History log of /external/ltp/testcases/network/stress/interface/if-updown
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
d17aac79d4f66b7e51abd9f33158f0f19fe7272c 27-Feb-2017 Alexey Kodanev <alexey.kodanev@oracle.com> net: interfaces: various fixes

* if-addr-adddel: fix 'od' command on sparc, use explicit type -t u1;

* if4-addr-change: fix 'local: can only be used in a function' error;

* call tst_wait_ipv6_dad() after restoring interface configuration and
brining up interface in 'if-updown' tests;

* remove tst_restore_ipaddr() from tests which don't change IP addresses
or routes;

* if-mtu-change:
* save MTU before test and restore in cleanup;
* change MTU on both ends;
* tst_sleep (change inerval) right after changing MTU and before tst_ping;
* use 552 as a minimum mtu for IPv4 (net.ipv4.route.min_pmtu);
* pass different message sizes to tst_ping in order to test fragmentation;

* change check interval calculation, allow to have up to 20 intervals, not 100;

Signed-off-by: Alexey Kodanev <alexey.kodanev@oracle.com>
c0e4f672ddaf0f715da0995fff2e8c9d1c022fb3 12-Feb-2015 Alexey Kodanev <alexey.kodanev@oracle.com> network/stress/interface: cleanup 'updown' test

Note, this test could cause port flapping error on a switch

Signed-off-by: Alexey Kodanev <alexey.kodanev@oracle.com>
f5cc86318fafd9fbe3c39036c3766e052567f0cd 01-Feb-2015 Alexey Kodanev <alexey.kodanev@oracle.com> network/stress/interface: rename if4-* tests

Signed-off-by: Alexey Kodanev <alexey.kodanev@oracle.com>