1package org.mockito.quality;
3import org.mockito.Incubating;
4import org.mockito.MockitoSession;
5import org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.PotentialStubbingProblem;
6import org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.UnnecessaryStubbingException;
7import org.mockito.internal.junit.JUnitRule;
8import org.mockito.junit.MockitoJUnitRunner;
9import org.mockito.junit.MockitoRule;
12 * Configures the "strictness" of Mockito during a mocking session.
13 * A session typically maps to a single test method invocation.
14 * {@code Strictness} drives cleaner tests and better productivity.
15 * The easiest way to leverage enhanced {@code Strictness} is using
16 * Mockito's JUnit support ({@link MockitoRule} or {@link MockitoJUnitRunner}).
17 * If you cannot use JUnit support {@link MockitoSession} is the way to go.
18 * <p>
19 * How strictness level influences the behavior of the test (mocking session)?
20 * <ol>
21 *     <li>{@link Strictness#LENIENT} - no added behavior.
22 *       The default of Mockito 1.x.
23 *       Recommended only if you cannot use {@link #STRICT_STUBS} nor {@link #WARN}.</li>
24 *     <li>{@link Strictness#WARN} - helps keeping tests clean and improves debuggability.
25 *       Reports console warnings about unused stubs
26 *       and stubbing argument mismatch (see {@link org.mockito.quality.MockitoHint}).
27 *       The default behavior of Mockito 2.x when {@link JUnitRule} or {@link MockitoJUnitRunner} are used.</li>
28 *       Recommended if you cannot use {@link #STRICT_STUBS}.
29 *     <li>{@link Strictness#STRICT_STUBS} - ensures clean tests, reduces test code duplication, improves debuggability.
30 *       Best combination of flexibility and productivity. Highly recommended.
31 *       Planned as default for Mockito v3.
32 *       See {@link #STRICT_STUBS} for the details.
33 * </ol>
34 *
35 * @since 2.3.0
36 */
38public enum Strictness {
40    /**
41     * No extra strictness. Mockito 1.x behavior.
42     * Recommended only if you cannot use {@link #STRICT_STUBS} nor {@link #WARN}.
43     * <p>
44     * For more information see {@link Strictness}.
45     *
46     * @since 2.3.0
47     */
48    @Incubating
49    LENIENT,
51    /**
52     * Helps keeping tests clean and improves debuggability.
53     * Extra warnings emitted to the console, see {@link MockitoHint}.
54     * Default Mockito 2.x behavior.
55     * Recommended if you cannot use {@link #STRICT_STUBS}.
56     * <p>
57     * For more information see {@link Strictness}.
58     *
59     * @since 2.3.0
60     */
61    @Incubating
62    WARN,
64    /**
65     * Ensures clean tests, reduces test code duplication, improves debuggability.
66     * Offers best combination of flexibility and productivity.
67     * Highly recommended.
68     * Planned as default for Mockito v3.
69     * <p>
70     * Adds following behavior:
71     *  <ul>
72     *      <li>Improved productivity: the test fails early when code under test invokes
73     *          stubbed method with different arguments (see {@link PotentialStubbingProblem}).</li>
74     *      <li>Cleaner tests without unnecessary stubbings:
75     *          the test fails when unused stubs are present (see {@link UnnecessaryStubbingException}).</li>
76     *      <li>Cleaner, more DRY tests ("Don't Repeat Yourself"):
77     *          If you use {@link org.mockito.Mockito#verifyNoMoreInteractions(Object...)}
78     *          you no longer need to explicitly verify stubbed invocations.
79     *          They are automatically verified for you.</li>
80     *  </ul>
81     *
82     * For more information see {@link Strictness}.
83     *
84     * @since 2.3.0
85     */
86    @Incubating