History log of /external/slf4j/slf4j-api/src/main/resources/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
0ab0f6da6429853f97685209ac3798b156d9980e 26-Mar-2015 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> Change Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment declaration in MANIFEST.MF files
Set the maven-compiler-plugin to target/source JDK 1.5 using a variable.
88c4c456766193e012eb890e2208473d99b91f83 03-Dec-2009 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> setting autocrlf = true on windows - no logical changes
e5bbca3f28f08327497f591c72b5aac429e15f65 24-Nov-2009 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> Applied Hugues Malphettes's patch #65 as given in [1]

[1] http://bugzilla.slf4j.org/show_bug.cgi?id=152
f67363eb62173c7c6a42d79020d22b8d17f3805a 23-Nov-2009 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> Applied Hugues Malphettes patch #66 [1] as attached to bug 75 [2]

[1] http://bugzilla.slf4j.org/attachment.cgi?id=66
[2] http://bugzilla.slf4j.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75
927ac0022d9360450577894ee7bee2e56cea8465 05-Feb-2008 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> - fixing bug #41 (http://bugzilla.slf4j.org/show_bug.cgi?id=41)
by adding the following line to various MANIFEST.MF files

Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: J2SE-1.3
a1149dafcadd9e8257de069f83ee4dc7d641847f 20-Aug-2007 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> - removed slf4j-archetype
- MANIFEST.MF files use ${project.version} as a variable in order to
keep project version changes and the OSGI manifest in sync
f694a346f5ee8e30ddd01a0f6752cf182f36a5e5 28-Feb-2007 John E. Conlon <jconlon@verticon.com> Updated OSGi metadata to support version 1.3.1
b174ba1e7d69542f50d03c52e157f258352abd5c 24-Feb-2007 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> - Added versioning information
- I did not remove the "Require-Bundle: slf4j.api" statement in MANIFEST.MF file of bindings.
However, things seem to work even without it.
3ec4de1788d9fa5e7223a9cfa4549041849901ef 22-Feb-2007 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> adding version information

Things look OK(ish).

-> ps
ID State Level Name
[ 0] [Active ] [ 0] System Bundle (0.8.0.incubator)
[ 1] [Active ] [ 1] Apache Felix Shell Service (0.8.0.incubator)
[ 2] [Active ] [ 1] Apache Felix Shell TUI (0.8.0.incubator)
[ 3] [Active ] [ 1] Apache Felix Bundle Repository (0.8.0.incubator)
[ 4] [Active ] [ 1] slf4j-api (1.3.0.SNAPSHOT)
[ 5] [Active ] [ 1] slf4j-simple (1.3.0.SNAPSHOT)

-> packages
System Bundle (0): org.osgi.framework; version=1.3.0
System Bundle (0): org.osgi.service.packageadmin; version=1.2.0
System Bundle (0): org.osgi.service.startlevel; version=1.0.0
Apache Felix Shell Service (1): org.ungoverned.osgi.service.shell; version=1.0.0
Apache Felix Shell Service (1): org.apache.felix.shell; version=1.0.0
Apache Felix Bundle Repository (3): org.osgi.service.obr; version=0.0.0
slf4j-api (4): org.slf4j.spi; version=1.3.0
slf4j-api (4): org.slf4j.helpers; version=1.3.0
slf4j-api (4): org.slf4j; version=1.3.0
slf4j-simple (5): org.slf4j.impl; version=0.0.0
3449946a1df58c65fe8338102f0c88e96051c37b 22-Feb-2007 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> Seems to work better
7ba389209e6f589e83c14eb8eb023338ec94c597 22-Feb-2007 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> Change makes the bundle work OK with Apache Felix
84f0f6b79711305e14247b6ebfe12bde49689c81 22-Feb-2007 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> - Attempted to restore the state of the various MANIFEST.MF files
where John E. Conlon left them previously.

The project builds properly. I have yet to test/exercise the various
OSGi modules.

- Instead of manually editing the <Bundle-Version> element manually
for each module, it is injected using the ${project_version_for_osgi}
property as set in the parent pom.xml file.
b8c18f69f3b6af36b159136278ee88e6e8121445 21-Feb-2007 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> Moving to the older MANIFEST.MF style
3696d72d3b5ff20be6ec562aae0bffc7e4383e68 06-Feb-2007 John E. Conlon <jconlon@verticon.com> Replaced maven-jar-plugin with the org.apache.felix.maven-bundle-plugin for the
creation of OSGi compatible jars.
Changed multiproject version to 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT to adhere to maven and OSGi
Packages from the sl4fj-api project are now copied at build time by the
org.apache.felix.maven-bundle-plugin to all SLF4J Binding projects.
087ec91adae6910b4df86d7ffcbbd0db7241a67c 31-Jan-2007 John E. Conlon <jconlon@verticon.com> Cleaned up OSGi metadata. Removed unnecessary Bundle-Classpath, changed Bundle-Version to conform to correct syntax and added a BundleDescription.
8e222226b214c550b4dda959d2fd36f0f9dc5e50 28-Dec-2006 Ceki Gulcu <ceki@qos.ch> adding OSGI metadata