History log of /external/guava/guava/src/com/google/common/math/package-info.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
7dd252788645e940eada959bdde927426e2531c9 22-Jan-2015 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Upgraded Guava to unmodified jdk-backport-v14.0.1-post

This simply copies the Guava source for jdk5-backport-v14.0.1
straight from the code.google.com repository into this one.

See https://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries.jdk5backport/

Additional commits will be made which will allow this to compile
on Android.

Change-Id: I4f02d6182d25e4e636ac64d48647a395a9874296
dbd967a6e5c96cc1a97c5521f88dc1564ba2f81b 15-Jan-2015 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Revert "Upgraded Guava to unmodified v14.0.1"

This reverts commit 3c77433663281544363151bf284b0240dfd22a42.

Change-Id: I25630eb4eef9a993c94f273796d3d9f04811e74d
3c77433663281544363151bf284b0240dfd22a42 06-Jan-2015 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Upgraded Guava to unmodified v14.0.1

This simply copies the Guava source for v14.0.1 straight from its
github repository into this one. Additional commits will be made
which will allow this to compile on Android.

Change-Id: If0a8231e1d9530b7bdd94474403f7055e013979f
1d580d0f6ee4f21eb309ba7b509d2c6d671c4044 07-May-2012 Bjorn Bringert <bringert@android.com> Upgrade guava to v11.0.2

Bug: 6457759
Change-Id: Ie9aa2faaf572f1be8e203a447f357510136ae6b9