1// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
5* Copyright (C) 2002-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
6* others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
9package com.ibm.icu.dev.tool.translit;
11import java.io.FileOutputStream;
12import java.io.OutputStreamWriter;
13import java.util.Hashtable;
15import com.ibm.icu.impl.Utility;
16import com.ibm.icu.lang.UCharacter;
17import com.ibm.icu.text.Transliterator;
18import com.ibm.icu.text.UTF16;
19import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSet;
20import com.ibm.icu.text.UnicodeSetIterator;
22 * @author ram
23 *
24 * To change this generated comment edit the template variable "typecomment":
25 * Window>Preferences>Java>Templates.
26 * To enable and disable the creation of type comments go to
27 * Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation.7F
28 */
29public class WriteIndicCharts {
31    public static void main(String[] args){
32        writeIICharts();
33    }
36    static String header =  "<html>\n" +
37                            "    <head><meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">"+
38                            "           Inter-Indic Transliteration Comparison chart"+
39                            "    </head>\n"+
40                            "    <body bgcolor=#FFFFFF>\n"+
41                            "         <table border=1 width=100% >\n"+
42                            "            <tr>\n"+
43                            "            <th width=9%>Inter-Indic</th>\n"+
44                            "            <th width=9%>Latin</th>\n"+
45                            "            <th width=9%>Devanagari</th>\n"+
46                            "            <th width=9%>Bengali</th>\n"+
47                            "            <th width=9%>Gurmukhi</th>\n"+
48                            "            <th width=9%>Gujarati</th>\n"+
49                            "            <th width=9%>Oriya</th>\n"+
50                            "            <th width=9%>Tamil</th>\n"+
51                            "            <th width=9%>Telugu</th>\n"+
52                            "            <th width=9%>Kannada</th>\n"+
53                            "            <th width=9%>Malayalam</th>\n"+
54                            "            </tr>\n";
55    static String footer =  "          </table>\n"+
56                            "    </body>\n" +
57                            "</html>\n";
59    static UnicodeSet deva = new UnicodeSet("[:deva:]");
60    static UnicodeSet beng = new UnicodeSet("[:beng:]");
61    static UnicodeSet gujr = new UnicodeSet("[:gujr:]");
62    static UnicodeSet guru = new UnicodeSet("[:guru:]");
63    static UnicodeSet orya = new UnicodeSet("[:orya:]");
64    static UnicodeSet taml = new UnicodeSet("[:taml:]");
65    static UnicodeSet telu = new UnicodeSet("[:telu:]");
66    static UnicodeSet knda = new UnicodeSet("[:knda:]");
67    static UnicodeSet mlym = new UnicodeSet("[:mlym:]");
68    static UnicodeSet inter= new UnicodeSet("[\uE000-\uE082]");
70    public static void writeIICharts(){
71        try{
72            Transliterator t1 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Bengali");
73            Transliterator t2 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Gurmukhi");
74            Transliterator t3 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Gujarati");
75            Transliterator t4 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Oriya");
76            Transliterator t5 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Tamil");
77            Transliterator t6 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Telugu");
78            Transliterator t7 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Kannada");
79            Transliterator t8 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Malayalam");
80            Transliterator t9 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Devanagari");
81            Transliterator t10 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Latin");
82            //UnicodeSetIterator sIter = new UnicodeSetIterator(deva);
84            for(int i=0x00;i<=0x80;i++){
85               String[] arr =  new String[10];
86               arr[0]=UTF16.valueOf(i+ 0xE000);
87               table.put(UTF16.valueOf(i),arr);
88            }
90            OutputStreamWriter os = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("comparison-chart.html"),"UTF-8");
92            os.write(header);
94            writeIICharts(t9,0x0900,1);
95            writeIICharts(t1,0x0980,2);
96            writeIICharts(t2,0x0A00,3);
97            writeIICharts(t3,0x0A80,4);
98            writeIICharts(t4,0x0B00,5);
99            writeIICharts(t5,0x0B80,6);
100            writeIICharts(t6,0x0c00,7);
101            writeIICharts(t7,0x0C80,8);
102            writeIICharts(t8,0x0D00,9);
104            for(int i=0x00;i<=0x80;i++){
105                String[] temp = (String[])table.get(UTF16.valueOf(i));
106                boolean write = false;
107                for(int k=1;k<temp.length && temp[k]!=null;k++){
108                    if(UCharacter.getExtendedName(UTF16.charAt(temp[k],0)).indexOf("unassigned")<0 ||
109                       temp[k].indexOf(":UNASSIGNED")<0){
110                        write = true;
111                    }
112                }
113                if(write){
114                    os.write("        <tr>\n");
115                    for(int j=0; j<temp.length;j++){
116                        if(temp[j]!=null){
117                            boolean fallback=false;
118                            boolean unassigned=false;
119                            boolean unmapped = false;
120                            boolean consumed =false;
121                            String str = temp[j];
123                            if(temp[j].indexOf(":FALLBACK")>=0){
124                                str = temp[j].substring(0,temp[j].indexOf(":"));
125                                fallback=true;
126                               // os.write("            <td bgcolor=#FFFF00 align=center title=\""++"\">"+str+"<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
127                            }
128                            if(temp[j].indexOf(":UNASSIGNED")>=0){
129                                str = temp[j].substring(0,temp[j].indexOf(":"));
130                                unassigned=true;
131                            }
133                            if(temp[j].indexOf(":UNMAPPED")>=0){
134                                str = temp[j].substring(0,temp[j].indexOf(":"));
135                                unmapped=true;
136                            }
137                            if(temp[j].indexOf(":CONSUMED")>=0){
138                                str = temp[j].substring(0,temp[j].indexOf(":"));
139                                consumed=true;
140                            }
142                            String name;
143                            StringBuffer nameBuf=new StringBuffer();
144                            for(int f=0; f<str.length();f++){
145                                if(f>0){ nameBuf.append("+");}
146                                nameBuf.append(UCharacter.getExtendedName(UTF16.charAt(str,f)));
147                            }
148                            name = nameBuf.toString();
149                            if(fallback){
151                                if(UCharacter.getExtendedName(UTF16.charAt(str,0)).indexOf("unassigned")>0){
152                                    os.write("            <td  width=9% bgcolor=#BBBBFF align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+"&nbsp<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
153                                }else{
154                                    os.write("            <td width=9% bgcolor=#BBBBFF align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+ str+"<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
155                                }
156                            }else if(unmapped){
157                                os.write("            <td bgcolor=#FF9999 align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+"&nbsp<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
158                            }else if(unassigned){
159                                if(UCharacter.getExtendedName(UTF16.charAt(str,0)).indexOf("unassigned")>0){
160                                    os.write("            <td width=9% bgcolor=#00FFFF align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+"&nbsp<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
161                                }else{
162                                    os.write("            <td width=9% bgcolor=#00FFFF align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+ str+"<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
163                                }
164                            }else if(consumed){
165                                 if(UCharacter.getExtendedName(UTF16.charAt(str,0)).indexOf("unassigned")>0){
166                                    os.write("            <td width=9% bgcolor=#FFFF55 align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+"&nbsp<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
167                                }else{
168                                    os.write("            <td width=9% bgcolor=#FFFF55 align=center title=\""+""+"\">"+"&nbsp<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
169                                }
170                            }else if(name.indexOf("private")!=-1){
171                                String s = t10.transliterate(str);
172                                os.write("            <td width=9% bgcolor=#FFBBBB  align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+"&nbsp<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
173                                if(!s.equals(str)){
174                                    os.write("            <td width=9%  bgcolor=#CCEEDD align=center>"+s +"</td>");
175                                }else{
176                                    os.write("            <td width=9% bgcolor=#CCEEDD align=center>&nbsp;</td>");
177                                }
178                            }else{
179                               os.write("            <td width=9% align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+ str+"<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
180                            }
181                        }else{
182                             os.write("           <td width=9% >&nbsp</td>\n");
183                        }
184                    }
185                    os.write("        </tr>\n");
186                }
187            }
188            os.write(footer);
189            os.close();
190        }catch( Exception e){
191            e.printStackTrace();
192        }
193    }
194    public static void writeCharts(){
195        try{
196            Transliterator t1 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Bengali");
197            Transliterator t2 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Gurmukhi");
198            Transliterator t3 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Gujarati");
199            Transliterator t4 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Oriya");
200            Transliterator t5 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Tamil");
201            Transliterator t6 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Telugu");
202            Transliterator t7 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Kannada");
203            Transliterator t8 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Malayalam");
204            Transliterator t9 = Transliterator.getInstance("InterIndic-Devanagari");
206            //UnicodeSetIterator sIter = new UnicodeSetIterator(deva);
208            for(int i=0x0900;i<=0x097F;i++){
209               String[] arr =  new String[10];
210               arr[0]=UTF16.valueOf((i&0xFF) + 0xE000);
211               table.put(UTF16.valueOf(i),arr);
212            }
214            OutputStreamWriter os = new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("comparison-chart.html"),"UTF-8");
216            os.write(header);
217            /*
218            writeCharts(t1,beng,1);
219            writeCharts(t2,guru,2);
220            writeCharts(t3,gujr,3);
221            writeCharts(t4,orya,4);
222            writeCharts(t5,taml,5);
223            writeCharts(t6,telu,6);
224            writeCharts(t7,knda,7);
225            writeCharts(t8,mlym,8);
226            */
227            /*
228            writeCharts(t9,0x0900,1);
229            writeCharts(t1,0x0980,2);
230            writeCharts(t2,0x0A00,3);
231            writeCharts(t3,0x0A80,4);
232            writeCharts(t4,0x0B00,5);
233            writeCharts(t5,0x0B80,6);
234            writeCharts(t6,0x0c00,7);
235            writeCharts(t7,0x0C80,8);
236            writeCharts(t8,0x0D00,9);
237            */
238            writeIICharts(t9,0x0900,1);
239            writeIICharts(t1,0x0980,2);
240            writeIICharts(t2,0x0A00,3);
241            writeIICharts(t3,0x0A80,4);
242            writeIICharts(t4,0x0B00,5);
243            writeIICharts(t5,0x0B80,6);
244            writeIICharts(t6,0x0c00,7);
245            writeIICharts(t7,0x0C80,8);
246            writeIICharts(t8,0x0D00,9);
247            for(int i=0x0900;i<=0x097F;i++){
248                String[] temp = (String[])table.get(UTF16.valueOf(i));
249                boolean write = false;
250                for(int k=1;k<temp.length;k++){
251                    if(UCharacter.getExtendedName(UTF16.charAt(temp[k],0)).indexOf("unassigned")<0){
252                        write = true;
253                    }
254                }
255                if(write){
256                    os.write("        <tr>\n");
257                    for(int j=0; j<temp.length;j++){
258                        if(temp[j]!=null){
259                            boolean fallback=false;
260                            String str = temp[j];
262                            if(temp[j].indexOf(":FALLBACK")>=0){
263                                str = temp[j].substring(0,temp[j].indexOf(":"));
264                                fallback=true;
265                               // os.write("            <td bgcolor=#FFFF00 align=center title=\""++"\">"+str+"<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
266                            }
267                            String name = UCharacter.getExtendedName(UTF16.charAt(str,0));
268                            if(fallback){
269                                os.write("            <td bgcolor=#BBBBFF align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+ str+"<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
270                            }else if(name.indexOf("unassigned")!=-1){
271                                os.write("            <td bgcolor=#CCCCCC align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+"&nbsp<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
272                            }else if(name.indexOf("private")!=-1){
275                                os.write("            <td bgcolor=#FFBBBB align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+"&nbsp<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
277                            }else{
278                               os.write("            <td align=center title=\""+name+"\">"+ str+"<br><tt>"+Utility.hex(str)+"</tt>"+"</td>\n");
279                            }
280                        }else{
281                             os.write("           <td>&nbsp</td>\n");
282                        }
283                    }
284                    os.write("        </tr>\n");
285                }
286            }
287            os.write(footer);
288            os.close();
289        }catch( Exception e){
290            e.printStackTrace();
291        }
292    }
293    static Hashtable table = new Hashtable();
294    static String getKey(int cp){
295        int delta = cp & 0xFF;
296        delta-= (delta>0x7f)? 0x80 : 0;
297        //delta+=0x0900;
298        return UTF16.valueOf(delta);
299    }
301    public static void writeCharts(Transliterator trans, int start, int index){
303        Transliterator inverse = trans.getInverse();
304        for(int i=0;i<=0x7f;i++){
305            String cp = UTF16.valueOf(start+i);
306            String s1 = inverse.transliterate(cp);
307            String s2 = trans.transliterate(s1);
309            String[] arr = (String[])table.get(getKey(start+i));
310            if(cp.equals(s2)){
311                arr[index] = s1;
312            }else{
313                arr[index] = s1 + ":FALLBACK";
314            }
315        }
316    }
318    public static void writeIICharts(Transliterator trans,int start, int index){
320        Transliterator inverse = trans.getInverse();
321        UnicodeSetIterator iter = new UnicodeSetIterator(inter);
323        while(iter.next()){
324            String cp =UTF16.valueOf(iter.codepoint);
325            String s1 = trans.transliterate(cp);
326            String s2 = inverse.transliterate(s1);
327            String[] arr = (String[])table.get(UTF16.valueOf(iter.codepoint&0xFF));
328            if(cp.equals(s1)){
329                arr[index] = UTF16.valueOf(start+(((byte)iter.codepoint)&0xFF))+":UNASSIGNED";
330            }else if(cp.equals(s2)){
331                arr[index] = s1;
332            }else if(s1.equals(s2)){
333                if(s1.equals("")){
334                    arr[index] = UTF16.valueOf(start+(((byte)iter.codepoint)&0xFF))+":CONSUMED";
335                }else{
336                    arr[index] = s1+ ":FALLBACK";
337                }
338            } else{
339                if(s2.equals("")){
340                    arr[index] = UTF16.valueOf(start+(((byte)iter.codepoint)&0xFF))+":CONSUMED";
341                }else{
342                    arr[index] = s1+ ":FALLBACK";
343                }
344            }
345        }
346    }
347    public static void writeCharts(Transliterator trans, UnicodeSet target, int index){
348        UnicodeSetIterator tIter = new UnicodeSetIterator(target);
349        Transliterator inverse = trans.getInverse();
350        while(tIter.next()){
351            String cp = UTF16.valueOf(tIter.codepoint);
352            String s1 = inverse.transliterate(cp);
353            String s2 = trans.transliterate(s1);
355            String[] arr = (String[])table.get(getKey(tIter.codepoint));
356            if(cp.equals(s2)){
357                arr[index] = cp;
358            }else{
359                arr[index] = cp + ":FALLBACK";
360            }
361        }
362    }