2 * Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package com.android.keyguard;
19import static com.android.keyguard.LatencyTracker.ACTION_CHECK_CREDENTIAL;
20import static com.android.keyguard.LatencyTracker.ACTION_CHECK_CREDENTIAL_UNLOCKED;
22import android.content.Context;
23import android.os.AsyncTask;
24import android.os.CountDownTimer;
25import android.os.SystemClock;
26import android.util.AttributeSet;
27import android.view.HapticFeedbackConstants;
28import android.view.KeyEvent;
29import android.view.View;
30import android.widget.LinearLayout;
32import com.android.internal.widget.LockPatternChecker;
33import com.android.internal.widget.LockPatternUtils;
36 * Base class for PIN and password unlock screens.
37 */
38public abstract class KeyguardAbsKeyInputView extends LinearLayout
39        implements KeyguardSecurityView, EmergencyButton.EmergencyButtonCallback {
40    protected KeyguardSecurityCallback mCallback;
41    protected LockPatternUtils mLockPatternUtils;
42    protected AsyncTask<?, ?, ?> mPendingLockCheck;
43    protected SecurityMessageDisplay mSecurityMessageDisplay;
44    protected View mEcaView;
45    protected boolean mEnableHaptics;
46    private boolean mDismissing;
47    private CountDownTimer mCountdownTimer = null;
49    // To avoid accidental lockout due to events while the device in in the pocket, ignore
50    // any passwords with length less than or equal to this length.
51    protected static final int MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH_BEFORE_REPORT = 3;
53    public KeyguardAbsKeyInputView(Context context) {
54        this(context, null);
55    }
57    public KeyguardAbsKeyInputView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
58        super(context, attrs);
59    }
61    @Override
62    public void setKeyguardCallback(KeyguardSecurityCallback callback) {
63        mCallback = callback;
64    }
66    @Override
67    public void setLockPatternUtils(LockPatternUtils utils) {
68        mLockPatternUtils = utils;
69        mEnableHaptics = mLockPatternUtils.isTactileFeedbackEnabled();
70    }
72    @Override
73    public void reset() {
74        // start fresh
75        mDismissing = false;
76        resetPasswordText(false /* animate */, false /* announce */);
77        // if the user is currently locked out, enforce it.
78        long deadline = mLockPatternUtils.getLockoutAttemptDeadline(
79                KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getCurrentUser());
80        if (shouldLockout(deadline)) {
81            handleAttemptLockout(deadline);
82        } else {
83            resetState();
84        }
85    }
87    // Allow subclasses to override this behavior
88    protected boolean shouldLockout(long deadline) {
89        return deadline != 0;
90    }
92    protected abstract int getPasswordTextViewId();
93    protected abstract void resetState();
95    @Override
96    protected void onFinishInflate() {
97        mLockPatternUtils = new LockPatternUtils(mContext);
98        mSecurityMessageDisplay = KeyguardMessageArea.findSecurityMessageDisplay(this);
99        mEcaView = findViewById(R.id.keyguard_selector_fade_container);
101        EmergencyButton button = findViewById(R.id.emergency_call_button);
102        if (button != null) {
103            button.setCallback(this);
104        }
105    }
107    @Override
108    public void onEmergencyButtonClickedWhenInCall() {
109        mCallback.reset();
110    }
112    /*
113     * Override this if you have a different string for "wrong password"
114     *
115     * Note that PIN/PUK have their own implementation of verifyPasswordAndUnlock and so don't need this
116     */
117    protected int getWrongPasswordStringId() {
118        return R.string.kg_wrong_password;
119    }
121    protected void verifyPasswordAndUnlock() {
122        if (mDismissing) return; // already verified but haven't been dismissed; don't do it again.
124        final String entry = getPasswordText();
125        setPasswordEntryInputEnabled(false);
126        if (mPendingLockCheck != null) {
127            mPendingLockCheck.cancel(false);
128        }
130        final int userId = KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getCurrentUser();
131        if (entry.length() <= MINIMUM_PASSWORD_LENGTH_BEFORE_REPORT) {
132            // to avoid accidental lockout, only count attempts that are long enough to be a
133            // real password. This may require some tweaking.
134            setPasswordEntryInputEnabled(true);
135            onPasswordChecked(userId, false /* matched */, 0, false /* not valid - too short */);
136            return;
137        }
139        if (LatencyTracker.isEnabled(mContext)) {
140            LatencyTracker.getInstance(mContext).onActionStart(ACTION_CHECK_CREDENTIAL);
141            LatencyTracker.getInstance(mContext).onActionStart(ACTION_CHECK_CREDENTIAL_UNLOCKED);
142        }
143        mPendingLockCheck = LockPatternChecker.checkPassword(
144                mLockPatternUtils,
145                entry,
146                userId,
147                new LockPatternChecker.OnCheckCallback() {
149                    @Override
150                    public void onEarlyMatched() {
151                        if (LatencyTracker.isEnabled(mContext)) {
152                            LatencyTracker.getInstance(mContext).onActionEnd(
153                                    ACTION_CHECK_CREDENTIAL);
154                        }
155                        onPasswordChecked(userId, true /* matched */, 0 /* timeoutMs */,
156                                true /* isValidPassword */);
157                    }
159                    @Override
160                    public void onChecked(boolean matched, int timeoutMs) {
161                        if (LatencyTracker.isEnabled(mContext)) {
162                            LatencyTracker.getInstance(mContext).onActionEnd(
163                                    ACTION_CHECK_CREDENTIAL_UNLOCKED);
164                        }
165                        setPasswordEntryInputEnabled(true);
166                        mPendingLockCheck = null;
167                        if (!matched) {
168                            onPasswordChecked(userId, false /* matched */, timeoutMs,
169                                    true /* isValidPassword */);
170                        }
171                    }
173                    @Override
174                    public void onCancelled() {
175                        // We already got dismissed with the early matched callback, so we cancelled
176                        // the check. However, we still need to note down the latency.
177                        if (LatencyTracker.isEnabled(mContext)) {
178                            LatencyTracker.getInstance(mContext).onActionEnd(
179                                    ACTION_CHECK_CREDENTIAL_UNLOCKED);
180                        }
181                    }
182                });
183    }
185    private void onPasswordChecked(int userId, boolean matched, int timeoutMs,
186            boolean isValidPassword) {
187        boolean dismissKeyguard = KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getCurrentUser() == userId;
188        if (matched) {
189            mCallback.reportUnlockAttempt(userId, true, 0);
190            if (dismissKeyguard) {
191                mDismissing = true;
192                mCallback.dismiss(true, userId);
193            }
194        } else {
195            if (isValidPassword) {
196                mCallback.reportUnlockAttempt(userId, false, timeoutMs);
197                if (timeoutMs > 0) {
198                    long deadline = mLockPatternUtils.setLockoutAttemptDeadline(
199                            userId, timeoutMs);
200                    handleAttemptLockout(deadline);
201                }
202            }
203            if (timeoutMs == 0) {
204                mSecurityMessageDisplay.setMessage(getWrongPasswordStringId());
205            }
206        }
207        resetPasswordText(true /* animate */, !matched /* announce deletion if no match */);
208    }
210    protected abstract void resetPasswordText(boolean animate, boolean announce);
211    protected abstract String getPasswordText();
212    protected abstract void setPasswordEntryEnabled(boolean enabled);
213    protected abstract void setPasswordEntryInputEnabled(boolean enabled);
215    // Prevent user from using the PIN/Password entry until scheduled deadline.
216    protected void handleAttemptLockout(long elapsedRealtimeDeadline) {
217        setPasswordEntryEnabled(false);
218        long elapsedRealtime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
219        long secondsInFuture = (long) Math.ceil(
220                (elapsedRealtimeDeadline - elapsedRealtime) / 1000.0);
221        mCountdownTimer = new CountDownTimer(secondsInFuture * 1000, 1000) {
223            @Override
224            public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
225                int secondsRemaining = (int) Math.round(millisUntilFinished / 1000.0);
226                mSecurityMessageDisplay.formatMessage(
227                        R.string.kg_too_many_failed_attempts_countdown, secondsRemaining);
228            }
230            @Override
231            public void onFinish() {
232                mSecurityMessageDisplay.setMessage("");
233                resetState();
234            }
235        }.start();
236    }
238    protected void onUserInput() {
239        if (mCallback != null) {
240            mCallback.userActivity();
241        }
242        mSecurityMessageDisplay.setMessage("");
243    }
245    @Override
246    public boolean onKeyDown(int keyCode, KeyEvent event) {
247        onUserInput();
248        return false;
249    }
251    @Override
252    public boolean needsInput() {
253        return false;
254    }
256    @Override
257    public void onPause() {
258        if (mCountdownTimer != null) {
259            mCountdownTimer.cancel();
260            mCountdownTimer = null;
261        }
262        if (mPendingLockCheck != null) {
263            mPendingLockCheck.cancel(false);
264            mPendingLockCheck = null;
265        }
266    }
268    @Override
269    public void onResume(int reason) {
270        reset();
271    }
273    @Override
274    public KeyguardSecurityCallback getCallback() {
275        return mCallback;
276    }
278    @Override
279    public void showPromptReason(int reason) {
280        if (reason != PROMPT_REASON_NONE) {
281            int promtReasonStringRes = getPromtReasonStringRes(reason);
282            if (promtReasonStringRes != 0) {
283                mSecurityMessageDisplay.setMessage(promtReasonStringRes);
284            }
285        }
286    }
288    @Override
289    public void showMessage(String message, int color) {
290        mSecurityMessageDisplay.setNextMessageColor(color);
291        mSecurityMessageDisplay.setMessage(message);
292    }
294    protected abstract int getPromtReasonStringRes(int reason);
296    // Cause a VIRTUAL_KEY vibration
297    public void doHapticKeyClick() {
298        if (mEnableHaptics) {
299            performHapticFeedback(HapticFeedbackConstants.VIRTUAL_KEY,
300                    HapticFeedbackConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_VIEW_SETTING
301                    | HapticFeedbackConstants.FLAG_IGNORE_GLOBAL_SETTING);
302        }
303    }
305    @Override
306    public boolean startDisappearAnimation(Runnable finishRunnable) {
307        return false;
308    }