2 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17package android.arch.persistence.room.vo
19import android.arch.persistence.room.ext.isNonNull
20import android.arch.persistence.room.ext.typeName
21import android.arch.persistence.room.migration.bundle.FieldBundle
22import android.arch.persistence.room.parser.Collate
23import android.arch.persistence.room.parser.SQLTypeAffinity
24import android.arch.persistence.room.solver.types.CursorValueReader
25import android.arch.persistence.room.solver.types.StatementValueBinder
26import com.squareup.javapoet.TypeName
27import javax.lang.model.element.Element
28import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror
29// used in cache matching, must stay as a data class or implement equals
30data class Field(val element: Element, val name: String, val type: TypeMirror,
31                 var affinity: SQLTypeAffinity?,
32                 val collate: Collate? = null,
33                 val columnName: String = name,
34                 /* means that this field does not belong to parent, instead, it belongs to a
35                 * embedded child of the main Pojo*/
36                 val parent: EmbeddedField? = null,
37                 // index might be removed when being merged into an Entity
38                 var indexed : Boolean = false) {
39    lateinit var getter: FieldGetter
40    lateinit var setter: FieldSetter
41    // binds the field into a statement
42    var statementBinder: StatementValueBinder? = null
43    // reads this field from a cursor column
44    var cursorValueReader: CursorValueReader? = null
45    val typeName: TypeName by lazy { type.typeName() }
47    /** Whether the table column for this field should be NOT NULL */
48    val nonNull = element.isNonNull() && (parent == null || parent.isNonNullRecursively())
50    /**
51     * Used when reporting errors on duplicate names
52     */
53    fun getPath() : String {
54        return if (parent == null) {
55            name
56        } else {
57            "${parent.field.getPath()} > $name"
58        }
59    }
61    private val pathWithDotNotation : String by lazy {
62        if (parent == null) {
63            name
64        } else {
65            "${parent.field.pathWithDotNotation}.$name"
66        }
67    }
69    /**
70     * List of names that include variations.
71     * e.g. if it is mUser, user is added to the list
72     * or if it is isAdmin, admin is added to the list
73     */
74    val nameWithVariations by lazy {
75        val result = arrayListOf(name)
76        if (name.length > 1) {
77            if (name.startsWith('_')) {
78                result.add(name.substring(1))
79            }
80            if (name.startsWith("m") && name[1].isUpperCase()) {
81                result.add(name.substring(1).decapitalize())
82            }
84            if (typeName == TypeName.BOOLEAN || typeName == TypeName.BOOLEAN.box()) {
85                if (name.length > 2 && name.startsWith("is") && name[2].isUpperCase()) {
86                    result.add(name.substring(2).decapitalize())
87                }
88                if (name.length > 3 && name.startsWith("has") && name[3].isUpperCase()) {
89                    result.add(name.substring(3).decapitalize())
90                }
91            }
92        }
93        result
94    }
96    val getterNameWithVariations by lazy {
97        nameWithVariations.map { "get${it.capitalize()}" } +
98                if (typeName == TypeName.BOOLEAN || typeName == TypeName.BOOLEAN.box()) {
99                    nameWithVariations.flatMap {
100                        listOf("is${it.capitalize()}", "has${it.capitalize()}")
101                    }
102                } else {
103                    emptyList()
104                }
105    }
107    val setterNameWithVariations by lazy {
108        nameWithVariations.map { "set${it.capitalize()}" }
109    }
111    /**
112     * definition to be used in create query
113     */
114    fun databaseDefinition(autoIncrementPKey : Boolean) : String {
115        val columnSpec = StringBuilder("")
116        if (autoIncrementPKey) {
117            columnSpec.append(" PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT")
118        }
119        if (nonNull) {
120            columnSpec.append(" NOT NULL")
121        }
122        if (collate != null) {
123            columnSpec.append(" COLLATE ${collate.name}")
124        }
125        return "`$columnName` ${(affinity ?: SQLTypeAffinity.TEXT).name}$columnSpec"
126    }
128    fun toBundle(): FieldBundle = FieldBundle(pathWithDotNotation, columnName,
129            affinity?.name ?: SQLTypeAffinity.TEXT.name, nonNull
130    )