2 * Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.support.design.widget;
19import android.animation.Animator;
20import android.animation.AnimatorSet;
21import android.animation.ObjectAnimator;
22import android.animation.StateListAnimator;
23import android.content.res.ColorStateList;
24import android.graphics.PorterDuff;
25import android.graphics.Rect;
26import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
27import android.graphics.drawable.GradientDrawable;
28import android.graphics.drawable.InsetDrawable;
29import android.graphics.drawable.LayerDrawable;
30import android.graphics.drawable.RippleDrawable;
31import android.os.Build;
32import android.support.annotation.RequiresApi;
33import android.support.v4.graphics.drawable.DrawableCompat;
34import android.view.View;
36import java.util.ArrayList;
37import java.util.List;
40class FloatingActionButtonLollipop extends FloatingActionButtonImpl {
42    private InsetDrawable mInsetDrawable;
44    FloatingActionButtonLollipop(VisibilityAwareImageButton view,
45            ShadowViewDelegate shadowViewDelegate) {
46        super(view, shadowViewDelegate);
47    }
49    @Override
50    void setBackgroundDrawable(ColorStateList backgroundTint,
51            PorterDuff.Mode backgroundTintMode, int rippleColor, int borderWidth) {
52        // Now we need to tint the shape background with the tint
53        mShapeDrawable = DrawableCompat.wrap(createShapeDrawable());
54        DrawableCompat.setTintList(mShapeDrawable, backgroundTint);
55        if (backgroundTintMode != null) {
56            DrawableCompat.setTintMode(mShapeDrawable, backgroundTintMode);
57        }
59        final Drawable rippleContent;
60        if (borderWidth > 0) {
61            mBorderDrawable = createBorderDrawable(borderWidth, backgroundTint);
62            rippleContent = new LayerDrawable(new Drawable[]{mBorderDrawable, mShapeDrawable});
63        } else {
64            mBorderDrawable = null;
65            rippleContent = mShapeDrawable;
66        }
68        mRippleDrawable = new RippleDrawable(ColorStateList.valueOf(rippleColor),
69                rippleContent, null);
71        mContentBackground = mRippleDrawable;
73        mShadowViewDelegate.setBackgroundDrawable(mRippleDrawable);
74    }
76    @Override
77    void setRippleColor(int rippleColor) {
78        if (mRippleDrawable instanceof RippleDrawable) {
79            ((RippleDrawable) mRippleDrawable).setColor(ColorStateList.valueOf(rippleColor));
80        } else {
81            super.setRippleColor(rippleColor);
82        }
83    }
85    @Override
86    void onElevationsChanged(final float elevation, final float pressedTranslationZ) {
87        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT == 21) {
88            // Animations produce NPE in version 21. Bluntly set the values instead (matching the
89            // logic in the animations below).
90            if (mView.isEnabled()) {
91                mView.setElevation(elevation);
92                if (mView.isFocused() || mView.isPressed()) {
93                    mView.setTranslationZ(pressedTranslationZ);
94                } else {
95                    mView.setTranslationZ(0);
96                }
97            } else {
98                mView.setElevation(0);
99                mView.setTranslationZ(0);
100            }
101        } else {
102            final StateListAnimator stateListAnimator = new StateListAnimator();
104            // Animate elevation and translationZ to our values when pressed
105            AnimatorSet set = new AnimatorSet();
106            set.play(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mView, "elevation", elevation).setDuration(0))
107                    .with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mView, View.TRANSLATION_Z, pressedTranslationZ)
108                            .setDuration(PRESSED_ANIM_DURATION));
109            set.setInterpolator(ANIM_INTERPOLATOR);
110            stateListAnimator.addState(PRESSED_ENABLED_STATE_SET, set);
112            // Same deal for when we're focused
113            set = new AnimatorSet();
114            set.play(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mView, "elevation", elevation).setDuration(0))
115                    .with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mView, View.TRANSLATION_Z, pressedTranslationZ)
116                            .setDuration(PRESSED_ANIM_DURATION));
117            set.setInterpolator(ANIM_INTERPOLATOR);
118            stateListAnimator.addState(FOCUSED_ENABLED_STATE_SET, set);
120            // Animate translationZ to 0 if not pressed
121            set = new AnimatorSet();
122            List<Animator> animators = new ArrayList<>();
123            animators.add(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mView, "elevation", elevation).setDuration(0));
124            if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 22 && Build.VERSION.SDK_INT <= 24) {
125                // This is a no-op animation which exists here only for introducing the duration
126                // because setting the delay (on the next animation) via "setDelay" or "after"
127                // can trigger a NPE between android versions 22 and 24 (due to a framework
128                // bug). The issue has been fixed in version 25.
129                animators.add(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mView, View.TRANSLATION_Z,
130                        mView.getTranslationZ()).setDuration(PRESSED_ANIM_DELAY));
131            }
132            animators.add(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mView, View.TRANSLATION_Z, 0f)
133                    .setDuration(PRESSED_ANIM_DURATION));
134            set.playSequentially(animators.toArray(new ObjectAnimator[0]));
135            set.setInterpolator(ANIM_INTERPOLATOR);
136            stateListAnimator.addState(ENABLED_STATE_SET, set);
138            // Animate everything to 0 when disabled
139            set = new AnimatorSet();
140            set.play(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mView, "elevation", 0f).setDuration(0))
141                    .with(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(mView, View.TRANSLATION_Z, 0f).setDuration(0));
142            set.setInterpolator(ANIM_INTERPOLATOR);
143            stateListAnimator.addState(EMPTY_STATE_SET, set);
145            mView.setStateListAnimator(stateListAnimator);
146        }
148        if (mShadowViewDelegate.isCompatPaddingEnabled()) {
149            updatePadding();
150        }
151    }
153    @Override
154    public float getElevation() {
155        return mView.getElevation();
156    }
158    @Override
159    void onCompatShadowChanged() {
160        updatePadding();
161    }
163    @Override
164    void onPaddingUpdated(Rect padding) {
165        if (mShadowViewDelegate.isCompatPaddingEnabled()) {
166            mInsetDrawable = new InsetDrawable(mRippleDrawable,
167                    padding.left, padding.top, padding.right, padding.bottom);
168            mShadowViewDelegate.setBackgroundDrawable(mInsetDrawable);
169        } else {
170            mShadowViewDelegate.setBackgroundDrawable(mRippleDrawable);
171        }
172    }
174    @Override
175    void onDrawableStateChanged(int[] state) {
176        // no-op
177    }
179    @Override
180    void jumpDrawableToCurrentState() {
181        // no-op
182    }
184    @Override
185    boolean requirePreDrawListener() {
186        return false;
187    }
189    @Override
190    CircularBorderDrawable newCircularDrawable() {
191        return new CircularBorderDrawableLollipop();
192    }
194    @Override
195    GradientDrawable newGradientDrawableForShape() {
196        return new AlwaysStatefulGradientDrawable();
197    }
199    @Override
200    void getPadding(Rect rect) {
201        if (mShadowViewDelegate.isCompatPaddingEnabled()) {
202            final float radius = mShadowViewDelegate.getRadius();
203            final float maxShadowSize = getElevation() + mPressedTranslationZ;
204            final int hPadding = (int) Math.ceil(
205                    ShadowDrawableWrapper.calculateHorizontalPadding(maxShadowSize, radius, false));
206            final int vPadding = (int) Math.ceil(
207                    ShadowDrawableWrapper.calculateVerticalPadding(maxShadowSize, radius, false));
208            rect.set(hPadding, vPadding, hPadding, vPadding);
209        } else {
210            rect.set(0, 0, 0, 0);
211        }
212    }
214    /**
215     * LayerDrawable on L+ caches its isStateful() state and doesn't refresh it,
216     * meaning that if we apply a tint to one of its children, the parent doesn't become
217     * stateful and the tint doesn't work for state changes. We workaround it by saying that we
218     * are always stateful. If we don't have a stateful tint, the change is ignored anyway.
219     */
220    static class AlwaysStatefulGradientDrawable extends GradientDrawable {
221        @Override
222        public boolean isStateful() {
223            return true;
224        }
225    }