1# general purpose 'tooltip' routines - currently unused in idlefork
2# (although the 'calltips' extension is partly based on this code)
3# may be useful for some purposes in (or almost in ;) the current project scope
4# Ideas gleaned from PySol
6from Tkinter import *
8class ToolTipBase:
10    def __init__(self, button):
11        self.button = button
12        self.tipwindow = None
13        self.id = None
14        self.x = self.y = 0
15        self._id1 = self.button.bind("<Enter>", self.enter)
16        self._id2 = self.button.bind("<Leave>", self.leave)
17        self._id3 = self.button.bind("<ButtonPress>", self.leave)
19    def enter(self, event=None):
20        self.schedule()
22    def leave(self, event=None):
23        self.unschedule()
24        self.hidetip()
26    def schedule(self):
27        self.unschedule()
28        self.id = self.button.after(1500, self.showtip)
30    def unschedule(self):
31        id = self.id
32        self.id = None
33        if id:
34            self.button.after_cancel(id)
36    def showtip(self):
37        if self.tipwindow:
38            return
39        # The tip window must be completely outside the button;
40        # otherwise when the mouse enters the tip window we get
41        # a leave event and it disappears, and then we get an enter
42        # event and it reappears, and so on forever :-(
43        x = self.button.winfo_rootx() + 20
44        y = self.button.winfo_rooty() + self.button.winfo_height() + 1
45        self.tipwindow = tw = Toplevel(self.button)
46        tw.wm_overrideredirect(1)
47        tw.wm_geometry("+%d+%d" % (x, y))
48        self.showcontents()
50    def showcontents(self, text="Your text here"):
51        # Override this in derived class
52        label = Label(self.tipwindow, text=text, justify=LEFT,
53                      background="#ffffe0", relief=SOLID, borderwidth=1)
54        label.pack()
56    def hidetip(self):
57        tw = self.tipwindow
58        self.tipwindow = None
59        if tw:
60            tw.destroy()
62class ToolTip(ToolTipBase):
63    def __init__(self, button, text):
64        ToolTipBase.__init__(self, button)
65        self.text = text
66    def showcontents(self):
67        ToolTipBase.showcontents(self, self.text)
69class ListboxToolTip(ToolTipBase):
70    def __init__(self, button, items):
71        ToolTipBase.__init__(self, button)
72        self.items = items
73    def showcontents(self):
74        listbox = Listbox(self.tipwindow, background="#ffffe0")
75        listbox.pack()
76        for item in self.items:
77            listbox.insert(END, item)
79def main():
80    # Test code
81    root = Tk()
82    b = Button(root, text="Hello", command=root.destroy)
83    b.pack()
84    root.update()
85    tip = ListboxToolTip(b, ["Hello", "world"])
86    root.mainloop()
88if __name__ == '__main__':
89    main()