2 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
17// The bootstat command provides options to persist boot events with the current
18// timestamp, dump the persisted events, and log all events to EventLog to be
19// uploaded to Android log storage via Tron.
21#include <getopt.h>
22#include <unistd.h>
24#include <chrono>
25#include <cmath>
26#include <cstddef>
27#include <cstdio>
28#include <ctime>
29#include <map>
30#include <memory>
31#include <string>
32#include <vector>
34#include <android-base/chrono_utils.h>
35#include <android-base/logging.h>
36#include <android-base/parseint.h>
37#include <android-base/strings.h>
38#include <android/log.h>
39#include <cutils/properties.h>
40#include <metricslogger/metrics_logger.h>
42#include "boot_event_record_store.h"
44namespace {
46// Scans the boot event record store for record files and logs each boot event
47// via EventLog.
48void LogBootEvents() {
49  BootEventRecordStore boot_event_store;
51  auto events = boot_event_store.GetAllBootEvents();
52  for (auto i = events.cbegin(); i != events.cend(); ++i) {
53    android::metricslogger::LogHistogram(i->first, i->second);
54  }
57// Records the named boot |event| to the record store. If |value| is non-empty
58// and is a proper string representation of an integer value, the converted
59// integer value is associated with the boot event.
60void RecordBootEventFromCommandLine(
61    const std::string& event, const std::string& value_str) {
62  BootEventRecordStore boot_event_store;
63  if (!value_str.empty()) {
64    int32_t value = 0;
65    if (android::base::ParseInt(value_str, &value)) {
66      boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue(event, value);
67    }
68  } else {
69    boot_event_store.AddBootEvent(event);
70  }
73void PrintBootEvents() {
74  printf("Boot events:\n");
75  printf("------------\n");
77  BootEventRecordStore boot_event_store;
78  auto events = boot_event_store.GetAllBootEvents();
79  for (auto i = events.cbegin(); i != events.cend(); ++i) {
80    printf("%s\t%d\n", i->first.c_str(), i->second);
81  }
84void ShowHelp(const char *cmd) {
85  fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s [options]\n", cmd);
86  fprintf(stderr,
87          "options include:\n"
88          "  -h, --help              Show this help\n"
89          "  -l, --log               Log all metrics to logstorage\n"
90          "  -p, --print             Dump the boot event records to the console\n"
91          "  -r, --record            Record the timestamp of a named boot event\n"
92          "  --value                 Optional value to associate with the boot event\n"
93          "  --record_boot_complete  Record metrics related to the time for the device boot\n"
94          "  --record_boot_reason    Record the reason why the device booted\n"
95          "  --record_time_since_factory_reset Record the time since the device was reset\n");
98// Constructs a readable, printable string from the givencommand line
99// arguments.
100std::string GetCommandLine(int argc, char **argv) {
101  std::string cmd;
102  for (int i = 0; i < argc; ++i) {
103    cmd += argv[i];
104    cmd += " ";
105  }
107  return cmd;
110// Convenience wrapper over the property API that returns an
111// std::string.
112std::string GetProperty(const char* key) {
113  std::vector<char> temp(PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX);
114  const int len = property_get(key, &temp[0], nullptr);
115  if (len < 0) {
116    return "";
117  }
118  return std::string(&temp[0], len);
121constexpr int32_t kUnknownBootReason = 1;
123// A mapping from boot reason string, as read from the ro.boot.bootreason
124// system property, to a unique integer ID. Viewers of log data dashboards for
125// the boot_reason metric may refer to this mapping to discern the histogram
126// values.
127const std::map<std::string, int32_t> kBootReasonMap = {
128  {"unknown", kUnknownBootReason},
129  {"normal", 2},
130  {"recovery", 3},
131  {"reboot", 4},
132  {"PowerKey", 5},
133  {"hard_reset", 6},
134  {"kernel_panic", 7},
135  {"rpm_err", 8},
136  {"hw_reset", 9},
137  {"tz_err", 10},
138  {"adsp_err", 11},
139  {"modem_err", 12},
140  {"mba_err", 13},
141  {"Watchdog", 14},
142  {"Panic", 15},
143  {"power_key", 16},
144  {"power_on", 17},
145  {"Reboot", 18},
146  {"rtc", 19},
147  {"edl", 20},
148  {"oem_pon1", 21},
149  {"oem_powerkey", 22},
150  {"oem_unknown_reset", 23},
151  {"srto: HWWDT reset SC", 24},
152  {"srto: HWWDT reset platform", 25},
153  {"srto: bootloader", 26},
154  {"srto: kernel panic", 27},
155  {"srto: kernel watchdog reset", 28},
156  {"srto: normal", 29},
157  {"srto: reboot", 30},
158  {"srto: reboot-bootloader", 31},
159  {"srto: security watchdog reset", 32},
160  {"srto: wakesrc", 33},
161  {"srto: watchdog", 34},
162  {"srto:1-1", 35},
163  {"srto:omap_hsmm", 36},
164  {"srto:phy0", 37},
165  {"srto:rtc0", 38},
166  {"srto:touchpad", 39},
167  {"watchdog", 40},
168  {"watchdogr", 41},
169  {"wdog_bark", 42},
170  {"wdog_bite", 43},
171  {"wdog_reset", 44},
172  {"shutdown,", 45},  // Trailing comma is intentional.
173  {"shutdown,userrequested", 46},
174  {"reboot,bootloader", 47},
175  {"reboot,cold", 48},
176  {"reboot,recovery", 49},
177  {"thermal_shutdown", 50},
178  {"s3_wakeup", 51}
181// Converts a string value representing the reason the system booted to an
182// integer representation. This is necessary for logging the boot_reason metric
183// via Tron, which does not accept non-integer buckets in histograms.
184int32_t BootReasonStrToEnum(const std::string& boot_reason) {
185  auto mapping = kBootReasonMap.find(boot_reason);
186  if (mapping != kBootReasonMap.end()) {
187    return mapping->second;
188  }
190  LOG(INFO) << "Unknown boot reason: " << boot_reason;
191  return kUnknownBootReason;
194// Returns the appropriate metric key prefix for the boot_complete metric such
195// that boot metrics after a system update are labeled as ota_boot_complete;
196// otherwise, they are labeled as boot_complete.  This method encapsulates the
197// bookkeeping required to track when a system update has occurred by storing
198// the UTC timestamp of the system build date and comparing against the current
199// system build date.
200std::string CalculateBootCompletePrefix() {
201  static const std::string kBuildDateKey = "build_date";
202  std::string boot_complete_prefix = "boot_complete";
204  std::string build_date_str = GetProperty("ro.build.date.utc");
205  int32_t build_date;
206  if (!android::base::ParseInt(build_date_str, &build_date)) {
207    return std::string();
208  }
210  BootEventRecordStore boot_event_store;
211  BootEventRecordStore::BootEventRecord record;
212  if (!boot_event_store.GetBootEvent(kBuildDateKey, &record)) {
213    boot_complete_prefix = "factory_reset_" + boot_complete_prefix;
214    boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue(kBuildDateKey, build_date);
215  } else if (build_date != record.second) {
216    boot_complete_prefix = "ota_" + boot_complete_prefix;
217    boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue(kBuildDateKey, build_date);
218  }
220  return boot_complete_prefix;
223// Records the value of a given ro.boottime.init property in milliseconds.
224void RecordInitBootTimeProp(
225    BootEventRecordStore* boot_event_store, const char* property) {
226  std::string value = GetProperty(property);
228  int32_t time_in_ms;
229  if (android::base::ParseInt(value, &time_in_ms)) {
230    boot_event_store->AddBootEventWithValue(property, time_in_ms);
231  }
234// A map from bootloader timing stage to the time that stage took during boot.
235typedef std::map<std::string, int32_t> BootloaderTimingMap;
237// Returns a mapping from bootloader stage names to the time those stages
238// took to boot.
239const BootloaderTimingMap GetBootLoaderTimings() {
240  BootloaderTimingMap timings;
242  // |ro.boot.boottime| is of the form 'stage1:time1,...,stageN:timeN',
243  // where timeN is in milliseconds.
244  std::string value = GetProperty("ro.boot.boottime");
245  if (value.empty()) {
246    // ro.boot.boottime is not reported on all devices.
247    return BootloaderTimingMap();
248  }
250  auto stages = android::base::Split(value, ",");
251  for (const auto& stageTiming : stages) {
252    // |stageTiming| is of the form 'stage:time'.
253    auto stageTimingValues = android::base::Split(stageTiming, ":");
254    DCHECK_EQ(2U, stageTimingValues.size());
256    std::string stageName = stageTimingValues[0];
257    int32_t time_ms;
258    if (android::base::ParseInt(stageTimingValues[1], &time_ms)) {
259      timings[stageName] = time_ms;
260    }
261  }
263  return timings;
266// Parses and records the set of bootloader stages and associated boot times
267// from the ro.boot.boottime system property.
268void RecordBootloaderTimings(BootEventRecordStore* boot_event_store,
269                             const BootloaderTimingMap& bootloader_timings) {
270  int32_t total_time = 0;
271  for (const auto& timing : bootloader_timings) {
272    total_time += timing.second;
273    boot_event_store->AddBootEventWithValue("boottime.bootloader." + timing.first, timing.second);
274  }
276  boot_event_store->AddBootEventWithValue("boottime.bootloader.total", total_time);
279// Records the closest estimation to the absolute device boot time, i.e.,
280// from power on to boot_complete, including bootloader times.
281void RecordAbsoluteBootTime(BootEventRecordStore* boot_event_store,
282                            const BootloaderTimingMap& bootloader_timings,
283                            std::chrono::milliseconds uptime) {
284  int32_t bootloader_time_ms = 0;
286  for (const auto& timing : bootloader_timings) {
287    if (timing.first.compare("SW") != 0) {
288      bootloader_time_ms += timing.second;
289    }
290  }
292  auto bootloader_duration = std::chrono::milliseconds(bootloader_time_ms);
293  auto absolute_total =
294      std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(bootloader_duration + uptime);
295  boot_event_store->AddBootEventWithValue("absolute_boot_time", absolute_total.count());
298// Records several metrics related to the time it takes to boot the device,
299// including disambiguating boot time on encrypted or non-encrypted devices.
300void RecordBootComplete() {
301  BootEventRecordStore boot_event_store;
302  BootEventRecordStore::BootEventRecord record;
304  auto time_since_epoch = android::base::boot_clock::now().time_since_epoch();
305  auto uptime = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(time_since_epoch);
306  time_t current_time_utc = time(nullptr);
308  if (boot_event_store.GetBootEvent("last_boot_time_utc", &record)) {
309    time_t last_boot_time_utc = record.second;
310    time_t time_since_last_boot = difftime(current_time_utc,
311                                           last_boot_time_utc);
312    boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue("time_since_last_boot",
313                                           time_since_last_boot);
314  }
316  boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue("last_boot_time_utc", current_time_utc);
318  // The boot_complete metric has two variants: boot_complete and
319  // ota_boot_complete.  The latter signifies that the device is booting after
320  // a system update.
321  std::string boot_complete_prefix = CalculateBootCompletePrefix();
322  if (boot_complete_prefix.empty()) {
323    // The system is hosed because the build date property could not be read.
324    return;
325  }
327  // post_decrypt_time_elapsed is only logged on encrypted devices.
328  if (boot_event_store.GetBootEvent("post_decrypt_time_elapsed", &record)) {
329    // Log the amount of time elapsed until the device is decrypted, which
330    // includes the variable amount of time the user takes to enter the
331    // decryption password.
332    boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue("boot_decryption_complete", uptime.count());
334    // Subtract the decryption time to normalize the boot cycle timing.
335    std::chrono::seconds boot_complete = std::chrono::seconds(uptime.count() - record.second);
336    boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue(boot_complete_prefix + "_post_decrypt",
337                                           boot_complete.count());
338  } else {
339      boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue(boot_complete_prefix + "_no_encryption",
340                                             uptime.count());
341  }
343  // Record the total time from device startup to boot complete, regardless of
344  // encryption state.
345  boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue(boot_complete_prefix, uptime.count());
347  RecordInitBootTimeProp(&boot_event_store, "ro.boottime.init");
348  RecordInitBootTimeProp(&boot_event_store, "ro.boottime.init.selinux");
349  RecordInitBootTimeProp(&boot_event_store, "ro.boottime.init.cold_boot_wait");
351  const BootloaderTimingMap bootloader_timings = GetBootLoaderTimings();
352  RecordBootloaderTimings(&boot_event_store, bootloader_timings);
354  auto uptime_ms = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(time_since_epoch);
355  RecordAbsoluteBootTime(&boot_event_store, bootloader_timings, uptime_ms);
358// Records the boot_reason metric by querying the ro.boot.bootreason system
359// property.
360void RecordBootReason() {
361  std::string boot_reason_str = GetProperty("ro.boot.bootreason");
362  android::metricslogger::LogMultiAction(android::metricslogger::ACTION_BOOT,
363                                         android::metricslogger::FIELD_PLATFORM_REASON,
364                                         boot_reason_str);
366  int32_t boot_reason = BootReasonStrToEnum(boot_reason_str);
367  BootEventRecordStore boot_event_store;
368  boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue("boot_reason", boot_reason);
371// Records two metrics related to the user resetting a device: the time at
372// which the device is reset, and the time since the user last reset the
373// device.  The former is only set once per-factory reset.
374void RecordFactoryReset() {
375  BootEventRecordStore boot_event_store;
376  BootEventRecordStore::BootEventRecord record;
378  time_t current_time_utc = time(nullptr);
380  if (current_time_utc < 0) {
381    // UMA does not display negative values in buckets, so convert to positive.
382    android::metricslogger::LogHistogram(
383        "factory_reset_current_time_failure", std::abs(current_time_utc));
385    // Logging via BootEventRecordStore to see if using android::metricslogger::LogHistogram
386    // is losing records somehow.
387    boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue(
388        "factory_reset_current_time_failure", std::abs(current_time_utc));
389    return;
390  } else {
391    android::metricslogger::LogHistogram("factory_reset_current_time", current_time_utc);
393    // Logging via BootEventRecordStore to see if using android::metricslogger::LogHistogram
394    // is losing records somehow.
395    boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue(
396        "factory_reset_current_time", current_time_utc);
397  }
399  // The factory_reset boot event does not exist after the device is reset, so
400  // use this signal to mark the time of the factory reset.
401  if (!boot_event_store.GetBootEvent("factory_reset", &record)) {
402    boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue("factory_reset", current_time_utc);
404    // Don't log the time_since_factory_reset until some time has elapsed.
405    // The data is not meaningful yet and skews the histogram buckets.
406    return;
407  }
409  // Calculate and record the difference in time between now and the
410  // factory_reset time.
411  time_t factory_reset_utc = record.second;
412  android::metricslogger::LogHistogram("factory_reset_record_value", factory_reset_utc);
414  // Logging via BootEventRecordStore to see if using android::metricslogger::LogHistogram
415  // is losing records somehow.
416  boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue(
417      "factory_reset_record_value", factory_reset_utc);
419  time_t time_since_factory_reset = difftime(current_time_utc,
420                                             factory_reset_utc);
421  boot_event_store.AddBootEventWithValue("time_since_factory_reset",
422                                         time_since_factory_reset);
425}  // namespace
427int main(int argc, char **argv) {
428  android::base::InitLogging(argv);
430  const std::string cmd_line = GetCommandLine(argc, argv);
431  LOG(INFO) << "Service started: " << cmd_line;
433  int option_index = 0;
434  static const char value_str[] = "value";
435  static const char boot_complete_str[] = "record_boot_complete";
436  static const char boot_reason_str[] = "record_boot_reason";
437  static const char factory_reset_str[] = "record_time_since_factory_reset";
438  static const struct option long_options[] = {
439    { "help",            no_argument,       NULL,   'h' },
440    { "log",             no_argument,       NULL,   'l' },
441    { "print",           no_argument,       NULL,   'p' },
442    { "record",          required_argument, NULL,   'r' },
443    { value_str,         required_argument, NULL,   0 },
444    { boot_complete_str, no_argument,       NULL,   0 },
445    { boot_reason_str,   no_argument,       NULL,   0 },
446    { factory_reset_str, no_argument,       NULL,   0 },
447    { NULL,              0,                 NULL,   0 }
448  };
450  std::string boot_event;
451  std::string value;
452  int opt = 0;
453  while ((opt = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hlpr:", long_options, &option_index)) != -1) {
454    switch (opt) {
455      // This case handles long options which have no single-character mapping.
456      case 0: {
457        const std::string option_name = long_options[option_index].name;
458        if (option_name == value_str) {
459          // |optarg| is an external variable set by getopt representing
460          // the option argument.
461          value = optarg;
462        } else if (option_name == boot_complete_str) {
463          RecordBootComplete();
464        } else if (option_name == boot_reason_str) {
465          RecordBootReason();
466        } else if (option_name == factory_reset_str) {
467          RecordFactoryReset();
468        } else {
469          LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid option: " << option_name;
470        }
471        break;
472      }
474      case 'h': {
475        ShowHelp(argv[0]);
476        break;
477      }
479      case 'l': {
480        LogBootEvents();
481        break;
482      }
484      case 'p': {
485        PrintBootEvents();
486        break;
487      }
489      case 'r': {
490        // |optarg| is an external variable set by getopt representing
491        // the option argument.
492        boot_event = optarg;
493        break;
494      }
496      default: {
497        DCHECK_EQ(opt, '?');
499        // |optopt| is an external variable set by getopt representing
500        // the value of the invalid option.
501        LOG(ERROR) << "Invalid option: " << optopt;
502        ShowHelp(argv[0]);
503        return EXIT_FAILURE;
504      }
505    }
506  }
508  if (!boot_event.empty()) {
509    RecordBootEventFromCommandLine(boot_event, value);
510  }
512  return 0;