History log of /external/openssh/loginrec.h
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
bd77cf78387b72b7b3ea870459077672bf75c3b5 25-Feb-2015 Greg Hartman <ghartman@google.com> Put ssh back into the repository

Change-Id: I23324372188fa6ed3f93a32b84365f5df6367590
6dd962236c57f327b92b0c8f09f649279980023c 08-Jul-2014 dcashman <dcashman@google.com> Remove sshd.

This may require changes to other code, such as fastbootd, which relies on this
service. sshd is not currently, used, however, so this change will force any
such code to be changed.

Bug: 11594902
Change-Id: I07e52008290dab5825be2ad062cbe730fa7dff71
1305e95ba6ff9fa202d0818caf10405df4b0f648 07-Dec-2011 Mike Lockwood <lockwood@google.com> Initial commit of openssh-5.9p1

Change-Id: I991b8d22c9904ed6ced33a096776f4f342af52a8
Signed-off-by: Mike Lockwood <lockwood@google.com>