2// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
3// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
5 *******************************************************************************
6 * Copyright (C) 2013, International Business Machines Corporation and         *
7 * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
8 *******************************************************************************
9 */
10package android.icu.samples.text.datetimepatterngenerator;
11// IGNORED_INCLUDE(getBestPatternExample)
12import java.util.Date;
14import android.icu.text.DateFormat;
15import android.icu.text.DateTimePatternGenerator;
16import android.icu.text.SimpleDateFormat;
17import android.icu.util.GregorianCalendar;
18import android.icu.util.TimeZone;
19import android.icu.util.ULocale;
20// IGNORED_INCLUDE(getBestPatternExample)
22 * android.icu.text.DateTimePatternGenerator Sample Code
23 */
24public class DateTimePatternGeneratorSample {
26    public static void main (String[] args) {
27        getBestPatternExample();
28        addPatternExample();
29        replaceFieldTypesExample();
30    }
32    public static void   getBestPatternExample() {
33        System.out.println("========================================================================");
34        System.out.println(" getBestPatternExample()");
35        System.out.println();
36        System.out.println(" Use DateTimePatternGenerator to create customized date/time pattern:");
37        System.out.println(" yQQQQ,yMMMM, MMMMd, hhmm, jjmm per locale");
38        System.out.println("========================================================================");
39     // BEGIN_INCLUDE(getBestPatternExample)
40        final String[] skeletons = {
41                "yQQQQ", // year + full name of quarter, i.e., 4th quarter 1999
42                "yMMMM", // year + full name of month, i.e., October 1999
43                "MMMMd", // full name of month + day of the month, i.e., October 25
44                "hhmm",  // 12-hour-cycle format, i.e., 1:32 PM
45                "jjmm"   // preferred hour format for the given locale, i.e., 24-hour-cycle format for fr_FR
46                };
47        final ULocale[] locales = {
48                new ULocale ("en_US"),
49                new ULocale ("fr_FR"),
50                new ULocale ("zh_CN"),
51                };
52        DateTimePatternGenerator dtfg = null;
53        Date date= new GregorianCalendar(1999,9,13,23,58,59).getTime();
54        System.out.printf("%-20s%-35s%-35s%-35s\n\n", "Skeleton", "en_US", "fr_FR","zh_CN");
55        for (String skeleton:skeletons) {
56             System.out.printf("%-20s", skeleton);
57            for (ULocale locale:locales) {
58                // create a DateTimePatternGenerator instance for given locale
59                dtfg = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(locale);
60                // use getBestPattern method to get the best pattern for the given skeleton
61                String pattern = dtfg.getBestPattern(skeleton);
62                // Constructs a SimpleDateFormat with the best pattern generated above and the given locale
63                SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern, locale);
64                // Get the format of the given date
65                System.out.printf("%-35s",sdf.format(date));
66            }
67            System.out.println("\n");
68        }
69        /** output of the sample code:
70         *************************************************************************************************************
71           Skeleton            en_US                              fr_FR                              zh_CN
73           yQQQQ               4th quarter 1999                   4e trimestre 1999                  1999年第四季度
75           yMMMM               October 1999                       octobre 1999                       1999年10月
77           MMMMd               October 13                         13 octobre                         10月13日
79           hhmm                11:58 PM                           11:58 PM                           下午11:58
81           jjmm                11:58 PM                           23:58                              下午11:58
83        **************************************************************************************************************/
84        // Use DateTime.getPatternInstance to produce the same Date/Time format with predefined constant field value
85        final String[] dtfskeleton = {
86                DateFormat.YEAR_QUARTER, // year + full name of quarter, i.e., 4th quarter 1999
87                DateFormat.YEAR_MONTH,   // year + full name of month, i.e., October 1999
88                DateFormat.MONTH_DAY     // full name of month + day of the month, i.e., October 25
89                };
90        System.out.printf("%-20s%-35s%-35s%-35s\n\n", "Skeleton", "en_US", "fr_FR","zh_CN");
91        for (String skeleton:dtfskeleton) {
92            System.out.printf("%-20s", skeleton);
93            for (ULocale locale:locales) {
94                // Use DateFormat.getPatternInstance to get the date/time format for the locale,
95                // and apply the format to the given date
96                String df=DateFormat.getPatternInstance(skeleton,locale).format(date);
97                System.out.printf("%-35s",df);
98            }
99            System.out.println("\n");
100        }
102        /** output of the sample code:
103         ************************************************************************************************************
104         Skeleton            en_US                              fr_FR                              zh_CN
106         yQQQQ               4th quarter 1999                   4e trimestre 1999                  1999年第四季度
108         yMMMM               October 1999                       octobre 1999                       1999年10月
110         MMMMd               October 13                         13 octobre                         10月13日
111         ************************************************************************************************************/
112// END_INCLUDE(getBestPatternExample)
115    public static void addPatternExample() {
116        System.out.println("========================================================================");
117        System.out.println(" addPatternExample()");
118        System.out.println();
119        System.out.println(" Use addPattern API to add new '. von' to existing pattern");
120        System.out.println("========================================================================");
121    // BEGIN_INCLUDE(addPatternExample)
122        Date date= new GregorianCalendar(1999,9,13,23,58,59).getTime();
123        ULocale locale = ULocale.FRANCE;
124        // Create an DateTimePatternGenerator instance for the given locale
125        DateTimePatternGenerator gen = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(locale);
126        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(gen.getBestPattern("MMMMddHmm"), locale);
127        DateTimePatternGenerator.PatternInfo returnInfo = new DateTimePatternGenerator.PatternInfo();
128        // Add '. von' to the existing pattern
129        gen.addPattern("dd'. von' MMMM", true, returnInfo);
130        // Apply the new pattern
131        format.applyPattern(gen.getBestPattern("MMMMddHmm"));
132        System.out.println("New Pattern for FRENCH: "+format.toPattern());
133        System.out.println("Date Time in new Pattern: "+format.format(date));
135        /** output of the sample code:
136        **************************************************************************************************
137         New Pattern for FRENCH: dd. 'von' MMMM HH:mm
138         Date Time in new Pattern: 13. von octobre 23:58
140        *************************************************************************************************/
141    // END_INCLUDE(addPatternExample)
144    public static void replaceFieldTypesExample() {
145        // Use repalceFieldTypes API to replace zone 'zzzz' with 'vvvv'
146        System.out.println("========================================================================");
147        System.out.println(" replaceFieldTypeExample()");
148        System.out.println();
149        System.out.println(" Use replaceFieldTypes API to replace zone 'zzzz' with 'vvvv");
150        System.out.println("========================================================================");
151    // BEGIN_INCLUDE(replaceFieldTypesExample)
152        Date date= new GregorianCalendar(1999,9,13,23,58,59).getTime();
153        TimeZone zone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("Europe/Paris");
154        ULocale locale = ULocale.FRANCE;
155        DateTimePatternGenerator gen = DateTimePatternGenerator.getInstance(locale);
156        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE d MMMM y HH:mm:ss zzzz",locale);
157        format.setTimeZone(zone);
158        String pattern = format.toPattern();
159        System.out.println("Pattern before replacement:");
160        System.out.println(pattern);
161        System.out.println("Date/Time format in fr_FR:");
162        System.out.println(format.format(date));
163        // Replace zone "zzzz" in the pattern with "vvvv"
164        String newPattern = gen.replaceFieldTypes(pattern, "vvvv");
165        // Apply the new pattern
166        format.applyPattern(newPattern);
167        System.out.println("Pattern after replacement:");
168        System.out.println(newPattern);
169        System.out.println("Date/Time format in fr_FR:");
170        System.out.println(format.format(date));
172        /** output of the sample code:
173        ***************************************************************************************************
174         Pattern before replacement:
175         EEEE d MMMM y HH:mm:ss zzzz
176         Date/Time format in fr_FR:
177         jeudi 14 octobre 1999 05:58:59 heure avancée d’Europe centrale
178         Pattern after replacement:
179         EEEE d MMMM y HH:mm:ss vvvv
180         Date/Time format in fr_FR:
181         jeudi 14 octobre 1999 05:58:59 heure de l’Europe centrale
183        **************************************************************************************************/
184 // END_INCLUDE(replaceFieldTypesExample)
185    }