2// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
3// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
5 *******************************************************************************
6 * Copyright (C) 1996-2014, International Business Machines Corporation and
7 * others. All Rights Reserved.
8 *******************************************************************************
9 */
10package android.icu.text;
12import java.text.CharacterIterator;
14import android.icu.lang.UCharacter;
15import android.icu.util.ICUCloneNotSupportedException;
16import android.icu.util.ULocale;
20 * Inserts the specified characters at word breaks. To restrict it to particular characters, use a filter.
21 * TODO: this is an internal class, and only temporary. Remove it once we have \b notation in Transliterator.
22 */
23final class BreakTransliterator extends Transliterator {
24    private BreakIterator bi;
25    private String insertion;
26    private int[] boundaries = new int[50];
27    private int boundaryCount = 0;
29    public BreakTransliterator(String ID, UnicodeFilter filter, BreakIterator bi, String insertion) {
30        super(ID, filter);
31        this.bi = bi;
32        this.insertion = insertion;
33    }
35    public BreakTransliterator(String ID, UnicodeFilter filter) {
36        this(ID, filter, null, " ");
37    }
39    ///CLOVER:OFF
40    // The following method is not called by anything and can't be reached
41    public String getInsertion() {
42        return insertion;
43    }
44    ///CLOVER:ON
46    ///CLOVER:OFF
47    // The following method is not called by anything and can't be reached
48    public void setInsertion(String insertion) {
49        this.insertion = insertion;
50    }
51    ///CLOVER:ON
53    public BreakIterator getBreakIterator() {
54        // Defer initialization of BreakIterator because it is slow,
55        // typically over 2000 ms.
56        if (bi == null) bi = BreakIterator.getWordInstance(new ULocale("th_TH"));
57        return bi;
58    }
60    ///CLOVER:OFF
61    // The following method is not called by anything and can't be reached
62    public void setBreakIterator(BreakIterator bi) {
63        this.bi = bi;
64    }
65    ///CLOVER:ON
67    static final int LETTER_OR_MARK_MASK =
68          (1<<Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER)
69        | (1<<Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER)
70        | (1<<Character.TITLECASE_LETTER)
71        | (1<<Character.MODIFIER_LETTER)
72        | (1<<Character.OTHER_LETTER)
73        | (1<<Character.COMBINING_SPACING_MARK)
74        | (1<<Character.NON_SPACING_MARK)
75        | (1<<Character.ENCLOSING_MARK)
76        ;
77    @Override
78    protected synchronized void handleTransliterate(Replaceable text, Position pos, boolean incremental) {
79        boundaryCount = 0;
80        int boundary = 0;
81        getBreakIterator(); // Lazy-create it if necessary
82        bi.setText(new ReplaceableCharacterIterator(text, pos.start, pos.limit, pos.start));
83        // TODO: fix clumsy workaround used below.
84        /*
85        char[] tempBuffer = new char[text.length()];
86        text.getChars(0, text.length(), tempBuffer, 0);
87        bi.setText(new StringCharacterIterator(new String(tempBuffer), pos.start, pos.limit, pos.start));
88        */
89        // end debugging
91        // To make things much easier, we will stack the boundaries, and then insert at the end.
92        // generally, we won't need too many, since we will be filtered.
94        for(boundary = bi.first(); boundary != BreakIterator.DONE && boundary < pos.limit; boundary = bi.next()) {
95            if (boundary == 0) continue;
96            // HACK: Check to see that preceeding item was a letter
98            int cp = UTF16.charAt(text, boundary-1);
99            int type = UCharacter.getType(cp);
100            //System.out.println(Integer.toString(cp,16) + " (before): " + type);
101            if (((1<<type) & LETTER_OR_MARK_MASK) == 0) continue;
103            cp = UTF16.charAt(text, boundary);
104            type = UCharacter.getType(cp);
105            //System.out.println(Integer.toString(cp,16) + " (after): " + type);
106            if (((1<<type) & LETTER_OR_MARK_MASK) == 0) continue;
108            if (boundaryCount >= boundaries.length) {       // realloc if necessary
109                int[] temp = new int[boundaries.length * 2];
110                System.arraycopy(boundaries, 0, temp, 0, boundaries.length);
111                boundaries = temp;
112            }
114            boundaries[boundaryCount++] = boundary;
115            //System.out.println(boundary);
116        }
118        int delta = 0;
119        int lastBoundary = 0;
121        if (boundaryCount != 0) { // if we found something, adjust
122            delta = boundaryCount * insertion.length();
123            lastBoundary = boundaries[boundaryCount-1];
125            // we do this from the end backwards, so that we don't have to keep updating.
127            while (boundaryCount > 0) {
128                boundary = boundaries[--boundaryCount];
129                text.replace(boundary, boundary, insertion);
130            }
131        }
133        // Now fix up the return values
134        pos.contextLimit += delta;
135        pos.limit += delta;
136        pos.start = incremental ? lastBoundary + delta : pos.limit;
137    }
140    /**
141     * Registers standard variants with the system.  Called by
142     * Transliterator during initialization.
143     */
144    static void register() {
145        // false means that it is invisible
146        Transliterator trans = new BreakTransliterator("Any-BreakInternal", null);
147        Transliterator.registerInstance(trans, false);
148        /*
149        Transliterator.registerFactory("Any-Break", new Transliterator.Factory() {
150            public Transliterator getInstance(String ID) {
151                return new BreakTransliterator("Any-Break", null);
152            }
153        });
154        */
155    }
157    // Hack, just to get a real character iterator.
158    static final class ReplaceableCharacterIterator implements CharacterIterator
159    {
160        private Replaceable text;
161        private int begin;
162        private int end;
163        // invariant: begin <= pos <= end
164        private int pos;
166        /**
167        * Constructs an iterator with an initial index of 0.
168        */
169        /*public ReplaceableCharacterIterator(Replaceable text)
170        {
171            this(text, 0);
172        }*/
174        /**
175        * Constructs an iterator with the specified initial index.
176        *
177        * @param  text   The String to be iterated over
178        * @param  pos    Initial iterator position
179        */
180        /*public ReplaceableCharacterIterator(Replaceable text, int pos)
181        {
182            this(text, 0, text.length(), pos);
183        }*/
185        /**
186        * Constructs an iterator over the given range of the given string, with the
187        * index set at the specified position.
188        *
189        * @param  text   The String to be iterated over
190        * @param  begin  Index of the first character
191        * @param  end    Index of the character following the last character
192        * @param  pos    Initial iterator position
193        */
194        public ReplaceableCharacterIterator(Replaceable text, int begin, int end, int pos) {
195            if (text == null) {
196                throw new NullPointerException();
197            }
198            this.text = text;
200            if (begin < 0 || begin > end || end > text.length()) {
201                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid substring range");
202            }
204            if (pos < begin || pos > end) {
205                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid position");
206            }
208            this.begin = begin;
209            this.end = end;
210            this.pos = pos;
211        }
213        /**
214        * Reset this iterator to point to a new string.  This package-visible
215        * method is used by other java.text classes that want to avoid allocating
216        * new ReplaceableCharacterIterator objects every time their setText method
217        * is called.
218        *
219        * @param  text   The String to be iterated over
220        */
221        public void setText(Replaceable text) {
222            if (text == null) {
223                throw new NullPointerException();
224            }
225            this.text = text;
226            this.begin = 0;
227            this.end = text.length();
228            this.pos = 0;
229        }
231        /**
232        * Implements CharacterIterator.first() for String.
233        * @see CharacterIterator#first
234        */
235        @Override
236        public char first()
237        {
238            pos = begin;
239            return current();
240        }
242        /**
243        * Implements CharacterIterator.last() for String.
244        * @see CharacterIterator#last
245        */
246        @Override
247        public char last()
248        {
249            if (end != begin) {
250                pos = end - 1;
251            } else {
252                pos = end;
253            }
254            return current();
255        }
257        /**
258        * Implements CharacterIterator.setIndex() for String.
259        * @see CharacterIterator#setIndex
260        */
261        @Override
262        public char setIndex(int p)
263        {
264        if (p < begin || p > end) {
265                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid index");
266        }
267            pos = p;
268            return current();
269        }
271        /**
272        * Implements CharacterIterator.current() for String.
273        * @see CharacterIterator#current
274        */
275        @Override
276        public char current()
277        {
278            if (pos >= begin && pos < end) {
279                return text.charAt(pos);
280            }
281            else {
282                return DONE;
283            }
284        }
286        /**
287        * Implements CharacterIterator.next() for String.
288        * @see CharacterIterator#next
289        */
290        @Override
291        public char next()
292        {
293            if (pos < end - 1) {
294                pos++;
295                return text.charAt(pos);
296            }
297            else {
298                pos = end;
299                return DONE;
300            }
301        }
303        /**
304        * Implements CharacterIterator.previous() for String.
305        * @see CharacterIterator#previous
306        */
307        @Override
308        public char previous()
309        {
310            if (pos > begin) {
311                pos--;
312                return text.charAt(pos);
313            }
314            else {
315                return DONE;
316            }
317        }
319        /**
320        * Implements CharacterIterator.getBeginIndex() for String.
321        * @see CharacterIterator#getBeginIndex
322        */
323        @Override
324        public int getBeginIndex()
325        {
326            return begin;
327        }
329        /**
330        * Implements CharacterIterator.getEndIndex() for String.
331        * @see CharacterIterator#getEndIndex
332        */
333        @Override
334        public int getEndIndex()
335        {
336            return end;
337        }
339        /**
340        * Implements CharacterIterator.getIndex() for String.
341        * @see CharacterIterator#getIndex
342        */
343        @Override
344        public int getIndex()
345        {
346            return pos;
347        }
349        /**
350        * Compares the equality of two ReplaceableCharacterIterator objects.
351        * @param obj the ReplaceableCharacterIterator object to be compared with.
352        * @return true if the given obj is the same as this
353        * ReplaceableCharacterIterator object; false otherwise.
354        */
355        @Override
356        public boolean equals(Object obj)
357        {
358            if (this == obj) {
359                return true;
360            }
361            if (!(obj instanceof ReplaceableCharacterIterator)) {
362                return false;
363            }
365            ReplaceableCharacterIterator that = (ReplaceableCharacterIterator) obj;
367            if (hashCode() != that.hashCode()) {
368                return false;
369            }
370            if (!text.equals(that.text)) {
371                return false;
372            }
373            if (pos != that.pos || begin != that.begin || end != that.end) {
374                return false;
375            }
376            return true;
377        }
379        /**
380        * Computes a hashcode for this iterator.
381        * @return A hash code
382        */
383        @Override
384        public int hashCode()
385        {
386            return text.hashCode() ^ pos ^ begin ^ end;
387        }
389        /**
390        * Creates a copy of this iterator.
391        * @return A copy of this
392        */
393        @Override
394        public Object clone()
395        {
396            try {
397                ReplaceableCharacterIterator other
398                = (ReplaceableCharacterIterator) super.clone();
399                return other;
400            }
401            catch (CloneNotSupportedException e) {
402                throw new ICUCloneNotSupportedException();
403            }
404        }
406    }
407    /* (non-Javadoc)
408     * @see android.icu.text.Transliterator#addSourceTargetSet(android.icu.text.UnicodeSet, android.icu.text.UnicodeSet, android.icu.text.UnicodeSet)
409     */
410    @Override
411    public void addSourceTargetSet(UnicodeSet inputFilter, UnicodeSet sourceSet, UnicodeSet targetSet) {
412        UnicodeSet myFilter = getFilterAsUnicodeSet(inputFilter);
413        // Doesn't actually modify the source characters, so leave them alone.
414        // add the characters inserted
415        if (myFilter.size() != 0) {
416            targetSet.addAll(insertion);
417        }
418    }