History log of /external/libchrome/base/test/test_pending_task.cc
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
94ffa55491333f3dcc701befd0d2652922916d99 26-May-2016 Luis Hector Chavez <lhchavez@google.com> libchrome: Uprev the library to r395517 from Chromium

Pulled the latest and greatest version of libchrome from Chromium.

The merge was done against r395517 which corresponds to git commit
ebdcb576bb346af95b8ad219f6250daf63122f98 of May 23, 2016

Notable changes are:
- scoped_ptr was removed in favor of std::unique_ptr
- base/thread_task_runner_handle.h was moved to base/threading.

BUG: 28985443
TEST: All tests in libchrome_test pass on dragonboard-eng build

Change-Id: Ic9f9ed1cafe754c96cd2f007984514e091aaba39
45779228f8c9e40851cfd23f727e2bd8ffdd4714 17-Mar-2016 Alex Vakulenko <avakulenko@google.com> Update libchrome to r381699

TEST=Build all

Change-Id: I962a83a044a102515c316d04bb65e7c9302e0f0c
b8cf94937c52feb53b55c39e3f82094d27de464c 06-Jul-2015 Daniel Erat <derat@google.com> Add upstream code as of Chromium r334380.

Copy the unchanged source from
https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/base/ as of
r334380 (really r334285 a.k.a. 23911a0c in the base/

Also add MODULE_LICENSE_BSD and copy Chromium's current

Bug: 22317122
Change-Id: I89863bfeca67b3a1ff05e6078f2f9ee4e31c5c99