History log of /frameworks/support/wear/src/android/support/wear/widget/drawer/WearableActionDrawerView.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
59cfb75d971ffdaf9f7e312ac98e46ed61c0a850 23-Aug-2017 TreeHugger Robot <treehugger-gerrit@google.com> Merge "Fix action drawer title" into oc-mr1-dev
31da69009a893e97db8c5288b58dc9d84c3a6e85 14-Aug-2017 Sean Kelley <smskelley@google.com> Ensure action drawer updates when menu modified

Currently, when the action drawer has a title and the menu is modified,
we notify the RecyclerView about the wrong index. Because of that, the
item's associated view will not be updated.

This change takes into account whether or not the drawer has a title
when calculating the view's adapter position.

Test: Added tests and ran them on swordfish & angler
Bug: 64609474
Change-Id: I2cdf4d8daeb65d7cc2716d5387305b9064f1c2e3
5ab424ebec311712eed261560c2614b83b8b5c33 11-Aug-2017 Sean Kelley <smskelley@google.com> Fix action drawer title

The action drawer's title was VISIBLE and the right color, but it could
not be seen because too much padding was being applied. This occurred
when the support library was moved to gerrit and an outer frame layout
was stripped.

Test: Verified with demo app
Bug: 64578704
Change-Id: I206fd7851ebaf936e025400fa379fb948ce0cded
6e7866f3a3fb65848d9ab46c1ffd7ed9b712244e 13-Jun-2017 Sean Kelley <smskelley@google.com> Update javadocs to include correct attribute names

When the XML attributes were updated to be camelcased, the javadocs
which reference them were not. This goes back through and updates all of
the XMLattributes in the javadocs.

Test: doc update, existing tests still pass.
Bug: 62546777
Change-Id: I24209485217e79db85e1bcab924eeb70dbf67818
97f7aa4e4dd8f5c1f14d93d3f67540c72a5bbe57 07-Jun-2017 Aga Madurska <amad@google.com> Add a prefix to wear resources to avoid conflicts.

The CL ensures that developers using both the
Wearable Support Library and the Support Lib
wear module do not run into resource conflicts.

Bug: 62402644

Test: ./gradlew :support-wear:connectedCheck

Change-Id: Idb53b54ec82438f641465f44e9dc903e64b3ed62
81142ab466f5d31caa8e178b674416dd749f6b4e 16-May-2017 Sean Kelley <smskelley@google.com> Address a11y issues in action drawer's peek view

If talk back is turned on, there are two potential issues with the
action drawer:
1) If the drawer is configured to have the first action in the peek
view, it may be difficult/impossible to open the action drawer,
because a double-tap causes the action to be fired rather than
opening the drawer. So, this change makes it so that we do not show
the first action in the peek view when talk back is on.
2) When the overflow icon is shown, it doesn't provide a content
description. This change adds the content description.

Test: Manual
Bug: 31578532
Change-Id: Ib416c65e47c41c1dc936e77700d8149690075519
36545bb3f2b12af352e550c278cff9026a18ca54 05-Apr-2017 Sean Kelley <smskelley@google.com> Initial commit of Wearable Drawers

This CL brings a snapshot of the wearable drawers to gerrit. The drawers
depend upon several other classes in Wearable Support, so those were
brought over as well, but marked @hide. They should be able to be deleted
when there's a suitable alternative to CircledImageView.

The publicly accessible classes added by this change are:
- WearableDrawerLayout
- WearableDrawerView
- WearableNavigationDrawerView
- WearableActionDrawerView
- WearableDrawerController

Their current public documentation can be found here:

The API changes made were:
- The package changed from android.support.wearable.view.drawer to
- WearableDrawerLayout:
- DrawerState annotation was changed to SOURCE retained
- DrawerStateCallback:
- Now passes WearableDrawerlayout as first param to all methods.
- Is now concrete with empty methods.
- openDrawer(), closeDrawer(), and peekDrawer() are package private.
- WearableActionDrawerView:
- Renamed from WearableActionDrawer to WearableActionDrawerView
- OnMenuItemClickListener was swapped out for MenuItem's.
- WearableNavigationDrawerView:
- Renamed from WearableNavigationDrawer to WearableNavigationDrawerView
- Default navigationStyle is now SINGLE_PAGE
- Added getNavigationStyle()
- WearableNavigationDrawerViewAdapter:
- onItemSelected was removed and moved into a standalone
OnItemSelected listener.
- Added (add|remove)OnItemSelectedListener(listener)
- WearableDrawerView:
- boolean hasDrawerContent() was removed.
- openDrawer(), closeDrawer(), and peekDrawer() have been removed.
- WearableDrawerController getController() has been added.
- setShouldOnlyOpenWhenAtTop --> setOpenOnlyAtTopEnabled
- shouldOnlyOpenWhenAtTop --> isOpenOnlyAtTopEnabled
- setShouldPeekOnScrollDown --> setPeekOnScrollDownEnabled
- shouldPeekOnScrollDown --> isPeekOnScrollDownEnabled
- setShouldLockWhenNotOpenOrPeeking --> setLockedWhenClosed
- shouldLockWhenNotOpenOrPeeking --> isLockedWhenClosed
- canAutoPeek --> isAutoPeekEnabled
- setCanAutoPeek --> setIsAutoPeekEnabled
- lockDrawerClosed removed
- lockDrawerOpened removed
- unlockDrawer removed
- setIsLocked(boolean) added
- Uses Widget.Wearable.WearableDrawerView style to specify default
background and elevation.
- Misc:
- All custom attributes are now camelCase.
- All APIs that took a View that was expected to be a drawer now
take in a WearableDrawerView.
- Some instances of String being used in the API were migrated to
- All Views now have a 4 arg constructor.

Test: Manually and Espresso tests

Bug: 37417930
Bug: 37419365
Change-Id: Iec1843cccf80efe3d7c5b3db2274ec41f914c83d