1# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
2# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3# found in the LICENSE file.
5"""Verifying the integrity of a Chrome OS update payload.
7This module is used internally by the main Payload class for verifying the
8integrity of an update payload. The interface for invoking the checks is as
11  checker = PayloadChecker(payload)
12  checker.Run(...)
15from __future__ import print_function
17import array
18import base64
19import hashlib
20import itertools
21import os
22import subprocess
24import common
25import error
26import format_utils
27import histogram
28import update_metadata_pb2
32# Constants.
35_CHECK_DST_PSEUDO_EXTENTS = 'dst-pseudo-extents'
36_CHECK_MOVE_SAME_SRC_DST_BLOCK = 'move-same-src-dst-block'
37_CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIG = 'payload-sig'
44_TYPE_FULL = 'full'
45_TYPE_DELTA = 'delta'
49_DEFAULT_PUBKEY_BASE_NAME = 'update-payload-key.pub.pem'
50_DEFAULT_PUBKEY_FILE_NAME = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
51                                         _DEFAULT_PUBKEY_BASE_NAME)
53# Supported minor version map to payload types allowed to be using them.
55    0: (_TYPE_FULL,),
56    1: (_TYPE_DELTA,),
57    2: (_TYPE_DELTA,),
58    3: (_TYPE_DELTA,),
59    4: (_TYPE_DELTA,),
62_OLD_DELTA_USABLE_PART_SIZE = 2 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024
65# Helper functions.
68def _IsPowerOfTwo(val):
69  """Returns True iff val is a power of two."""
70  return val > 0 and (val & (val - 1)) == 0
73def _AddFormat(format_func, value):
74  """Adds a custom formatted representation to ordinary string representation.
76  Args:
77    format_func: A value formatter.
78    value: Value to be formatted and returned.
80  Returns:
81    A string 'x (y)' where x = str(value) and y = format_func(value).
82  """
83  ret = str(value)
84  formatted_str = format_func(value)
85  if formatted_str:
86    ret += ' (%s)' % formatted_str
87  return ret
90def _AddHumanReadableSize(size):
91  """Adds a human readable representation to a byte size value."""
92  return _AddFormat(format_utils.BytesToHumanReadable, size)
96# Payload report generator.
99class _PayloadReport(object):
100  """A payload report generator.
102  A report is essentially a sequence of nodes, which represent data points. It
103  is initialized to have a "global", untitled section. A node may be a
104  sub-report itself.
105  """
107  # Report nodes: Field, sub-report, section.
108  class Node(object):
109    """A report node interface."""
111    @staticmethod
112    def _Indent(indent, line):
113      """Indents a line by a given indentation amount.
115      Args:
116        indent: The indentation amount.
117        line: The line content (string).
119      Returns:
120        The properly indented line (string).
121      """
122      return '%*s%s' % (indent, '', line)
124    def GenerateLines(self, base_indent, sub_indent, curr_section):
125      """Generates the report lines for this node.
127      Args:
128        base_indent: Base indentation for each line.
129        sub_indent: Additional indentation for sub-nodes.
130        curr_section: The current report section object.
132      Returns:
133        A pair consisting of a list of properly indented report lines and a new
134        current section object.
135      """
136      raise NotImplementedError
138  class FieldNode(Node):
139    """A field report node, representing a (name, value) pair."""
141    def __init__(self, name, value, linebreak, indent):
142      super(_PayloadReport.FieldNode, self).__init__()
143      self.name = name
144      self.value = value
145      self.linebreak = linebreak
146      self.indent = indent
148    def GenerateLines(self, base_indent, sub_indent, curr_section):
149      """Generates a properly formatted 'name : value' entry."""
150      report_output = ''
151      if self.name:
152        report_output += self.name.ljust(curr_section.max_field_name_len) + ' :'
153      value_lines = str(self.value).splitlines()
154      if self.linebreak and self.name:
155        report_output += '\n' + '\n'.join(
156            ['%*s%s' % (self.indent, '', line) for line in value_lines])
157      else:
158        if self.name:
159          report_output += ' '
160        report_output += '%*s' % (self.indent, '')
161        cont_line_indent = len(report_output)
162        indented_value_lines = [value_lines[0]]
163        indented_value_lines.extend(['%*s%s' % (cont_line_indent, '', line)
164                                     for line in value_lines[1:]])
165        report_output += '\n'.join(indented_value_lines)
167      report_lines = [self._Indent(base_indent, line + '\n')
168                      for line in report_output.split('\n')]
169      return report_lines, curr_section
171  class SubReportNode(Node):
172    """A sub-report node, representing a nested report."""
174    def __init__(self, title, report):
175      super(_PayloadReport.SubReportNode, self).__init__()
176      self.title = title
177      self.report = report
179    def GenerateLines(self, base_indent, sub_indent, curr_section):
180      """Recurse with indentation."""
181      report_lines = [self._Indent(base_indent, self.title + ' =>\n')]
182      report_lines.extend(self.report.GenerateLines(base_indent + sub_indent,
183                                                    sub_indent))
184      return report_lines, curr_section
186  class SectionNode(Node):
187    """A section header node."""
189    def __init__(self, title=None):
190      super(_PayloadReport.SectionNode, self).__init__()
191      self.title = title
192      self.max_field_name_len = 0
194    def GenerateLines(self, base_indent, sub_indent, curr_section):
195      """Dump a title line, return self as the (new) current section."""
196      report_lines = []
197      if self.title:
198        report_lines.append(self._Indent(base_indent,
199                                         '=== %s ===\n' % self.title))
200      return report_lines, self
202  def __init__(self):
203    self.report = []
204    self.last_section = self.global_section = self.SectionNode()
205    self.is_finalized = False
207  def GenerateLines(self, base_indent, sub_indent):
208    """Generates the lines in the report, properly indented.
210    Args:
211      base_indent: The indentation used for root-level report lines.
212      sub_indent: The indentation offset used for sub-reports.
214    Returns:
215      A list of indented report lines.
216    """
217    report_lines = []
218    curr_section = self.global_section
219    for node in self.report:
220      node_report_lines, curr_section = node.GenerateLines(
221          base_indent, sub_indent, curr_section)
222      report_lines.extend(node_report_lines)
224    return report_lines
226  def Dump(self, out_file, base_indent=0, sub_indent=2):
227    """Dumps the report to a file.
229    Args:
230      out_file: File object to output the content to.
231      base_indent: Base indentation for report lines.
232      sub_indent: Added indentation for sub-reports.
233    """
234    report_lines = self.GenerateLines(base_indent, sub_indent)
235    if report_lines and not self.is_finalized:
236      report_lines.append('(incomplete report)\n')
238    for line in report_lines:
239      out_file.write(line)
241  def AddField(self, name, value, linebreak=False, indent=0):
242    """Adds a field/value pair to the payload report.
244    Args:
245      name: The field's name.
246      value: The field's value.
247      linebreak: Whether the value should be printed on a new line.
248      indent: Amount of extra indent for each line of the value.
249    """
250    assert not self.is_finalized
251    if name and self.last_section.max_field_name_len < len(name):
252      self.last_section.max_field_name_len = len(name)
253    self.report.append(self.FieldNode(name, value, linebreak, indent))
255  def AddSubReport(self, title):
256    """Adds and returns a sub-report with a title."""
257    assert not self.is_finalized
258    sub_report = self.SubReportNode(title, type(self)())
259    self.report.append(sub_report)
260    return sub_report.report
262  def AddSection(self, title):
263    """Adds a new section title."""
264    assert not self.is_finalized
265    self.last_section = self.SectionNode(title)
266    self.report.append(self.last_section)
268  def Finalize(self):
269    """Seals the report, marking it as complete."""
270    self.is_finalized = True
274# Payload verification.
277class PayloadChecker(object):
278  """Checking the integrity of an update payload.
280  This is a short-lived object whose purpose is to isolate the logic used for
281  verifying the integrity of an update payload.
282  """
284  def __init__(self, payload, assert_type=None, block_size=0,
285               allow_unhashed=False, disabled_tests=()):
286    """Initialize the checker.
288    Args:
289      payload: The payload object to check.
290      assert_type: Assert that payload is either 'full' or 'delta' (optional).
291      block_size: Expected filesystem / payload block size (optional).
292      allow_unhashed: Allow operations with unhashed data blobs.
293      disabled_tests: Sequence of tests to disable.
294    """
295    if not payload.is_init:
296      raise ValueError('Uninitialized update payload.')
298    # Set checker configuration.
299    self.payload = payload
300    self.block_size = block_size if block_size else _DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE
301    if not _IsPowerOfTwo(self.block_size):
302      raise error.PayloadError(
303          'Expected block (%d) size is not a power of two.' % self.block_size)
304    if assert_type not in (None, _TYPE_FULL, _TYPE_DELTA):
305      raise error.PayloadError('Invalid assert_type value (%r).' %
306                               assert_type)
307    self.payload_type = assert_type
308    self.allow_unhashed = allow_unhashed
310    # Disable specific tests.
311    self.check_dst_pseudo_extents = (
312        _CHECK_DST_PSEUDO_EXTENTS not in disabled_tests)
313    self.check_move_same_src_dst_block = (
314        _CHECK_MOVE_SAME_SRC_DST_BLOCK not in disabled_tests)
315    self.check_payload_sig = _CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIG not in disabled_tests
317    # Reset state; these will be assigned when the manifest is checked.
318    self.sigs_offset = 0
319    self.sigs_size = 0
320    self.old_rootfs_fs_size = 0
321    self.old_kernel_fs_size = 0
322    self.new_rootfs_fs_size = 0
323    self.new_kernel_fs_size = 0
324    self.minor_version = None
326  @staticmethod
327  def _CheckElem(msg, name, report, is_mandatory, is_submsg, convert=str,
328                 msg_name=None, linebreak=False, indent=0):
329    """Adds an element from a protobuf message to the payload report.
331    Checks to see whether a message contains a given element, and if so adds
332    the element value to the provided report. A missing mandatory element
333    causes an exception to be raised.
335    Args:
336      msg: The message containing the element.
337      name: The name of the element.
338      report: A report object to add the element name/value to.
339      is_mandatory: Whether or not this element must be present.
340      is_submsg: Whether this element is itself a message.
341      convert: A function for converting the element value for reporting.
342      msg_name: The name of the message object (for error reporting).
343      linebreak: Whether the value report should induce a line break.
344      indent: Amount of indent used for reporting the value.
346    Returns:
347      A pair consisting of the element value and the generated sub-report for
348      it (if the element is a sub-message, None otherwise). If the element is
349      missing, returns (None, None).
351    Raises:
352      error.PayloadError if a mandatory element is missing.
353    """
354    if not msg.HasField(name):
355      if is_mandatory:
356        raise error.PayloadError('%smissing mandatory %s %r.' %
357                                 (msg_name + ' ' if msg_name else '',
358                                  'sub-message' if is_submsg else 'field',
359                                  name))
360      return None, None
362    value = getattr(msg, name)
363    if is_submsg:
364      return value, report and report.AddSubReport(name)
365    else:
366      if report:
367        report.AddField(name, convert(value), linebreak=linebreak,
368                        indent=indent)
369      return value, None
371  @staticmethod
372  def _CheckMandatoryField(msg, field_name, report, msg_name, convert=str,
373                           linebreak=False, indent=0):
374    """Adds a mandatory field; returning first component from _CheckElem."""
375    return PayloadChecker._CheckElem(msg, field_name, report, True, False,
376                                     convert=convert, msg_name=msg_name,
377                                     linebreak=linebreak, indent=indent)[0]
379  @staticmethod
380  def _CheckOptionalField(msg, field_name, report, convert=str,
381                          linebreak=False, indent=0):
382    """Adds an optional field; returning first component from _CheckElem."""
383    return PayloadChecker._CheckElem(msg, field_name, report, False, False,
384                                     convert=convert, linebreak=linebreak,
385                                     indent=indent)[0]
387  @staticmethod
388  def _CheckMandatorySubMsg(msg, submsg_name, report, msg_name):
389    """Adds a mandatory sub-message; wrapper for _CheckElem."""
390    return PayloadChecker._CheckElem(msg, submsg_name, report, True, True,
391                                     msg_name)
393  @staticmethod
394  def _CheckOptionalSubMsg(msg, submsg_name, report):
395    """Adds an optional sub-message; wrapper for _CheckElem."""
396    return PayloadChecker._CheckElem(msg, submsg_name, report, False, True)
398  @staticmethod
399  def _CheckPresentIff(val1, val2, name1, name2, obj_name):
400    """Checks that val1 is None iff val2 is None.
402    Args:
403      val1: first value to be compared.
404      val2: second value to be compared.
405      name1: name of object holding the first value.
406      name2: name of object holding the second value.
407      obj_name: Name of the object containing these values.
409    Raises:
410      error.PayloadError if assertion does not hold.
411    """
412    if None in (val1, val2) and val1 is not val2:
413      present, missing = (name1, name2) if val2 is None else (name2, name1)
414      raise error.PayloadError('%r present without %r%s.' %
415                               (present, missing,
416                                ' in ' + obj_name if obj_name else ''))
418  @staticmethod
419  def _Run(cmd, send_data=None):
420    """Runs a subprocess, returns its output.
422    Args:
423      cmd: Sequence of command-line argument for invoking the subprocess.
424      send_data: Data to feed to the process via its stdin.
426    Returns:
427      A tuple containing the stdout and stderr output of the process.
428    """
429    run_process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
430                                   stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
431    try:
432      result = run_process.communicate(input=send_data)
433    finally:
434      exit_code = run_process.wait()
436    if exit_code:
437      raise RuntimeError('Subprocess %r failed with code %r.' %
438                         (cmd, exit_code))
440    return result
442  @staticmethod
443  def _CheckSha256Signature(sig_data, pubkey_file_name, actual_hash, sig_name):
444    """Verifies an actual hash against a signed one.
446    Args:
447      sig_data: The raw signature data.
448      pubkey_file_name: Public key used for verifying signature.
449      actual_hash: The actual hash digest.
450      sig_name: Signature name for error reporting.
452    Raises:
453      error.PayloadError if signature could not be verified.
454    """
455    if len(sig_data) != 256:
456      raise error.PayloadError(
457          '%s: signature size (%d) not as expected (256).' %
458          (sig_name, len(sig_data)))
459    signed_data, _ = PayloadChecker._Run(
460        ['openssl', 'rsautl', '-verify', '-pubin', '-inkey', pubkey_file_name],
461        send_data=sig_data)
463    if len(signed_data) != len(common.SIG_ASN1_HEADER) + 32:
464      raise error.PayloadError('%s: unexpected signed data length (%d).' %
465                               (sig_name, len(signed_data)))
467    if not signed_data.startswith(common.SIG_ASN1_HEADER):
468      raise error.PayloadError('%s: not containing standard ASN.1 prefix.' %
469                               sig_name)
471    signed_hash = signed_data[len(common.SIG_ASN1_HEADER):]
472    if signed_hash != actual_hash:
473      raise error.PayloadError(
474          '%s: signed hash (%s) different from actual (%s).' %
475          (sig_name, common.FormatSha256(signed_hash),
476           common.FormatSha256(actual_hash)))
478  @staticmethod
479  def _CheckBlocksFitLength(length, num_blocks, block_size, length_name,
480                            block_name=None):
481    """Checks that a given length fits given block space.
483    This ensures that the number of blocks allocated is appropriate for the
484    length of the data residing in these blocks.
486    Args:
487      length: The actual length of the data.
488      num_blocks: The number of blocks allocated for it.
489      block_size: The size of each block in bytes.
490      length_name: Name of length (used for error reporting).
491      block_name: Name of block (used for error reporting).
493    Raises:
494      error.PayloadError if the aforementioned invariant is not satisfied.
495    """
496    # Check: length <= num_blocks * block_size.
497    if length > num_blocks * block_size:
498      raise error.PayloadError(
499          '%s (%d) > num %sblocks (%d) * block_size (%d).' %
500          (length_name, length, block_name or '', num_blocks, block_size))
502    # Check: length > (num_blocks - 1) * block_size.
503    if length <= (num_blocks - 1) * block_size:
504      raise error.PayloadError(
505          '%s (%d) <= (num %sblocks - 1 (%d)) * block_size (%d).' %
506          (length_name, length, block_name or '', num_blocks - 1, block_size))
508  def _CheckManifestMinorVersion(self, report):
509    """Checks the payload manifest minor_version field.
511    Args:
512      report: The report object to add to.
514    Raises:
515      error.PayloadError if any of the checks fail.
516    """
517    self.minor_version = self._CheckOptionalField(self.payload.manifest,
518                                                  'minor_version', report)
519    if self.minor_version in _SUPPORTED_MINOR_VERSIONS:
520      if self.payload_type not in _SUPPORTED_MINOR_VERSIONS[self.minor_version]:
521        raise error.PayloadError(
522            'Minor version %d not compatible with payload type %s.' %
523            (self.minor_version, self.payload_type))
524    elif self.minor_version is None:
525      raise error.PayloadError('Minor version is not set.')
526    else:
527      raise error.PayloadError('Unsupported minor version: %d' %
528                               self.minor_version)
530  def _CheckManifest(self, report, rootfs_part_size=0, kernel_part_size=0):
531    """Checks the payload manifest.
533    Args:
534      report: A report object to add to.
535      rootfs_part_size: Size of the rootfs partition in bytes.
536      kernel_part_size: Size of the kernel partition in bytes.
538    Returns:
539      A tuple consisting of the partition block size used during the update
540      (integer), the signatures block offset and size.
542    Raises:
543      error.PayloadError if any of the checks fail.
544    """
545    manifest = self.payload.manifest
546    report.AddSection('manifest')
548    # Check: block_size must exist and match the expected value.
549    actual_block_size = self._CheckMandatoryField(manifest, 'block_size',
550                                                  report, 'manifest')
551    if actual_block_size != self.block_size:
552      raise error.PayloadError('Block_size (%d) not as expected (%d).' %
553                               (actual_block_size, self.block_size))
555    # Check: signatures_offset <==> signatures_size.
556    self.sigs_offset = self._CheckOptionalField(manifest, 'signatures_offset',
557                                                report)
558    self.sigs_size = self._CheckOptionalField(manifest, 'signatures_size',
559                                              report)
560    self._CheckPresentIff(self.sigs_offset, self.sigs_size,
561                          'signatures_offset', 'signatures_size', 'manifest')
563    # Check: old_kernel_info <==> old_rootfs_info.
564    oki_msg, oki_report = self._CheckOptionalSubMsg(manifest,
565                                                    'old_kernel_info', report)
566    ori_msg, ori_report = self._CheckOptionalSubMsg(manifest,
567                                                    'old_rootfs_info', report)
568    self._CheckPresentIff(oki_msg, ori_msg, 'old_kernel_info',
569                          'old_rootfs_info', 'manifest')
570    if oki_msg:  # equivalently, ori_msg
571      # Assert/mark delta payload.
572      if self.payload_type == _TYPE_FULL:
573        raise error.PayloadError(
574            'Apparent full payload contains old_{kernel,rootfs}_info.')
575      self.payload_type = _TYPE_DELTA
577      # Check: {size, hash} present in old_{kernel,rootfs}_info.
578      self.old_kernel_fs_size = self._CheckMandatoryField(
579          oki_msg, 'size', oki_report, 'old_kernel_info')
580      self._CheckMandatoryField(oki_msg, 'hash', oki_report, 'old_kernel_info',
581                                convert=common.FormatSha256)
582      self.old_rootfs_fs_size = self._CheckMandatoryField(
583          ori_msg, 'size', ori_report, 'old_rootfs_info')
584      self._CheckMandatoryField(ori_msg, 'hash', ori_report, 'old_rootfs_info',
585                                convert=common.FormatSha256)
587      # Check: old_{kernel,rootfs} size must fit in respective partition.
588      if kernel_part_size and self.old_kernel_fs_size > kernel_part_size:
589        raise error.PayloadError(
590            'Old kernel content (%d) exceed partition size (%d).' %
591            (self.old_kernel_fs_size, kernel_part_size))
592      if rootfs_part_size and self.old_rootfs_fs_size > rootfs_part_size:
593        raise error.PayloadError(
594            'Old rootfs content (%d) exceed partition size (%d).' %
595            (self.old_rootfs_fs_size, rootfs_part_size))
596    else:
597      # Assert/mark full payload.
598      if self.payload_type == _TYPE_DELTA:
599        raise error.PayloadError(
600            'Apparent delta payload missing old_{kernel,rootfs}_info.')
601      self.payload_type = _TYPE_FULL
603    # Check: new_kernel_info present; contains {size, hash}.
604    nki_msg, nki_report = self._CheckMandatorySubMsg(
605        manifest, 'new_kernel_info', report, 'manifest')
606    self.new_kernel_fs_size = self._CheckMandatoryField(
607        nki_msg, 'size', nki_report, 'new_kernel_info')
608    self._CheckMandatoryField(nki_msg, 'hash', nki_report, 'new_kernel_info',
609                              convert=common.FormatSha256)
611    # Check: new_rootfs_info present; contains {size, hash}.
612    nri_msg, nri_report = self._CheckMandatorySubMsg(
613        manifest, 'new_rootfs_info', report, 'manifest')
614    self.new_rootfs_fs_size = self._CheckMandatoryField(
615        nri_msg, 'size', nri_report, 'new_rootfs_info')
616    self._CheckMandatoryField(nri_msg, 'hash', nri_report, 'new_rootfs_info',
617                              convert=common.FormatSha256)
619    # Check: new_{kernel,rootfs} size must fit in respective partition.
620    if kernel_part_size and self.new_kernel_fs_size > kernel_part_size:
621      raise error.PayloadError(
622          'New kernel content (%d) exceed partition size (%d).' %
623          (self.new_kernel_fs_size, kernel_part_size))
624    if rootfs_part_size and self.new_rootfs_fs_size > rootfs_part_size:
625      raise error.PayloadError(
626          'New rootfs content (%d) exceed partition size (%d).' %
627          (self.new_rootfs_fs_size, rootfs_part_size))
629    # Check: minor_version makes sense for the payload type. This check should
630    # run after the payload type has been set.
631    self._CheckManifestMinorVersion(report)
633  def _CheckLength(self, length, total_blocks, op_name, length_name):
634    """Checks whether a length matches the space designated in extents.
636    Args:
637      length: The total length of the data.
638      total_blocks: The total number of blocks in extents.
639      op_name: Operation name (for error reporting).
640      length_name: Length name (for error reporting).
642    Raises:
643      error.PayloadError is there a problem with the length.
644    """
645    # Check: length is non-zero.
646    if length == 0:
647      raise error.PayloadError('%s: %s is zero.' % (op_name, length_name))
649    # Check that length matches number of blocks.
650    self._CheckBlocksFitLength(length, total_blocks, self.block_size,
651                               '%s: %s' % (op_name, length_name))
653  def _CheckExtents(self, extents, usable_size, block_counters, name,
654                    allow_pseudo=False, allow_signature=False):
655    """Checks a sequence of extents.
657    Args:
658      extents: The sequence of extents to check.
659      usable_size: The usable size of the partition to which the extents apply.
660      block_counters: Array of counters corresponding to the number of blocks.
661      name: The name of the extent block.
662      allow_pseudo: Whether or not pseudo block numbers are allowed.
663      allow_signature: Whether or not the extents are used for a signature.
665    Returns:
666      The total number of blocks in the extents.
668    Raises:
669      error.PayloadError if any of the entailed checks fails.
670    """
671    total_num_blocks = 0
672    for ex, ex_name in common.ExtentIter(extents, name):
673      # Check: Mandatory fields.
674      start_block = PayloadChecker._CheckMandatoryField(ex, 'start_block',
675                                                        None, ex_name)
676      num_blocks = PayloadChecker._CheckMandatoryField(ex, 'num_blocks', None,
677                                                       ex_name)
678      end_block = start_block + num_blocks
680      # Check: num_blocks > 0.
681      if num_blocks == 0:
682        raise error.PayloadError('%s: extent length is zero.' % ex_name)
684      if start_block != common.PSEUDO_EXTENT_MARKER:
685        # Check: Make sure we're within the partition limit.
686        if usable_size and end_block * self.block_size > usable_size:
687          raise error.PayloadError(
688              '%s: extent (%s) exceeds usable partition size (%d).' %
689              (ex_name, common.FormatExtent(ex, self.block_size), usable_size))
691        # Record block usage.
692        for i in xrange(start_block, end_block):
693          block_counters[i] += 1
694      elif not (allow_pseudo or (allow_signature and len(extents) == 1)):
695        # Pseudo-extents must be allowed explicitly, or otherwise be part of a
696        # signature operation (in which case there has to be exactly one).
697        raise error.PayloadError('%s: unexpected pseudo-extent.' % ex_name)
699      total_num_blocks += num_blocks
701    return total_num_blocks
703  def _CheckReplaceOperation(self, op, data_length, total_dst_blocks, op_name):
704    """Specific checks for REPLACE/REPLACE_BZ operations.
706    Args:
707      op: The operation object from the manifest.
708      data_length: The length of the data blob associated with the operation.
709      total_dst_blocks: Total number of blocks in dst_extents.
710      op_name: Operation name for error reporting.
712    Raises:
713      error.PayloadError if any check fails.
714    """
715    # Check: Does not contain src extents.
716    if op.src_extents:
717      raise error.PayloadError('%s: contains src_extents.' % op_name)
719    # Check: Contains data.
720    if data_length is None:
721      raise error.PayloadError('%s: missing data_{offset,length}.' % op_name)
723    if op.type == common.OpType.REPLACE:
724      PayloadChecker._CheckBlocksFitLength(data_length, total_dst_blocks,
725                                           self.block_size,
726                                           op_name + '.data_length', 'dst')
727    else:
728      # Check: data_length must be smaller than the alotted dst blocks.
729      if data_length >= total_dst_blocks * self.block_size:
730        raise error.PayloadError(
731            '%s: data_length (%d) must be less than allotted dst block '
732            'space (%d * %d).' %
733            (op_name, data_length, total_dst_blocks, self.block_size))
735  def _CheckMoveOperation(self, op, data_offset, total_src_blocks,
736                          total_dst_blocks, op_name):
737    """Specific checks for MOVE operations.
739    Args:
740      op: The operation object from the manifest.
741      data_offset: The offset of a data blob for the operation.
742      total_src_blocks: Total number of blocks in src_extents.
743      total_dst_blocks: Total number of blocks in dst_extents.
744      op_name: Operation name for error reporting.
746    Raises:
747      error.PayloadError if any check fails.
748    """
749    # Check: No data_{offset,length}.
750    if data_offset is not None:
751      raise error.PayloadError('%s: contains data_{offset,length}.' % op_name)
753    # Check: total_src_blocks == total_dst_blocks.
754    if total_src_blocks != total_dst_blocks:
755      raise error.PayloadError(
756          '%s: total src blocks (%d) != total dst blocks (%d).' %
757          (op_name, total_src_blocks, total_dst_blocks))
759    # Check: For all i, i-th src block index != i-th dst block index.
760    i = 0
761    src_extent_iter = iter(op.src_extents)
762    dst_extent_iter = iter(op.dst_extents)
763    src_extent = dst_extent = None
764    src_idx = src_num = dst_idx = dst_num = 0
765    while i < total_src_blocks:
766      # Get the next source extent, if needed.
767      if not src_extent:
768        try:
769          src_extent = src_extent_iter.next()
770        except StopIteration:
771          raise error.PayloadError('%s: ran out of src extents (%d/%d).' %
772                                   (op_name, i, total_src_blocks))
773        src_idx = src_extent.start_block
774        src_num = src_extent.num_blocks
776      # Get the next dest extent, if needed.
777      if not dst_extent:
778        try:
779          dst_extent = dst_extent_iter.next()
780        except StopIteration:
781          raise error.PayloadError('%s: ran out of dst extents (%d/%d).' %
782                                   (op_name, i, total_dst_blocks))
783        dst_idx = dst_extent.start_block
784        dst_num = dst_extent.num_blocks
786      # Check: start block is not 0. See crbug/480751; there are still versions
787      # of update_engine which fail when seeking to 0 in PReadAll and PWriteAll,
788      # so we need to fail payloads that try to MOVE to/from block 0.
789      if src_idx == 0 or dst_idx == 0:
790        raise error.PayloadError(
791            '%s: MOVE operation cannot have extent with start block 0' %
792            op_name)
794      if self.check_move_same_src_dst_block and src_idx == dst_idx:
795        raise error.PayloadError(
796            '%s: src/dst block number %d is the same (%d).' %
797            (op_name, i, src_idx))
799      advance = min(src_num, dst_num)
800      i += advance
802      src_idx += advance
803      src_num -= advance
804      if src_num == 0:
805        src_extent = None
807      dst_idx += advance
808      dst_num -= advance
809      if dst_num == 0:
810        dst_extent = None
812    # Make sure we've exhausted all src/dst extents.
813    if src_extent:
814      raise error.PayloadError('%s: excess src blocks.' % op_name)
815    if dst_extent:
816      raise error.PayloadError('%s: excess dst blocks.' % op_name)
818  def _CheckAnyDiffOperation(self, data_length, total_dst_blocks, op_name):
819    """Specific checks for BSDIFF, SOURCE_BSDIFF and IMGDIFF operations.
821    Args:
822      data_length: The length of the data blob associated with the operation.
823      total_dst_blocks: Total number of blocks in dst_extents.
824      op_name: Operation name for error reporting.
826    Raises:
827      error.PayloadError if any check fails.
828    """
829    # Check: data_{offset,length} present.
830    if data_length is None:
831      raise error.PayloadError('%s: missing data_{offset,length}.' % op_name)
833    # Check: data_length is strictly smaller than the alotted dst blocks.
834    if data_length >= total_dst_blocks * self.block_size:
835      raise error.PayloadError(
836          '%s: data_length (%d) must be smaller than allotted dst space '
837          '(%d * %d = %d).' %
838          (op_name, data_length, total_dst_blocks, self.block_size,
839           total_dst_blocks * self.block_size))
841  def _CheckSourceCopyOperation(self, data_offset, total_src_blocks,
842                                total_dst_blocks, op_name):
843    """Specific checks for SOURCE_COPY.
845    Args:
846      data_offset: The offset of a data blob for the operation.
847      total_src_blocks: Total number of blocks in src_extents.
848      total_dst_blocks: Total number of blocks in dst_extents.
849      op_name: Operation name for error reporting.
851    Raises:
852      error.PayloadError if any check fails.
853    """
854    # Check: No data_{offset,length}.
855    if data_offset is not None:
856      raise error.PayloadError('%s: contains data_{offset,length}.' % op_name)
858    # Check: total_src_blocks == total_dst_blocks.
859    if total_src_blocks != total_dst_blocks:
860      raise error.PayloadError(
861          '%s: total src blocks (%d) != total dst blocks (%d).' %
862          (op_name, total_src_blocks, total_dst_blocks))
864  def _CheckAnySourceOperation(self, op, total_src_blocks, op_name):
865    """Specific checks for SOURCE_* operations.
867    Args:
868      op: The operation object from the manifest.
869      total_src_blocks: Total number of blocks in src_extents.
870      op_name: Operation name for error reporting.
872    Raises:
873      error.PayloadError if any check fails.
874    """
875    # Check: total_src_blocks != 0.
876    if total_src_blocks == 0:
877      raise error.PayloadError('%s: no src blocks in a source op.' % op_name)
879    # Check: src_sha256_hash present in minor version >= 3.
880    if self.minor_version >= 3 and op.src_sha256_hash is None:
881      raise error.PayloadError('%s: source hash missing.' % op_name)
883  def _CheckOperation(self, op, op_name, is_last, old_block_counters,
884                      new_block_counters, old_usable_size, new_usable_size,
885                      prev_data_offset, allow_signature, blob_hash_counts):
886    """Checks a single update operation.
888    Args:
889      op: The operation object.
890      op_name: Operation name string for error reporting.
891      is_last: Whether this is the last operation in the sequence.
892      old_block_counters: Arrays of block read counters.
893      new_block_counters: Arrays of block write counters.
894      old_usable_size: The overall usable size for src data in bytes.
895      new_usable_size: The overall usable size for dst data in bytes.
896      prev_data_offset: Offset of last used data bytes.
897      allow_signature: Whether this may be a signature operation.
898      blob_hash_counts: Counters for hashed/unhashed blobs.
900    Returns:
901      The amount of data blob associated with the operation.
903    Raises:
904      error.PayloadError if any check has failed.
905    """
906    # Check extents.
907    total_src_blocks = self._CheckExtents(
908        op.src_extents, old_usable_size, old_block_counters,
909        op_name + '.src_extents', allow_pseudo=True)
910    allow_signature_in_extents = (allow_signature and is_last and
911                                  op.type == common.OpType.REPLACE)
912    total_dst_blocks = self._CheckExtents(
913        op.dst_extents, new_usable_size, new_block_counters,
914        op_name + '.dst_extents',
915        allow_pseudo=(not self.check_dst_pseudo_extents),
916        allow_signature=allow_signature_in_extents)
918    # Check: data_offset present <==> data_length present.
919    data_offset = self._CheckOptionalField(op, 'data_offset', None)
920    data_length = self._CheckOptionalField(op, 'data_length', None)
921    self._CheckPresentIff(data_offset, data_length, 'data_offset',
922                          'data_length', op_name)
924    # Check: At least one dst_extent.
925    if not op.dst_extents:
926      raise error.PayloadError('%s: dst_extents is empty.' % op_name)
928    # Check {src,dst}_length, if present.
929    if op.HasField('src_length'):
930      self._CheckLength(op.src_length, total_src_blocks, op_name, 'src_length')
931    if op.HasField('dst_length'):
932      self._CheckLength(op.dst_length, total_dst_blocks, op_name, 'dst_length')
934    if op.HasField('data_sha256_hash'):
935      blob_hash_counts['hashed'] += 1
937      # Check: Operation carries data.
938      if data_offset is None:
939        raise error.PayloadError(
940            '%s: data_sha256_hash present but no data_{offset,length}.' %
941            op_name)
943      # Check: Hash verifies correctly.
944      # pylint cannot find the method in hashlib, for some reason.
945      # pylint: disable=E1101
946      actual_hash = hashlib.sha256(self.payload.ReadDataBlob(data_offset,
947                                                             data_length))
948      if op.data_sha256_hash != actual_hash.digest():
949        raise error.PayloadError(
950            '%s: data_sha256_hash (%s) does not match actual hash (%s).' %
951            (op_name, common.FormatSha256(op.data_sha256_hash),
952             common.FormatSha256(actual_hash.digest())))
953    elif data_offset is not None:
954      if allow_signature_in_extents:
955        blob_hash_counts['signature'] += 1
956      elif self.allow_unhashed:
957        blob_hash_counts['unhashed'] += 1
958      else:
959        raise error.PayloadError('%s: unhashed operation not allowed.' %
960                                 op_name)
962    if data_offset is not None:
963      # Check: Contiguous use of data section.
964      if data_offset != prev_data_offset:
965        raise error.PayloadError(
966            '%s: data offset (%d) not matching amount used so far (%d).' %
967            (op_name, data_offset, prev_data_offset))
969    # Type-specific checks.
970    if op.type in (common.OpType.REPLACE, common.OpType.REPLACE_BZ):
971      self._CheckReplaceOperation(op, data_length, total_dst_blocks, op_name)
972    elif op.type == common.OpType.MOVE and self.minor_version == 1:
973      self._CheckMoveOperation(op, data_offset, total_src_blocks,
974                               total_dst_blocks, op_name)
975    elif op.type == common.OpType.BSDIFF and self.minor_version == 1:
976      self._CheckAnyDiffOperation(data_length, total_dst_blocks, op_name)
977    elif op.type == common.OpType.SOURCE_COPY and self.minor_version >= 2:
978      self._CheckSourceCopyOperation(data_offset, total_src_blocks,
979                                     total_dst_blocks, op_name)
980      self._CheckAnySourceOperation(op, total_src_blocks, op_name)
981    elif op.type == common.OpType.SOURCE_BSDIFF and self.minor_version >= 2:
982      self._CheckAnyDiffOperation(data_length, total_dst_blocks, op_name)
983      self._CheckAnySourceOperation(op, total_src_blocks, op_name)
984    elif op.type == common.OpType.IMGDIFF and self.minor_version >= 4:
985      self._CheckAnyDiffOperation(data_length, total_dst_blocks, op_name)
986      self._CheckAnySourceOperation(op, total_src_blocks, op_name)
987    else:
988      raise error.PayloadError(
989          'Operation %s (type %d) not allowed in minor version %d' %
990          (op_name, op.type, self.minor_version))
991    return data_length if data_length is not None else 0
993  def _SizeToNumBlocks(self, size):
994    """Returns the number of blocks needed to contain a given byte size."""
995    return (size + self.block_size - 1) / self.block_size
997  def _AllocBlockCounters(self, total_size):
998    """Returns a freshly initialized array of block counters.
1000    Note that the generated array is not portable as is due to byte-ordering
1001    issues, hence it should not be serialized.
1003    Args:
1004      total_size: The total block size in bytes.
1006    Returns:
1007      An array of unsigned short elements initialized to zero, one for each of
1008      the blocks necessary for containing the partition.
1009    """
1010    return array.array('H',
1011                       itertools.repeat(0, self._SizeToNumBlocks(total_size)))
1013  def _CheckOperations(self, operations, report, base_name, old_fs_size,
1014                       new_fs_size, new_usable_size, prev_data_offset,
1015                       allow_signature):
1016    """Checks a sequence of update operations.
1018    Args:
1019      operations: The sequence of operations to check.
1020      report: The report object to add to.
1021      base_name: The name of the operation block.
1022      old_fs_size: The old filesystem size in bytes.
1023      new_fs_size: The new filesystem size in bytes.
1024      new_usable_size: The overall usable size of the new partition in bytes.
1025      prev_data_offset: Offset of last used data bytes.
1026      allow_signature: Whether this sequence may contain signature operations.
1028    Returns:
1029      The total data blob size used.
1031    Raises:
1032      error.PayloadError if any of the checks fails.
1033    """
1034    # The total size of data blobs used by operations scanned thus far.
1035    total_data_used = 0
1036    # Counts of specific operation types.
1037    op_counts = {
1038        common.OpType.REPLACE: 0,
1039        common.OpType.REPLACE_BZ: 0,
1040        common.OpType.MOVE: 0,
1041        common.OpType.BSDIFF: 0,
1042        common.OpType.SOURCE_COPY: 0,
1043        common.OpType.SOURCE_BSDIFF: 0,
1044        common.OpType.IMGDIFF: 0,
1045    }
1046    # Total blob sizes for each operation type.
1047    op_blob_totals = {
1048        common.OpType.REPLACE: 0,
1049        common.OpType.REPLACE_BZ: 0,
1050        # MOVE operations don't have blobs.
1051        common.OpType.BSDIFF: 0,
1052        # SOURCE_COPY operations don't have blobs.
1053        common.OpType.SOURCE_BSDIFF: 0,
1054        common.OpType.IMGDIFF: 0,
1055    }
1056    # Counts of hashed vs unhashed operations.
1057    blob_hash_counts = {
1058        'hashed': 0,
1059        'unhashed': 0,
1060    }
1061    if allow_signature:
1062      blob_hash_counts['signature'] = 0
1064    # Allocate old and new block counters.
1065    old_block_counters = (self._AllocBlockCounters(new_usable_size)
1066                          if old_fs_size else None)
1067    new_block_counters = self._AllocBlockCounters(new_usable_size)
1069    # Process and verify each operation.
1070    op_num = 0
1071    for op, op_name in common.OperationIter(operations, base_name):
1072      op_num += 1
1074      # Check: Type is valid.
1075      if op.type not in op_counts.keys():
1076        raise error.PayloadError('%s: invalid type (%d).' % (op_name, op.type))
1077      op_counts[op.type] += 1
1079      is_last = op_num == len(operations)
1080      curr_data_used = self._CheckOperation(
1081          op, op_name, is_last, old_block_counters, new_block_counters,
1082          new_usable_size if old_fs_size else 0, new_usable_size,
1083          prev_data_offset + total_data_used, allow_signature,
1084          blob_hash_counts)
1085      if curr_data_used:
1086        op_blob_totals[op.type] += curr_data_used
1087        total_data_used += curr_data_used
1089    # Report totals and breakdown statistics.
1090    report.AddField('total operations', op_num)
1091    report.AddField(
1092        None,
1093        histogram.Histogram.FromCountDict(op_counts,
1094                                          key_names=common.OpType.NAMES),
1095        indent=1)
1096    report.AddField('total blobs', sum(blob_hash_counts.values()))
1097    report.AddField(None,
1098                    histogram.Histogram.FromCountDict(blob_hash_counts),
1099                    indent=1)
1100    report.AddField('total blob size', _AddHumanReadableSize(total_data_used))
1101    report.AddField(
1102        None,
1103        histogram.Histogram.FromCountDict(op_blob_totals,
1104                                          formatter=_AddHumanReadableSize,
1105                                          key_names=common.OpType.NAMES),
1106        indent=1)
1108    # Report read/write histograms.
1109    if old_block_counters:
1110      report.AddField('block read hist',
1111                      histogram.Histogram.FromKeyList(old_block_counters),
1112                      linebreak=True, indent=1)
1114    new_write_hist = histogram.Histogram.FromKeyList(
1115        new_block_counters[:self._SizeToNumBlocks(new_fs_size)])
1116    report.AddField('block write hist', new_write_hist, linebreak=True,
1117                    indent=1)
1119    # Check: Full update must write each dst block once.
1120    if self.payload_type == _TYPE_FULL and new_write_hist.GetKeys() != [1]:
1121      raise error.PayloadError(
1122          '%s: not all blocks written exactly once during full update.' %
1123          base_name)
1125    return total_data_used
1127  def _CheckSignatures(self, report, pubkey_file_name):
1128    """Checks a payload's signature block."""
1129    sigs_raw = self.payload.ReadDataBlob(self.sigs_offset, self.sigs_size)
1130    sigs = update_metadata_pb2.Signatures()
1131    sigs.ParseFromString(sigs_raw)
1132    report.AddSection('signatures')
1134    # Check: At least one signature present.
1135    # pylint cannot see through the protobuf object, it seems.
1136    # pylint: disable=E1101
1137    if not sigs.signatures:
1138      raise error.PayloadError('Signature block is empty.')
1140    last_ops_section = (self.payload.manifest.kernel_install_operations or
1141                        self.payload.manifest.install_operations)
1142    fake_sig_op = last_ops_section[-1]
1143    # Check: signatures_{offset,size} must match the last (fake) operation.
1144    if not (fake_sig_op.type == common.OpType.REPLACE and
1145            self.sigs_offset == fake_sig_op.data_offset and
1146            self.sigs_size == fake_sig_op.data_length):
1147      raise error.PayloadError(
1148          'Signatures_{offset,size} (%d+%d) does not match last operation '
1149          '(%d+%d).' %
1150          (self.sigs_offset, self.sigs_size, fake_sig_op.data_offset,
1151           fake_sig_op.data_length))
1153    # Compute the checksum of all data up to signature blob.
1154    # TODO(garnold) we're re-reading the whole data section into a string
1155    # just to compute the checksum; instead, we could do it incrementally as
1156    # we read the blobs one-by-one, under the assumption that we're reading
1157    # them in order (which currently holds). This should be reconsidered.
1158    payload_hasher = self.payload.manifest_hasher.copy()
1159    common.Read(self.payload.payload_file, self.sigs_offset,
1160                offset=self.payload.data_offset, hasher=payload_hasher)
1162    for sig, sig_name in common.SignatureIter(sigs.signatures, 'signatures'):
1163      sig_report = report.AddSubReport(sig_name)
1165      # Check: Signature contains mandatory fields.
1166      self._CheckMandatoryField(sig, 'version', sig_report, sig_name)
1167      self._CheckMandatoryField(sig, 'data', None, sig_name)
1168      sig_report.AddField('data len', len(sig.data))
1170      # Check: Signatures pertains to actual payload hash.
1171      if sig.version == 1:
1172        self._CheckSha256Signature(sig.data, pubkey_file_name,
1173                                   payload_hasher.digest(), sig_name)
1174      else:
1175        raise error.PayloadError('Unknown signature version (%d).' %
1176                                 sig.version)
1178  def Run(self, pubkey_file_name=None, metadata_sig_file=None,
1179          rootfs_part_size=0, kernel_part_size=0, report_out_file=None):
1180    """Checker entry point, invoking all checks.
1182    Args:
1183      pubkey_file_name: Public key used for signature verification.
1184      metadata_sig_file: Metadata signature, if verification is desired.
1185      rootfs_part_size: The size of rootfs partitions in bytes (default: infer
1186                        based on payload type and version).
1187      kernel_part_size: The size of kernel partitions in bytes (default: use
1188                        reported filesystem size).
1189      report_out_file: File object to dump the report to.
1191    Raises:
1192      error.PayloadError if payload verification failed.
1193    """
1194    if not pubkey_file_name:
1195      pubkey_file_name = _DEFAULT_PUBKEY_FILE_NAME
1197    report = _PayloadReport()
1199    # Get payload file size.
1200    self.payload.payload_file.seek(0, 2)
1201    payload_file_size = self.payload.payload_file.tell()
1202    self.payload.ResetFile()
1204    try:
1205      # Check metadata signature (if provided).
1206      if metadata_sig_file:
1207        metadata_sig = base64.b64decode(metadata_sig_file.read())
1208        self._CheckSha256Signature(metadata_sig, pubkey_file_name,
1209                                   self.payload.manifest_hasher.digest(),
1210                                   'metadata signature')
1212      # Part 1: Check the file header.
1213      report.AddSection('header')
1214      # Check: Payload version is valid.
1215      if self.payload.header.version != 1:
1216        raise error.PayloadError('Unknown payload version (%d).' %
1217                                 self.payload.header.version)
1218      report.AddField('version', self.payload.header.version)
1219      report.AddField('manifest len', self.payload.header.manifest_len)
1221      # Part 2: Check the manifest.
1222      self._CheckManifest(report, rootfs_part_size, kernel_part_size)
1223      assert self.payload_type, 'payload type should be known by now'
1225      # Infer the usable partition size when validating rootfs operations:
1226      # - If rootfs partition size was provided, use that.
1227      # - Otherwise, if this is an older delta (minor version < 2), stick with
1228      #   a known constant size. This is necessary because older deltas may
1229      #   exceed the filesystem size when moving data blocks around.
1230      # - Otherwise, use the encoded filesystem size.
1231      new_rootfs_usable_size = self.new_rootfs_fs_size
1232      if rootfs_part_size:
1233        new_rootfs_usable_size = rootfs_part_size
1234      elif self.payload_type == _TYPE_DELTA and self.minor_version in (None, 1):
1235        new_rootfs_usable_size = _OLD_DELTA_USABLE_PART_SIZE
1237      # Part 3: Examine rootfs operations.
1238      # TODO(garnold)(chromium:243559) only default to the filesystem size if
1239      # no explicit size provided *and* the partition size is not embedded in
1240      # the payload; see issue for more details.
1241      report.AddSection('rootfs operations')
1242      total_blob_size = self._CheckOperations(
1243          self.payload.manifest.install_operations, report,
1244          'install_operations', self.old_rootfs_fs_size,
1245          self.new_rootfs_fs_size, new_rootfs_usable_size, 0, False)
1247      # Part 4: Examine kernel operations.
1248      # TODO(garnold)(chromium:243559) as above.
1249      report.AddSection('kernel operations')
1250      total_blob_size += self._CheckOperations(
1251          self.payload.manifest.kernel_install_operations, report,
1252          'kernel_install_operations', self.old_kernel_fs_size,
1253          self.new_kernel_fs_size,
1254          kernel_part_size if kernel_part_size else self.new_kernel_fs_size,
1255          total_blob_size, True)
1257      # Check: Operations data reach the end of the payload file.
1258      used_payload_size = self.payload.data_offset + total_blob_size
1259      if used_payload_size != payload_file_size:
1260        raise error.PayloadError(
1261            'Used payload size (%d) different from actual file size (%d).' %
1262            (used_payload_size, payload_file_size))
1264      # Part 5: Handle payload signatures message.
1265      if self.check_payload_sig and self.sigs_size:
1266        self._CheckSignatures(report, pubkey_file_name)
1268      # Part 6: Summary.
1269      report.AddSection('summary')
1270      report.AddField('update type', self.payload_type)
1272      report.Finalize()
1273    finally:
1274      if report_out_file:
1275        report.Dump(report_out_file)