1//===-- asan_interface_test.cc --------------------------------------------===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
6// License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file is a part of AddressSanitizer, an address sanity checker.
13#include "asan_test_utils.h"
14#include <sanitizer/allocator_interface.h>
15#include <sanitizer/asan_interface.h>
17TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, GetEstimatedAllocatedSize) {
18  EXPECT_EQ(0U, __sanitizer_get_estimated_allocated_size(0));
19  const size_t sizes[] = { 1, 30, 1<<30 };
20  for (size_t i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
21    EXPECT_EQ(sizes[i], __sanitizer_get_estimated_allocated_size(sizes[i]));
22  }
25static const char* kGetAllocatedSizeErrorMsg =
26  "attempting to call __sanitizer_get_allocated_size";
28TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, GetAllocatedSizeAndOwnershipTest) {
29  const size_t kArraySize = 100;
30  char *array = Ident((char*)malloc(kArraySize));
31  int *int_ptr = Ident(new int);
33  // Allocated memory is owned by allocator. Allocated size should be
34  // equal to requested size.
35  EXPECT_EQ(true, __sanitizer_get_ownership(array));
36  EXPECT_EQ(kArraySize, __sanitizer_get_allocated_size(array));
37  EXPECT_EQ(true, __sanitizer_get_ownership(int_ptr));
38  EXPECT_EQ(sizeof(int), __sanitizer_get_allocated_size(int_ptr));
40  // We cannot call GetAllocatedSize from the memory we didn't map,
41  // and from the interior pointers (not returned by previous malloc).
42  void *wild_addr = (void*)0x1;
43  EXPECT_FALSE(__sanitizer_get_ownership(wild_addr));
44  EXPECT_DEATH(__sanitizer_get_allocated_size(wild_addr),
45               kGetAllocatedSizeErrorMsg);
46  EXPECT_FALSE(__sanitizer_get_ownership(array + kArraySize / 2));
47  EXPECT_DEATH(__sanitizer_get_allocated_size(array + kArraySize / 2),
48               kGetAllocatedSizeErrorMsg);
50  // NULL is not owned, but is a valid argument for
51  // __sanitizer_get_allocated_size().
52  EXPECT_FALSE(__sanitizer_get_ownership(NULL));
53  EXPECT_EQ(0U, __sanitizer_get_allocated_size(NULL));
55  // When memory is freed, it's not owned, and call to GetAllocatedSize
56  // is forbidden.
57  free(array);
58  EXPECT_FALSE(__sanitizer_get_ownership(array));
59  EXPECT_DEATH(__sanitizer_get_allocated_size(array),
60               kGetAllocatedSizeErrorMsg);
61  delete int_ptr;
63  void *zero_alloc = Ident(malloc(0));
64  if (zero_alloc != 0) {
65    // If malloc(0) is not null, this pointer is owned and should have valid
66    // allocated size.
67    EXPECT_TRUE(__sanitizer_get_ownership(zero_alloc));
68    // Allocated size is 0 or 1 depending on the allocator used.
69    EXPECT_LT(__sanitizer_get_allocated_size(zero_alloc), 2U);
70  }
71  free(zero_alloc);
74TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, GetCurrentAllocatedBytesTest) {
75  size_t before_malloc, after_malloc, after_free;
76  char *array;
77  const size_t kMallocSize = 100;
78  before_malloc = __sanitizer_get_current_allocated_bytes();
80  array = Ident((char*)malloc(kMallocSize));
81  after_malloc = __sanitizer_get_current_allocated_bytes();
82  EXPECT_EQ(before_malloc + kMallocSize, after_malloc);
84  free(array);
85  after_free = __sanitizer_get_current_allocated_bytes();
86  EXPECT_EQ(before_malloc, after_free);
89TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, GetHeapSizeTest) {
90  // ASan allocator does not keep huge chunks in free list, but unmaps them.
91  // The chunk should be greater than the quarantine size,
92  // otherwise it will be stuck in quarantine instead of being unmaped.
93  static const size_t kLargeMallocSize = (1 << 28) + 1;  // 256M
94  free(Ident(malloc(kLargeMallocSize)));  // Drain quarantine.
95  size_t old_heap_size = __sanitizer_get_heap_size();
96  for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
97    // fprintf(stderr, "allocating %zu bytes:\n", kLargeMallocSize);
98    free(Ident(malloc(kLargeMallocSize)));
99    EXPECT_EQ(old_heap_size, __sanitizer_get_heap_size());
100  }
103static const size_t kManyThreadsMallocSizes[] = {5, 1UL<<10, 1UL<<14, 357};
104static const size_t kManyThreadsIterations = 250;
105static const size_t kManyThreadsNumThreads =
106  (SANITIZER_WORDSIZE == 32) ? 40 : 200;
108static void *ManyThreadsWithStatsWorker(void *arg) {
109  (void)arg;
110  for (size_t iter = 0; iter < kManyThreadsIterations; iter++) {
111    for (size_t size_index = 0; size_index < 4; size_index++) {
112      free(Ident(malloc(kManyThreadsMallocSizes[size_index])));
113    }
114  }
115  // Just one large allocation.
116  free(Ident(malloc(1 << 20)));
117  return 0;
120TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, ManyThreadsWithStatsStressTest) {
121  size_t before_test, after_test, i;
122  pthread_t threads[kManyThreadsNumThreads];
123  before_test = __sanitizer_get_current_allocated_bytes();
124  for (i = 0; i < kManyThreadsNumThreads; i++) {
125    PTHREAD_CREATE(&threads[i], 0,
126                   (void* (*)(void *x))ManyThreadsWithStatsWorker, (void*)i);
127  }
128  for (i = 0; i < kManyThreadsNumThreads; i++) {
129    PTHREAD_JOIN(threads[i], 0);
130  }
131  after_test = __sanitizer_get_current_allocated_bytes();
132  // ASan stats also reflect memory usage of internal ASan RTL structs,
133  // so we can't check for equality here.
134  EXPECT_LT(after_test, before_test + (1UL<<20));
137static void DoDoubleFree() {
138  int *x = Ident(new int);
139  delete Ident(x);
140  delete Ident(x);
143static void MyDeathCallback() {
144  fprintf(stderr, "MyDeathCallback\n");
145  fflush(0);  // On Windows, stderr doesn't flush on crash.
148TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, DeathCallbackTest) {
149  __asan_set_death_callback(MyDeathCallback);
150  EXPECT_DEATH(DoDoubleFree(), "MyDeathCallback");
151  __asan_set_death_callback(NULL);
154static const char* kUseAfterPoisonErrorMessage = "use-after-poison";
156#define GOOD_ACCESS(ptr, offset)  \
157    EXPECT_FALSE(__asan_address_is_poisoned(ptr + offset))
159#define BAD_ACCESS(ptr, offset) \
160    EXPECT_TRUE(__asan_address_is_poisoned(ptr + offset))
162TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, SimplePoisonMemoryRegionTest) {
163  char *array = Ident((char*)malloc(120));
164  // poison array[40..80)
165  __asan_poison_memory_region(array + 40, 40);
166  GOOD_ACCESS(array, 39);
167  GOOD_ACCESS(array, 80);
168  BAD_ACCESS(array, 40);
169  BAD_ACCESS(array, 60);
170  BAD_ACCESS(array, 79);
171  char value;
172  EXPECT_DEATH(value = Ident(array[40]), kUseAfterPoisonErrorMessage);
173  __asan_unpoison_memory_region(array + 40, 40);
174  // access previously poisoned memory.
175  GOOD_ACCESS(array, 40);
176  GOOD_ACCESS(array, 79);
177  free(array);
180TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, OverlappingPoisonMemoryRegionTest) {
181  char *array = Ident((char*)malloc(120));
182  // Poison [0..40) and [80..120)
183  __asan_poison_memory_region(array, 40);
184  __asan_poison_memory_region(array + 80, 40);
185  BAD_ACCESS(array, 20);
186  GOOD_ACCESS(array, 60);
187  BAD_ACCESS(array, 100);
188  // Poison whole array - [0..120)
189  __asan_poison_memory_region(array, 120);
190  BAD_ACCESS(array, 60);
191  // Unpoison [24..96)
192  __asan_unpoison_memory_region(array + 24, 72);
193  BAD_ACCESS(array, 23);
194  GOOD_ACCESS(array, 24);
195  GOOD_ACCESS(array, 60);
196  GOOD_ACCESS(array, 95);
197  BAD_ACCESS(array, 96);
198  free(array);
201TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, PushAndPopWithPoisoningTest) {
202  // Vector of capacity 20
203  char *vec = Ident((char*)malloc(20));
204  __asan_poison_memory_region(vec, 20);
205  for (size_t i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
206    // Simulate push_back.
207    __asan_unpoison_memory_region(vec + i, 1);
208    GOOD_ACCESS(vec, i);
209    BAD_ACCESS(vec, i + 1);
210  }
211  for (size_t i = 7; i > 0; i--) {
212    // Simulate pop_back.
213    __asan_poison_memory_region(vec + i - 1, 1);
214    BAD_ACCESS(vec, i - 1);
215    if (i > 1) GOOD_ACCESS(vec, i - 2);
216  }
217  free(vec);
220// Make sure that each aligned block of size "2^granularity" doesn't have
221// "true" value before "false" value.
222static void MakeShadowValid(bool *shadow, int length, int granularity) {
223  bool can_be_poisoned = true;
224  for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
225    if (!shadow[i])
226      can_be_poisoned = false;
227    if (!can_be_poisoned)
228      shadow[i] = false;
229    if (i % (1 << granularity) == 0) {
230      can_be_poisoned = true;
231    }
232  }
235TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, PoisoningStressTest) {
236  const size_t kSize = 24;
237  bool expected[kSize];
238  char *arr = Ident((char*)malloc(kSize));
239  for (size_t l1 = 0; l1 < kSize; l1++) {
240    for (size_t s1 = 1; l1 + s1 <= kSize; s1++) {
241      for (size_t l2 = 0; l2 < kSize; l2++) {
242        for (size_t s2 = 1; l2 + s2 <= kSize; s2++) {
243          // Poison [l1, l1+s1), [l2, l2+s2) and check result.
244          __asan_unpoison_memory_region(arr, kSize);
245          __asan_poison_memory_region(arr + l1, s1);
246          __asan_poison_memory_region(arr + l2, s2);
247          memset(expected, false, kSize);
248          memset(expected + l1, true, s1);
249          MakeShadowValid(expected, kSize, /*granularity*/ 3);
250          memset(expected + l2, true, s2);
251          MakeShadowValid(expected, kSize, /*granularity*/ 3);
252          for (size_t i = 0; i < kSize; i++) {
253            ASSERT_EQ(expected[i], __asan_address_is_poisoned(arr + i));
254          }
255          // Unpoison [l1, l1+s1) and [l2, l2+s2) and check result.
256          __asan_poison_memory_region(arr, kSize);
257          __asan_unpoison_memory_region(arr + l1, s1);
258          __asan_unpoison_memory_region(arr + l2, s2);
259          memset(expected, true, kSize);
260          memset(expected + l1, false, s1);
261          MakeShadowValid(expected, kSize, /*granularity*/ 3);
262          memset(expected + l2, false, s2);
263          MakeShadowValid(expected, kSize, /*granularity*/ 3);
264          for (size_t i = 0; i < kSize; i++) {
265            ASSERT_EQ(expected[i], __asan_address_is_poisoned(arr + i));
266          }
267        }
268      }
269    }
270  }
271  free(arr);
274TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, GlobalRedzones) {
275  GOOD_ACCESS(glob1, 1 - 1);
276  GOOD_ACCESS(glob2, 2 - 1);
277  GOOD_ACCESS(glob3, 3 - 1);
278  GOOD_ACCESS(glob4, 4 - 1);
279  GOOD_ACCESS(glob5, 5 - 1);
280  GOOD_ACCESS(glob6, 6 - 1);
281  GOOD_ACCESS(glob7, 7 - 1);
282  GOOD_ACCESS(glob8, 8 - 1);
283  GOOD_ACCESS(glob9, 9 - 1);
284  GOOD_ACCESS(glob10, 10 - 1);
285  GOOD_ACCESS(glob11, 11 - 1);
286  GOOD_ACCESS(glob12, 12 - 1);
287  GOOD_ACCESS(glob13, 13 - 1);
288  GOOD_ACCESS(glob14, 14 - 1);
289  GOOD_ACCESS(glob15, 15 - 1);
290  GOOD_ACCESS(glob16, 16 - 1);
291  GOOD_ACCESS(glob17, 17 - 1);
292  GOOD_ACCESS(glob1000, 1000 - 1);
293  GOOD_ACCESS(glob10000, 10000 - 1);
294  GOOD_ACCESS(glob100000, 100000 - 1);
296  BAD_ACCESS(glob1, 1);
297  BAD_ACCESS(glob2, 2);
298  BAD_ACCESS(glob3, 3);
299  BAD_ACCESS(glob4, 4);
300  BAD_ACCESS(glob5, 5);
301  BAD_ACCESS(glob6, 6);
302  BAD_ACCESS(glob7, 7);
303  BAD_ACCESS(glob8, 8);
304  BAD_ACCESS(glob9, 9);
305  BAD_ACCESS(glob10, 10);
306  BAD_ACCESS(glob11, 11);
307  BAD_ACCESS(glob12, 12);
308  BAD_ACCESS(glob13, 13);
309  BAD_ACCESS(glob14, 14);
310  BAD_ACCESS(glob15, 15);
311  BAD_ACCESS(glob16, 16);
312  BAD_ACCESS(glob17, 17);
313  BAD_ACCESS(glob1000, 1000);
314  BAD_ACCESS(glob1000, 1100);  // Redzone is at least 101 bytes.
315  BAD_ACCESS(glob10000, 10000);
316  BAD_ACCESS(glob10000, 11000);  // Redzone is at least 1001 bytes.
317  BAD_ACCESS(glob100000, 100000);
318  BAD_ACCESS(glob100000, 110000);  // Redzone is at least 10001 bytes.
321TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, PoisonedRegion) {
322  size_t rz = 16;
323  for (size_t size = 1; size <= 64; size++) {
324    char *p = new char[size];
325    for (size_t beg = 0; beg < size + rz; beg++) {
326      for (size_t end = beg; end < size + rz; end++) {
327        void *first_poisoned = __asan_region_is_poisoned(p + beg, end - beg);
328        if (beg == end) {
329          EXPECT_FALSE(first_poisoned);
330        } else if (beg < size && end <= size) {
331          EXPECT_FALSE(first_poisoned);
332        } else if (beg >= size) {
333          EXPECT_EQ(p + beg, first_poisoned);
334        } else {
335          EXPECT_GT(end, size);
336          EXPECT_EQ(p + size, first_poisoned);
337        }
338      }
339    }
340    delete [] p;
341  }
344// This is a performance benchmark for manual runs.
345// asan's memset interceptor calls mem_is_zero for the entire shadow region.
346// the profile should look like this:
347//     89.10%   [.] __memset_sse2
348//     10.50%   [.] __sanitizer::mem_is_zero
349// I.e. mem_is_zero should consume ~ SHADOW_GRANULARITY less CPU cycles
350// than memset itself.
351TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, DISABLED_StressLargeMemset) {
352  size_t size = 1 << 20;
353  char *x = new char[size];
354  for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
355    Ident(memset)(x, 0, size);
356  delete [] x;
359// Same here, but we run memset with small sizes.
360TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, DISABLED_StressSmallMemset) {
361  size_t size = 32;
362  char *x = new char[size];
363  for (int i = 0; i < 100000000; i++)
364    Ident(memset)(x, 0, size);
365  delete [] x;
367static const char *kInvalidPoisonMessage = "invalid-poison-memory-range";
368static const char *kInvalidUnpoisonMessage = "invalid-unpoison-memory-range";
370TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, DISABLED_InvalidPoisonAndUnpoisonCallsTest) {
371  char *array = Ident((char*)malloc(120));
372  __asan_unpoison_memory_region(array, 120);
373  // Try to unpoison not owned memory
374  EXPECT_DEATH(__asan_unpoison_memory_region(array, 121),
375               kInvalidUnpoisonMessage);
376  EXPECT_DEATH(__asan_unpoison_memory_region(array - 1, 120),
377               kInvalidUnpoisonMessage);
379  __asan_poison_memory_region(array, 120);
380  // Try to poison not owned memory.
381  EXPECT_DEATH(__asan_poison_memory_region(array, 121), kInvalidPoisonMessage);
382  EXPECT_DEATH(__asan_poison_memory_region(array - 1, 120),
383               kInvalidPoisonMessage);
384  free(array);
387#if !defined(_WIN32)  // FIXME: This should really be a lit test.
388static void ErrorReportCallbackOneToZ(const char *report) {
389  int report_len = strlen(report);
390  ASSERT_EQ(6, write(2, "ABCDEF", 6));
391  ASSERT_EQ(report_len, write(2, report, report_len));
392  ASSERT_EQ(6, write(2, "ABCDEF", 6));
393  _exit(1);
396TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, SetErrorReportCallbackTest) {
397  __asan_set_error_report_callback(ErrorReportCallbackOneToZ);
398  EXPECT_DEATH(__asan_report_error(0, 0, 0, 0, true, 1),
399               ASAN_PCRE_DOTALL "ABCDEF.*AddressSanitizer.*WRITE.*ABCDEF");
400  __asan_set_error_report_callback(NULL);
404TEST(AddressSanitizerInterface, GetOwnershipStressTest) {
405  std::vector<char *> pointers;
406  std::vector<size_t> sizes;
407  const size_t kNumMallocs = 1 << 9;
408  for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumMallocs; i++) {
409    size_t size = i * 100 + 1;
410    pointers.push_back((char*)malloc(size));
411    sizes.push_back(size);
412  }
413  for (size_t i = 0; i < 4000000; i++) {
414    EXPECT_FALSE(__sanitizer_get_ownership(&pointers));
415    EXPECT_FALSE(__sanitizer_get_ownership((void*)0x1234));
416    size_t idx = i % kNumMallocs;
417    EXPECT_TRUE(__sanitizer_get_ownership(pointers[idx]));
418    EXPECT_EQ(sizes[idx], __sanitizer_get_allocated_size(pointers[idx]));
419  }
420  for (size_t i = 0, n = pointers.size(); i < n; i++)
421    free(pointers[i]);