1# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5import logging
6import time
8from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
9from autotest_lib.server.cros.network import hostap_config
10from autotest_lib.server.cros.network import lucid_sleep_test_base
11from autotest_lib.server.cros.network import wifi_client
13class network_WiFi_FastReconnectInDarkResume(
14        lucid_sleep_test_base.LucidSleepTestBase):
15    """
16    Test that we can reconnect quickly (within the span of one dark resume)
17    if we are disconnected during suspend but the AP is still up.
18    """
20    version = 1
22    def run_once(self):
23        """Body of the test"""
24        self.configure_and_connect_to_ap(hostap_config.HostapConfig(channel=1))
25        client = self.context.client
26        client_mac = client.wifi_mac
27        router = self.context.router
29        # Enable the dark connect feature in shill.
30        with client.wake_on_wifi_features(wifi_client.WAKE_ON_WIFI_DARKCONNECT):
31            logging.info('Set up WoWLAN')
32            prev_dark_resume_count = self.dr_utils.count_dark_resumes()
34            with self.dr_utils.suspend():
35                # Wait for suspend actions to finish.
36                time.sleep(wifi_client.SUSPEND_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS)
38                logging.info('Deauthenticating the DUT')
39                # A deauth packet should instantaneously disconnect the DUT
40                # from the AP without bringing the AP down.
41                router.deauth_client(client_mac)
43                # Wait for the DUT to receive the disconnect, wake in
44                # dark resume, reconnect, then suspend again.
45                time.sleep(wifi_client.DISCONNECT_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS +
46                           wifi_client.DARK_RESUME_WAIT_TIME_SECONDS)
48            client.check_connected_on_last_resume()
49            dark_resume_count = (self.dr_utils.count_dark_resumes() -
50                                 prev_dark_resume_count)
51            if dark_resume_count != 1:
52                # If there was more than 1 dark resume, the DUT might not have
53                # reconnected on the dark resume triggered by the disconnect.
54                raise error.TestFail('Expected exactly one dark resume')