History log of /external/guice/extensions/assistedinject/src/com/google/inject/assistedinject/FactoryProvider2.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
85f14e03ee00b20e20fd0f018a00ef52fcf909b1 25-Feb-2015 sameb <sameb@google.com> Further fixes for https://github.com/google/guice/issues/904 -- java8 generates
default methods for subclasses when they override generic methods with the more
specific type.

We use a two-tiered approach to fixing: (1) try to use MethodHandles + unreflectSpecial, which lets us call default method implementations directly, and if that doesn't work then (2) try to map default methods to compatible method signatures that could be the overrides of the method. (1) may not always work because we're using a private API [new Lookup(clazz, int)], but we need to do that in order to non-public classes. (2) may not always work because it's possible to have more than one compatible method signature.

In the unlikely case that both (1) & (2) fail, we give an error message.
Also: we must validate the default method's return type for visibility vs the factory type's visibility too.

This ends up with two possible differences caused by java8:
a) If the Lookup cxtor can't be used (different JDK, version skew, etc..) and there's more than one compatible method signature: we fail.
b) If the default method's return type isn't public but the factory is public: we fail.

For reference, javac8 generates a default method in the following scenario:
interface Parent<I extends CharSequence, O extends Number> {
O create(I input);
interface Child<String, Integer> {
Integer create(String input);

Child has a generated default method of:
Number create(CharSequence input);

... so, for example, failure could be newly triggered if 'Number' was package-private but Child was public, or if the reflection APIs didn't work and Child also had a 'Integer create(StringBuilder input);' method.
Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
a36310535c69e68b25d74b49ee9f9442abebd954 18-Feb-2015 sameb <sameb@google.com> Fix https://github.com/google/guice/issues/904 -- assistedinject factory method
scanning did not ignore synthetic methods created by java8, leading to errors
when the factory interface extended from a superinterface that had generics.
Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
c00df28be8bfa45b2bdc8b4d3c101c20a9cbdc12 01-Jul-2014 Sam Berlin <sameb@google.com> Automated code cleanups by internal tool.
Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
a23bc0e97c2a45f47b55e1cb9a7edb0d41c2ef76 03-May-2014 Sam Berlin <sameb@google.com> Implement hashCode and equals in FactoryProvider/FactoryProvider2, with the aim of allowing Guice to dedupe bindings. Reroll of earlier change with a bug fixed.
Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
20dd9afe0aa02f92cb642bc0c88f920799e6a7c5 03-May-2014 Sam Berlin <sameb@google.com> Automated rollback.

*** Reason for rollback ***

equals method too liberal in what can be equal

*** Original change description ***

Implement hashCode and equals in FactoryProvider/FactoryProvider2, with the aim of allowing Guice to dedupe bindings.

Also fixed a bunch of niggly Eclipse warnings, but this will be easy to remove if it's not wanted.

Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
615f61f109f39b81f1c87b70b24080c578f00c04 03-May-2014 Sam Berlin <sameb@google.com> Implement hashCode and equals in FactoryProvider/FactoryProvider2, with the aim of allowing Guice to dedupe bindings.

Also fixed a bunch of niggly Eclipse warnings, but this will be easy to remove if it's not wanted.
Created by MOE: http://code.google.com/p/moe-java
9e2d95b4393bd41b7eb882705d208124e2a4dd18 27-Jun-2013 Christian Edward Gruber <cgruber@google.com> Clean up some formatting (includes some format artifacts from internal changes), and remove executable bit from several files which do not need them.
8f196358f5a494f974a741b5a982f96f03171223 16-May-2013 Christian Edward Gruber <cgruber@google.com> Add logging for when AssistedInject falls into non-optimized mode, so people can take action and fix it.

An @Assisted Provider in a class param:
WARNING: AssistedInject factory com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2Test$ColoredCarFactory will be slow because class com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2Test$Subaru has Assisted Provider dependencies or injects the Injector. Stop injecting Assisted Provider<T> (instead use Assisted T) or Injector to speed things up. (It will be a ~6500% speed bump!) The exact offending deps are: [Key[type=com.google.inject.Provider<com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2Test$Color>, annotation=@com.google.inject.assistedinject.Assisted(value=)]@com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2Test$Subaru.colorProvider]

The injector in class param:
WARNING: AssistedInject factory com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2Test$ColoredCarFactory will be slow because class com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2Test$Segway has Assisted Provider dependencies or injects the Injector. Stop injecting Assisted Provider<T> (instead use Assisted T) or Injector to speed things up. (It will be a ~6500% speed bump!) The exact offending deps are: [Key[type=com.google.inject.Injector, annotation=[none]]@com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2Test$Segway.injector]

An @Assisted Provider in a constructor arg:
WARNING: AssistedInject factory com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2Test$ColoredCarFactory will be slow because class com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2Test$Flamingbird has Assisted Provider dependencies or injects the Injector. Stop injecting Assisted Provider<T> (instead use Assisted T) or Injector to speed things up. (It will be a ~6500% speed bump!) The exact offending deps are: [Key[type=com.google.inject.Provider<com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2Test$Color>, annotation=@com.google.inject.assistedinject.Assisted(value=)]@com.google.inject.assistedinject.FactoryProvider2Test$Flamingbird.<init>()[1]]

Manually Synced.
9f8b438b370a688cd393983abf29aa00344795a4 16-May-2013 Christian Edward Gruber <cgruber@google.com> Use a single UniqueAnnotation instead of creating a new one each time.

Manually Synced.
e39158525475eca7971966c667494d240be7e242 16-May-2013 Christian Edward Gruber <cgruber@google.com> Change Key so that it upgrades Annotation classes where all methods have default values into an instance of the Annotation with the defaults as values, so that:
@BindingAnnotation @interface AllDefaults {
int hasDefault() default 1;

@AllDefaults class Foo {}

void testKey() {
assertEquals(Key.get(Foo.class, Foo.class.getAnnotation(AllDefaults.class)),
Key.get(Foo.class, AllDefaults.class));

Also adds an option to "require exact binding annotations", which disables the error-prone fallback built into Guice whereby a binding for @Named Foo can substitute for @Named("foo") Foo if the latter doesn't exist but the former does.

Manually Synced.
45d86df69be98dc64a455e397ae6c492f803771e 16-May-2013 Christian Edward Gruber <cgruber@google.com> Fix http://code.google.com/p/google-guice/issues/detail?id=742 by having assistedinject fail if the target implementation class has a scop
ing annotation on it. Scope annotations on assistedinject targets were always ignored by Guice, and allowing them on the classes led to lots of confusion when reading code. The new behavior makes for much more readable code.

This could potentially cause runtime errors at injector creation time if you accidentally had scoping annotations on the implementation class. The fix is just to remove that scoping annotation -- there will be no change in behavior, because the scope was ignored.

There is an extreme edge case where this change may cause a problem, but it creates sufficiently confusing code that we are OK with turning it into a failure: You used assistedinject yet had no assisted parameters, and sometimes injected the object directly and other times constructed it through the factory. When injecting directly, it would adhere to the scope, but when constructing through the factory it would create a new instance every time. ... If you *really* wanted this behavior, the workaround would be to bind using toConstructor in Scopes.NO_SCOPE to a named(unscoped) version of the class, which is also more expressive. (But, more often than not, what you really wanted was to *not do this*.)

Manually Synced.
b7a02b02d81c830d148355c90bc309bcd66fb592 08-Jul-2011 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> * Remove unused imports
* Sort imports
* Convert tabs to spaces
* Fix the ant no_aop build

Revision created by MOE tool push_codebase.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1572 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
d9c913acca55023ef5d76a32c3d4a51ee6b420cb 26-Jun-2011 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> switch Guice from manually repackaging Guava to depending on Guava. it's still jarjar'd right now, which is causing a ~400k increase in guice-snapshot.jar. next step is to switch to ProGuard to remove the unnecessary code and cut it back down (even further?!). this will let people build from Guice source and depend directly on Guava code without having to worry about hiding internal/util.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1558 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
23cf2d4f4944389bd0d9a9dc9ac9a1bcbce5584f 29-Jan-2011 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> fix issue 594 -- assistedinject does the wrong thing if assisted type is scoped.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1483 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
2ef22666df8b6f32425edb45e56ec60c9ab5b7ba 25-Oct-2010 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> issue 428 - better error validation for AssistedInject, specifically with public factories & non-public method return types that can lead to IllegalAccessErrors.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1316 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
287355590aa8ad2d87f8ebfac3a0710e3b442c27 17-Oct-2010 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> flip the order of the type parameters in ProviderWithExtensionVisitor to match the order in the BindingTargetVisitor.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1294 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
4b91955979afbbfff317b36af89b6bd1a1aa9b47 17-Oct-2010 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> patch from ramakrishna (with very minor changes from me) for an extension SPI for assisted inject.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1293 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
b199afd5c1da15c2bc8a9f223a8d0b7b6266aa1d 23-Sep-2010 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> new AssistedInject factories now implement HasDependencies (like the old assistedinject factories)

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1271 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
b5a75ed3c72d772e7dc9f771a63b3e7226695919 31-Jul-2010 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> issue 506 - fail fast & with a useful error message when an AssistedInject factory has Provider<T> as a factory type. patch ( slightly modified) by ffaber.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1192 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
88f9a14dc9fa9f6704f8a86e376b7f218e492f98 17-Jul-2010 sberlin@gmail.com <sberlin@gmail.com@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> remove confusing behavior from assistedinject -- it used to allow factory creations to be resolved by the injector if the return key matched something in the injector. now it always creates new objects. the prior behavior created a scenario where, if the following pseudo-code was used...

public class Bar { ... }
interface BarFactory { Bar createBar(...); }
protected void configure() {
// allow custom Bars to be created if using BarFactory
install(new FactoryModuleBuilder().build(BarFactory.class));
@Provides Bar defaultBar() { // allow a default value
return new Bar(...);

...Someone wants to allow default Bars to be injected AND create custom ones if using BarFactory. But, AssistedInject didn't actually do that. When someone called BarFactory.create(...), it returned the bar created from the @Provides method, because AssistedInject saw the main injector had a binding for Bar.

This removes that behavior, so AssistedInject will always create a new Bar when its factory method is called.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1189 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
9a227bef3b82a045323ef2cf38ec60b2e42cf0fe 03-Jul-2010 limpbizkit@gmail.com <limpbizkit@gmail.com@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> Move internal utility code to separate package.

These files have moved from c.g.i.internal to c.g.i.internal.util. Visibility has been increased when necessary.


The rest of this change is just imports changes. Thanks to Max Bowsher for the idea.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1185 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
3748e4a0979e6332ab9f0a3601ab5b8e595b7a12 23-May-2010 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> issue 329 - cleanup error message for under-specified assistedinject factory.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1165 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
af9a4df94a042856eacd99e9ce4dcdf4cd6eb5dd 11-May-2010 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> fixes issue 478.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1159 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
f7ac6ea677ccfff6c3bec7db1d3621e6b6cf4097 09-May-2010 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> Patches to let Guice be more OSGi (and classloader) friendly. Solves issue 439, issue 337, issue 443, and issue 343. All provided by Stuart McCulloch. Many thanks, Stuart!

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1158 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
b5ec94a953eb64b773e56658f50e728f47519288 27-Mar-2010 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> patch AssistedInject extension to support multi-constructor injection with FactoryModuleBuilder. reuses @AssistedInject annotation to mark valid constructors. undeprecates @AssistedInject. deprecates FactoryProvider in favor of FactoryModuleBuilder now that all functionality is matched and performance problems are fixed. you can still get the "old" behavior (ordered matching of parameters, non-guiced objects, etc..) by using @AssistedInject+FactoryProvider, but using @Inject or @AssistedInject with FactoryModuleBuilder will give you the new behavior.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1148 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
141f800c09d66898ce04c7684330e1e9dc8a31ab 25-Mar-2010 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> optimize assistedinject - touches on issue 435 - it is now about ~4x faster than the old style assisted inject (instead of being ~15x slower than it). the optimization only applies if the assisted objects do not inject an Injector or a Provider of an assisted key.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1147 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
97c2271b505bec77f509e1f190695cc6a2997427 05-Feb-2010 sberlin <sberlin@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> issue 454 - add an annotation to mark @Injectable methods as wanting injection during Stage.TOOL.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1140 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
6840fcbcaaf1dda6b1eb387b1b7811599a69eaa5 19-Aug-2009 limpbizkit <limpbizkit@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> Jesse's tweaks to aragos' patch r1063. His patch was quite well implemented and these changes are mostly pedantic.

Most notably, I un-deprecated FactoryProvider, replacing the deprecation tag with an obsolete warning. We should make a best effort to fix deprecated callers before we deprecate something, otherwise we're punishing our users for our own mistakes.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1064 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
c1e65da70833eadebf37a37b559ce81536c30288 19-Aug-2009 limpbizkit <limpbizkit@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> aragos' four-month old patch for issue 346, wherein he adds FactoryModuleBuilder.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@1063 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
9d6b656e0526d6d2d85c0223a1f5f70544766298 27-Feb-2009 limpbizkit <limpbizkit@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> Applying ilya.firman's patch for issue 218. I tweaked the patch to use TypeLiteral's new type resolution methods like TypeLiteral.getReturnType(Method) etc., which makes it so we always just do-the-right-thing for matching type variables.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@871 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
53664a7f17492bd0c3c4728df61679147907dd18 21-Feb-2009 limpbizkit <limpbizkit@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> Regrettably replacing jarjar'd Google Collections with minimal copies of the parts that we use.

The main benefit is a (significant) reduction in size of the Guice+AOP .jar - from 1004KB to 641KB. The drawback is that it's now a lot harder to use new Google Collections features, or to keep up-to-date with Google Collections bugfixes and optimizations.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@859 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
ddb3862415e078080293abba05f1a24a921c007c 29-Dec-2008 limpbizkit <limpbizkit@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> Supporting HasDependencies for Multibinder, MapBinder and AssistedInject v1.

AssistedInject v2 support isn't here yet, it's difficult. Since we use a child injector in that package, we need a strategy for how the bindings from that injector should work. I don't think getting this perfect is urgent.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@747 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e
2d633cd04273a80a31c920f24fc1d3c5f1f8e7df 09-Dec-2008 limpbizkit <limpbizkit@d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e> Big API change to AssistedInject Deluxe.

I unified the API - both old and new use the same API, and the code detects which to use (by looking for the presence or absence of an @AssistedInject annotation)

This means that:
- Upgrading from new to old is extremely easy
- Unified Javadocs for old and new. The new Javadocs just have a section pointing out the differences when @AssistedInject is used instead of @Assisted
- It's a little clumsier to make sure you're getting the right one. This is mitigated by some new checks on the factory interface to ensure the old constructor isn't used with the newer factories.

Also applying local variable naming fixes to InjectionPoint, as pointed out by Brian Harris.

git-svn-id: https://google-guice.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@723 d779f126-a31b-0410-b53b-1d3aecad763e