2# Copyright 2016 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
3# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
4# found in the LICENSE file.
7Automatically update the afe_stable_versions table.
9This command updates the stable repair version for selected boards
10in the lab.  For each board, if the version that Omaha is serving
11on the Beta channel for the board is more recent than the current
12stable version in the AFE database, then the AFE is updated to use
13the version on Omaha.
15The upgrade process is applied to every "managed board" in the test
16lab.  Generally, a managed board is a board with both spare and
17critical scheduling pools.
19See `autotest_lib.site_utils.lab_inventory` for the full definition
20of "managed board".
22The command supports a `--dry-run` option that reports changes that
23would be made, without making the actual RPC calls to change the
28import argparse
29import json
30import subprocess
31import sys
33import common
34from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import utils
35from autotest_lib.server.cros.dynamic_suite import frontend_wrappers
36from autotest_lib.site_utils import lab_inventory
39# _OMAHA_STATUS - URI of a file in GoogleStorage with a JSON object
40# summarizing all versions currently being served by Omaha.
42# The principle data is in an array named 'omaha_data'.  Each entry
43# in the array contains information relevant to one image being
44# served by Omaha, including the following information:
45#   * The board name of the product, as known to Omaha.
46#   * The channel associated with the image.
47#   * The Chrome and Chrome OS version strings for the image
48#     being served.
50_OMAHA_STATUS = 'gs://chromeos-build-release-console/omaha_status.json'
53# _BUILD_METADATA_PATTERN - Format string for the URI of a file in
54# GoogleStorage with a JSON object that contains metadata about
55# a given build.  The metadata includes the version of firmware
56# bundled with the build.
58_BUILD_METADATA_PATTERN = 'gs://chromeos-image-archive/%s/metadata.json'
61# _DEFAULT_BOARD - The distinguished board name used to identify a
62# stable version mapping that is used for any board without an explicit
63# mapping of its own.
65# _DEFAULT_VERSION_TAG - A string used to signify that there is no
66# mapping for a board, in other words, the board is mapped to the
67# default version.
70_DEFAULT_VERSION_TAG = '(default)'
73# _FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_BLACKLIST - a set of boards that are exempt from
74# automatic stable firmware version assignment.  This blacklist is
75# here out of an abundance of caution, on the general principle of "if
76# it ain't broke, don't fix it."  Specifically, these are old, legacy
77# boards and:
78#   * They're working fine with whatever firmware they have in the lab
79#     right now.  Moreover, because of their age, we can expect that
80#     they will never get any new firmware updates in future.
81#   * Servo support is spotty or missing, so there's no certainty
82#     that DUTs bricked by a firmware update can be repaired.
83#   * Because of their age, they are somewhere between hard and
84#     impossible to replace.  In some cases, they are also already
85#     in short supply.
87# N.B.  HARDCODED BOARD NAMES ARE EVIL!!!  This blacklist uses hardcoded
88# names because it's meant to define a list of legacies that will shrivel
89# and die over time.
91# DO NOT ADD TO THIS LIST.  If there's a new use case that requires
92# extending the blacklist concept, you should find a maintainable
93# solution that deletes this code.
95# TODO(jrbarnette):  When any board is past EOL, and removed from the
96# lab, it can be removed from the blacklist.  When all the boards are
97# past EOL, the blacklist should be removed.
100        'butterfly',
101        'daisy',
102        'daisy_skate',
103        'daisy_spring',
104        'lumpy',
105        'parrot',
106        'parrot_ivb',
107        'peach_pi',
108        'peach_pit',
109        'stout',
110        'stumpy',
111        'x86-alex',
112        'x86-mario',
113        'x86-zgb',
114    ])
117class _VersionUpdater(object):
118    """
119    Class to report and apply version changes.
121    This class is responsible for the low-level logic of applying
122    version upgrades and reporting them as command output.
124    This class exists to solve two problems:
125     1. To distinguish "normal" vs. "dry-run" modes.  Each mode has a
126        subclass; methods that perform actual AFE updates are
127        implemented for the normal mode subclass only.
128     2. To provide hooks for unit tests.  The unit tests override both
129        the reporting and modification behaviors, in order to test the
130        higher level logic that decides what changes are needed.
132    Methods meant merely to report changes to command output have names
133    starting with "report" or "_report".  Methods that are meant to
134    change the AFE in normal mode have names starting with "_do"
135    """
137    def __init__(self, afe):
138        image_types = [afe.CROS_IMAGE_TYPE, afe.FIRMWARE_IMAGE_TYPE]
139        self._version_maps = {
140            image_type: afe.get_stable_version_map(image_type)
141                for image_type in image_types
142        }
143        self._cros_map = self._version_maps[afe.CROS_IMAGE_TYPE]
144        self._selected_map = None
146    def select_version_map(self, image_type):
147        """
148        Select an AFE version map object based on `image_type`.
150        This creates and remembers an AFE version mapper object to be
151        used for making changes in normal mode.
153        @param image_type   Image type parameter for the version mapper
154                            object.
155        @returns The full set of mappings for the image type.
156        """
157        self._selected_map = self._version_maps[image_type]
158        return self._selected_map.get_all_versions()
160    def get_cros_image_name(self, board, version):
161        """
162        Get the CrOS image name of a given board and version.
164        Returns the string naming a complete Chrome OS image
165        for the `board` and `version`.  The name is part of a URI
166        in storage naming artifacts associated with the build
167        for the given board.
169        The returned string is generally in a form like
170        "celes-release/R56-9000.29.3".
172        @returns A CrOS image name.
173        """
174        return self._cros_map.format_image_name(board, version)
176    def announce(self):
177        """Announce the start of processing to the user."""
178        pass
180    def report(self, message):
181        """
182        Report a pre-formatted message for the user.
184        The message is printed to stdout, followed by a newline.
186        @param message The message to be provided to the user.
187        """
188        print message
190    def report_default_changed(self, old_default, new_default):
191        """
192        Report that the default version mapping is changing.
194        This merely reports a text description of the pending change
195        without executing it.
197        @param old_default  The original default version.
198        @param new_default  The new default version to be applied.
199        """
200        self.report('Default %s -> %s' % (old_default, new_default))
202    def _report_board_changed(self, board, old_version, new_version):
203        """
204        Report a change in one board's assigned version mapping.
206        This merely reports a text description of the pending change
207        without executing it.
209        @param board        The board with the changing version.
210        @param old_version  The original version mapped to the board.
211        @param new_version  The new version to be applied to the board.
212        """
213        template = '    %-22s %s -> %s'
214        self.report(template % (board, old_version, new_version))
216    def report_board_unchanged(self, board, old_version):
217        """
218        Report that a board's version mapping is unchanged.
220        This reports that a board has a non-default mapping that will be
221        unchanged.
223        @param board        The board that is not changing.
224        @param old_version  The board's version mapping.
225        """
226        self._report_board_changed(board, '(no change)', old_version)
228    def _do_set_mapping(self, board, new_version):
229        """
230        Change one board's assigned version mapping.
232        @param board        The board with the changing version.
233        @param new_version  The new version to be applied to the board.
234        """
235        pass
237    def _do_delete_mapping(self, board):
238        """
239        Delete one board's assigned version mapping.
241        @param board        The board with the version to be deleted.
242        """
243        pass
245    def set_mapping(self, board, old_version, new_version):
246        """
247        Change and report a board version mapping.
249        @param board        The board with the changing version.
250        @param old_version  The original version mapped to the board.
251        @param new_version  The new version to be applied to the board.
252        """
253        self._report_board_changed(board, old_version, new_version)
254        self._do_set_mapping(board, new_version)
256    def upgrade_default(self, new_default):
257        """
258        Apply a default version change.
260        @param new_default  The new default version to be applied.
261        """
262        self._do_set_mapping(_DEFAULT_BOARD, new_default)
264    def delete_mapping(self, board, old_version):
265        """
266        Delete a board version mapping, and report the change.
268        @param board        The board with the version to be deleted.
269        @param old_version  The board's verson prior to deletion.
270        """
271        assert board != _DEFAULT_BOARD
272        self._report_board_changed(board,
273                                   old_version,
274                                   _DEFAULT_VERSION_TAG)
275        self._do_delete_mapping(board)
278class _DryRunUpdater(_VersionUpdater):
279    """Code for handling --dry-run execution."""
281    def announce(self):
282        self.report('Dry run:  no changes will be made.')
285class _NormalModeUpdater(_VersionUpdater):
286    """Code for handling normal execution."""
288    def _do_set_mapping(self, board, new_version):
289        self._selected_map.set_version(board, new_version)
291    def _do_delete_mapping(self, board):
292        self._selected_map.delete_version(board)
295def _read_gs_json_data(gs_uri):
296    """
297    Read and parse a JSON file from googlestorage.
299    This is a wrapper around `gsutil cat` for the specified URI.
300    The standard output of the command is parsed as JSON, and the
301    resulting object returned.
303    @return A JSON object parsed from `gs_uri`.
304    """
305    with open('/dev/null', 'w') as ignore_errors:
306        sp = subprocess.Popen(['gsutil', 'cat', gs_uri],
307                              stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
308                              stderr=ignore_errors)
309        try:
310            json_object = json.load(sp.stdout)
311        finally:
312            sp.stdout.close()
313            sp.wait()
314    return json_object
317def _make_omaha_versions(omaha_status):
318    """
319    Convert parsed omaha versions data to a versions mapping.
321    Returns a dictionary mapping board names to the currently preferred
322    version for the Beta channel as served by Omaha.  The mappings are
323    provided by settings in the JSON object `omaha_status`.
325    The board names are the names as known to Omaha:  If the board name
326    in the AFE contains '_', the corresponding Omaha name uses '-'
327    instead.  The boards mapped may include boards not in the list of
328    managed boards in the lab.
330    @return A dictionary mapping Omaha boards to Beta versions.
331    """
332    def _entry_valid(json_entry):
333        return json_entry['channel'] == 'beta'
335    def _get_omaha_data(json_entry):
336        board = json_entry['board']['public_codename']
337        milestone = json_entry['milestone']
338        build = json_entry['chrome_os_version']
339        version = 'R%d-%s' % (milestone, build)
340        return (board, version)
342    return dict(_get_omaha_data(e) for e in omaha_status['omaha_data']
343                    if _entry_valid(e))
346def _get_upgrade_versions(afe_versions, omaha_versions, boards):
347    """
348    Get the new stable versions to which we should update.
350    The new versions are returned as a tuple of a dictionary mapping
351    board names to versions, plus a new default board setting.  The
352    new default is determined as the most commonly used version
353    across the given boards.
355    The new dictionary will have a mapping for every board in `boards`.
356    That mapping will be taken from `afe_versions`, unless the board has
357    a mapping in `omaha_versions` _and_ the omaha version is more recent
358    than the AFE version.
360    @param afe_versions     The current board->version mappings in the
361                            AFE.
362    @param omaha_versions   The current board->version mappings from
363                            Omaha for the Beta channel.
364    @param boards           Set of boards to be upgraded.
365    @return Tuple of (mapping, default) where mapping is a dictionary
366            mapping boards to versions, and default is a version string.
367    """
368    upgrade_versions = {}
369    version_counts = {}
370    afe_default = afe_versions[_DEFAULT_BOARD]
371    for board in boards:
372        version = afe_versions.get(board, afe_default)
373        omaha_version = omaha_versions.get(board.replace('_', '-'))
374        if (omaha_version is not None and
375                utils.compare_versions(version, omaha_version) < 0):
376            version = omaha_version
377        upgrade_versions[board] = version
378        version_counts.setdefault(version, 0)
379        version_counts[version] += 1
380    return (upgrade_versions,
381            max(version_counts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[0])
384def _get_by_key_path(dictdict, key_path):
385    """
386    Traverse a sequence of keys in a dict of dicts.
388    The `dictdict` parameter is a dict of nested dict values, and
389    `key_path` a list of keys.
391    A single-element key path returns `dictdict[key_path[0]]`, a
392    two-element path returns `dictdict[key_path[0]][key_path[1]]`, and
393    so forth.  If any key in the path is not found, return `None`.
395    @param dictdict   A dictionary of nested dictionaries.
396    @param key_path   The sequence of keys to look up in `dictdict`.
397    @return The value found by successive dictionary lookups, or `None`.
398    """
399    value = dictdict
400    for key in key_path:
401        value = value.get(key)
402        if value is None:
403            break
404    return value
407def _get_firmware_version(updater, board, cros_version):
408    """
409    Get the firmware version for a given board and CrOS version.
411    @param updater        A `_VersionUpdater` to use for extracting the
412                          image name.
413    @param board          The board for the firmware version to be
414                          determined.
415    @param cros_version   The CrOS version bundling the firmware.
416    @return The version string of the firmware for `board` bundled with
417            `cros_version`.
418    """
419    try:
420        uri = (_BUILD_METADATA_PATTERN
421                % updater.get_cros_image_name(board, cros_version))
422        key_path = ['board-metadata', board, 'main-firmware-version']
423        return _get_by_key_path(_read_gs_json_data(uri), key_path)
424    except:
425        # TODO(jrbarnette): If we get here, it likely means that
426        # the repair build for our board doesn't exist.  That can
427        # happen if a board doesn't release on the Beta channel for
428        # at least 6 months.
429        #
430        # We can't allow this error to propogate up the call chain
431        # because that will kill assigning versions to all the other
432        # boards that are still OK, so for now we ignore it.  We
433        # really should do better.
434        return None
437def _get_firmware_upgrades(afe_versions, cros_versions):
438    """
439    Get the new firmware versions to which we should update.
441    The new versions are returned in a dictionary mapping board names to
442    firmware versions.  The new dictionary will have a mapping for every
443    board in `cros_versions`, excluding boards named in
446    The firmware for each board is determined from the JSON metadata for
447    the CrOS build for that board, as specified in `cros_versions`.
449    @param afe_versions     The current board->version mappings in the
450                            AFE.
451    @param cros_versions    Current board->cros version mappings in the
452                            AFE.
453    @return  A dictionary mapping boards to firmware versions.
454    """
455    return {
456        board: _get_firmware_version(afe_versions, board, version)
457            for board, version in cros_versions.iteritems()
458                if board not in _FIRMWARE_UPGRADE_BLACKLIST
459    }
462def _apply_cros_upgrades(updater, old_versions, new_versions,
463                         new_default):
464    """
465    Change CrOS stable version mappings in the AFE.
467    The input `old_versions` dictionary represents the content of the
468    `afe_stable_versions` database table; it contains mappings for a
469    default version, plus exceptions for boards with non-default
470    mappings.
472    The `new_versions` dictionary contains a mapping for every board,
473    including boards that will be mapped to the new default version.
475    This function applies the AFE changes necessary to produce the new
476    AFE mappings indicated by `new_versions` and `new_default`.  The
477    changes are ordered so that at any moment, every board is mapped
478    either according to the old or the new mapping.
480    @param updater        Instance of _VersionUpdater responsible for
481                          making the actual database changes.
482    @param old_versions   The current board->version mappings in the
483                          AFE.
484    @param new_versions   New board->version mappings obtained by
485                          applying Beta channel upgrades from Omaha.
486    @param new_default    The new default build for the AFE.
487    """
488    old_default = old_versions[_DEFAULT_BOARD]
489    if old_default != new_default:
490        updater.report_default_changed(old_default, new_default)
491    updater.report('Applying stable version changes:')
492    default_count = 0
493    for board, new_build in new_versions.items():
494        if new_build == new_default:
495            default_count += 1
496        elif board in old_versions and new_build == old_versions[board]:
497            updater.report_board_unchanged(board, new_build)
498        else:
499            old_build = old_versions.get(board)
500            if old_build is None:
501                old_build = _DEFAULT_VERSION_TAG
502            updater.set_mapping(board, old_build, new_build)
503    if old_default != new_default:
504        updater.upgrade_default(new_default)
505    for board, new_build in new_versions.items():
506        if new_build == new_default and board in old_versions:
507            updater.delete_mapping(board, old_versions[board])
508    updater.report('%d boards now use the default mapping' %
509                   default_count)
512def _apply_firmware_upgrades(updater, old_versions, new_versions):
513    """
514    Change firmware version mappings in the AFE.
516    The input `old_versions` dictionary represents the content of the
517    firmware mappings in the `afe_stable_versions` database table.
518    There is no default version; missing boards simply have no current
519    version.
521    This function applies the AFE changes necessary to produce the new
522    AFE mappings indicated by `new_versions`.
524    TODO(jrbarnette) This function ought to remove any mapping not found
525    in `new_versions`.  However, in theory, that's only needed to
526    account for boards that are removed from the lab, and that hasn't
527    happened yet.
529    @param updater        Instance of _VersionUpdater responsible for
530                          making the actual database changes.
531    @param old_versions   The current board->version mappings in the
532                          AFE.
533    @param new_versions   New board->version mappings obtained by
534                          applying Beta channel upgrades from Omaha.
535    """
536    unchanged = 0
537    no_version = 0
538    for board, new_firmware in new_versions.items():
539        if new_firmware is None:
540            no_version += 1
541        elif board not in old_versions:
542            updater.set_mapping(board, '(nothing)', new_firmware)
543        else:
544            old_firmware = old_versions[board]
545            if new_firmware != old_firmware:
546                updater.set_mapping(board, old_firmware, new_firmware)
547            else:
548                unchanged += 1
549    updater.report('%d boards have no firmware mapping' % no_version)
550    updater.report('%d boards are unchanged' % unchanged)
553def _parse_command_line(argv):
554    """
555    Parse the command line arguments.
557    Create an argument parser for this command's syntax, parse the
558    command line, and return the result of the ArgumentParser
559    parse_args() method.
561    @param argv Standard command line argument vector; argv[0] is
562                assumed to be the command name.
563    @return Result returned by ArgumentParser.parse_args().
565    """
566    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
567            prog=argv[0],
568            description='Update the stable repair version for all '
569                        'boards')
570    parser.add_argument('-n', '--dry-run', dest='updater_mode',
571                        action='store_const', const=_DryRunUpdater,
572                        help='print changes without executing them')
573    parser.add_argument('extra_boards', nargs='*', metavar='BOARD',
574                        help='Names of additional boards to be updated.')
575    arguments = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
576    if not arguments.updater_mode:
577        arguments.updater_mode = _NormalModeUpdater
578    return arguments
581def main(argv):
582    """
583    Standard main routine.
585    @param argv  Command line arguments including `sys.argv[0]`.
586    """
587    arguments = _parse_command_line(argv)
588    afe = frontend_wrappers.RetryingAFE(server=None)
589    updater = arguments.updater_mode(afe)
590    updater.announce()
591    boards = (set(arguments.extra_boards) |
592              lab_inventory.get_managed_boards(afe))
594    afe_versions = updater.select_version_map(afe.CROS_IMAGE_TYPE)
595    omaha_versions = _make_omaha_versions(
596            _read_gs_json_data(_OMAHA_STATUS))
597    upgrade_versions, new_default = (
598        _get_upgrade_versions(afe_versions, omaha_versions, boards))
599    _apply_cros_upgrades(updater, afe_versions,
600                         upgrade_versions, new_default)
602    updater.report('\nApplying firmware updates:')
603    fw_versions = updater.select_version_map(
604            afe.FIRMWARE_IMAGE_TYPE)
605    firmware_upgrades = _get_firmware_upgrades(updater, upgrade_versions)
606    _apply_firmware_upgrades(updater, fw_versions, firmware_upgrades)
609if __name__ == '__main__':
610    main(sys.argv)