1// RUN: %clang_cc1 -Wno-uninitialized -std=c++11 -verify %s
3template<int> struct c { c(int) = delete; typedef void val; operator int() const; };
5int val;
6int foobar;
7struct S {
8  int k1 = a < b < c, d > ::val, e1;
9  int k2 = a < b, c < d > ::val, e2;
10  int k3 = b < a < c, d > ::val, e3;
11  int k4 = b < c, x, y = d > ::val, e4;
12  int k5 = T1 < b, &S::operator=(int); // expected-error {{extra qualification}}
13  int k6 = T2 < b, &S::operator= >::val;
14  int k7 = T1 < b, &S::operator>(int); // expected-error {{extra qualification}}
15  int k8 = T2 < b, &S::operator> >::val;
16  int k9 = T3 < a < b, c >> (d), e5 = 1 > (e4);
17  int k10 = 0 < T3 < a < b, c >> (d
18      ) // expected-error {{expected ';' at end of declaration}}
19      , a > (e4);
20  int k11 = 0 < 1, c<3>::*ptr;
21  int k12 = e < 0, int a<b<c>::* >(), e11;
23  void f1(
24    int k1 = a < b < c, d > ::val,
25    int k2 = b < a < c, d > ::val,
26    int k3 = b < c, int x = 0 > ::val,
27    int k4 = a < b, T3 < int > >(), // expected-error {{must be an expression}}
28    int k5 = a < b, c < d > ::val,
29    int k6 = a < b, c < d > (n) // expected-error {{undeclared identifier 'n'}}
30  );
32  void f2a(
33    // T3<int> here is a parameter type, so must be declared before it is used.
34    int k1 = c < b, T3 < int > x = 0 // expected-error {{unexpected end of default argument expression}}
35  );
37  template<typename, int=0> struct T3 { T3(int); operator int(); };
39  void f2b(
40    int k1 = c < b, T3 < int > x  = 0 // ok
41  );
43  // This is a one-parameter function. Ensure we don't typo-correct it to
44  //     int = a < b, c < foobar > ()
45  // ... which would be a function with two parameters.
46  int f3(int = a < b, c < goobar > ());
47  static constexpr int (S::*f3_test)(int) = &S::f3;
49  void f4(
50    int k1 = a<1,2>::val,
51    int missing_default // expected-error {{missing default argument on parameter}}
52  );
54  void f5(
55    int k1 = b < c,
56    int missing_default // expected-error {{missing default argument on parameter}}
57  );
59  void f6(
60    int k = b < c,
61    unsigned int (missing_default) // expected-error {{missing default argument on parameter}}
62  );
64  template<int, int=0> struct a { static const int val = 0; operator int(); }; // expected-note {{here}}
65  static const int b = 0, c = 1, d = 2, goobar = 3;
66  template<int, typename> struct e { operator int(); };
68  int mp1 = 0 < 1,
69      a<b<c,b<c>::*mp2,
70      mp3 = 0 > a<b<c>::val,
71      a<b<c,b<c>::*mp4 = 0,
72      a<b<c,b<c>::*mp5 {0},
73      a<b<c,b<c>::*mp6;
75  int np1 = e<0, int a<b<c,b<c>::*>();
77  static const int T1 = 4;
78  template<int, int &(S::*)(int)> struct T2 { static const int val = 0; };
81namespace NoAnnotationTokens {
82  template<bool> struct Bool { Bool(int); };
83  static const bool in_class = false;
85  struct Test {
86    // Check we don't keep around a Bool<false> annotation token here.
87    int f(Bool<true> = X<Y, Bool<in_class> >(0));
89    // But it's OK if we do here.
90    int g(Bool<true> = Z<Y, Bool<in_class> = Bool<false>(0));
92    static const bool in_class = true;
93    template<int, typename U> using X = U;
94    static const int Y = 0, Z = 0;
95  };
98namespace ImplicitInstantiation {
99  template<typename T> struct HasError { typename T::error error; }; // expected-error {{has no members}}
101  struct S {
102    // This triggers the instantiation of the outer HasError<int> during
103    // disambiguation, even though it uses the inner HasError<int>.
104    void f(int a = X<Y, HasError<int>::Z >()); // expected-note {{in instantiation of}}
106    template<typename, typename> struct X { operator int(); };
107    typedef int Y;
108    template<typename> struct HasError { typedef int Z; };
109  };
111  HasError<int> hei;
114namespace CWG325 {
115  template <int A, typename B> struct T { static int i; operator int(); };
116  class C {
117    int Foo (int i = T<1, int>::i);
118  };
120  class D {
121    int Foo (int i = T<1, int>::i);
122    template <int A, typename B> struct T {static int i;};
123  };
125  const int a = 0;
126  typedef int b;
127  T<a,b> c;
128  struct E {
129    int n = T<a,b>(c);
130  };
133namespace Operators {
134  struct Y {};
135  constexpr int operator,(const Y&, const Y&) { return 8; }
136  constexpr int operator>(const Y&, const Y&) { return 8; }
137  constexpr int operator<(const Y&, const Y&) { return 8; }
138  constexpr int operator>>(const Y&, const Y&) { return 8; }
140  struct X {
141    typedef int (*Fn)(const Y&, const Y&);
143    Fn a = operator,, b = operator<, c = operator>;
144    void f(Fn a = operator,, Fn b = operator<, Fn c = operator>);
146    int k1 = T1<0, operator<, operator>, operator<>::val, l1;
147    int k2 = T1<0, operator>, operator,, operator,>::val, l2;
148    int k3 = T2<0, operator,(Y{}, Y{}),  operator<(Y{}, Y{})>::val, l3;
149    int k4 = T2<0, operator>(Y{}, Y{}),  operator,(Y{}, Y{})>::val, l4;
150    int k5 = T3<0, operator>>>::val, l5;
151    int k6 = T4<0, T3<0, operator>>>>::val, l6;
153    template<int, Fn, Fn, Fn> struct T1 { enum { val }; };
154    template<int, int, int> struct T2 { enum { val }; };
155    template<int, Fn> struct T3 { enum { val }; };
156    template<int, typename T> struct T4 : T {};
157  };
160namespace ElaboratedTypeSpecifiers {
161  struct S {
162    int f(int x = T<a, struct S>());
163    int h(int x = T<a, union __attribute__(()) U>());
164    int i(int x = T<a, enum E>());
165    int j(int x = T<a, struct S::template T<0, enum E>>());
166    template <int, typename> struct T { operator int(); };
167    static const int a = 0;
168    enum E {};
169  };
172namespace PR20459 {
173  template <typename EncTraits> struct A {
174     void foo(int = EncTraits::template TypeEnc<int, int>::val); // ok
175  };