1# use some undocumented Django tricks to execute custom logic after syncdb
3from django.db.models import signals
4from django.contrib import auth
5from django.conf import settings
6# In this file, it is critical that we import models *just like this*.  In
7# particular, we *cannot* do import common; from autotest_lib... import models.
8# This is because when we pass the models module to signal.connect(), it
9# calls id() on the module, and the id() of a module can differ depending on how
10# it was imported.  For that reason, we must import models as Django does -- not
11# through the autotest_lib magic set up through common.py.  If you do that, the
12# connection won't work and the dispatcher will simply never call the method.
13from frontend.afe import models
15BASIC_ADMIN = 'Basic admin'
17def create_admin_group(app, created_models, verbosity, **kwargs):
18    """\
19    Create a basic admin group with permissions for managing basic autotest
20    objects.
21    """
22    admin_group, created = auth.models.Group.objects.get_or_create(
23        name=BASIC_ADMIN)
24    admin_group.save() # must save before adding permissions
25    PermissionModel = auth.models.Permission
26    have_permissions = list(admin_group.permissions.all())
27    for model_name in ('host', 'label', 'test', 'aclgroup', 'profiler',
28                       'atomicgroup', 'hostattribute'):
29        for permission_type in ('add', 'change', 'delete'):
30            codename = permission_type + '_' + model_name
31            permissions = list(PermissionModel.objects.filter(
32                codename=codename))
33            if len(permissions) == 0:
34                if verbosity:
35                    print '  No permission ' + codename
36                continue
37            for permission in permissions:
38                if permission not in have_permissions:
39                    if verbosity:
40                        print '  Adding permission ' + codename
41                    admin_group.permissions.add(permission)
42    if verbosity:
43        if created:
44            print 'Created group "%s"' % BASIC_ADMIN
45        else:
46            print 'Group "%s" already exists' % BASIC_ADMIN
49    signals.post_syncdb.connect(create_admin_group, sender=models)