History log of /frameworks/base/services/robotests/src/com/android/server/backup/internal/PerformInitializeTaskTest.java
Revision Date Author Comments (<<< Hide modified files) (Show modified files >>>)
03b767733c3efea4bcb0f57122a809091966d90d 30-Jan-2018 Bernardo Rufino <brufino@google.com> Annotation for package in FrameworkRobolectricTestRunner

Makes it easier to maintain the tests.

Test: m -j RunFrameworksServicesRoboTests
Change-Id: I798b7c980b4e3426baa6a205d4ca16f82b42109d
fe4ae0c5b1bc3b31adc4cc2c5a0197e29e97b6bc 25-Jan-2018 Michal Karpinski <mkarpinski@google.com> Rename RefactoredBackupManagerService to BackupManagerService

The interface will be removed in a subsequent CL, it will be
easier to deal with merge conflicts.

Test: 1) m -j RunFrameworksServicesRoboTests
2) runtest -p com.android.server.backup frameworks-services
Bug: 65823538
Change-Id: I37c4c6758c646e1b18889ed05aa1b1d7c6129cf0
41349c02a8867b956ff48752c2d3dffc124fc0fc 10-Jan-2018 Bernardo Rufino <brufino@google.com> Binding on-demand #10: Remove permanent binding and add registration

This CL is the last of the P1 CLs for binding on-demand. During
transport-usage migration to binding on-demand the permanent-bound
code was still there and we piggybacked on it to register the
transports. Now that everything is migrated we removed the permanent
binding and used the registration code created in the CL #9
(selectTransport) for registering all the transports.

I put a 3s delay on registration after bring-up. Any operation that uses
the transport before that will gracefully fail.

The TransportBoundListener does not return a boolean anymore because it
can't fail anymore (we pass it the data it needs so that it doesn't need
to be exposed to TransportNotRegistered exceptions). It's now called

Eligible transports were a similar thing to valid transports from the
permanent binding code, whose only need came from rebinding from what I
could tell. I saw no need for it anymore and removed it. If I missed
something please shout :)

I shuffled methods a bit in TransportManager.

There were a lot of changes to robo test infra to bring together
TransportManager tests and the rest and re-use mocking infra.

Change-Id: If61268228dd0bb724b718abd3dcafdad50e8b3dc
Ref: http://go/br-binding-on-demand
Bug: 17140907
Test: m -j RunFrameworksServicesRoboTest
Test: runtest -p com.android.server.backup frameworks-services
Test: gts-tradefed run commandAndExit gts-dev -m GtsBackupTestCases
Test: gts-tradefed run commandAndExit gts-dev -m GtsBackupHostTestCases
Test: cts-tradefed run commandAndExit cts-dev -m CtsBackupTestCases
Test: adb shell bmgr enable true/false
Test: adb shell bmgr list transports [-c]
Test: adb shell bmgr transport <transport_name>/-c <transport_component>
Test: adb shell bmgr restore <token>/<token> <package>/<package>
Test: adb shell bmgr backup <pacakge>
Test: adb shell bmgr run
Test: adb shell bmgr wipe <transport> <package>
Test: adb shell bmgr fullbackup <package>
Test: adb shell bmgr backupnow --all/<packages>
Test: adb shell cmd jobscheduler run -f android <job_id>
Test: adb shell dumpsys backup
Test: D2D scenario
516ac95746bd1091732e4bc407e2941debdc38d9 04-Jan-2018 Bernardo Rufino <brufino@google.com> Remove transport dir name from TransportClient

To be able to re-use the TransportClient infra for transport
registration, I need to remove transport dir name property from
TransportClient because it's not available before registration
itself. As a result callsites that used getTransportDirName()
from TransportClient will have to go through the
TransportManager for that. Bryan suggested that the
TransportClient wasn't the best place for the property before.

Ref: http://go/br-binding-on-demand
Bug: 17140907
Test: m -j RunFrameworksServicesTests
Change-Id: I3fa335faf97d63adfad1a929336073a70fc8bc02
fa51853ae56ed74a0c854c01851cb1435453005f 02-Jan-2018 Bernardo Rufino <brufino@google.com> Binding on-demand #8: Miscellaneous usages

Migrate usages of the transport binder to binding on-demand:
* getDestinationString()
* isAppEligibleForBackup()
* dump()

For getDestinationString() we'll be introducing an invisible bug for
people that haven't updated GMSCore to include the usage of
updateTransportAttributes() API introduced in earlier CL. The bug is
that that text won't change, it'll remain constant. It's invisible
because currently only place that uses that method is Settings in some
circumstances that depend on the transport, and those circunstances
don't happen with our transports. Check http://ag/1831025.

For isAppEligibleForBackup(), a new filterAppsEligibleForBackup() is
created and there we bind on-demand.

Change-Id: Idc9e31f0e8eda8531e204c05a84fafdaf0247d08
Ref: http://go/br-binding-on-demand
Bug: 17140907
Test: adb shell dumpsys backup, observe destination of transports
Test: adb shell bmgr backupnow --all, observe only eligible apps got backed-up
Test: Force-loaded settings screen and observed destination string
Test: m -j RunFrameworksServicesRoboTests
79155590e67a30f520677d9d22e215365d595a73 21-Dec-2017 Bernardo Rufino <brufino@google.com> Binding on-demand #7: PerformInitializeTask usage

Migrate transport initialization task to binding on-demand. Added
Robolectric tests for the task as well.

Bug: 17140907
Test: m -j RunFrameworksServicesRoboTest
Test: adb shell bmgr init <transport>, observed logs & transport dir
Change-Id: I2d6c1acd31741169080edef2f938fabf43b0649a