYPUCTLCH0      0x69D0
713#define CTLDLYPDCTLCH0      0x69D4
714#define FNLUPDTCTLCH0       0x69F0
715// PLL
716#define MPLLCTRL0           0x7800
717#define MPLLCTRL1           0x7808
718#define MPLLCSR0            0x7810
719#define MPLLCSR1            0x7814
720#define MPLLCSR2            0x7820
721#define MPLLDFT             0x7828
722#define MPLLMON0CTL         0x7830
723#define MPLLMON1CTL         0x7838
724#define MPLLMON2CTL         0x783C
725#define SFRTRIM             0x7850
726#define MPLLDFTOUT0         0x7858
727#define MPLLDFTOUT1         0x785C
728#define MASTERRSTN          0x7880
729#define PLLLOCKDEL          0x7884
730#define SFRDEL              0x7888
731#define CRUVISALANECR0      0x78F0
732#define CRUVISALANECR1      0x78F4
733#define CRUVISACONTROLCR    0x78F8
734#define IOSFVISALANECR0     0x78FC
735#define IOSFVISALANECR1     0x7900
736#define IOSFVISACONTROLCR   0x7904
739// END DDRIO registers