History log of /external/autotest/client/site_tests/firmware_TouchMTB/test_conf.py
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
42bc23b188cdf856d24494842909ac0e0930b257 19-Sep-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Add a manual noise test mode to the Touch FW tests

Elan wants to reproduce our robotic noise test using their robot. After
some brainstorming with them on the best way to do this, we devided that
actually making a mode that does the noise test "manually" would
probably be easiest. Then they can program their robot to simply touch
the pad for a few seconds, raise up, wait a few more seconds, and then
hit the spacebar. It should work just fine I think and is a lot easier
than rewriting the robot wrapper classes to support their robot.

This CL adds a new flag "-f" that allows you to indicate to the test
suite that you do, in fact have a function generator attached even
though the robot may not be connected. So to run the extended noise
test manually you would run:

DISPLAY=:0 python main.py -m NOISE -f

The test will controll the function generator automatically for you, and
then you are manually required to perform the gesture.

TEST=manual testing. The new mode works and the regular modes that
existed before seem to still work as expect as well

Change-Id: I12110ca30422f0d3f7455654253675834fc19d9c
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/219101
60a345dd2a6a7c27407153b6c9734d2b63a88c01 28-Jul-2014 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: add MtbSanityValidator

This patch checks two things.

1. Ghost fingers:
The validator checks if there exist ghost fingers before fingers
touch the touch device. This is accomplished by querying the
InputDevice class which syncs with the kernel evdev driver about
the mt slots information.

2. MTB event rules:
The MTB events emitted by a device have to follow some rules.
Otherwise, the events may confuse the state machine in the MTB
parser. As a beginning, this validator checks some simple rules:

a. No TRACKING ID is set to -1 before a slot is assigned a
positive TRACKING ID value.

b. No X, Y, or PRESSURE values could be assigned to a slot
before the slot is assigned a positive TRACKING ID value.

More rules may be added to this validator when needed.

Note that item 1 above is to detect any pre-existing fingers
before the test is conducted, while item 2 is to detect any event
mis-ordering or corruption occurring during the test.

TEST=All unit tests should pass on a chromebook.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py

Change-Id: Id85dcb8e54601f5dfd6d77bbf3802fdcb2d74a60
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/210792
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
d709ccc114fd7e4ffd21abcb160181d2d12243d4 16-Aug-2014 Mindy Huang <mindyh@chromium.org> Added a new validator that discards the initial seconds of data before

The new validator can wrap around any generic validator, and the number
of seconds to discard can be specified.

The validator simply strips the first second and prepends
the end state of the discarded second onto the stripped data. This
throws away all events that happened within the first second, but keeps
all events that persist after the first second.

The noise tests also now have a one second pause at the beginning of
each test to allow the touchpad to calibrate against the noise.

TEST=Manually and with robot

Change-Id: I6d6a0c40f4cb106185c7cc084fca3b459dd49c3c
Signed-off-by: Mindy Huang <mindyh@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/212763
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
f11c971f67f255d8093e5cee05e5da0e6446d900 30-Jul-2014 Mindy Huang <mindyh@chromium.org> Set the robot to only pick up the necessary one finger during noise tests.

If it picks up all four as is the default setting, the noise resonates between
the fingers and generates much more and much stronger phantom touches.

TEST=Manually with robot

Change-Id: I55d1d84db2b3032836287136d4bdbbbbad6adf8e
Signed-off-by: Mindy Huang <mindyh@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/210411
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
b0612e11b87281c1ab8ab95d3c47de2601a9df26 16-Jul-2014 Mindy Huang <mindyh@chromium.org> Added a noise mode to the robot.

In noise mode, the robot does a fine-grain frequency test on the device.
It sweeps from 0Hz to 1MHz in 400Hz intervals, for a total of 2500 tests
in about 4 hours.

TEST=Manually with robot on a lumpy

Change-Id: Iaf5901923f42cbd41c0a263a0431b512f6cdbb36
Signed-off-by: Mindy Huang <mindyh@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/208485
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
94baca13ef3518e592fd9d0d1a8fec8f6a3bef93 18-Jul-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Add noise-tests to the touchscreen capabilities

The noise test was only enabled on touchpads, but there's no reason it
can't work on touchscreens as well. This CL just adds them to the list.

TEST=I manually used this for a test today

Change-Id: I91d4311170c1648afd6afea45c4656775aa7ad4d
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/208981
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
a8b149d119a2a0cf7d7e403bc3df7cc9f34cdc8c 09-Jul-2014 Mindy Huang <mindyh@google.com> Added noise tests for line drawing and stationary touches to the touch firmware test suite.

The added line test draws diagonal lines with square waves in noise at 5kHz, 500kHz, and 1Mhz.
The added stationary touch test holds the finger still at various points on the touchpad while sending
square waves in noise at 5kHz, 500kHz, and 1MHz.

TEST=Tested with robot on a lumpy

Change-Id: I6b331346d11ca2c88510f16a92a27aefaf2d38b1
Signed-off-by: Mindy Huang <mindyh@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/207167
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
8463668f2fe204b3a2ca7b9d53a8bd399ad1ee28 25-Jun-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Change which robot fingertip is "normal"

From what I've been seeing, our "normal" fingertips are actually
somewhat larger than most fingers. Additionally, one of them is
damaged, so that makes a compelling argument to use the size 2mm smaller
for normal fingertips now. This CL changes the assignments.

TEST=I ran the FW test and it worked

Change-Id: I61918f215dd7b81d14e606a927a776eb67468bec
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/205472
Reviewed-by: Andrew de los Reyes <adlr@chromium.org>
662a357b78e31ad0e9c387389cc54251a7f70946 29-May-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Increase the number of expect tracking IDs

The robot performs 50 taps in the "stationary finger with taps around
it" test. Previously the test only validated that there were >=2
tracking IDs, which would indeed be bad if there was only 1, but since
there should be 51, it's a little lax in the situation where the taps
are getting missed. This CL sets it to 25 instead. This test is quite
hard, so even good touchpads will miss a few tracking IDs (hence 25
instead of 50) and this gives them a little wiggle-room. From the
performance I've seen on other devices, this seems like a reasonable

TEST=none, this is just a simple numeric change

Change-Id: I31e95eabfe5fafad228166d8d525b17148840134
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/202067
2cbb23bb88733c3e0a40f7d17681ed957b54ce27 13-May-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Add a quickstep flag to the touch FW test

It's common to want to check the latency of a system without running the
full (long) FW test on it. This CL adds a nice, simple way to do that
without having to know how the code works and comment out parts you
don't want. Now there is an additional '-q' or '--quickstep' flag you
can pass to the test suite when you run it. If you do it overrides the
list of gestures and only runs the latency test.

TEST=I used it both with and without the flag and it seems to do the

Change-Id: Ia05b771c00341447e253d56a13a7c08e967d8401
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/199495
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
bfd222d9cb8b6d0d651ed2ec74f73195718a9e36 11-Apr-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Adjust finger position to prevent collisions

Since the robot used relative coordinates that scale based on the size
of the touchpad being tested, for smaller touchpads the fingers can
sometimes bump into eachother. This causes a weird bend in the logs and
frankly is just not what we're going for.

This CL adds in some logic to the touch robot test that trying to take
into consideration the size of the touchpad before proceeding and
adjusts the stationary finger's position if it's too close/far away.

TEST=manual testing

Change-Id: If2d3ee3da7a37e902c0a06f69ea6cdb6395526cf
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/198420
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
3ceb6419c90576ba7df8cee03d4b42d38d1b6d00 05-Mar-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Adding a drag-latency test to the Touch FW test

A drag latency test has been part of our touch qualification process for
a while now, but has always been run by hand. With Quickstep, this
should be able to be performed automatically as with any other
gesture/validator that we check. The operator will just need to set up
the laser across the pad before running the test.

This CL adds in the robot support for the Quickstep gesture and a new
validator that imports in the latency calculation software from the
touchbot project and computes the drag-latency using the touch data the
firmware collected and pulling the laser data out of the Quickstep sysfs
entries. If there is no Quickstep present, the test will report a
failing dummy value to indicate this, otherwise you would need the
Quickstep device to run the FW test, which is something we don't want to
be a requirement.

TEST=Manually ran the test with and without the Quickstep plugged in and
the gesture ran smoothly and the computations worked without crashing

Change-Id: I638da3f837e86d6cf40da3e552c7d56b23e51ee1
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/189502
bc9dba0f212df1b31ed43032c68f5e07e9ee9974 01-Mar-2014 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: add version info to test logs

When recording gestures files or generating the test summary,
we would like the version info to be prepended to the test logs,
including the standard output, the html report, the pickle log,
and the summary report.

TEST=Install the test on a chromebook machine as a first step.
Then, in the chroot of your host:
(cr) $ cd .../site_tests/firmware_TouchMTB
(cr) $ ./version.sh -r ${MACHINE_IP}

On the chromebook, record a few gestures, and then press 'x' to exit.
$ DISPLAY=:0 python main.py -m complete

Now, check the version info in the following files:
$ cd /var/tmp/touch_firmware_test/latest
$ less touch_firmware_report-xxxx
$ less touch_firmware_report-xxxx.html
$ less touch_firmware_report-xxxx.log

The version info should show up in the first few lines look like

test_version: 2014-02-28.06:46:04 5db2d13bf7ff0e56c652213434f581ce6d7a65ee

Change-Id: I549d97574dd44d2cdd7eea7efe0de85a5fd67f66
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/188562
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
d8eebd84b931e4f98fc0d7a0899569478f70136b 27-Feb-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Touch FW test: do our own fingertip management for clicks

Previously the click gesture required that you start with no fingertips
selected and the gesture itself would take take of that for you. This
was okay-ish because there wasn't a system in place to make sure the
robot had the right fingers. Now, the touch FW test has progressed such
that we can tell it what fingers are expected for this gesture and it
will make sure that it's ready. By letting the FW test take care of the
fingertip selection, we save on fingertip swaps between repeated
instances of the same gesture. That is to say, between two runs of a
one-finger physical click, there's no reason to put the fingertip back,
and this makes that possible.

TEST=manual testing

Change-Id: I9997058213300a05deb74c479cfa9c50cfa8fbd9
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/188257
Reviewed-by: Dennis Kempin <denniskempin@chromium.org>
26c71bf6a4fcd7dceef44b9abd534c288dbcd08e 19-Feb-2014 Yuli Huang <yuli@chromium.org> Touch FW test: robot fat finger w/ resting finger

This adds the support for the Fat finger + resting finger interaction
tests in the robot wrapper for the touch FW test. In this test the
robot uses a regular-size finger in a stationary position and then moves
the fat finger around. This CL adds the plumbing to allow this to

TEST=I ran the tests and observed the robot

Change-Id: Ie7ac488319819261033e8971c20cc8bc507c9ca7
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/187723
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
6aa260407561643fe714a72b1a9134d14b6c8bb9 19-Feb-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Touch FW test: Fail over robot lib directories

This CL changes the Touch FW test to check in the gmerge and cros deploy
directories first, when looking for the robot libraries. This way if
you update the version of the touchbot project on your machine it'll
still work they way you expected.

TEST=deployed on a machine with gmerged touchbot libs and the FW test

Change-Id: I4521f5ab1be70ac52aa9d096dcb61d0c8dbbc170
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/187071
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
02902d82dbd62f806879f3768eb3f4764a913699 07-Feb-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Touch FW test: add robotic fat-finger support

The fingertip size selection process for the touchbot wrapper for the
touch FW test was somewhat crude before. All the gestures that it
supported all used the same size fingertips or no fingertips so it was
good enough to just have pretty basic logic.

This CL revamps the fingertip size selection logic to allow for
fat-finger tests, and enables the two-fat-finger-tracking test. Most of
the logic for this gesture already existed in the regular
two-finger-tracking test, so the majority of the CL is just setting up
the switching code to make it work. It's a little overkill for this
test, but should enable multi-sized gestures when we add them in the
future, which is coming soon.

TEST=manually ran the FW test

Change-Id: I99f45f36d493d865b72b9e5499227e82a1e7a769
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/185391
d0fb182ac198c202b231577f131dd37d7f0a33a5 05-Feb-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Touchbot II: support tapping and tracking

This CL adds support for the two gestures where one finger draws a
straight line diagonally across the pad and the other taps in the
corner. This is done by using the one_stationary_finger gesture which
has just had tapping capabilities added to it.

TEST=Manual testing

Change-Id: Icb23f66541b1998ba612c4576894d74b1a5710d2
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/185044
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
f521d8961c62d9656720139ad94e21f2f8a04344 22-Jan-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Touch FW test: Add support for stationary/tap

The robot needs to know how to parse the gesture where it holds one
finger still and taps around it with a second finger. This CL adds in
the parsing code and informs the FW test suite that the robot is now
capable of performing this gesture.

TEST=Manually tested by running the FW test suite with the robot

Change-Id: Ie6672a64ff8a5bdb51b5760e1b6bb88925db1c20
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/183531
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
1feddb865cf3f9c158d8cca17a6e68c71b500571 16-Jan-2014 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: split LinearityValidator for normal and fat fingers

This patch splits the Linearity Validator into two parts, one for
gestures performed with normal fingers, and the other for gestures
performed with fat fingers.

TEST=All unit tests should pass on a chromebook machine.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py

Also replay the logs for Link, and generate the summary:
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/link/
$ ./summary.sh -d /tmp

Now, look at the summary file /tmp/summary/summary_xxxx/summary_xxxx.txt
It would show both LinearityFatFinger(Middle)Validator and
LinearityNormalFinger(Middle)Validator like:

max error in x (mm) : 5.49 The max err of all samples
max error in y (mm) : 1.47 The max err of all samples
rms error in x (mm) : 1.32 The mean of all rms means of all trials
rms error in y (mm) : 0.57 The mean of all rms means of all trials
max error in x (mm) : 2.38 The max err of all samples
max error in y (mm) : 2.76 The max err of all samples
rms error in x (mm) : 0.19 The mean of all rms means of all trials
rms error in y (mm) : 0.31 The mean of all rms means of all trials

Change-Id: Iadc5089a2017f2a11a61e5315dc57f1f8937c1e4
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/182766
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
de12426329e9f08daf28cb5d16db9d70c8d096b4 15-Jan-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> touch fw test -- automated finger crossing tests

This adds automated robot support for the finger_crossing tests in the
touch firmware test. These are the tests where one finger is stationary
and the other finger moves closely past it.

TEST=ran manually on a link

Change-Id: Ia2eb2ea61ab319f373de75e1754ba2a7f9332377
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/182668
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
1951e2b088fedc4c8fe9997a4ed4f9ba58858d79 15-Jan-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Touch FW test: Support automated drumroll tests

This patch adds robot support for drumroll tests to the TouchMTB
firmware test.

TEST=manually ran FW test with the robot and it worked

Change-Id: Ib0f20ad0be6833ab0467563e405d66eb718b06ad
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/182637
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
00779b9bd10d150d98f6d08f7f25a830a802a4f4 15-Jan-2014 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Touchbot II: close-finger tracking support

This adds robot support for the close two-finger tracking tests

TEST=Ran the test on a link. The new gestures all parsed correctly and
the robot was able to perform them

Change-Id: Ifc0ba80cc2a9c9b365e527dacf9ca7cdbb14f3ec
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/182504
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
2d9f41d18cb24e7110add66b132acdb601f5e0c7 15-Jan-2014 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: update test logs and unit tests

As some of the validators have been added/deleted/modified, the test logs and
unit tests need to be updated too.

TEST=The unit tests should all pass on a chromebook machine.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py

Change-Id: I94863deceb07b4d01c19f63de6e3704c5d9e3d83
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/182583
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
7584b3410e81bd7ea282432c2c3c55d9b4a06ea3 19-Dec-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: display summary table and detailed table

The summary table is used for the spec, and the detailed table for
tracing the root cause or for debugging.

As an example, the top level summary table will show something like

StationaryFingerValidator, StationaryTapValidator
max distance (mm) : 1.45 max distance of any two points from any run

On the other hand, the detailed table will display metrics of the two
related validators separately. The StationaryFingerValidator is used
to measure the pulling effect by another finger on a stationary
finger, while the StationaryTapValidator is used to measure the
wobble of taps/clicks.

max distance (mm) : 1.45 max distance of any two points from any run

max distance (mm) : 0.54 max distance of any two points from any run

Since there may exist distinct root causes of failures about both
validators, the detailed table is useful in showing them separately.

TEST=Replay logs and generate a summary file.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/link/
$ ./summary.sh -d /tmp

Open the following summary file, /tmp/summary/summary_xxxx/summary_xxxx.txt
while xxxx represents timestamps. It shows two tables in the summary file.

The first table is "Summary table" which shows something like

StationaryFingerValidator StationaryTapValidator
max distance (mm) : 1.45 max distance of any two points

The second table is "Detailed table (for debugging)" which shows the
two related validators separately.

max distance (mm) : 1.45 max distance of any two points
max distance (mm) : 0.54 max distance of any two points

Change-Id: Ib478b39c28c23e49d824be41c57650915ccb569a
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/181094
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
3355dcdfdac4cdea9f3cc4953409a8607d0f6e5b 20-Dec-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: add count tracking ID validator for normal finger

It is a better class hierarchy to make both
CountTrackingIDFatFingerValidator and
CountTrackingIDNormalFingerValidator derive from

TEST=Replay logs and generate a summary file.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/link/
$ ./summary.sh -d /tmp

Open the following summary file, /tmp/summary/summary_xxxx/summary_xxxx.txt
while xxxx represents timestamps. It shows something like:

pct of incorrect cases (%) : 25.00 an incorrect case ...
pct of incorrect cases (%) : 0.0 an incorrect case ...

Change-Id: I05cf39d34654b1df10d99eecd2d4d4483f71784c
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/181093
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
87321559af7db87fcf4fbe5a1eb80564aecccb71 18-Dec-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: suppport StationaryTapValidator

It is desirable to split the StationaryFingerValidator into two
validators. The first one, StationaryFingerValidator, verifies
the pulling effect of another finger on the stationary finger.
The other one, StationaryTapValidator, checks the wobble of
taps/clicks. In this way, when the stationary validator failed,
it is very easy to trace the root cause of the failure. Another
advantage is that it is possible to assign two distinct criteria
to the two validators since they are now separated.

TEST=All unit tests, including the new one StationaryTapValidatorTest,
should pass.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py

Change-Id: Ib79af6d6fcb965bc5807487454246e7841925003
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/181092
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
a44a9531f8dbd9c61d1f940397a816d628d4b369 29-Nov-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: add hysteresis validator and its related gesture

A new HysteresisValidator is added to check if there exists a
cursor jump initially. This happens when a finger starts moving,
the cursor keeps at the same position initially. While the finger
moves sufficiently far away, the cursor jumps suddenly to catch
up with the finger and then moves smoothly with the finger thereafter.

A new gesture for performing hysteresis test is also added to draw
lines to various directions with distinct speed.

Since this is a regular line-drawing gesture, the robot is ready
to perform it.

TEST=All unit tests, including the new one for hysteresis test,
should pass.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py

Change-Id: Ib3dcd5fecb87e946e2e2b3665ddd0823d26f07a3
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/179316
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
ed5de67cc2ad8960b48b4d726889f59d417b3e3e 28-Nov-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: drop Linearity(BothEnds)Validtor

As the Linearity(BothEnds)Validator incurs some problems in
the test itself, we would like to deprecate this validator.

TEST=Perform the following steps
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB

Replay the log.
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/link/

Observe that there are no Linearity(BothEnds)Validtor
in the html report file
where xxxx represents the current date-time.

Change-Id: Iac6dbfc043a84ea6955bab4fe946770396912b32
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/179061
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
3729e6879e24fc0c41342cb84fec24bc7a1acdb9 05-Dec-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: add CountTrackingIDFatFingerValidator

It is useful to distinguish the count tracking ID results between
gestures with and without fat fingers.

For gestures with fat fingers, thumb edge, or close fingers, we may
allow a small percentage of finger split/merge.

On the other hand, for the other gestures without using fat fingers,
we would impose a strict criteria on the count of tracking IDs.
There should be no finger split/merge, ghost finger, or other
related problems.

The new validator is implemented by simply inheriting

TEST=Replay a previous manual gesture set.
And observe that it would display CountTrackingIDFatFingerValidator
instead of CountTrackingIDValidator on the following gestures:
- fat_finger_move_with_resting_finger
- drag_edge_thumb
- two_close_fingers_tracking
- two_fat_fingers_tracking

Change-Id: I0258003c0ba3737759b5d8518c60f51e48740bf3
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/179033
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
af04554499f895a1d1c98e550558ae6118c3cde0 03-Dec-2013 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Robot support for all phys clicks in Touch FW test

This patch adds Robot support for all the remaining physical click tests
in the touch fw test. As the physical click gesture already exists,
this was just a matter of updating the robot wrapper to accept three and
four finger gestures and perform them on the pad.

TEST=manual testing by running the FW test on a Lumpy

Change-Id: Ibae1724f1dd7b741a2cddf2afea2c6f1afab65d9
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/178635
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
4ed40ecbdc053a4b091a46dc9994452e9b531c56 03-Dec-2013 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Add Touchbot II support for pinch tests

The robot can do the pinch gestures for the fw test using the line.py
gesture that I've been using for the regular line/tracking/etc tests.
This CL adds support for pinch-zoom in the automated fw test.

TEST=manually tested by running the FW test on a Lumpy

Change-Id: Ib6f04c31ce936416127ff6f3ddff3d6c729d1f55
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/178621
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
740925a35f5d69faef6ae142be3631b52fbe46bc 03-Dec-2013 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Touch FW Test: Add first stationary finger test

This patch adds support of the resting finger test to the robot portion
of the Touch FW test. This uses the new one_finger_stationary.py
gesture to execute the tests automatically where one finger is placed in
the bottom left corner and another finger draws a straight line.

TEST=ran the FW test on the Touchbot II with the new gesture and it
worked great.

Change-Id: Iff9f468b23228593445820176923886740b5689c
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/178567
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
d1603ecc4264a1c789e0de7e2c584ab83235a068 21-Nov-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: log details for metrics instead of scores

All the old scores are replaced with the new metrics statistics
in the html report file.

As some of the metrics may not need pass criteria, e.g., the
Linearity Validator, the criteria are only displayed when needed.

TEST= Replay the logs:
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/link
Observe the scores are all replaced with the new metrics statistics
in the html report.

Change-Id: I17c0c7e431544ef30b4bdf1655a204ba3ea8f7a4
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/177741
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
b5486d08d7d4c1481ac5f01c87865360ef7812ec 21-Nov-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: remove NoLevelJumpValidator

Remove the NoLevelJumpValidator as it could be covered by the

TEST= Replay the logs.
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/link
Observe that the NoLevelJumpValidator is not displayed in

Change-Id: I04123c3ff136a80a27cf5152b9e4afaebb75d261
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/177740
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
c0d30cbdfb45cfb800689451f29fe37345c66f48 21-Nov-2013 Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org> Switching the Touch FW test to the new Robot

The touchbotII robot wrapper has been under development for a while now
and seems to be quite functional. As such I would like to switch the
test over to use it now. This patch removed the old robot wrapper and
replaces it with the one for the new robot.

The current state of the robot test with the new robot is that it can do
the same tests that the old robot could. The only way to really iron
out the kinks in it now is to start actually using it, I think. More
tests will be added as this robot is much more flexible than the old
one, but replacing the old functionality was the first milestone here.

TEST=I ran the full fw test using the new robot on a Lumpy in the lab
and everything worked.

Change-Id: Ife9bd73850511b4c131fc16d850e1798d686f662
Signed-off-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/177481
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: David James <davidjames@chromium.org>
e41b3cfce09ec790d909107c9da6726e51b13c89 24-Oct-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: show metrics as default

Metrics statistics are shown without the need to specify any flags.

TEST=Replay the logs without specifying "-s" command option.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/lumpy/
$ ./summary.sh -d /tmp -m f
Check out the summary report in /tmp/summary/summaryxxx/summaryxxx.txt,
where xxx is of the form of the date time. It should display the
"Metrics statistics by validator" in the summary report.

All unit tests must pass too.
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py

Change-Id: I893290d77a27c8a981c65e8f837c2ba5f1e39c46
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/174663
Reviewed-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
7223a44ea2cd425c3947488b5388a5842ca08979 16-Oct-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: adjust the range criteria to fail a bad gesture

By adjusting the range criteria, we got the scores as follows:

- the score of RangeValidator for single gesture: 0.84 --> 0.13
(This score makes it very obvious that the very gesture failed the test.)

- the mean of scores of RangeValidator for all related gestures:
0.96 --> 0.78
(Although all other one-finger-to-edge gestures were correctly
performed, the mean value is still obviously worse.)

- the final weighted average for all validators: 0.949 --> 0.932
(The final score is lowered by about 1.5%.)

TEST=Verified the data of Round 2 from the 4 rounds on Link.
The scores should be obviously lower in one_finger_to_left gestures.

Change-Id: I330799cb172e653f21ce0a08c1cc1a143fa395c7
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/173008
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
ceed19b0caa1913b4ca7a91b7b27d654e214bc09 30-Aug-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: chop off pauses at both ends in tracking gestures

When the touch robot or a tester performs tracking gestures,
occasionally, there are pauses in the beginning and in the end.
While the kernel only reports changes of MTB attributes such as
x, y, and pressure values, a packet with the same attributes as
its previous one will be simply discarded in the kernel which
leads to larger packet report intervals.

In this patch, only the middle segment in which points are away
from both ends by more than a specified distance are used to
calculate the report rate metrics. In other words, the points
at both ends are chopped off in order not to generate the false
alarms of large packet report intervals.

TEST=Conduct unit tests on a chromebook or in chroot.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py
The unit tests must all pass.

Change-Id: Ia2eb64a5b86d81a5125948d3f87b0705836c6f1f
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/168908
Reviewed-by: Charles Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
ad3136c03a931b4c1742cdec472780be15f7e1ed 12-Aug-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: replay with a mocked device

It is handy and sometimes essential to be able to replay the test
logs captured from a platform on another platform.

When replaying logs, the board on which the logs were captured could
be different from the board of the chromebook currently used. Hence,
the correct board should be extracted from the log specified in the
replay directory. The following priority is used to find the device
description file used to mock the particular touch device for that
(1) use the device description file in the replay directory
(2) use the device description file found in tests/device directory

However, if "-d/--system_device" command line option is specified, use
the system touch device found on the chromebook instead as before.

TEST=Replay the lumpy logs on both lumpy and link. Observe that
their summary reports are exactly the same.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/lumpy -s
$ ./summary.sh -d /tmp -m f

Change-Id: I95a39d0ead821de9379e2f3a26f19e42a9c829b9
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/66345
Reviewed-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
907efec59a199502d5508af023cd0668dcaffa1a 07-Aug-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: use finger contact to replace slot for LinearityValidator

Previously, we assume that the first finger contact is always
assigned the slot 0, and the 2nd finger contact the slot 1, etc.
While this may hold true in practice, it is not safe to make the

Hence, we would like to use the finger contacts to replace the slot numbers in
validators. For example,

LinearityValidator(linearity_criteria, slot=0, segments=MIDDLE),

would be replaced by

LinearityValidator(linearity_criteria, finger=0, segments=MIDDLE),

where finger means finger contact.

The difference between the slot number and the finger contact lies in
that the former is assigned by the firmware while the latter is how we
observe in the events emitted by the event device (/dev/input/event*).

TEST=Conduct the unit tests on a chormebook or in chroot, they should
all pass.
$ cd .../firmware_TouchMTB
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py

Change-Id: I4f4a6faeb0cf03cb404382f543dea52f03c2f715
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/65562
Reviewed-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
1fb73fd14e08490f705d0893b48e866b3ac3e13d 07-Aug-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: fix slot=0 in FIRST_FINGER_TRACKING_AND_SECOND_FINGER_TAPS

The first finger should correspond to the slot 0 rather than the
slot 1. This simple patch fixed the bug.


Change-Id: I0a50a9ce849aca70a1c0fe23774f5d99d242c40f
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/65561
Reviewed-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
4a0ba066c40240e319471a77c06d6e649ebc5f1e 24-Jul-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: remove ReportRateValidtor from taps/clicks

In this patch, we remove the ReportRateValidtor form taps and clicks.

TEST=Conduct a complete test, and observe that the ReportRateValidtor
is not used in taps/clicks.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ DISPLAY=:0 OPTIONS="-m complete -s" python main.py

Change-Id: I8f14a462b82b9482e78399790a696b6d676bf8f9
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/63331
Reviewed-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
7dbae7827dae0767bffe303708e19483b80a007e 17-Jul-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: add the metric for CountTrackingIDValidator

The metrics of some validators will be hidden by default unless
there are failures. Such validators include CountTrackingIDValidator,
CountPacketsValidator, and PinchValidator.

Display the metric for CountTrackingIDValidator if there are failures.
Otherwise, hide the metric unless a flag "-m a" is specified. The
metric shows the percentage of the incorrect test cases over the total
test cases.

The printing format with failures looks like:

Metrics statistics by validator: fw_12 description
pct of incorrect cases (%) : 4.76 pct of incorrect cases over total cases

The detailed raw metrics values will be printed if a flag "-m f"
is specified. The raw metric value pair represents
(actual tracking IDs, expected tracking IDs). The format looks like:

pct of incorrect cases (%)
** Note: value below represents (actual tracking IDs, expected tracking IDs)
drag_edge_thumb.left_to_right (20130506_032458) : (5, 1)
one_finger_physical_click.bottom_left (20130506_032458): (1, 1)

Note that in the drag_edge_thumb gesture above, the expected number
of tracking IDS (or finger IDs) should be 1. However, 5 tracking IDs
are actually observed due to some firmware problems.

For the one_finger_physical_click gesture, exactly 1 tracking ID is
observed, while the number of expected finger IDs is 1.

We also unify the "-m" (i.e., metrics) flag in summary.sh script.
$ ./summary.sh -m p # show the statistics of the primary metrics
$ ./summary.sh -m a # show the statistics of all metrics, where
# all metrics = the primary metrics + the hidden ones
$ ./summary.sh -m f # show the full raw metrics values on file basis

TEST=Run the command on a chromebook machine to generate a summary report.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB

Replay the logs.
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/lumpy -s

Generate the summary report with the metrics statistics.
$ ./summary.sh -d /tmp -m a

Generate the summary report with the full raw metrics values on file basis.
$ ./summary.sh -d /tmp -m f

Also make sure all unit tests pass.
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py

Change-Id: Ie385bfd54bac0a45211fc2a678ad57d9472e4da2
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/62827
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
f745c17c4bbf5f42a00813ef954762b5b8cb122c 18-Jul-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: no using ReportRateValidator for stationary fingers

In some gestures, the first finger acts as a stationary finger,
and the second one as a tracking finger. For example, the gesture

The kernel driver has an internal state machine which keeps track
of the values of event attributes, e.g., ABS_MT_POSITION_X/Y,
ABS_MT_PRESSURE, etc. If a stationary finger is touching the touch
device stably, it is possible that those attributes may not change
across packets. In this case, the kernel driver will not report the
packets at all.

This behavior may affect the correctness when calculating the report
rate. In this patch, we provide the option to ignore the stationary
finger by introducing an optional argument slot. When set "slot=1",
The ReportRateValidator will take into account only the packets of
the second finger. Otherwise, it will count all packets as before
when calculating the report rate.

Specifically, the following gestures with the first finger acting as
a stationary one are affected:

A list of SYN_REPORT time instants is calculated first, and is then
passed into the methods of computing the report rate and the report
rate metrics.

The get_report_rate method is moved from the mtb module to the
validators module as it should belong to the latter.

TEST=the unit tests must all pass on a chromebook machine which
include both cases with and without the slot specified.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py

Change-Id: I1ef90331b9db9a5e79593783dc7e9be340797d5e
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/62614
Reviewed-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
039967354df47f89616776832ec2a9dd9fea9efb 16-Jul-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: print raw metrics values

In the last patch, the statistics of metrics values are printed
as follows:

Metrics statistics by validator : fw_11.23 description
max error in x (mm) : 9.34 The max err of all samples

If a user would like to know which gesture/file causes the max error
above, it would be helpful to print the raw metrics values as follows:

Raw metrics values

max error in x (mm)
drag_edge_thumb.left_to_right (20130710_063117) : 3.06
two_fat_fingers_tracking.left_to_right (20130710_063117) : 9.34

In this way, the user could observe that the file with
gesture: "two_fat_fingers_tracking",
variation: "left_to_right",
in the folder: "20130710_063117"
causes the "max error in x".

TEST=Run the command on a chromebook machine to generate a summary report.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
Replay the logs
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/lumpy -s

Generate the summary report with short metrics values grouped by validator.
$ ./summary.sh -d /tmp -m

Generate the summary report with detailed metrics values.
$ ./summary.sh -d /tmp --metrics_details
Observe that the raw detailed metrics values are printed this time.

Change-Id: I4d540f71c1c1e91507b9104eff8ac80c14d6654e
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/62329
Reviewed-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
330dcded15b07bf1869bd5d4cbf2bccbc6a14537 04-Jul-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: printing the statistics of metrics

In this patch, we print the statistics of metrics by validators in
the summary report.

We also handle the metrics names in a more unified way. Before,
the same metric name strings, e.g., 'max error in x (mm)', were used
across different modules. Now with a new class MetricNameProps to
keep information about the metric names, the descriptions, and the
stat_func used to calculate the statistics of metrics, the metric
names could be derived consistently by expanding from a template, say
'max error in {} (mm)', with its variations, e.g., ['x', 'y'], to
derive the names: 'max error in x (mm)' and 'max error in y (mm)'.

We also remove the PhysicalClickValidator temporarily which incurs
divide-by-0 error. This validator is not specified in the spec v2.
However, it might be useful to add it back later to make sure that
a tap does not incur physical click.

The metrics in a summary report looks like:

Metrics statistics by validator : fw1.2 description
circle radius (mm) : 1.37 Anything over 2mm is failure
max error in x (mm) : 9.34 The max err of all samples
max error in y (mm) : 6.33 The max err of all samples
rms error in x (mm) : 2.46 The mean of all rms means of all trials
rms error in y (mm) : 1.03 The mean of all rms means of all trials
max error in x (mm) : 4.91 The max err of all samples
max error in y (mm) : 6.30 The max err of all samples
rms error in x (mm) : 1.27 The mean of all rms means of all trials
rms error in y (mm) : 0.68 The mean of all rms means of all trials
1f-click miss rate (%) : 0.00 Should be close to 0 (0 is perfect)
2f-click miss rate (%) : 0.00 Should be close to 0 (0 is perfect)
3f-click miss rate (%) : 0.00 Should be close to 0 (0 is perfect)
4f-click miss rate (%) : 0.00 Should be close to 0 (0 is perfect)
5f-click miss rate (%) : 0.00 Should be close to 0 (0 is perfect)
left edge not reached (mm): 0.08 Min unreachable distance
average time interval (ms): 12.19 less than 1/60 sec is required
intervals > 1/60 sec (%) : 4.45 0% is required
max time interval (ms) : 57.96 less than 1/60 sec is required
max distance (mm) : 3.85 max distance of any two points from
any run

TEST=Run the command on a chromebook machine to generate a summary report.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
Replay the logs
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/lumpy -s
Generate the summary report
$ ./summary.sh -m -d /tmp
Observe that the metrics are printed as above.

Also make sure all unit tests pass.
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py

Change-Id: If7224354ef866cc3468752caa32feb1439b0b8cc
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/61883
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
bb6f69b8c90e4896dd82e0266a096674c957f7db 27-Jun-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: capture files for pressure calibration

In this patch, we add a new mode to capture event files for
pressure calibration.

TEST=Run the test on a chromebook machine to capture event files.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ DISPLAY=:0 OPTIONS="-m calibration" python main.py
Observe that it guides the user to record a few event files with
distinct size of metal fingers.

Change-Id: I6f65a2d3585380a51dd0e4bf6785fe55308c91c8
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/60641
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
f16a39fd38ddaec0707d9ea3b1f7c3a2a0bb090f 21-Jun-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: add metrics for Stationary Finger Validator

In this patch, we add the metric for StationaryFingerValidator:
- the maximum distance between any two points of the stationary finger in mm

The result logs are updated due to the change of the validator and
its criteria. Some unit tests are also added/updated accordingly.

TEST=Replay logs on a lumpy.
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ tools/machine_replay.sh -b tests/logs/lumpy/ -s
And then run the summary script to generate a summary report.
$ ./summary.sh -d /tmp -m

Observe the metrics would look like:
fw_11.23: {
'max_distance_mm': (1.3453, 1.3453, 1.3453)
fw_11.27: {
'max_distance_mm': (1.7159, 1.7159, 1.7159)}

All of the unit tests should pass.
$ python tests/run_all_unittests.py

Change-Id: Ia010ba136434348762ba2ae3351e5ac929dc28ec
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/59723
Reviewed-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
9e962e7e715812e1c1ad3c14204e0f63b76e707a 27-May-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: Define the gesture order in manual mode

It is desirable that the gesture order to test in manual mode is
deterministic so that it would not confuse the testers.

TEST=Run the manual tests and find that the order of gestures
conform to that defined in test_conf.gesture_names_complete
On a chromebook, run the manual tests:
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
$ DISPLAY=:0 python main.py

Change-Id: Ib3b8f245fb60f2fcb8ec9dfe20c62059cc306a38
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/56727
Reviewed-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
3f245993196c7cead8716ff09633a6ad49e8b006 15-May-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: New drumroll validator

The new drumroll validator requires that all points from the same
finger should be within 2 circles of radius X mm (e.g., 2 mm).
Pass if so. Fail if all points cannot be covered by 2 circles of
radius X mm.

In order to run unit tests with a mocked device, we also allow to
create such a mocked device by passing the device description into
TouchDevice class.

TEST=On a chromebook
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
Make sure that the following unit test pass.
$ python tests/validators_unittest.py

Change-Id: I439fc70fc8c2b1d47b3475b7013997768c326feb
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/55758
Reviewed-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
ecc254fc00e6b3504d4f7d87abad937cf73a267d 07-May-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: refactor firmware_log and firmware_summary modules

Some of the code about test logs was manipulated in firmware_summary
module which made this module become messy. In this patch, we do the
refactoring by moving those code to firmware_log module and create
classes for them. In addition, we also flatten the deep hierarchy of
log dictionaries so that it is much simpler to maintain.

TEST=On a chromebook
$ cd /usr/local/autotest/tests/firmware_TouchMTB
Make sure that the following unit test pass.
$ python tests/firmware_summary_unittest.py

Change-Id: Idc5a70ed28745805a4221cc20780c23da0210fb0
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/50320
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
40cb76895b4a52d85d5d2c1a25b45e49bdeb9828 06-May-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: fix some issues for replay

This patch fixes some issues for replaying raw data:
(1) Use the firmware version of the replayed files instead of that
of the real touch device since it does not record new files.
(2) Do not upload the gesture files since it is just a replay.

TEST=On a chromebook. Replay an existing gesture set of which the
firmware version is not the same as the current firmware
version of the real touch device. Observes that it could
replay correctly. It does not upload the gesture files to
google storage server.

Change-Id: I5a14e94119fa28d422c6d66c00a0591ae0420174
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/50309
Reviewed-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
8c5e275df682ef5b0ad52574ae1e2e31fc724509 22-Apr-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: Rename the test suite and fix the programs

To finish renaming the test suite, we also need to fix the prompts,
classes, methods, variables, and strings, etc. to reduce confusion.

TEST=Install the test suite to a chromebook
(cr) $ ./run_remote_tests.sh --autotest_dir
~/trunk/src/third_party/autotest/files --remote=$MACHINE_IP
On the chromebook, conduct the test suite as follows.
$ DISPLAY=:0 python main.py
It should execute normally.

Change-Id: Iaf5d5060bf68e3e0a13913a69227636fba2fbeb6
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/48782
Reviewed-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
0cbff8bf3666a81b886080f82712943e36dad95f 22-Apr-2013 Joseph Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org> firmware_TouchMTB: Rename the test suite as firmware_TouchMTB

As the test suite is now applicable to both the touchpad
and the touchscreen, it is proper to rename the test name
from firmware_TouchpadMTB to firmware_TouchMTB.

TEST=None. Will be combined with next patch.

Change-Id: I92ecc074023c76f7c2f292b7e22ef960d537819f
Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.chromium.org/gerrit/48781
Reviewed-by: Charlie Mooney <charliemooney@chromium.org>
Commit-Queue: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Joseph Shyh-In Hwang <josephsih@chromium.org>