History log of /frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/SysuiTestCase.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
30a2ae620956fd73ecb5e4e2ef3645377bdf0aaa 25-Apr-2018 Adrian Roos <roosa@google.com> Keyguard: Fix threading issues in KeyguardUpdateMonitor

Fixes a bug where KeyguardViewMediator called into KeyguardUpdateMonitor
on the wrong thread. Also adds assertions to make sure we only touch
mCallbacks on the right thread.

Change-Id: I9524b6c182cb70134fbc9a28df8148043fec8c1e
Fixes: 78128789
Test: Device boots successfully.
3150dbf7a57c7f0332db9c9197ad046023bd6ece 28-Mar-2018 Adrian Roos <roosa@google.com> WM Tests: Use a separate WindowManager instance per test

Fixes a bunch of flakes, where the WindowManagerService instance
was reused between tests, which caused delayed callbacks from a
previous test affecting state of a future test.

Also introduces a DexmakerShareClassLoaderRule to manage
the 'dexmaker.share_classloader' property instead of sprinkling
error prone System.setProperty() invocations all over the tests.

Change-Id: Ic9445d1b2cef594e79365c425632aabced6343a9
Fixes: 76111404
Fixes: 75991352
Fixes: 75991878
Fixes: 75992153
Test: atest services/tests/servicestests DexmakerShareClassLoaderRuleTest packages/SystemUI/tests packages/SystemUI/shared/tests
5daa47270bb591d186e723637af1abebbe1350cc 20-Dec-2017 Julia Reynolds <juliacr@google.com> Update output chooser for calls

- Hide media routes while in call
- Change the title while in call
- Add a title while not in call, too

Bug: 63096355
Test: manual
Change-Id: Ib7bcd314efb010fe903327dd4d9bdbfe521c1f73
16e185e60b449958b138d52a7bdb7dea998ebb79 07-Nov-2017 Winson Chung <winsonc@google.com> Restore legacy recents package check to unblock quickstep development

- We added a recents component to allow the development of the recents
activity without exposing more privileged permissions, however, SysUI
needs to point to the old activity until the new one is ready (it
already has the existing priveleged permissions). For the time being,
restore the original check for the recents package (to be removed
immediately after we switch SysUI to launch the quickstep overview),
so that we can both enable the recents component overlay (for
development) without the existing recents activity going being given
the wrong activity type (for now both the legacy and new recents
component will have ACTIVITY_TYPE_RECENTS).
- Add a sysui test to ensure that the current recents activity also has
the right activity type

Bug: 68774229
Test: com.android.server.am.RecentTasksTest#testRecentsComponentActivityType
Test: com.android.systemui.recents.RecentsTest#testRecentsActivityType

Change-Id: I4bb59efa3507d61ac86c75d3b9c80f2e32d2f7b9
6865b71e1a50a6273beb4837013c2f1248e5b499 11-Sep-2017 Lucas Dupin <dupin@google.com> Fixed keyguard inflation problem

Inflating a keyguard while dettached from window would
raise a NullPointerException since window insets wouldn't
be available at the time.

Test: packages/SystemUI/tests/src/com/android/systemui/statusbar/phone/KeyguardBouncerTest.java
Change-Id: I7f48a62807877537814e6f34db1e6fa6fbec7923
Fixes: 65495303
c429f690e54db1bdc4631aab7c0191e30ccf1d51 27-Jun-2017 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> Add system to avoid a crash stopping tests from running

Add a system such that when a crash happens on the main thread, it is
delayed until the tests complete, then thrown.

Also mark some old flaky tests as not flaky as they should be good

Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: Ic18a38daf4a93dab63549d834fa00f295644fbf1
Fixes: 62935720, 62251903, 62529569
893f0bdcb73785ce0e06e9f935f5a7027cf77f14 01-Jun-2017 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> Add checks against incorrect context use in sysui tests

Fix incorrect usages found by this check.

Test: runtest systemui
Bug: 62251903
Change-Id: I45a762f96838e617833c1cbe003e583087bb8176
25a52b65b2cac1f49f37f4532cfa62282432957a 23-May-2017 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> Add test to verify all sysui tests extend the right stuff

And then make it pass.

Test: runtest systemui
Fixes: 38500852
Change-Id: I377164219e4a4f4d1a99f11ef06da03c2b527eb0
e549a8d62108c7c7dabedbf4e77b9a653781723b 15-May-2017 Jorim Jaggi <jjaggi@google.com> Optimize latency when unlocking phone

Latency when unlocking the phone regressed a bit for two reasons:
- For lockscreen -> app we now have to create a full starting
window containing the snapshot, while previously this was just
showing a surface.
- For lockscreen -> home, we can't use the saved surface anymore
because currently we don't support snapshotting translucent
activities. However, in the long term, we want home screen to be
more involved into transitions anyways, so we'll have to wait for
the first frame draw anyways.

However, crystal ball trainee developer Jorim added some
artificial latency in this transition 3 years ago, because he knew
that it is going to be an issue at some point so we have some
headroom to improve! Genius! On a more serious note, it was because
he didn't understand how to read systraces with binders involved (to
be fair, there was also no binder tracing).

Now, we can completely fix the introduces latencies above by
removing this latency of 100ms, and we are 30-70ms better than
before! However, this requires a lot of discipline in SystemUI.
Currently, the callback to dismiss Keyguard takes around 30ms. By
moving all non-essential binder calls of the main thread or to the
next frame, we bring this down to 5ms, such that window animation
and Keyguard animation starts about at the same time.

Test: Take systrace, unlock phone...profit!

Fixes: 38294347
Change-Id: I481fe4ecf358ed09f7142dd9e7ecd290b53c500c
Merged-In: I3ea672bc2eca47221bc6c9f3d7c56b6899df207d
340b0e5216b4fcc435e0459b1ca46155a572100d 08-Mar-2017 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> Move out test utilities to a Testables library

Test: runtest --path frameworks/base/tests/testablets/tests
&& runtest systemui

Change-Id: Ideef4aef5f26136b1741c556b9be5884f38842a0
1d9632df97bdd4879cff0328a46a8fab6fde441a 09-Feb-2017 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> New system for plugin + tuner integrations called extensions

An ExtensionController provides an easy way to say I need an
object of interface X. Then a plugin or a tuner factory can
actually provide X when needed or fallback to a default implementation.

Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: I5e1b76def3c790d7f673867648ffeb13c4d0a829
09c43c874354aa5c34e90b1ac2d5179bc8ea21b3 09-Feb-2017 Adrian Roos <roosa@google.com> Dependency: Make non-class dependencies type-safe

Introduces a new DependencyKey<V> type which allows
referring to non-class dependencies in a type-safe
way. This also improves performance because we no
longer need to perform string comparisons.

Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: Idc948855a85a1899be41e7f0170c40e73e525024
aa573e9e8632552d1fa8bdd6b0ee408ff9a93a6b 27-Jan-2017 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> Work on separating out the status bar management

Lots of stuff:
- Make StatusBarIconController be a permanent dependency
- Break out dark stuff into DarkIconDispatcher
- Create StatusBarFragment
- This bit is a bit ugly for now, but will be better later
- Other stuff probably

Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: I4973bc9f944e66af92731bf1edd2b39657f1782f
de850bbcaa61c1874b803f2086443febbafd81a4 02-Feb-2017 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> Fix leaks in sysui

Add support for testing for PluginManager and TunerService leaks
and add tests for the known leaks and fix them. Also port PluginManager
and TunerService to Dependency to make them easier to handle in

Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: I5642539ee24dd72f802905106decd0c87b41b4eb
Fixes: 34846972
685db72eb7ddfeef29af1d191e67e0a041191f58 23-Jan-2017 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> Fix up the tests (yet again)

Turns out there was an actual bug in QSFooter where it was using
the wrong handler class (and not showing any of its security features),
and it would have been caught by presubmit if it was working...

Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: Icbb19db1cc6f3f2a5f984618428ceb2899af69ab
9c7844cb91b43929d0a86b1c90aa1efb37f5463a 18-Jan-2017 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> Work on sysui dependencies

One of the many problems with PhoneStatusBar is that it holds
dependencies for many other parts of SysUI. Fix this by creating
a static method of grabbing dependencies that are global to sysui
this cleans up a lot of chains of interdependence.

Also add easy way to inject mocks of these dependencies for the
purpose of testing.

Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: Ia0e947faea62d15b665facada47ac9916c99f895
556cfb6a36d494f4e536b802f31924c56ee6d9c0 16-Dec-2016 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> Turn on dexmaker sharing classloaders for sysui tests

This will allow us to mock package private things. It also happens
to speed up the tests, a lot.

Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: I48f39ee282a4ea3163c642c8290f302428c4a5f4
9abca5e9f88c47579f8334c6c48741a259185b9b 11-Nov-2016 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> Cleanup and refactoring of test utilities

- Make leak checking faster by converting to fakes
- Requires making clean interfaces for all CallbackControllers
- Integrate leak checking into the TestableContext

Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: Ic57a06360d01a0323ef26735a543e9d1805459e2
e97892844a5c21c91c7f82b96f82202b18a1a24d 09-Nov-2016 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> android.provider.Setting test utilities

Add a way to fake values for settings in tests. Since the content
provider is cached in the NameValueCache, there is one static
FakeSettingsProvider that passes through all values to the
real SettingsProvider by default. Values that are required for
the test can be acquired and locked for the duration of the test

Test: runtest systemui
Change-Id: Ibc31ac8509fb31a22c522358a9c1bae6ec63553b
86bc33188948e7b6beb07dbb5ddba59b5ea3c1fc 16-Aug-2016 Jason Monk <jmonk@google.com> Plugins for sysui

Why this is safe:
- To never ever be used in production code, simply for rapid
prototyping (multiple checks in place)
- Guarded by signature level permission checks, so only matching
signed code will be used
- Any crashing plugins are auto-disabled and sysui is allowed
to continue in peace

Now on to what it actually does. Plugins are separate APKs that
are expected to implement interfaces provided by SystemUI. Their
code is dynamically loaded into the SysUI process which can allow
for multiple prototypes to be created and run on a single android



plugin.onCreate(Context sysuiContext, Context pluginContext);
--- This is always called before any other calls

pluginListener.onPluginConnected(Plugin p);
--- This lets the plugin hook know that a plugin is now connected.

** Any other calls back and forth between sysui/plugin **

pluginListener.onPluginDisconnected(Plugin p);
--- Lets the plugin hook know that it should stop interacting with
this plugin and drop all references to it.

--- Finally the plugin can perform any cleanup to ensure that its not
leaking into the SysUI process.

Any time a plugin APK is updated the plugin is destroyed and recreated
to load the new code/resources.


Creating plugin hooks:

To create a plugin hook, first create an interface in
frameworks/base/packages/SystemUI/plugin that extends Plugin.
Include in it any hooks you want to be able to call into from
sysui and create callback interfaces for anything you need to
pass through into the plugin.

Then to attach to any plugins simply add a plugin listener and
onPluginConnected will get called whenever new plugins are installed,
updated, or enabled. Like this example from SystemUIApplication:

new PluginListener<OverlayPlugin>() {
public void onPluginConnected(OverlayPlugin plugin) {
PhoneStatusBar phoneStatusBar = getComponent(PhoneStatusBar.class);
if (phoneStatusBar != null) {
}, OverlayPlugin.VERSION, true /* Allow multiple plugins */);

Note the VERSION included here. Any time incompatible changes in the
interface are made, this version should be changed to ensure old plugins
aren't accidentally loaded. Since the plugin library is provided by
SystemUI, default implementations can be added for new methods to avoid
version changes when possible.


Implementing a Plugin:

See the ExamplePlugin for an example Android.mk on how to compile
a plugin. Note that SystemUILib is not static for plugins, its classes
are provided by SystemUI.

Plugin security is based around a signature permission, so plugins must
hold the following permission in their manifest.

<uses-permission android:name="com.android.systemui.permission.PLUGIN" />

A plugin is found through a querying for services, so to let SysUI know
about it, create a service with a name that points at your implementation
of the plugin interface with the action accompanying it:

<service android:name=".TestOverlayPlugin">
<action android:name="com.android.systemui.action.PLUGIN_COMPONENT" />

Change-Id: I42c573a94907ca7a2eaacbb0a44614d49b8fc26f
2c403db659db615831d8bd02661f8769c7762241 26-Aug-2016 Geoffrey Pitsch <gpitsch@google.com> Convert SysUI tests to use JUnit4

Run tests with android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner,
modification to runtest target in separate CL.

No longer inherit from TestCase, stripped unneeded code from
SysuiTestCase, which now assigns mContext via

Can no longer create Handlers with default constructor,
Looper.myLooper() was never able to receive messages in tests
and it is now enforced that you pass the Looper.getMainLooper().

Change-Id: I13f499175a459cef1a554431911f4b21126e126e
930eccaf44239d010cbafb246651697996f567b5 12-Nov-2014 Chris Wren <cwren@android.com> Don't let the heads up close too quickly.

The public API of HeadsUpNotificaitonView was not well suited to the
new requirements, so it changed slightly.

Old API:
- showNotification: show or update a notification
- clear: close the window and forget the notification
- release: send the notification to the shade and forget about it.
- releaseAndClose: release and close the window
- dismiss: clear the notification if clearable, or release it

New API:
- showNotification: show a new notification
- updateNotification: show a new version of the same notification
- removeNotification: respond to a cancel
- release: send the notification to the shade at some point
- releaseImmediately: send the notification to the shade right now

The new API makes updating vs. posting and removing vs. releasing more explicit.

There is a new internal concept: lingering. The heads up lingers
after an event that would have closed it if the minimum visibility
time has not been satisfied. In the case that the notification was
deleted, the heads up may be visible, but mHeadsUp will be null. In
this case, touches on the notification views are disabled.

More responsibility for control of the heads of policy was moved into
the HeadsUpNotificaitonView class. This should continue on master.

Some changes to support testing.

Added a test to cover all the edge cases for minimum visibility time:
1. extend visibility when canceled too soon
2. extend when updated with a low-priority version, fast update.
3. extend when updated with a low-priority version, slow update.
4. don't extend the visibility in any other case

TODO: Policy parts of HeadsUpNotificationView should be split out
into a separate HeadsUpNotificationPolicy class, and even more of the
policy should be lifted from status bar that new class.

Bug: 17878008
Change-Id: I192419d0685dd022ee7edcd792e346a4f39c6adb