2* Copyright 2016 Google Inc.
4* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5* found in the LICENSE file.
8#include "GrVkUniformHandler.h"
9#include "glsl/GrGLSLProgramBuilder.h"
11// To determine whether a current offset is aligned, we can just 'and' the lowest bits with the
12// alignment mask. A value of 0 means aligned, any other value is how many bytes past alignment we
13// are. This works since all alignments are powers of 2. The mask is always (alignment - 1).
14// This alignment mask will give correct alignments for using the std430 block layout. If you want
15// the std140 alignment, you can use this, but then make sure if you have an array type it is
16// aligned to 16 bytes (i.e. has mask of 0xF).
17uint32_t grsltype_to_alignment_mask(GrSLType type) {
18    switch(type) {
19        case kInt_GrSLType:
20            return 0x3;
21        case kUint_GrSLType:
22            return 0x3;
23        case kFloat_GrSLType:
24            return 0x3;
25        case kVec2f_GrSLType:
26            return 0x7;
27        case kVec3f_GrSLType:
28            return 0xF;
29        case kVec4f_GrSLType:
30            return 0xF;
31        case kVec2i_GrSLType:
32            return 0x7;
33        case kVec3i_GrSLType:
34            return 0xF;
35        case kVec4i_GrSLType:
36            return 0xF;
37        case kMat22f_GrSLType:
38            return 0x7;
39        case kMat33f_GrSLType:
40            return 0xF;
41        case kMat44f_GrSLType:
42            return 0xF;
44        // This query is only valid for certain types.
45        case kVoid_GrSLType:
46        case kBool_GrSLType:
47        case kTexture2DSampler_GrSLType:
48        case kITexture2DSampler_GrSLType:
49        case kTextureExternalSampler_GrSLType:
50        case kTexture2DRectSampler_GrSLType:
51        case kBufferSampler_GrSLType:
52        case kTexture2D_GrSLType:
53        case kSampler_GrSLType:
54        case kImageStorage2D_GrSLType:
55        case kIImageStorage2D_GrSLType:
56            break;
57    }
58    SkFAIL("Unexpected type");
59    return 0;
62/** Returns the size in bytes taken up in vulkanbuffers for floating point GrSLTypes.
63    For non floating point type returns 0. Currently this reflects the std140 alignment
64    so a mat22 takes up 8 floats. */
65static inline uint32_t grsltype_to_vk_size(GrSLType type) {
66    switch(type) {
67        case kInt_GrSLType:
68            return sizeof(int32_t);
69        case kUint_GrSLType:
70            return sizeof(int32_t);
71        case kFloat_GrSLType:
72            return sizeof(float);
73        case kVec2f_GrSLType:
74            return 2 * sizeof(float);
75        case kVec3f_GrSLType:
76            return 3 * sizeof(float);
77        case kVec4f_GrSLType:
78            return 4 * sizeof(float);
79        case kVec2i_GrSLType:
80            return 2 * sizeof(int32_t);
81        case kVec3i_GrSLType:
82            return 3 * sizeof(int32_t);
83        case kVec4i_GrSLType:
84            return 4 * sizeof(int32_t);
85        case kMat22f_GrSLType:
86            //TODO: this will be 4 * szof(float) on std430.
87            return 8 * sizeof(float);
88        case kMat33f_GrSLType:
89            return 12 * sizeof(float);
90        case kMat44f_GrSLType:
91            return 16 * sizeof(float);
93        // This query is only valid for certain types.
94        case kVoid_GrSLType:
95        case kBool_GrSLType:
96        case kTexture2DSampler_GrSLType:
97        case kITexture2DSampler_GrSLType:
98        case kTextureExternalSampler_GrSLType:
99        case kTexture2DRectSampler_GrSLType:
100        case kBufferSampler_GrSLType:
101        case kTexture2D_GrSLType:
102        case kSampler_GrSLType:
103        case kImageStorage2D_GrSLType:
104        case kIImageStorage2D_GrSLType:
105            break;
106    }
107    SkFAIL("Unexpected type");
108    return 0;
112// Given the current offset into the ubo, calculate the offset for the uniform we're trying to add
113// taking into consideration all alignment requirements. The uniformOffset is set to the offset for
114// the new uniform, and currentOffset is updated to be the offset to the end of the new uniform.
115void get_ubo_aligned_offset(uint32_t* uniformOffset,
116                            uint32_t* currentOffset,
117                            GrSLType type,
118                            int arrayCount) {
119    uint32_t alignmentMask = grsltype_to_alignment_mask(type);
120    // We want to use the std140 layout here, so we must make arrays align to 16 bytes.
121    if (arrayCount || type == kMat22f_GrSLType) {
122        alignmentMask = 0xF;
123    }
124    uint32_t offsetDiff = *currentOffset & alignmentMask;
125    if (offsetDiff != 0) {
126        offsetDiff = alignmentMask - offsetDiff + 1;
127    }
128    *uniformOffset = *currentOffset + offsetDiff;
129    SkASSERT(sizeof(float) == 4);
130    if (arrayCount) {
131        uint32_t elementSize = SkTMax<uint32_t>(16, grsltype_to_vk_size(type));
132        SkASSERT(0 == (elementSize & 0xF));
133        *currentOffset = *uniformOffset + elementSize * arrayCount;
134    } else {
135        *currentOffset = *uniformOffset + grsltype_to_vk_size(type);
136    }
139GrGLSLUniformHandler::UniformHandle GrVkUniformHandler::internalAddUniformArray(
140                                                                            uint32_t visibility,
141                                                                            GrSLType type,
142                                                                            GrSLPrecision precision,
143                                                                            const char* name,
144                                                                            bool mangleName,
145                                                                            int arrayCount,
146                                                                            const char** outName) {
147    SkASSERT(name && strlen(name));
148    SkDEBUGCODE(static const uint32_t kVisibilityMask = kVertex_GrShaderFlag|kFragment_GrShaderFlag);
149    SkASSERT(0 == (~kVisibilityMask & visibility));
150    SkASSERT(0 != visibility);
151    SkASSERT(kDefault_GrSLPrecision == precision || GrSLTypeIsFloatType(type));
152    GrSLTypeIsFloatType(type);
154    UniformInfo& uni = fUniforms.push_back();
155    uni.fVariable.setType(type);
156    // TODO this is a bit hacky, lets think of a better way.  Basically we need to be able to use
157    // the uniform view matrix name in the GP, and the GP is immutable so it has to tell the PB
158    // exactly what name it wants to use for the uniform view matrix.  If we prefix anythings, then
159    // the names will mismatch.  I think the correct solution is to have all GPs which need the
160    // uniform view matrix, they should upload the view matrix in their setData along with regular
161    // uniforms.
162    char prefix = 'u';
163    if ('u' == name[0]) {
164        prefix = '\0';
165    }
166    fProgramBuilder->nameVariable(uni.fVariable.accessName(), prefix, name, mangleName);
167    uni.fVariable.setArrayCount(arrayCount);
168    // For now asserting the the visibility is either only vertex or only fragment
169    SkASSERT(kVertex_GrShaderFlag == visibility || kFragment_GrShaderFlag == visibility);
170    uni.fVisibility = visibility;
171    uni.fVariable.setPrecision(precision);
172    // When outputing the GLSL, only the outer uniform block will get the Uniform modifier. Thus
173    // we set the modifier to none for all uniforms declared inside the block.
174    uni.fVariable.setTypeModifier(GrShaderVar::kNone_TypeModifier);
176    uint32_t* currentOffset = kVertex_GrShaderFlag == visibility ? &fCurrentVertexUBOOffset
177                                                                 : &fCurrentFragmentUBOOffset;
178    get_ubo_aligned_offset(&uni.fUBOffset, currentOffset, type, arrayCount);
180    SkString layoutQualifier;
181    layoutQualifier.appendf("offset=%d", uni.fUBOffset);
182    uni.fVariable.addLayoutQualifier(layoutQualifier.c_str());
184    if (outName) {
185        *outName = uni.fVariable.c_str();
186    }
188    return GrGLSLUniformHandler::UniformHandle(fUniforms.count() - 1);
191GrGLSLUniformHandler::SamplerHandle GrVkUniformHandler::addSampler(uint32_t visibility,
192                                                                   GrSwizzle swizzle,
193                                                                   GrSLType type,
194                                                                   GrSLPrecision precision,
195                                                                   const char* name) {
196    SkASSERT(name && strlen(name));
197    SkDEBUGCODE(static const uint32_t kVisMask = kVertex_GrShaderFlag | kFragment_GrShaderFlag);
198    SkASSERT(0 == (~kVisMask & visibility));
199    SkASSERT(0 != visibility);
200    SkString mangleName;
201    char prefix = 'u';
202    fProgramBuilder->nameVariable(&mangleName, prefix, name, true);
204    UniformInfo& info = fSamplers.push_back();
205    SkASSERT(GrSLTypeIsCombinedSamplerType(type));
206    info.fVariable.setType(type);
207    info.fVariable.setTypeModifier(GrShaderVar::kUniform_TypeModifier);
208    info.fVariable.setPrecision(precision);
209    info.fVariable.setName(mangleName);
210    SkString layoutQualifier;
211    layoutQualifier.appendf("set=%d, binding=%d", kSamplerDescSet, fSamplers.count() - 1);
212    info.fVariable.addLayoutQualifier(layoutQualifier.c_str());
213    info.fVisibility = visibility;
214    info.fUBOffset = 0;
215    fSamplerSwizzles.push_back(swizzle);
216    SkASSERT(fSamplerSwizzles.count() == fSamplers.count());
217    return GrGLSLUniformHandler::SamplerHandle(fSamplers.count() - 1);
220void GrVkUniformHandler::appendUniformDecls(GrShaderFlags visibility, SkString* out) const {
221    SkASSERT(kVertex_GrShaderFlag == visibility || kFragment_GrShaderFlag == visibility);
223    for (int i = 0; i < fSamplers.count(); ++i) {
224        const UniformInfo& sampler = fSamplers[i];
225        SkASSERT(sampler.fVariable.getType() == kTexture2DSampler_GrSLType);
226        if (visibility == sampler.fVisibility) {
227            sampler.fVariable.appendDecl(fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps(), out);
228            out->append(";\n");
229        }
230    }
232    SkDEBUGCODE(bool firstOffsetCheck = false);
233    SkString uniformsString;
234    for (int i = 0; i < fUniforms.count(); ++i) {
235        const UniformInfo& localUniform = fUniforms[i];
236        if (visibility == localUniform.fVisibility) {
237            if (GrSLTypeIsFloatType(localUniform.fVariable.getType())) {
238#ifdef SK_DEBUG
239                if (!firstOffsetCheck) {
240                    // Check to make sure we are starting our offset at 0 so the offset qualifier we
241                    // set on each variable in the uniform block is valid.
242                    SkASSERT(0 == localUniform.fUBOffset);
243                    firstOffsetCheck = true;
244                }
246                localUniform.fVariable.appendDecl(fProgramBuilder->shaderCaps(), &uniformsString);
247                uniformsString.append(";\n");
248            }
249        }
250    }
251    if (!uniformsString.isEmpty()) {
252        uint32_t uniformBinding = (visibility == kVertex_GrShaderFlag) ? kVertexBinding
253                                                                       : kFragBinding;
254        const char* stage = (visibility == kVertex_GrShaderFlag) ? "vertex" : "fragment";
255        out->appendf("layout (set=%d, binding=%d) uniform %sUniformBuffer\n{\n",
256                     kUniformBufferDescSet, uniformBinding, stage);
257        out->appendf("%s\n};\n", uniformsString.c_str());
258    }