1# Python test set -- part 6, built-in types
3from test.test_support import run_unittest, have_unicode, run_with_locale, \
4                              check_py3k_warnings
5import unittest
6import sys
7import locale
9class TypesTests(unittest.TestCase):
11    def test_truth_values(self):
12        if None: self.fail('None is true instead of false')
13        if 0: self.fail('0 is true instead of false')
14        if 0L: self.fail('0L is true instead of false')
15        if 0.0: self.fail('0.0 is true instead of false')
16        if '': self.fail('\'\' is true instead of false')
17        if not 1: self.fail('1 is false instead of true')
18        if not 1L: self.fail('1L is false instead of true')
19        if not 1.0: self.fail('1.0 is false instead of true')
20        if not 'x': self.fail('\'x\' is false instead of true')
21        if not {'x': 1}: self.fail('{\'x\': 1} is false instead of true')
22        def f(): pass
23        class C: pass
24        x = C()
25        if not f: self.fail('f is false instead of true')
26        if not C: self.fail('C is false instead of true')
27        if not sys: self.fail('sys is false instead of true')
28        if not x: self.fail('x is false instead of true')
30    def test_boolean_ops(self):
31        if 0 or 0: self.fail('0 or 0 is true instead of false')
32        if 1 and 1: pass
33        else: self.fail('1 and 1 is false instead of true')
34        if not 1: self.fail('not 1 is true instead of false')
36    def test_comparisons(self):
37        if 0 < 1 <= 1 == 1 >= 1 > 0 != 1: pass
38        else: self.fail('int comparisons failed')
39        if 0L < 1L <= 1L == 1L >= 1L > 0L != 1L: pass
40        else: self.fail('long int comparisons failed')
41        if 0.0 < 1.0 <= 1.0 == 1.0 >= 1.0 > 0.0 != 1.0: pass
42        else: self.fail('float comparisons failed')
43        if '' < 'a' <= 'a' == 'a' < 'abc' < 'abd' < 'b': pass
44        else: self.fail('string comparisons failed')
45        if None is None: pass
46        else: self.fail('identity test failed')
48    def test_float_constructor(self):
49        self.assertRaises(ValueError, float, '')
50        self.assertRaises(ValueError, float, '5\0')
52    def test_zero_division(self):
53        try: 5.0 / 0.0
54        except ZeroDivisionError: pass
55        else: self.fail("5.0 / 0.0 didn't raise ZeroDivisionError")
57        try: 5.0 // 0.0
58        except ZeroDivisionError: pass
59        else: self.fail("5.0 // 0.0 didn't raise ZeroDivisionError")
61        try: 5.0 % 0.0
62        except ZeroDivisionError: pass
63        else: self.fail("5.0 % 0.0 didn't raise ZeroDivisionError")
65        try: 5 / 0L
66        except ZeroDivisionError: pass
67        else: self.fail("5 / 0L didn't raise ZeroDivisionError")
69        try: 5 // 0L
70        except ZeroDivisionError: pass
71        else: self.fail("5 // 0L didn't raise ZeroDivisionError")
73        try: 5 % 0L
74        except ZeroDivisionError: pass
75        else: self.fail("5 % 0L didn't raise ZeroDivisionError")
77    def test_numeric_types(self):
78        if 0 != 0L or 0 != 0.0 or 0L != 0.0: self.fail('mixed comparisons')
79        if 1 != 1L or 1 != 1.0 or 1L != 1.0: self.fail('mixed comparisons')
80        if -1 != -1L or -1 != -1.0 or -1L != -1.0:
81            self.fail('int/long/float value not equal')
82        # calling built-in types without argument must return 0
83        if int() != 0: self.fail('int() does not return 0')
84        if long() != 0L: self.fail('long() does not return 0L')
85        if float() != 0.0: self.fail('float() does not return 0.0')
86        if int(1.9) == 1 == int(1.1) and int(-1.1) == -1 == int(-1.9): pass
87        else: self.fail('int() does not round properly')
88        if long(1.9) == 1L == long(1.1) and long(-1.1) == -1L == long(-1.9): pass
89        else: self.fail('long() does not round properly')
90        if float(1) == 1.0 and float(-1) == -1.0 and float(0) == 0.0: pass
91        else: self.fail('float() does not work properly')
93    def test_float_to_string(self):
94        def test(f, result):
95            self.assertEqual(f.__format__('e'), result)
96            self.assertEqual('%e' % f, result)
98        # test all 2 digit exponents, both with __format__ and with
99        #  '%' formatting
100        for i in range(-99, 100):
101            test(float('1.5e'+str(i)), '1.500000e{0:+03d}'.format(i))
103        # test some 3 digit exponents
104        self.assertEqual(1.5e100.__format__('e'), '1.500000e+100')
105        self.assertEqual('%e' % 1.5e100, '1.500000e+100')
107        self.assertEqual(1.5e101.__format__('e'), '1.500000e+101')
108        self.assertEqual('%e' % 1.5e101, '1.500000e+101')
110        self.assertEqual(1.5e-100.__format__('e'), '1.500000e-100')
111        self.assertEqual('%e' % 1.5e-100, '1.500000e-100')
113        self.assertEqual(1.5e-101.__format__('e'), '1.500000e-101')
114        self.assertEqual('%e' % 1.5e-101, '1.500000e-101')
116        self.assertEqual('%g' % 1.0, '1')
117        self.assertEqual('%#g' % 1.0, '1.00000')
119    def test_normal_integers(self):
120        # Ensure the first 256 integers are shared
121        a = 256
122        b = 128*2
123        if a is not b: self.fail('256 is not shared')
124        if 12 + 24 != 36: self.fail('int op')
125        if 12 + (-24) != -12: self.fail('int op')
126        if (-12) + 24 != 12: self.fail('int op')
127        if (-12) + (-24) != -36: self.fail('int op')
128        if not 12 < 24: self.fail('int op')
129        if not -24 < -12: self.fail('int op')
130        # Test for a particular bug in integer multiply
131        xsize, ysize, zsize = 238, 356, 4
132        if not (xsize*ysize*zsize == zsize*xsize*ysize == 338912):
133            self.fail('int mul commutativity')
134        # And another.
135        m = -sys.maxint - 1
136        for divisor in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32:
137            j = m // divisor
138            prod = divisor * j
139            if prod != m:
140                self.fail("%r * %r == %r != %r" % (divisor, j, prod, m))
141            if type(prod) is not int:
142                self.fail("expected type(prod) to be int, not %r" %
143                                   type(prod))
144        # Check for expected * overflow to long.
145        for divisor in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32:
146            j = m // divisor - 1
147            prod = divisor * j
148            if type(prod) is not long:
149                self.fail("expected type(%r) to be long, not %r" %
150                                   (prod, type(prod)))
151        # Check for expected * overflow to long.
152        m = sys.maxint
153        for divisor in 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32:
154            j = m // divisor + 1
155            prod = divisor * j
156            if type(prod) is not long:
157                self.fail("expected type(%r) to be long, not %r" %
158                                   (prod, type(prod)))
160    def test_long_integers(self):
161        if 12L + 24L != 36L: self.fail('long op')
162        if 12L + (-24L) != -12L: self.fail('long op')
163        if (-12L) + 24L != 12L: self.fail('long op')
164        if (-12L) + (-24L) != -36L: self.fail('long op')
165        if not 12L < 24L: self.fail('long op')
166        if not -24L < -12L: self.fail('long op')
167        x = sys.maxint
168        if int(long(x)) != x: self.fail('long op')
169        try: y = int(long(x)+1L)
170        except OverflowError: self.fail('long op')
171        if not isinstance(y, long): self.fail('long op')
172        x = -x
173        if int(long(x)) != x: self.fail('long op')
174        x = x-1
175        if int(long(x)) != x: self.fail('long op')
176        try: y = int(long(x)-1L)
177        except OverflowError: self.fail('long op')
178        if not isinstance(y, long): self.fail('long op')
180        try: 5 << -5
181        except ValueError: pass
182        else: self.fail('int negative shift <<')
184        try: 5L << -5L
185        except ValueError: pass
186        else: self.fail('long negative shift <<')
188        try: 5 >> -5
189        except ValueError: pass
190        else: self.fail('int negative shift >>')
192        try: 5L >> -5L
193        except ValueError: pass
194        else: self.fail('long negative shift >>')
196    def test_floats(self):
197        if 12.0 + 24.0 != 36.0: self.fail('float op')
198        if 12.0 + (-24.0) != -12.0: self.fail('float op')
199        if (-12.0) + 24.0 != 12.0: self.fail('float op')
200        if (-12.0) + (-24.0) != -36.0: self.fail('float op')
201        if not 12.0 < 24.0: self.fail('float op')
202        if not -24.0 < -12.0: self.fail('float op')
204    def test_strings(self):
205        if len('') != 0: self.fail('len(\'\')')
206        if len('a') != 1: self.fail('len(\'a\')')
207        if len('abcdef') != 6: self.fail('len(\'abcdef\')')
208        if 'xyz' + 'abcde' != 'xyzabcde': self.fail('string concatenation')
209        if 'xyz'*3 != 'xyzxyzxyz': self.fail('string repetition *3')
210        if 0*'abcde' != '': self.fail('string repetition 0*')
211        if min('abc') != 'a' or max('abc') != 'c': self.fail('min/max string')
212        if 'a' in 'abc' and 'b' in 'abc' and 'c' in 'abc' and 'd' not in 'abc': pass
213        else: self.fail('in/not in string')
214        x = 'x'*103
215        if '%s!'%x != x+'!': self.fail('nasty string formatting bug')
217        #extended slices for strings
218        a = '0123456789'
219        self.assertEqual(a[::], a)
220        self.assertEqual(a[::2], '02468')
221        self.assertEqual(a[1::2], '13579')
222        self.assertEqual(a[::-1],'9876543210')
223        self.assertEqual(a[::-2], '97531')
224        self.assertEqual(a[3::-2], '31')
225        self.assertEqual(a[-100:100:], a)
226        self.assertEqual(a[100:-100:-1], a[::-1])
227        self.assertEqual(a[-100L:100L:2L], '02468')
229        if have_unicode:
230            a = unicode('0123456789', 'ascii')
231            self.assertEqual(a[::], a)
232            self.assertEqual(a[::2], unicode('02468', 'ascii'))
233            self.assertEqual(a[1::2], unicode('13579', 'ascii'))
234            self.assertEqual(a[::-1], unicode('9876543210', 'ascii'))
235            self.assertEqual(a[::-2], unicode('97531', 'ascii'))
236            self.assertEqual(a[3::-2], unicode('31', 'ascii'))
237            self.assertEqual(a[-100:100:], a)
238            self.assertEqual(a[100:-100:-1], a[::-1])
239            self.assertEqual(a[-100L:100L:2L], unicode('02468', 'ascii'))
242    def test_type_function(self):
243        self.assertRaises(TypeError, type, 1, 2)
244        self.assertRaises(TypeError, type, 1, 2, 3, 4)
246    def test_buffers(self):
247        self.assertRaises(ValueError, buffer, 'asdf', -1)
248        cmp(buffer("abc"), buffer("def")) # used to raise a warning: tp_compare didn't return -1, 0, or 1
250        self.assertRaises(TypeError, buffer, None)
252        a = buffer('asdf')
253        hash(a)
254        b = a * 5
255        if a == b:
256            self.fail('buffers should not be equal')
257        if str(b) != ('asdf' * 5):
258            self.fail('repeated buffer has wrong content')
259        if str(a * 0) != '':
260            self.fail('repeated buffer zero times has wrong content')
261        if str(a + buffer('def')) != 'asdfdef':
262            self.fail('concatenation of buffers yields wrong content')
263        if str(buffer(a)) != 'asdf':
264            self.fail('composing buffers failed')
265        if str(buffer(a, 2)) != 'df':
266            self.fail('specifying buffer offset failed')
267        if str(buffer(a, 0, 2)) != 'as':
268            self.fail('specifying buffer size failed')
269        if str(buffer(a, 1, 2)) != 'sd':
270            self.fail('specifying buffer offset and size failed')
271        self.assertRaises(ValueError, buffer, buffer('asdf', 1), -1)
272        if str(buffer(buffer('asdf', 0, 2), 0)) != 'as':
273            self.fail('composing length-specified buffer failed')
274        if str(buffer(buffer('asdf', 0, 2), 0, 5000)) != 'as':
275            self.fail('composing length-specified buffer failed')
276        if str(buffer(buffer('asdf', 0, 2), 0, -1)) != 'as':
277            self.fail('composing length-specified buffer failed')
278        if str(buffer(buffer('asdf', 0, 2), 1, 2)) != 's':
279            self.fail('composing length-specified buffer failed')
281        try: a[1] = 'g'
282        except TypeError: pass
283        else: self.fail("buffer assignment should raise TypeError")
285        try: a[0:1] = 'g'
286        except TypeError: pass
287        else: self.fail("buffer slice assignment should raise TypeError")
289        # array.array() returns an object that does not implement a char buffer,
290        # something which int() uses for conversion.
291        import array
292        try: int(buffer(array.array('c')))
293        except TypeError: pass
294        else: self.fail("char buffer (at C level) not working")
296    def test_int__format__(self):
297        def test(i, format_spec, result):
298            # just make sure I'm not accidentally checking longs
299            assert type(i) == int
300            assert type(format_spec) == str
301            self.assertEqual(i.__format__(format_spec), result)
302            self.assertEqual(i.__format__(unicode(format_spec)), result)
304        test(123456789, 'd', '123456789')
305        test(123456789, 'd', '123456789')
307        test(1, 'c', '\01')
309        # sign and aligning are interdependent
310        test(1, "-", '1')
311        test(-1, "-", '-1')
312        test(1, "-3", '  1')
313        test(-1, "-3", ' -1')
314        test(1, "+3", ' +1')
315        test(-1, "+3", ' -1')
316        test(1, " 3", '  1')
317        test(-1, " 3", ' -1')
318        test(1, " ", ' 1')
319        test(-1, " ", '-1')
321        # hex
322        test(3, "x", "3")
323        test(3, "X", "3")
324        test(1234, "x", "4d2")
325        test(-1234, "x", "-4d2")
326        test(1234, "8x", "     4d2")
327        test(-1234, "8x", "    -4d2")
328        test(1234, "x", "4d2")
329        test(-1234, "x", "-4d2")
330        test(-3, "x", "-3")
331        test(-3, "X", "-3")
332        test(int('be', 16), "x", "be")
333        test(int('be', 16), "X", "BE")
334        test(-int('be', 16), "x", "-be")
335        test(-int('be', 16), "X", "-BE")
337        # octal
338        test(3, "o", "3")
339        test(-3, "o", "-3")
340        test(65, "o", "101")
341        test(-65, "o", "-101")
342        test(1234, "o", "2322")
343        test(-1234, "o", "-2322")
344        test(1234, "-o", "2322")
345        test(-1234, "-o", "-2322")
346        test(1234, " o", " 2322")
347        test(-1234, " o", "-2322")
348        test(1234, "+o", "+2322")
349        test(-1234, "+o", "-2322")
351        # binary
352        test(3, "b", "11")
353        test(-3, "b", "-11")
354        test(1234, "b", "10011010010")
355        test(-1234, "b", "-10011010010")
356        test(1234, "-b", "10011010010")
357        test(-1234, "-b", "-10011010010")
358        test(1234, " b", " 10011010010")
359        test(-1234, " b", "-10011010010")
360        test(1234, "+b", "+10011010010")
361        test(-1234, "+b", "-10011010010")
363        # alternate (#) formatting
364        test(0, "#b", '0b0')
365        test(0, "-#b", '0b0')
366        test(1, "-#b", '0b1')
367        test(-1, "-#b", '-0b1')
368        test(-1, "-#5b", ' -0b1')
369        test(1, "+#5b", ' +0b1')
370        test(100, "+#b", '+0b1100100')
371        test(100, "#012b", '0b0001100100')
372        test(-100, "#012b", '-0b001100100')
374        test(0, "#o", '0o0')
375        test(0, "-#o", '0o0')
376        test(1, "-#o", '0o1')
377        test(-1, "-#o", '-0o1')
378        test(-1, "-#5o", ' -0o1')
379        test(1, "+#5o", ' +0o1')
380        test(100, "+#o", '+0o144')
381        test(100, "#012o", '0o0000000144')
382        test(-100, "#012o", '-0o000000144')
384        test(0, "#x", '0x0')
385        test(0, "-#x", '0x0')
386        test(1, "-#x", '0x1')
387        test(-1, "-#x", '-0x1')
388        test(-1, "-#5x", ' -0x1')
389        test(1, "+#5x", ' +0x1')
390        test(100, "+#x", '+0x64')
391        test(100, "#012x", '0x0000000064')
392        test(-100, "#012x", '-0x000000064')
393        test(123456, "#012x", '0x000001e240')
394        test(-123456, "#012x", '-0x00001e240')
396        test(0, "#X", '0X0')
397        test(0, "-#X", '0X0')
398        test(1, "-#X", '0X1')
399        test(-1, "-#X", '-0X1')
400        test(-1, "-#5X", ' -0X1')
401        test(1, "+#5X", ' +0X1')
402        test(100, "+#X", '+0X64')
403        test(100, "#012X", '0X0000000064')
404        test(-100, "#012X", '-0X000000064')
405        test(123456, "#012X", '0X000001E240')
406        test(-123456, "#012X", '-0X00001E240')
408        # issue 5782, commas with no specifier type
409        test(1234, '010,', '00,001,234')
411        # make sure these are errors
413        # precision disallowed
414        self.assertRaises(ValueError, 3 .__format__, "1.3")
415        # sign not allowed with 'c'
416        self.assertRaises(ValueError, 3 .__format__, "+c")
417        # format spec must be string
418        self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3 .__format__, None)
419        self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3 .__format__, 0)
421        # can't have ',' with 'c'
422        self.assertRaises(ValueError, 3 .__format__, ",c")
424        # ensure that only int and float type specifiers work
425        for format_spec in ([chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)] +
426                            [chr(x) for x in range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1)]):
427            if not format_spec in 'bcdoxXeEfFgGn%':
428                self.assertRaises(ValueError, 0 .__format__, format_spec)
429                self.assertRaises(ValueError, 1 .__format__, format_spec)
430                self.assertRaises(ValueError, (-1) .__format__, format_spec)
432        # ensure that float type specifiers work; format converts
433        #  the int to a float
434        for format_spec in 'eEfFgG%':
435            for value in [0, 1, -1, 100, -100, 1234567890, -1234567890]:
436                self.assertEqual(value.__format__(format_spec),
437                                 float(value).__format__(format_spec))
439        # Issue 6902
440        test(123456, "0<20", '12345600000000000000')
441        test(123456, "1<20", '12345611111111111111')
442        test(123456, "*<20", '123456**************')
443        test(123456, "0>20", '00000000000000123456')
444        test(123456, "1>20", '11111111111111123456')
445        test(123456, "*>20", '**************123456')
446        test(123456, "0=20", '00000000000000123456')
447        test(123456, "1=20", '11111111111111123456')
448        test(123456, "*=20", '**************123456')
450    def test_long__format__(self):
451        def test(i, format_spec, result):
452            # make sure we're not accidentally checking ints
453            assert type(i) == long
454            assert type(format_spec) == str
455            self.assertEqual(i.__format__(format_spec), result)
456            self.assertEqual(i.__format__(unicode(format_spec)), result)
458        test(10**100, 'd', '1' + '0' * 100)
459        test(10**100+100, 'd', '1' + '0' * 97 + '100')
461        test(123456789L, 'd', '123456789')
462        test(123456789L, 'd', '123456789')
464        # sign and aligning are interdependent
465        test(1L, "-", '1')
466        test(-1L, "-", '-1')
467        test(1L, "-3", '  1')
468        test(-1L, "-3", ' -1')
469        test(1L, "+3", ' +1')
470        test(-1L, "+3", ' -1')
471        test(1L, " 3", '  1')
472        test(-1L, " 3", ' -1')
473        test(1L, " ", ' 1')
474        test(-1L, " ", '-1')
476        test(1L, 'c', '\01')
478        # hex
479        test(3L, "x", "3")
480        test(3L, "X", "3")
481        test(1234L, "x", "4d2")
482        test(-1234L, "x", "-4d2")
483        test(1234L, "8x", "     4d2")
484        test(-1234L, "8x", "    -4d2")
485        test(1234L, "x", "4d2")
486        test(-1234L, "x", "-4d2")
487        test(-3L, "x", "-3")
488        test(-3L, "X", "-3")
489        test(long('be', 16), "x", "be")
490        test(long('be', 16), "X", "BE")
491        test(-long('be', 16), "x", "-be")
492        test(-long('be', 16), "X", "-BE")
494        # octal
495        test(3L, "o", "3")
496        test(-3L, "o", "-3")
497        test(65L, "o", "101")
498        test(-65L, "o", "-101")
499        test(1234L, "o", "2322")
500        test(-1234L, "o", "-2322")
501        test(1234L, "-o", "2322")
502        test(-1234L, "-o", "-2322")
503        test(1234L, " o", " 2322")
504        test(-1234L, " o", "-2322")
505        test(1234L, "+o", "+2322")
506        test(-1234L, "+o", "-2322")
508        # binary
509        test(3L, "b", "11")
510        test(-3L, "b", "-11")
511        test(1234L, "b", "10011010010")
512        test(-1234L, "b", "-10011010010")
513        test(1234L, "-b", "10011010010")
514        test(-1234L, "-b", "-10011010010")
515        test(1234L, " b", " 10011010010")
516        test(-1234L, " b", "-10011010010")
517        test(1234L, "+b", "+10011010010")
518        test(-1234L, "+b", "-10011010010")
520        # make sure these are errors
522        # precision disallowed
523        self.assertRaises(ValueError, 3L .__format__, "1.3")
524        # sign not allowed with 'c'
525        self.assertRaises(ValueError, 3L .__format__, "+c")
526        # format spec must be string
527        self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3L .__format__, None)
528        self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3L .__format__, 0)
529        # alternate specifier in wrong place
530        self.assertRaises(ValueError, 1L .__format__, "#+5x")
531        self.assertRaises(ValueError, 1L .__format__, "+5#x")
533        # ensure that only int and float type specifiers work
534        for format_spec in ([chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)] +
535                            [chr(x) for x in range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1)]):
536            if not format_spec in 'bcdoxXeEfFgGn%':
537                self.assertRaises(ValueError, 0L .__format__, format_spec)
538                self.assertRaises(ValueError, 1L .__format__, format_spec)
539                self.assertRaises(ValueError, (-1L) .__format__, format_spec)
541        # ensure that float type specifiers work; format converts
542        #  the long to a float
543        for format_spec in 'eEfFgG%':
544            for value in [0L, 1L, -1L, 100L, -100L, 1234567890L, -1234567890L]:
545                self.assertEqual(value.__format__(format_spec),
546                                 float(value).__format__(format_spec))
547        # Issue 6902
548        test(123456L, "0<20", '12345600000000000000')
549        test(123456L, "1<20", '12345611111111111111')
550        test(123456L, "*<20", '123456**************')
551        test(123456L, "0>20", '00000000000000123456')
552        test(123456L, "1>20", '11111111111111123456')
553        test(123456L, "*>20", '**************123456')
554        test(123456L, "0=20", '00000000000000123456')
555        test(123456L, "1=20", '11111111111111123456')
556        test(123456L, "*=20", '**************123456')
558    @run_with_locale('LC_NUMERIC', 'en_US.UTF8')
559    def test_float__format__locale(self):
560        # test locale support for __format__ code 'n'
562        for i in range(-10, 10):
563            x = 1234567890.0 * (10.0 ** i)
564            self.assertEqual(locale.format('%g', x, grouping=True), format(x, 'n'))
565            self.assertEqual(locale.format('%.10g', x, grouping=True), format(x, '.10n'))
567    @run_with_locale('LC_NUMERIC', 'en_US.UTF8')
568    def test_int__format__locale(self):
569        # test locale support for __format__ code 'n' for integers
571        x = 123456789012345678901234567890
572        for i in range(0, 30):
573            self.assertEqual(locale.format('%d', x, grouping=True), format(x, 'n'))
575            # move to the next integer to test
576            x = x // 10
578        rfmt = ">20n"
579        lfmt = "<20n"
580        cfmt = "^20n"
581        for x in (1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567, 12345678, 123456789, 1234567890, 12345678900):
582            self.assertEqual(len(format(0, rfmt)), len(format(x, rfmt)))
583            self.assertEqual(len(format(0, lfmt)), len(format(x, lfmt)))
584            self.assertEqual(len(format(0, cfmt)), len(format(x, cfmt)))
586    def test_float__format__(self):
587        # these should be rewritten to use both format(x, spec) and
588        # x.__format__(spec)
590        def test(f, format_spec, result):
591            assert type(f) == float
592            assert type(format_spec) == str
593            self.assertEqual(f.__format__(format_spec), result)
594            self.assertEqual(f.__format__(unicode(format_spec)), result)
596        test(0.0, 'f', '0.000000')
598        # the default is 'g', except for empty format spec
599        test(0.0, '', '0.0')
600        test(0.01, '', '0.01')
601        test(0.01, 'g', '0.01')
603        # test for issue 3411
604        test(1.23, '1', '1.23')
605        test(-1.23, '1', '-1.23')
606        test(1.23, '1g', '1.23')
607        test(-1.23, '1g', '-1.23')
609        test( 1.0, ' g', ' 1')
610        test(-1.0, ' g', '-1')
611        test( 1.0, '+g', '+1')
612        test(-1.0, '+g', '-1')
613        test(1.1234e200, 'g', '1.1234e+200')
614        test(1.1234e200, 'G', '1.1234E+200')
617        test(1.0, 'f', '1.000000')
619        test(-1.0, 'f', '-1.000000')
621        test( 1.0, ' f', ' 1.000000')
622        test(-1.0, ' f', '-1.000000')
623        test( 1.0, '+f', '+1.000000')
624        test(-1.0, '+f', '-1.000000')
626        # Python versions <= 2.6 switched from 'f' to 'g' formatting for
627        # values larger than 1e50.  No longer.
628        f = 1.1234e90
629        for fmt in 'f', 'F':
630            # don't do a direct equality check, since on some
631            # platforms only the first few digits of dtoa
632            # will be reliable
633            result = f.__format__(fmt)
634            self.assertEqual(len(result), 98)
635            self.assertEqual(result[-7], '.')
636            self.assertIn(result[:12], ('112340000000', '112339999999'))
637        f = 1.1234e200
638        for fmt in 'f', 'F':
639            result = f.__format__(fmt)
640            self.assertEqual(len(result), 208)
641            self.assertEqual(result[-7], '.')
642            self.assertIn(result[:12], ('112340000000', '112339999999'))
645        test( 1.0, 'e', '1.000000e+00')
646        test(-1.0, 'e', '-1.000000e+00')
647        test( 1.0, 'E', '1.000000E+00')
648        test(-1.0, 'E', '-1.000000E+00')
649        test(1.1234e20, 'e', '1.123400e+20')
650        test(1.1234e20, 'E', '1.123400E+20')
652        # No format code means use g, but must have a decimal
653        # and a number after the decimal.  This is tricky, because
654        # a totaly empty format specifier means something else.
655        # So, just use a sign flag
656        test(1e200, '+g', '+1e+200')
657        test(1e200, '+', '+1e+200')
658        test(1.1e200, '+g', '+1.1e+200')
659        test(1.1e200, '+', '+1.1e+200')
661        test(1.1e200, '+g', '+1.1e+200')
662        test(1.1e200, '+', '+1.1e+200')
664        # 0 padding
665        test(1234., '010f', '1234.000000')
666        test(1234., '011f', '1234.000000')
667        test(1234., '012f', '01234.000000')
668        test(-1234., '011f', '-1234.000000')
669        test(-1234., '012f', '-1234.000000')
670        test(-1234., '013f', '-01234.000000')
671        test(-1234.12341234, '013f', '-01234.123412')
672        test(-123456.12341234, '011.2f', '-0123456.12')
674        # issue 5782, commas with no specifier type
675        test(1.2, '010,.2', '0,000,001.2')
677        # 0 padding with commas
678        test(1234., '011,f', '1,234.000000')
679        test(1234., '012,f', '1,234.000000')
680        test(1234., '013,f', '01,234.000000')
681        test(-1234., '012,f', '-1,234.000000')
682        test(-1234., '013,f', '-1,234.000000')
683        test(-1234., '014,f', '-01,234.000000')
684        test(-12345., '015,f', '-012,345.000000')
685        test(-123456., '016,f', '-0,123,456.000000')
686        test(-123456., '017,f', '-0,123,456.000000')
687        test(-123456.12341234, '017,f', '-0,123,456.123412')
688        test(-123456.12341234, '013,.2f', '-0,123,456.12')
690         # % formatting
691        test(-1.0, '%', '-100.000000%')
693        # format spec must be string
694        self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3.0.__format__, None)
695        self.assertRaises(TypeError, 3.0.__format__, 0)
697        # other format specifiers shouldn't work on floats,
698        #  in particular int specifiers
699        for format_spec in ([chr(x) for x in range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1)] +
700                            [chr(x) for x in range(ord('A'), ord('Z')+1)]):
701            if not format_spec in 'eEfFgGn%':
702                self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 0.0, format_spec)
703                self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 1.0, format_spec)
704                self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, -1.0, format_spec)
705                self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 1e100, format_spec)
706                self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, -1e100, format_spec)
707                self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 1e-100, format_spec)
708                self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, -1e-100, format_spec)
710        # Alternate formatting is not supported
711        self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 0.0, '#')
712        self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 0.0, '#20f')
714        # Issue 6902
715        test(12345.6, "0<20", '12345.60000000000000')
716        test(12345.6, "1<20", '12345.61111111111111')
717        test(12345.6, "*<20", '12345.6*************')
718        test(12345.6, "0>20", '000000000000012345.6')
719        test(12345.6, "1>20", '111111111111112345.6')
720        test(12345.6, "*>20", '*************12345.6')
721        test(12345.6, "0=20", '000000000000012345.6')
722        test(12345.6, "1=20", '111111111111112345.6')
723        test(12345.6, "*=20", '*************12345.6')
725    def test_format_spec_errors(self):
726        # int, float, and string all share the same format spec
727        # mini-language parser.
729        # Check that we can't ask for too many digits. This is
730        # probably a CPython specific test. It tries to put the width
731        # into a C long.
732        self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 0, '1'*10000 + 'd')
734        # Similar with the precision.
735        self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 0, '.' + '1'*10000 + 'd')
737        # And may as well test both.
738        self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 0, '1'*1000 + '.' + '1'*10000 + 'd')
740        # Make sure commas aren't allowed with various type codes
741        for code in 'xXobns':
742            self.assertRaises(ValueError, format, 0, ',' + code)
744    def test_internal_sizes(self):
745        self.assertGreater(object.__basicsize__, 0)
746        self.assertGreater(tuple.__itemsize__, 0)
749def test_main():
750    with check_py3k_warnings(
751            ("buffer.. not supported", DeprecationWarning),
752            ("classic long division", DeprecationWarning)):
753        run_unittest(TypesTests)
755if __name__ == '__main__':
756    test_main()