1/* -*- Mode: C; c-file-style: "python" -*- */
3#include <Python.h>
4#include <locale.h>
6/* Case-insensitive string match used for nan and inf detection; t should be
7   lower-case.  Returns 1 for a successful match, 0 otherwise. */
9static int
10case_insensitive_match(const char *s, const char *t)
12    while(*t && Py_TOLOWER(*s) == *t) {
13        s++;
14        t++;
15    }
16    return *t ? 0 : 1;
19/* _Py_parse_inf_or_nan: Attempt to parse a string of the form "nan", "inf" or
20   "infinity", with an optional leading sign of "+" or "-".  On success,
21   return the NaN or Infinity as a double and set *endptr to point just beyond
22   the successfully parsed portion of the string.  On failure, return -1.0 and
23   set *endptr to point to the start of the string. */
26_Py_parse_inf_or_nan(const char *p, char **endptr)
28    double retval;
29    const char *s;
30    int negate = 0;
32    s = p;
33    if (*s == '-') {
34        negate = 1;
35        s++;
36    }
37    else if (*s == '+') {
38        s++;
39    }
40    if (case_insensitive_match(s, "inf")) {
41        s += 3;
42        if (case_insensitive_match(s, "inity"))
43            s += 5;
44        retval = negate ? -Py_HUGE_VAL : Py_HUGE_VAL;
45    }
46#ifdef Py_NAN
47    else if (case_insensitive_match(s, "nan")) {
48        s += 3;
49        retval = negate ? -Py_NAN : Py_NAN;
50    }
52    else {
53        s = p;
54        retval = -1.0;
55    }
56    *endptr = (char *)s;
57    return retval;
61 * PyOS_ascii_strtod:
62 * @nptr:    the string to convert to a numeric value.
63 * @endptr:  if non-%NULL, it returns the character after
64 *           the last character used in the conversion.
65 *
66 * Converts a string to a #gdouble value.
67 * This function behaves like the standard strtod() function
68 * does in the C locale. It does this without actually
69 * changing the current locale, since that would not be
70 * thread-safe.
71 *
72 * This function is typically used when reading configuration
73 * files or other non-user input that should be locale independent.
74 * To handle input from the user you should normally use the
75 * locale-sensitive system strtod() function.
76 *
77 * If the correct value would cause overflow, plus or minus %HUGE_VAL
78 * is returned (according to the sign of the value), and %ERANGE is
79 * stored in %errno. If the correct value would cause underflow,
80 * zero is returned and %ERANGE is stored in %errno.
81 * If memory allocation fails, %ENOMEM is stored in %errno.
82 *
83 * This function resets %errno before calling strtod() so that
84 * you can reliably detect overflow and underflow.
85 *
86 * Return value: the #gdouble value.
87 **/
92_PyOS_ascii_strtod(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
94    double result;
97    assert(nptr != NULL);
98    /* Set errno to zero, so that we can distinguish zero results
99       and underflows */
100    errno = 0;
103    result = _Py_dg_strtod(nptr, endptr);
106    if (*endptr == nptr)
107        /* string might represent an inf or nan */
108        result = _Py_parse_inf_or_nan(nptr, endptr);
110    return result;
117   Use system strtod;  since strtod is locale aware, we may
118   have to first fix the decimal separator.
120   Note that unlike _Py_dg_strtod, the system strtod may not always give
121   correctly rounded results.
125_PyOS_ascii_strtod(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
127    char *fail_pos;
128    double val = -1.0;
129    struct lconv *locale_data;
130    const char *decimal_point;
131    size_t decimal_point_len;
132    const char *p, *decimal_point_pos;
133    const char *end = NULL; /* Silence gcc */
134    const char *digits_pos = NULL;
135    int negate = 0;
137    assert(nptr != NULL);
139    fail_pos = NULL;
141    locale_data = localeconv();
142    decimal_point = locale_data->decimal_point;
143    decimal_point_len = strlen(decimal_point);
145    assert(decimal_point_len != 0);
147    decimal_point_pos = NULL;
149    /* Parse infinities and nans */
150    val = _Py_parse_inf_or_nan(nptr, endptr);
151    if (*endptr != nptr)
152        return val;
154    /* Set errno to zero, so that we can distinguish zero results
155       and underflows */
156    errno = 0;
158    /* We process the optional sign manually, then pass the remainder to
159       the system strtod.  This ensures that the result of an underflow
160       has the correct sign. (bug #1725)  */
161    p = nptr;
162    /* Process leading sign, if present */
163    if (*p == '-') {
164        negate = 1;
165        p++;
166    }
167    else if (*p == '+') {
168        p++;
169    }
171    /* Some platform strtods accept hex floats; Python shouldn't (at the
172       moment), so we check explicitly for strings starting with '0x'. */
173    if (*p == '0' && (*(p+1) == 'x' || *(p+1) == 'X'))
174        goto invalid_string;
176    /* Check that what's left begins with a digit or decimal point */
177    if (!Py_ISDIGIT(*p) && *p != '.')
178        goto invalid_string;
180    digits_pos = p;
181    if (decimal_point[0] != '.' ||
182        decimal_point[1] != 0)
183    {
184        /* Look for a '.' in the input; if present, it'll need to be
185           swapped for the current locale's decimal point before we
186           call strtod.  On the other hand, if we find the current
187           locale's decimal point then the input is invalid. */
188        while (Py_ISDIGIT(*p))
189            p++;
191        if (*p == '.')
192        {
193            decimal_point_pos = p++;
195            /* locate end of number */
196            while (Py_ISDIGIT(*p))
197                p++;
199            if (*p == 'e' || *p == 'E')
200                p++;
201            if (*p == '+' || *p == '-')
202                p++;
203            while (Py_ISDIGIT(*p))
204                p++;
205            end = p;
206        }
207        else if (strncmp(p, decimal_point, decimal_point_len) == 0)
208            /* Python bug #1417699 */
209            goto invalid_string;
210        /* For the other cases, we need not convert the decimal
211           point */
212    }
214    if (decimal_point_pos) {
215        char *copy, *c;
216        /* Create a copy of the input, with the '.' converted to the
217           locale-specific decimal point */
218        copy = (char *)PyMem_MALLOC(end - digits_pos +
219                                    1 + decimal_point_len);
220        if (copy == NULL) {
221            *endptr = (char *)nptr;
222            errno = ENOMEM;
223            return val;
224        }
226        c = copy;
227        memcpy(c, digits_pos, decimal_point_pos - digits_pos);
228        c += decimal_point_pos - digits_pos;
229        memcpy(c, decimal_point, decimal_point_len);
230        c += decimal_point_len;
231        memcpy(c, decimal_point_pos + 1,
232               end - (decimal_point_pos + 1));
233        c += end - (decimal_point_pos + 1);
234        *c = 0;
236        val = strtod(copy, &fail_pos);
238        if (fail_pos)
239        {
240            if (fail_pos > decimal_point_pos)
241                fail_pos = (char *)digits_pos +
242                    (fail_pos - copy) -
243                    (decimal_point_len - 1);
244            else
245                fail_pos = (char *)digits_pos +
246                    (fail_pos - copy);
247        }
249        PyMem_FREE(copy);
251    }
252    else {
253        val = strtod(digits_pos, &fail_pos);
254    }
256    if (fail_pos == digits_pos)
257        goto invalid_string;
259    if (negate && fail_pos != nptr)
260        val = -val;
261    *endptr = fail_pos;
263    return val;
265  invalid_string:
266    *endptr = (char*)nptr;
267    errno = EINVAL;
268    return -1.0;
273/* PyOS_ascii_strtod is DEPRECATED in Python 2.7 and 3.1 */
276PyOS_ascii_strtod(const char *nptr, char **endptr)
278    char *fail_pos;
279    const char *p;
280    double x;
282    if (PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_DeprecationWarning,
283                     "PyOS_ascii_strtod and PyOS_ascii_atof are "
284                     "deprecated.  Use PyOS_string_to_double "
285                     "instead.", 1) < 0)
286        return -1.0;
288    /* _PyOS_ascii_strtod already does everything that we want,
289       except that it doesn't parse leading whitespace */
290    p = nptr;
291    while (Py_ISSPACE(*p))
292        p++;
293    x = _PyOS_ascii_strtod(p, &fail_pos);
294    if (fail_pos == p)
295        fail_pos = (char *)nptr;
296    if (endptr)
297        *endptr = (char *)fail_pos;
298    return x;
301/* PyOS_ascii_strtod is DEPRECATED in Python 2.7 and 3.1 */
304PyOS_ascii_atof(const char *nptr)
306    return PyOS_ascii_strtod(nptr, NULL);
309/* PyOS_string_to_double is the recommended replacement for the deprecated
310   PyOS_ascii_strtod and PyOS_ascii_atof functions.  It converts a
311   null-terminated byte string s (interpreted as a string of ASCII characters)
312   to a float.  The string should not have leading or trailing whitespace (in
313   contrast, PyOS_ascii_strtod allows leading whitespace but not trailing
314   whitespace).  The conversion is independent of the current locale.
316   If endptr is NULL, try to convert the whole string.  Raise ValueError and
317   return -1.0 if the string is not a valid representation of a floating-point
318   number.
320   If endptr is non-NULL, try to convert as much of the string as possible.
321   If no initial segment of the string is the valid representation of a
322   floating-point number then *endptr is set to point to the beginning of the
323   string, -1.0 is returned and again ValueError is raised.
325   On overflow (e.g., when trying to convert '1e500' on an IEEE 754 machine),
326   if overflow_exception is NULL then +-Py_HUGE_VAL is returned, and no Python
327   exception is raised.  Otherwise, overflow_exception should point to
328   a Python exception, this exception will be raised, -1.0 will be returned,
329   and *endptr will point just past the end of the converted value.
331   If any other failure occurs (for example lack of memory), -1.0 is returned
332   and the appropriate Python exception will have been set.
336PyOS_string_to_double(const char *s,
337                      char **endptr,
338                      PyObject *overflow_exception)
340    double x, result=-1.0;
341    char *fail_pos;
343    errno = 0;
344    PyFPE_START_PROTECT("PyOS_string_to_double", return -1.0)
345    x = _PyOS_ascii_strtod(s, &fail_pos);
348    if (errno == ENOMEM) {
349        PyErr_NoMemory();
350        fail_pos = (char *)s;
351    }
352    else if (!endptr && (fail_pos == s || *fail_pos != '\0'))
353        PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
354                      "could not convert string to float: "
355                      "%.200s", s);
356    else if (fail_pos == s)
357        PyErr_Format(PyExc_ValueError,
358                      "could not convert string to float: "
359                      "%.200s", s);
360    else if (errno == ERANGE && fabs(x) >= 1.0 && overflow_exception)
361        PyErr_Format(overflow_exception,
362                      "value too large to convert to float: "
363                      "%.200s", s);
364    else
365        result = x;
367    if (endptr != NULL)
368        *endptr = fail_pos;
369    return result;
372/* Given a string that may have a decimal point in the current
373   locale, change it back to a dot.  Since the string cannot get
374   longer, no need for a maximum buffer size parameter. */
376change_decimal_from_locale_to_dot(char* buffer)
378    struct lconv *locale_data = localeconv();
379    const char *decimal_point = locale_data->decimal_point;
381    if (decimal_point[0] != '.' || decimal_point[1] != 0) {
382        size_t decimal_point_len = strlen(decimal_point);
384        if (*buffer == '+' || *buffer == '-')
385            buffer++;
386        while (Py_ISDIGIT(*buffer))
387            buffer++;
388        if (strncmp(buffer, decimal_point, decimal_point_len) == 0) {
389            *buffer = '.';
390            buffer++;
391            if (decimal_point_len > 1) {
392                /* buffer needs to get smaller */
393                size_t rest_len = strlen(buffer +
394                                     (decimal_point_len - 1));
395                memmove(buffer,
396                    buffer + (decimal_point_len - 1),
397                    rest_len);
398                buffer[rest_len] = 0;
399            }
400        }
401    }
405/* From the C99 standard, section 7.19.6:
406The exponent always contains at least two digits, and only as many more digits
407as necessary to represent the exponent.
411/* Ensure that any exponent, if present, is at least MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS
412   in length. */
414ensure_minimum_exponent_length(char* buffer, size_t buf_size)
416    char *p = strpbrk(buffer, "eE");
417    if (p && (*(p + 1) == '-' || *(p + 1) == '+')) {
418        char *start = p + 2;
419        int exponent_digit_cnt = 0;
420        int leading_zero_cnt = 0;
421        int in_leading_zeros = 1;
422        int significant_digit_cnt;
424        /* Skip over the exponent and the sign. */
425        p += 2;
427        /* Find the end of the exponent, keeping track of leading
428           zeros. */
429        while (*p && Py_ISDIGIT(*p)) {
430            if (in_leading_zeros && *p == '0')
431                ++leading_zero_cnt;
432            if (*p != '0')
433                in_leading_zeros = 0;
434            ++p;
435            ++exponent_digit_cnt;
436        }
438        significant_digit_cnt = exponent_digit_cnt - leading_zero_cnt;
439        if (exponent_digit_cnt == MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS) {
440            /* If there are 2 exactly digits, we're done,
441               regardless of what they contain */
442        }
443        else if (exponent_digit_cnt > MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS) {
444            int extra_zeros_cnt;
446            /* There are more than 2 digits in the exponent.  See
447               if we can delete some of the leading zeros */
448            if (significant_digit_cnt < MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS)
449                significant_digit_cnt = MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS;
450            extra_zeros_cnt = exponent_digit_cnt -
451                significant_digit_cnt;
453            /* Delete extra_zeros_cnt worth of characters from the
454               front of the exponent */
455            assert(extra_zeros_cnt >= 0);
457            /* Add one to significant_digit_cnt to copy the
458               trailing 0 byte, thus setting the length */
459            memmove(start,
460                start + extra_zeros_cnt,
461                significant_digit_cnt + 1);
462        }
463        else {
464            /* If there are fewer than 2 digits, add zeros
465               until there are 2, if there's enough room */
466            int zeros = MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS - exponent_digit_cnt;
467            if (start + zeros + exponent_digit_cnt + 1
468                  < buffer + buf_size) {
469                memmove(start + zeros, start,
470                    exponent_digit_cnt + 1);
471                memset(start, '0', zeros);
472            }
473        }
474    }
477/* Remove trailing zeros after the decimal point from a numeric string; also
478   remove the decimal point if all digits following it are zero.  The numeric
479   string must end in '\0', and should not have any leading or trailing
480   whitespace.  Assumes that the decimal point is '.'. */
482remove_trailing_zeros(char *buffer)
484    char *old_fraction_end, *new_fraction_end, *end, *p;
486    p = buffer;
487    if (*p == '-' || *p == '+')
488        /* Skip leading sign, if present */
489        ++p;
490    while (Py_ISDIGIT(*p))
491        ++p;
493    /* if there's no decimal point there's nothing to do */
494    if (*p++ != '.')
495        return;
497    /* scan any digits after the point */
498    while (Py_ISDIGIT(*p))
499        ++p;
500    old_fraction_end = p;
502    /* scan up to ending '\0' */
503    while (*p != '\0')
504        p++;
505    /* +1 to make sure that we move the null byte as well */
506    end = p+1;
508    /* scan back from fraction_end, looking for removable zeros */
509    p = old_fraction_end;
510    while (*(p-1) == '0')
511        --p;
512    /* and remove point if we've got that far */
513    if (*(p-1) == '.')
514        --p;
515    new_fraction_end = p;
517    memmove(new_fraction_end, old_fraction_end, end-old_fraction_end);
520/* Ensure that buffer has a decimal point in it.  The decimal point will not
521   be in the current locale, it will always be '.'. Don't add a decimal point
522   if an exponent is present.  Also, convert to exponential notation where
523   adding a '.0' would produce too many significant digits (see issue 5864).
525   Returns a pointer to the fixed buffer, or NULL on failure.
527Py_LOCAL_INLINE(char *)
528ensure_decimal_point(char* buffer, size_t buf_size, int precision)
530    int digit_count, insert_count = 0, convert_to_exp = 0;
531    char *chars_to_insert, *digits_start;
533    /* search for the first non-digit character */
534    char *p = buffer;
535    if (*p == '-' || *p == '+')
536        /* Skip leading sign, if present.  I think this could only
537           ever be '-', but it can't hurt to check for both. */
538        ++p;
539    digits_start = p;
540    while (*p && Py_ISDIGIT(*p))
541        ++p;
542    digit_count = Py_SAFE_DOWNCAST(p - digits_start, Py_ssize_t, int);
544    if (*p == '.') {
545        if (Py_ISDIGIT(*(p+1))) {
546            /* Nothing to do, we already have a decimal
547               point and a digit after it */
548        }
549        else {
550            /* We have a decimal point, but no following
551               digit.  Insert a zero after the decimal. */
552            /* can't ever get here via PyOS_double_to_string */
553            assert(precision == -1);
554            ++p;
555            chars_to_insert = "0";
556            insert_count = 1;
557        }
558    }
559    else if (!(*p == 'e' || *p == 'E')) {
560        /* Don't add ".0" if we have an exponent. */
561        if (digit_count == precision) {
562            /* issue 5864: don't add a trailing .0 in the case
563               where the '%g'-formatted result already has as many
564               significant digits as were requested.  Switch to
565               exponential notation instead. */
566            convert_to_exp = 1;
567            /* no exponent, no point, and we shouldn't land here
568               for infs and nans, so we must be at the end of the
569               string. */
570            assert(*p == '\0');
571        }
572        else {
573            assert(precision == -1 || digit_count < precision);
574            chars_to_insert = ".0";
575            insert_count = 2;
576        }
577    }
578    if (insert_count) {
579        size_t buf_len = strlen(buffer);
580        if (buf_len + insert_count + 1 >= buf_size) {
581            /* If there is not enough room in the buffer
582               for the additional text, just skip it.  It's
583               not worth generating an error over. */
584        }
585        else {
586            memmove(p + insert_count, p,
587                buffer + strlen(buffer) - p + 1);
588            memcpy(p, chars_to_insert, insert_count);
589        }
590    }
591    if (convert_to_exp) {
592        int written;
593        size_t buf_avail;
594        p = digits_start;
595        /* insert decimal point */
596        assert(digit_count >= 1);
597        memmove(p+2, p+1, digit_count); /* safe, but overwrites nul */
598        p[1] = '.';
599        p += digit_count+1;
600        assert(p <= buf_size+buffer);
601        buf_avail = buf_size+buffer-p;
602        if (buf_avail == 0)
603            return NULL;
604        /* Add exponent.  It's okay to use lower case 'e': we only
605           arrive here as a result of using the empty format code or
606           repr/str builtins and those never want an upper case 'E' */
607        written = PyOS_snprintf(p, buf_avail, "e%+.02d", digit_count-1);
608        if (!(0 <= written &&
609              written < Py_SAFE_DOWNCAST(buf_avail, size_t, int)))
610            /* output truncated, or something else bad happened */
611            return NULL;
612        remove_trailing_zeros(buffer);
613    }
614    return buffer;
617/* see FORMATBUFLEN in unicodeobject.c */
621 * PyOS_ascii_formatd:
622 * @buffer: A buffer to place the resulting string in
623 * @buf_size: The length of the buffer.
624 * @format: The printf()-style format to use for the
625 *          code to use for converting.
626 * @d: The #gdouble to convert
627 *
628 * Converts a #gdouble to a string, using the '.' as
629 * decimal point. To format the number you pass in
630 * a printf()-style format string. Allowed conversion
631 * specifiers are 'e', 'E', 'f', 'F', 'g', 'G', and 'Z'.
632 *
633 * 'Z' is the same as 'g', except it always has a decimal and
634 *     at least one digit after the decimal.
635 *
636 * Return value: The pointer to the buffer with the converted string.
637 * On failure returns NULL but does not set any Python exception.
638 **/
639char *
640_PyOS_ascii_formatd(char       *buffer,
641                   size_t      buf_size,
642                   const char *format,
643                   double      d,
644                   int         precision)
646    char format_char;
647    size_t format_len = strlen(format);
649    /* Issue 2264: code 'Z' requires copying the format.  'Z' is 'g', but
650       also with at least one character past the decimal. */
651    char tmp_format[FLOAT_FORMATBUFLEN];
653    /* The last character in the format string must be the format char */
654    format_char = format[format_len - 1];
656    if (format[0] != '%')
657        return NULL;
659    /* I'm not sure why this test is here.  It's ensuring that the format
660       string after the first character doesn't have a single quote, a
661       lowercase l, or a percent. This is the reverse of the commented-out
662       test about 10 lines ago. */
663    if (strpbrk(format + 1, "'l%"))
664        return NULL;
666    /* Also curious about this function is that it accepts format strings
667       like "%xg", which are invalid for floats.  In general, the
668       interface to this function is not very good, but changing it is
669       difficult because it's a public API. */
671    if (!(format_char == 'e' || format_char == 'E' ||
672          format_char == 'f' || format_char == 'F' ||
673          format_char == 'g' || format_char == 'G' ||
674          format_char == 'Z'))
675        return NULL;
677    /* Map 'Z' format_char to 'g', by copying the format string and
678       replacing the final char with a 'g' */
679    if (format_char == 'Z') {
680        if (format_len + 1 >= sizeof(tmp_format)) {
681            /* The format won't fit in our copy.  Error out.  In
682               practice, this will never happen and will be
683               detected by returning NULL */
684            return NULL;
685        }
686        strcpy(tmp_format, format);
687        tmp_format[format_len - 1] = 'g';
688        format = tmp_format;
689    }
692    /* Have PyOS_snprintf do the hard work */
693    PyOS_snprintf(buffer, buf_size, format, d);
695    /* Do various fixups on the return string */
697    /* Get the current locale, and find the decimal point string.
698       Convert that string back to a dot. */
699    change_decimal_from_locale_to_dot(buffer);
701    /* If an exponent exists, ensure that the exponent is at least
702       MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS digits, providing the buffer is large enough
703       for the extra zeros.  Also, if there are more than
704       MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS, remove as many zeros as possible until we get
705       back to MIN_EXPONENT_DIGITS */
706    ensure_minimum_exponent_length(buffer, buf_size);
708    /* If format_char is 'Z', make sure we have at least one character
709       after the decimal point (and make sure we have a decimal point);
710       also switch to exponential notation in some edge cases where the
711       extra character would produce more significant digits that we
712       really want. */
713    if (format_char == 'Z')
714        buffer = ensure_decimal_point(buffer, buf_size, precision);
716    return buffer;
719char *
720PyOS_ascii_formatd(char       *buffer,
721                   size_t      buf_size,
722                   const char *format,
723                   double      d)
725    if (PyErr_WarnEx(PyExc_DeprecationWarning,
726                     "PyOS_ascii_formatd is deprecated, "
727                     "use PyOS_double_to_string instead", 1) < 0)
728        return NULL;
730    return _PyOS_ascii_formatd(buffer, buf_size, format, d, -1);
735/* The fallback code to use if _Py_dg_dtoa is not available. */
737PyAPI_FUNC(char *) PyOS_double_to_string(double val,
738                                         char format_code,
739                                         int precision,
740                                         int flags,
741                                         int *type)
743    char format[32];
744    Py_ssize_t bufsize;
745    char *buf;
746    int t, exp;
747    int upper = 0;
749    /* Validate format_code, and map upper and lower case */
750    switch (format_code) {
751    case 'e':          /* exponent */
752    case 'f':          /* fixed */
753    case 'g':          /* general */
754        break;
755    case 'E':
756        upper = 1;
757        format_code = 'e';
758        break;
759    case 'F':
760        upper = 1;
761        format_code = 'f';
762        break;
763    case 'G':
764        upper = 1;
765        format_code = 'g';
766        break;
767    case 'r':          /* repr format */
768        /* Supplied precision is unused, must be 0. */
769        if (precision != 0) {
770            PyErr_BadInternalCall();
771            return NULL;
772        }
773        /* The repr() precision (17 significant decimal digits) is the
774           minimal number that is guaranteed to have enough precision
775           so that if the number is read back in the exact same binary
776           value is recreated.  This is true for IEEE floating point
777           by design, and also happens to work for all other modern
778           hardware. */
779        precision = 17;
780        format_code = 'g';
781        break;
782    default:
783        PyErr_BadInternalCall();
784        return NULL;
785    }
787    /* Here's a quick-and-dirty calculation to figure out how big a buffer
788       we need.  In general, for a finite float we need:
790         1 byte for each digit of the decimal significand, and
792         1 for a possible sign
793         1 for a possible decimal point
794         2 for a possible [eE][+-]
795         1 for each digit of the exponent;  if we allow 19 digits
796           total then we're safe up to exponents of 2**63.
797         1 for the trailing nul byte
799       This gives a total of 24 + the number of digits in the significand,
800       and the number of digits in the significand is:
802         for 'g' format: at most precision, except possibly
803           when precision == 0, when it's 1.
804         for 'e' format: precision+1
805         for 'f' format: precision digits after the point, at least 1
806           before.  To figure out how many digits appear before the point
807           we have to examine the size of the number.  If fabs(val) < 1.0
808           then there will be only one digit before the point.  If
809           fabs(val) >= 1.0, then there are at most
811         1+floor(log10(ceiling(fabs(val))))
813           digits before the point (where the 'ceiling' allows for the
814           possibility that the rounding rounds the integer part of val
815           up).  A safe upper bound for the above quantity is
816           1+floor(exp/3), where exp is the unique integer such that 0.5
817           <= fabs(val)/2**exp < 1.0.  This exp can be obtained from
818           frexp.
820       So we allow room for precision+1 digits for all formats, plus an
821       extra floor(exp/3) digits for 'f' format.
823    */
825    if (Py_IS_NAN(val) || Py_IS_INFINITY(val))
826        /* 3 for 'inf'/'nan', 1 for sign, 1 for '\0' */
827        bufsize = 5;
828    else {
829        bufsize = 25 + precision;
830        if (format_code == 'f' && fabs(val) >= 1.0) {
831            frexp(val, &exp);
832            bufsize += exp/3;
833        }
834    }
836    buf = PyMem_Malloc(bufsize);
837    if (buf == NULL) {
838        PyErr_NoMemory();
839        return NULL;
840    }
842    /* Handle nan and inf. */
843    if (Py_IS_NAN(val)) {
844        strcpy(buf, "nan");
845        t = Py_DTST_NAN;
846    } else if (Py_IS_INFINITY(val)) {
847        if (copysign(1., val) == 1.)
848            strcpy(buf, "inf");
849        else
850            strcpy(buf, "-inf");
851        t = Py_DTST_INFINITE;
852    } else {
853        t = Py_DTST_FINITE;
854        if (flags & Py_DTSF_ADD_DOT_0)
855            format_code = 'Z';
857        PyOS_snprintf(format, sizeof(format), "%%%s.%i%c",
858                      (flags & Py_DTSF_ALT ? "#" : ""), precision,
859                      format_code);
860        _PyOS_ascii_formatd(buf, bufsize, format, val, precision);
861    }
863    /* Add sign when requested.  It's convenient (esp. when formatting
864     complex numbers) to include a sign even for inf and nan. */
865    if (flags & Py_DTSF_SIGN && buf[0] != '-') {
866        size_t len = strlen(buf);
867        /* the bufsize calculations above should ensure that we've got
868           space to add a sign */
869        assert((size_t)bufsize >= len+2);
870        memmove(buf+1, buf, len+1);
871        buf[0] = '+';
872    }
873    if (upper) {
874        /* Convert to upper case. */
875        char *p1;
876        for (p1 = buf; *p1; p1++)
877            *p1 = Py_TOUPPER(*p1);
878    }
880    if (type)
881        *type = t;
882    return buf;
887/* _Py_dg_dtoa is available. */
889/* I'm using a lookup table here so that I don't have to invent a non-locale
890   specific way to convert to uppercase */
891#define OFS_INF 0
892#define OFS_NAN 1
893#define OFS_E 2
895/* The lengths of these are known to the code below, so don't change them */
896static char *lc_float_strings[] = {
897    "inf",
898    "nan",
899    "e",
901static char *uc_float_strings[] = {
902    "INF",
903    "NAN",
904    "E",
908/* Convert a double d to a string, and return a PyMem_Malloc'd block of
909   memory contain the resulting string.
911   Arguments:
912     d is the double to be converted
913     format_code is one of 'e', 'f', 'g', 'r'.  'e', 'f' and 'g'
914       correspond to '%e', '%f' and '%g';  'r' corresponds to repr.
915     mode is one of '0', '2' or '3', and is completely determined by
916       format_code: 'e' and 'g' use mode 2; 'f' mode 3, 'r' mode 0.
917     precision is the desired precision
918     always_add_sign is nonzero if a '+' sign should be included for positive
919       numbers
920     add_dot_0_if_integer is nonzero if integers in non-exponential form
921       should have ".0" added.  Only applies to format codes 'r' and 'g'.
922     use_alt_formatting is nonzero if alternative formatting should be
923       used.  Only applies to format codes 'e', 'f' and 'g'.  For code 'g',
924       at most one of use_alt_formatting and add_dot_0_if_integer should
925       be nonzero.
926     type, if non-NULL, will be set to one of these constants to identify
927       the type of the 'd' argument:
928     Py_DTST_FINITE
930     Py_DTST_NAN
932   Returns a PyMem_Malloc'd block of memory containing the resulting string,
933    or NULL on error. If NULL is returned, the Python error has been set.
934 */
936static char *
937format_float_short(double d, char format_code,
938                   int mode, Py_ssize_t precision,
939                   int always_add_sign, int add_dot_0_if_integer,
940                   int use_alt_formatting, char **float_strings, int *type)
942    char *buf = NULL;
943    char *p = NULL;
944    Py_ssize_t bufsize = 0;
945    char *digits, *digits_end;
946    int decpt_as_int, sign, exp_len, exp = 0, use_exp = 0;
947    Py_ssize_t decpt, digits_len, vdigits_start, vdigits_end;
950    /* _Py_dg_dtoa returns a digit string (no decimal point or exponent).
951       Must be matched by a call to _Py_dg_freedtoa. */
953    digits = _Py_dg_dtoa(d, mode, precision, &decpt_as_int, &sign,
954                         &digits_end);
957    decpt = (Py_ssize_t)decpt_as_int;
958    if (digits == NULL) {
959        /* The only failure mode is no memory. */
960        PyErr_NoMemory();
961        goto exit;
962    }
963    assert(digits_end != NULL && digits_end >= digits);
964    digits_len = digits_end - digits;
966    if (digits_len && !Py_ISDIGIT(digits[0])) {
967        /* Infinities and nans here; adapt Gay's output,
968           so convert Infinity to inf and NaN to nan, and
969           ignore sign of nan. Then return. */
971        /* ignore the actual sign of a nan */
972        if (digits[0] == 'n' || digits[0] == 'N')
973            sign = 0;
975        /* We only need 5 bytes to hold the result "+inf\0" . */
976        bufsize = 5; /* Used later in an assert. */
977        buf = (char *)PyMem_Malloc(bufsize);
978        if (buf == NULL) {
979            PyErr_NoMemory();
980            goto exit;
981        }
982        p = buf;
984        if (sign == 1) {
985            *p++ = '-';
986        }
987        else if (always_add_sign) {
988            *p++ = '+';
989        }
990        if (digits[0] == 'i' || digits[0] == 'I') {
991            strncpy(p, float_strings[OFS_INF], 3);
992            p += 3;
994            if (type)
995                *type = Py_DTST_INFINITE;
996        }
997        else if (digits[0] == 'n' || digits[0] == 'N') {
998            strncpy(p, float_strings[OFS_NAN], 3);
999            p += 3;
1001            if (type)
1002                *type = Py_DTST_NAN;
1003        }
1004        else {
1005            /* shouldn't get here: Gay's code should always return
1006               something starting with a digit, an 'I',  or 'N' */
1007            strncpy(p, "ERR", 3);
1008            p += 3;
1009            assert(0);
1010        }
1011        goto exit;
1012    }
1014    /* The result must be finite (not inf or nan). */
1015    if (type)
1016        *type = Py_DTST_FINITE;
1019    /* We got digits back, format them.  We may need to pad 'digits'
1020       either on the left or right (or both) with extra zeros, so in
1021       general the resulting string has the form
1023         [<sign>]<zeros><digits><zeros>[<exponent>]
1025       where either of the <zeros> pieces could be empty, and there's a
1026       decimal point that could appear either in <digits> or in the
1027       leading or trailing <zeros>.
1029       Imagine an infinite 'virtual' string vdigits, consisting of the
1030       string 'digits' (starting at index 0) padded on both the left and
1031       right with infinite strings of zeros.  We want to output a slice
1033         vdigits[vdigits_start : vdigits_end]
1035       of this virtual string.  Thus if vdigits_start < 0 then we'll end
1036       up producing some leading zeros; if vdigits_end > digits_len there
1037       will be trailing zeros in the output.  The next section of code
1038       determines whether to use an exponent or not, figures out the
1039       position 'decpt' of the decimal point, and computes 'vdigits_start'
1040       and 'vdigits_end'. */
1041    vdigits_end = digits_len;
1042    switch (format_code) {
1043    case 'e':
1044        use_exp = 1;
1045        vdigits_end = precision;
1046        break;
1047    case 'f':
1048        vdigits_end = decpt + precision;
1049        break;
1050    case 'g':
1051        if (decpt <= -4 || decpt >
1052            (add_dot_0_if_integer ? precision-1 : precision))
1053            use_exp = 1;
1054        if (use_alt_formatting)
1055            vdigits_end = precision;
1056        break;
1057    case 'r':
1058        /* convert to exponential format at 1e16.  We used to convert
1059           at 1e17, but that gives odd-looking results for some values
1060           when a 16-digit 'shortest' repr is padded with bogus zeros.
1061           For example, repr(2e16+8) would give 20000000000000010.0;
1062           the true value is 20000000000000008.0. */
1063        if (decpt <= -4 || decpt > 16)
1064            use_exp = 1;
1065        break;
1066    default:
1067        PyErr_BadInternalCall();
1068        goto exit;
1069    }
1071    /* if using an exponent, reset decimal point position to 1 and adjust
1072       exponent accordingly.*/
1073    if (use_exp) {
1074        exp = decpt - 1;
1075        decpt = 1;
1076    }
1077    /* ensure vdigits_start < decpt <= vdigits_end, or vdigits_start <
1078       decpt < vdigits_end if add_dot_0_if_integer and no exponent */
1079    vdigits_start = decpt <= 0 ? decpt-1 : 0;
1080    if (!use_exp && add_dot_0_if_integer)
1081        vdigits_end = vdigits_end > decpt ? vdigits_end : decpt + 1;
1082    else
1083        vdigits_end = vdigits_end > decpt ? vdigits_end : decpt;
1085    /* double check inequalities */
1086    assert(vdigits_start <= 0 &&
1087           0 <= digits_len &&
1088           digits_len <= vdigits_end);
1089    /* decimal point should be in (vdigits_start, vdigits_end] */
1090    assert(vdigits_start < decpt && decpt <= vdigits_end);
1092    /* Compute an upper bound how much memory we need. This might be a few
1093       chars too long, but no big deal. */
1094    bufsize =
1095        /* sign, decimal point and trailing 0 byte */
1096        3 +
1098        /* total digit count (including zero padding on both sides) */
1099        (vdigits_end - vdigits_start) +
1101        /* exponent "e+100", max 3 numerical digits */
1102        (use_exp ? 5 : 0);
1104    /* Now allocate the memory and initialize p to point to the start of
1105       it. */
1106    buf = (char *)PyMem_Malloc(bufsize);
1107    if (buf == NULL) {
1108        PyErr_NoMemory();
1109        goto exit;
1110    }
1111    p = buf;
1113    /* Add a negative sign if negative, and a plus sign if non-negative
1114       and always_add_sign is true. */
1115    if (sign == 1)
1116        *p++ = '-';
1117    else if (always_add_sign)
1118        *p++ = '+';
1120    /* note that exactly one of the three 'if' conditions is true,
1121       so we include exactly one decimal point */
1122    /* Zero padding on left of digit string */
1123    if (decpt <= 0) {
1124        memset(p, '0', decpt-vdigits_start);
1125        p += decpt - vdigits_start;
1126        *p++ = '.';
1127        memset(p, '0', 0-decpt);
1128        p += 0-decpt;
1129    }
1130    else {
1131        memset(p, '0', 0-vdigits_start);
1132        p += 0 - vdigits_start;
1133    }
1135    /* Digits, with included decimal point */
1136    if (0 < decpt && decpt <= digits_len) {
1137        strncpy(p, digits, decpt-0);
1138        p += decpt-0;
1139        *p++ = '.';
1140        strncpy(p, digits+decpt, digits_len-decpt);
1141        p += digits_len-decpt;
1142    }
1143    else {
1144        strncpy(p, digits, digits_len);
1145        p += digits_len;
1146    }
1148    /* And zeros on the right */
1149    if (digits_len < decpt) {
1150        memset(p, '0', decpt-digits_len);
1151        p += decpt-digits_len;
1152        *p++ = '.';
1153        memset(p, '0', vdigits_end-decpt);
1154        p += vdigits_end-decpt;
1155    }
1156    else {
1157        memset(p, '0', vdigits_end-digits_len);
1158        p += vdigits_end-digits_len;
1159    }
1161    /* Delete a trailing decimal pt unless using alternative formatting. */
1162    if (p[-1] == '.' && !use_alt_formatting)
1163        p--;
1165    /* Now that we've done zero padding, add an exponent if needed. */
1166    if (use_exp) {
1167        *p++ = float_strings[OFS_E][0];
1168        exp_len = sprintf(p, "%+.02d", exp);
1169        p += exp_len;
1170    }
1171  exit:
1172    if (buf) {
1173        *p = '\0';
1174        /* It's too late if this fails, as we've already stepped on
1175           memory that isn't ours. But it's an okay debugging test. */
1176        assert(p-buf < bufsize);
1177    }
1178    if (digits)
1179        _Py_dg_freedtoa(digits);
1181    return buf;
1185PyAPI_FUNC(char *) PyOS_double_to_string(double val,
1186                                         char format_code,
1187                                         int precision,
1188                                         int flags,
1189                                         int *type)
1191    char **float_strings = lc_float_strings;
1192    int mode;
1194    /* Validate format_code, and map upper and lower case. Compute the
1195       mode and make any adjustments as needed. */
1196    switch (format_code) {
1197    /* exponent */
1198    case 'E':
1199        float_strings = uc_float_strings;
1200        format_code = 'e';
1201        /* Fall through. */
1202    case 'e':
1203        mode = 2;
1204        precision++;
1205        break;
1207    /* fixed */
1208    case 'F':
1209        float_strings = uc_float_strings;
1210        format_code = 'f';
1211        /* Fall through. */
1212    case 'f':
1213        mode = 3;
1214        break;
1216    /* general */
1217    case 'G':
1218        float_strings = uc_float_strings;
1219        format_code = 'g';
1220        /* Fall through. */
1221    case 'g':
1222        mode = 2;
1223        /* precision 0 makes no sense for 'g' format; interpret as 1 */
1224        if (precision == 0)
1225            precision = 1;
1226        break;
1228    /* repr format */
1229    case 'r':
1230        mode = 0;
1231        /* Supplied precision is unused, must be 0. */
1232        if (precision != 0) {
1233            PyErr_BadInternalCall();
1234            return NULL;
1235        }
1236        break;
1238    default:
1239        PyErr_BadInternalCall();
1240        return NULL;
1241    }
1243    return format_float_short(val, format_code, mode, precision,
1244                              flags & Py_DTSF_SIGN,
1245                              flags & Py_DTSF_ADD_DOT_0,
1246                              flags & Py_DTSF_ALT,
1247                              float_strings, type);
1249#endif /* ifdef PY_NO_SHORT_FLOAT_REPR */