1// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5package org.chromium.base;
7import android.os.Debug;
8import android.os.Debug.MemoryInfo;
9import android.util.Log;
11import org.chromium.base.annotations.SuppressFBWarnings;
13import org.json.JSONArray;
14import org.json.JSONException;
15import org.json.JSONObject;
17import java.io.File;
18import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
19import java.io.FileOutputStream;
20import java.io.PrintStream;
21import java.util.LinkedList;
22import java.util.List;
25 * PerfTraceEvent can be used like TraceEvent, but is intended for
26 * performance measurement.  By limiting the types of tracing we hope
27 * to minimize impact on measurement.
28 *
29 * All PerfTraceEvent events funnel into TraceEvent. When not doing
30 * performance measurements, they act the same.  However,
31 * PerfTraceEvents can be enabled even when TraceEvent is not.
32 *
33 * Unlike TraceEvent, PerfTraceEvent data is sent to the system log,
34 * not to a trace file.
35 *
36 * Performance events need to have very specific names so we find
37 * the right ones.  For example, we specify the name exactly in
38 * the @TracePerf annotation.  Thus, unlike TraceEvent, we do not
39 * support an implicit trace name based on the callstack.
40 */
42public class PerfTraceEvent {
43    private static final int MAX_NAME_LENGTH = 40;
44    private static final String MEMORY_TRACE_NAME_SUFFIX = "_BZR_PSS";
45    private static File sOutputFile = null;
47    /** The event types understood by the perf trace scripts. */
48    private enum EventType {
49        START("S"),
50        FINISH("F"),
51        INSTANT("I");
53        // The string understood by the trace scripts.
54        private final String mTypeStr;
56        EventType(String typeStr) {
57            mTypeStr = typeStr;
58        }
60        @Override
61        public String toString() {
62            return mTypeStr;
63        }
64    }
66    private static boolean sEnabled = false;
67    private static boolean sTrackTiming = true;
68    private static boolean sTrackMemory = false;
70    // A list of performance trace event strings.
71    // Events are stored as a JSON dict much like TraceEvent.
72    // E.g. timestamp is in microseconds.
73    private static JSONArray sPerfTraceStrings;
75    // A filter for performance tracing.  Only events that match a
76    // string in the list are saved.  Presence of a filter does not
77    // necessarily mean perf tracing is enabled.
78    private static List<String> sFilter;
80    // Nanosecond start time of performance tracing.
81    private static long sBeginNanoTime;
83    /**
84     * Specifies what event names will be tracked.
85     *
86     * @param strings Event names we will record.
87     */
88    @VisibleForTesting
89    public static synchronized void setFilter(List<String> strings) {
90        sFilter = new LinkedList<String>(strings);
91    }
93    /**
94     * Enable or disable perf tracing.
95     * Disabling of perf tracing will dump trace data to the system log.
96     */
97    @VisibleForTesting
98    public static synchronized void setEnabled(boolean enabled) {
99        if (sEnabled == enabled) {
100            return;
101        }
102        if (enabled) {
103            sBeginNanoTime = System.nanoTime();
104            sPerfTraceStrings = new JSONArray();
105        } else {
106            dumpPerf();
107            sPerfTraceStrings = null;
108            sFilter = null;
109        }
110        sEnabled = enabled;
111    }
113    /**
114     * Enables memory tracking for all timing perf events tracked.
115     *
116     * <p>
117     * Only works when called in combination with {@link #setEnabled(boolean)}.
118     *
119     * <p>
120     * By enabling this feature, an additional perf event containing the memory usage will be
121     * logged whenever {@link #instant(String)}, {@link #begin(String)}, or {@link #end(String)}
122     * is called.
123     *
124     * @param enabled Whether to enable memory tracking for all perf events.
125     */
126    @VisibleForTesting
127    public static synchronized void setMemoryTrackingEnabled(boolean enabled) {
128        sTrackMemory = enabled;
129    }
131    /**
132     * Enables timing tracking for all perf events tracked.
133     *
134     * <p>
135     * Only works when called in combination with {@link #setEnabled(boolean)}.
136     *
137     * <p>
138     * If this feature is enabled, whenever {@link #instant(String)}, {@link #begin(String)},
139     * or {@link #end(String)} is called the time since start of tracking will be logged.
140     *
141     * @param enabled Whether to enable timing tracking for all perf events.
142     */
143    @VisibleForTesting
144    public static synchronized void setTimingTrackingEnabled(boolean enabled) {
145        sTrackTiming = enabled;
146    }
148    /**
149     * @return True if tracing is enabled, false otherwise.
150     * It is safe to call trace methods without checking if PerfTraceEvent
151     * is enabled.
152     */
153    @VisibleForTesting
154    public static synchronized boolean enabled() {
155        return sEnabled;
156    }
158    /**
159     * Record an "instant" perf trace event.  E.g. "screen update happened".
160     */
161    public static synchronized void instant(String name) {
162        // Instant doesn't really need/take an event id, but this should be okay.
163        final long eventId = name.hashCode();
164        TraceEvent.instant(name);
165        if (sEnabled && matchesFilter(name)) {
166            savePerfString(name, eventId, EventType.INSTANT, false);
167        }
168    }
171    /**
172     * Record an "begin" perf trace event.
173     * Begin trace events should have a matching end event.
174     */
175    @VisibleForTesting
176    public static synchronized void begin(String name) {
177        final long eventId = name.hashCode();
178        TraceEvent.startAsync(name, eventId);
179        if (sEnabled && matchesFilter(name)) {
180            // Done before calculating the starting perf data to ensure calculating the memory usage
181            // does not influence the timing data.
182            if (sTrackMemory) {
183                savePerfString(makeMemoryTraceNameFromTimingName(name), eventId, EventType.START,
184                        true);
185            }
186            if (sTrackTiming) {
187                savePerfString(name, eventId, EventType.START, false);
188            }
189        }
190    }
192    /**
193     * Record an "end" perf trace event, to match a begin event.  The
194     * time delta between begin and end is usually interesting to
195     * graph code.
196     */
197    @VisibleForTesting
198    public static synchronized void end(String name) {
199        final long eventId = name.hashCode();
200        TraceEvent.finishAsync(name, eventId);
201        if (sEnabled && matchesFilter(name)) {
202            if (sTrackTiming) {
203                savePerfString(name, eventId, EventType.FINISH, false);
204            }
205            // Done after calculating the ending perf data to ensure calculating the memory usage
206            // does not influence the timing data.
207            if (sTrackMemory) {
208                savePerfString(makeMemoryTraceNameFromTimingName(name), eventId, EventType.FINISH,
209                        true);
210            }
211        }
212    }
214    /**
215     * Record an "begin" memory trace event.
216     * Begin trace events should have a matching end event.
217     */
218    @VisibleForTesting
219    public static synchronized void begin(String name, MemoryInfo memoryInfo) {
220        final long eventId = name.hashCode();
221        TraceEvent.startAsync(name, eventId);
222        if (sEnabled && matchesFilter(name)) {
223            // Done before calculating the starting perf data to ensure calculating the memory usage
224            // does not influence the timing data.
225            long timestampUs = (System.nanoTime() - sBeginNanoTime) / 1000;
226            savePerfString(makeMemoryTraceNameFromTimingName(name), eventId, EventType.START,
227                    timestampUs, memoryInfo);
228            if (sTrackTiming) {
229                savePerfString(name, eventId, EventType.START, false);
230            }
231        }
232    }
234    /**
235     * Record an "end" memory trace event, to match a begin event.  The
236     * memory usage delta between begin and end is usually interesting to
237     * graph code.
238     */
239    @VisibleForTesting
240    public static synchronized void end(String name, MemoryInfo memoryInfo) {
241        final long eventId = name.hashCode();
242        TraceEvent.finishAsync(name, eventId);
243        if (sEnabled && matchesFilter(name)) {
244            if (sTrackTiming) {
245                savePerfString(name, eventId, EventType.FINISH, false);
246            }
247            // Done after calculating the instant perf data to ensure calculating the memory usage
248            // does not influence the timing data.
249            long timestampUs = (System.nanoTime() - sBeginNanoTime) / 1000;
250            savePerfString(makeMemoryTraceNameFromTimingName(name), eventId, EventType.FINISH,
251                    timestampUs, memoryInfo);
252        }
253    }
255    /**
256     * Determine if we are interested in this trace event.
257     * @return True if the name matches the allowed filter; else false.
258     */
259    private static boolean matchesFilter(String name) {
260        return sFilter != null ? sFilter.contains(name) : false;
261    }
263    /**
264     * Save a perf trace event as a JSON dict.  The format mirrors a TraceEvent dict.
265     *
266     * @param name The trace data
267     * @param id The id of the event
268     * @param type the type of trace event (I, S, F)
269     * @param includeMemory Whether to include current browser process memory usage in the trace.
270     */
271    private static void savePerfString(String name, long id, EventType type,
272            boolean includeMemory) {
273        long timestampUs = (System.nanoTime() - sBeginNanoTime) / 1000;
274        MemoryInfo memInfo = null;
275        if (includeMemory) {
276            memInfo = new MemoryInfo();
277            Debug.getMemoryInfo(memInfo);
278        }
279        savePerfString(name, id, type, timestampUs, memInfo);
280    }
282    /**
283     * Save a perf trace event as a JSON dict.  The format mirrors a TraceEvent dict.
284     *
285     * @param name The trace data
286     * @param id The id of the event
287     * @param type the type of trace event (I, S, F)
288     * @param timestampUs The time stamp at which this event was recorded
289     * @param memoryInfo Memory details to be included in this perf string, null if
290     *                   no memory details are to be included.
291     */
292    private static void savePerfString(String name, long id, EventType type, long timestampUs,
293            MemoryInfo memoryInfo) {
294        try {
295            JSONObject traceObj = new JSONObject();
296            traceObj.put("cat", "Java");
297            traceObj.put("ts", timestampUs);
298            traceObj.put("ph", type);
299            traceObj.put("name", name);
300            traceObj.put("id", id);
301            if (memoryInfo != null) {
302                int pss = memoryInfo.nativePss + memoryInfo.dalvikPss + memoryInfo.otherPss;
303                traceObj.put("mem", pss);
304            }
305            sPerfTraceStrings.put(traceObj);
306        } catch (JSONException e) {
307            throw new RuntimeException(e);
308        }
309    }
311    /**
312     * Generating a trace name for tracking memory based on the timing name passed in.
313     *
314     * @param name The timing name to use as a base for the memory perf name.
315     * @return The memory perf name to use.
316     */
317    public static String makeMemoryTraceNameFromTimingName(String name) {
318        return makeSafeTraceName(name, MEMORY_TRACE_NAME_SUFFIX);
319    }
321    /**
322     * Builds a name to be used in the perf trace framework.  The framework has length requirements
323     * for names, so this ensures the generated name does not exceed the maximum (trimming the
324     * base name if necessary).
325     *
326     * @param baseName The base name to use when generating the name.
327     * @param suffix The required suffix to be appended to the name.
328     * @return A name that is safe for the perf trace framework.
329     */
330    public static String makeSafeTraceName(String baseName, String suffix) {
331        int suffixLength = suffix.length();
333        if (baseName.length() + suffixLength > MAX_NAME_LENGTH) {
334            baseName = baseName.substring(0, MAX_NAME_LENGTH - suffixLength);
335        }
336        return baseName + suffix;
337    }
339    /**
340     * Sets a file to dump the results to.  If {@code file} is {@code null}, it will be dumped
341     * to STDOUT, otherwise the JSON performance data will be appended to {@code file}.  This should
342     * be called before the performance run starts.  When {@link #setEnabled(boolean)} is called
343     * with {@code false}, the perf data will be dumped.
344     *
345     * @param file Which file to append the performance data to.  If {@code null}, the performance
346     *             data will be sent to STDOUT.
347     */
348    @VisibleForTesting
349    public static synchronized void setOutputFile(File file) {
350        sOutputFile = file;
351    }
353    /**
354     * Dump all performance data we have saved up to the log.
355     * Output as JSON for parsing convenience.
356     */
357    private static void dumpPerf() {
358        String json = sPerfTraceStrings.toString();
360        if (sOutputFile == null) {
361            System.out.println(json);
362        } else {
363            try {
364                PrintStream stream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(sOutputFile, true));
365                try {
366                    stream.print(json);
367                } finally {
368                    try {
369                        stream.close();
370                    } catch (Exception ex) {
371                        Log.e("PerfTraceEvent", "Unable to close perf trace output file.");
372                    }
373                }
374            } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
375                Log.e("PerfTraceEvent", "Unable to dump perf trace data to output file.");
376            }
377        }
378    }