History log of /libcore/JavaLibrary.mk
Revision Date Author Comments
66b31739fcf49cb6857e1347e4fe2c239b6cd2de 20-Feb-2018 Andreas Gampe <agampe@google.com> Libcore: Suppress @MissingOverride warnings

For now, suppress these, until upstream cleans up their code.

Bug: 73499927
Test: m javac-check RUN_ERROR_PRONE=true
Change-Id: Id4cbdaa5996c7ad14c38070421bbe4e1eafef2ba
cd0d036fa89b42eb0d989d75fd58db2e4fff6b66 14-Feb-2018 Jiyong Park <jiyong@google.com> Build core.current.stubs without framework libraries

LOCAL_NO_STANDARD_LIBRARIES is set to true when generating the stub
library. This enables us to build the stub even when frameworks/base
is absent (i.e. master-art branch).

Test: m -j core.current.stubs
Test: build in master-art branch
Change-Id: I15dfbd844c59c16c677ce91dfd3a9a3389100f8e
492c64ae9dad4a0b67a9fdc327f3028a19281184 06-Feb-2018 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> core.current.stubs: add LOCAL_PATCH_MODULE := java.base

The stub classes from core.current.stubs are compiled with libcore
on the bootclasspath / system modules. Since the stub classes are
in the same packages as libcore classes (they carry the same names),
this breaks under OpenJDK 9 javac -target 1.9.

This CL adds LOCAL_PATCH_MODULE := java.base, which means that
javac will be invoked with --patch-module=java.base=., fixing
the compilation.

Bug: 72206056
Bug: 38177569
Test: EXPERIMENTAL_USE_OPENJDK9=true USE_R8=true make checkbuild docs
in a workspace that also included the following CL topic:

Change-Id: Iebaf3693bcc2a3ec99cd56d8fe878412bccceb71
4321db4a3fe4968ddc64c9b3a0f5f6e3468950c8 23-Jan-2018 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Add core.current.stubs

A stubs library for libcore classes to allow targets to depend on just
the API without framework.

It will not be available in unbundled builds, they will be handled with
a prebuilt.

Bug: 72206056
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: Idc34fafa85cce04423841f8231065bbc29fe030d
d042dbe3358d76cfddbc1263c293042d8ba955b9 09-Jan-2018 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> Fix core-ojtests-hostdex compilation for -target 1.9

This make target includes ojluni/src/test/java/util/stream/{bootlib,boottest}
tests that are in libcore packages; this fails when compiling with a
javac that implements the module system (such as when

After this CL, --patch-module=java.base=[...] is used to patch this
target's sources and classpath .jars into java.base at compile time.
No run-time change is currently needed because these tests are run
on dalvikvm (on host), which currently doesn't implement the OpenJDK 9
module system.

Bug: 69541902
Test: libcore/ojluni/src/test/artrun-testng

Change-Id: I412176dffc07342c9c20303180e5ff72bb65a83a
98d0eff0b3bf1239e205b4f0572290e8628cd8aa 22-Sep-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Include source files in core-lambda-stubs

Make core-lambda-stubs easier to distribute by embedding its sources.

Test: m -j checkbuild
Test: unzip -l out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core-lambda-stubs_intermediates/classes.jar
Bug: 65210042
Change-Id: Id2d3342ebc4b5a67c4098fb94c455d3b1cf7effc
(cherry picked from commit b218d661af961b1a8c2b60ccd7ecba321703b0ca)

Bug: 68305853
Change-Id: I5f66c9254ca3d2b2fb548a7a28dba0fb04aaeda9
Merged-In: Id2d3342ebc4b5a67c4098fb94c455d3b1cf7effc
4540094770600bac9ba3bc26d49ee96457174163 24-Nov-2017 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Remove smali for valid parameter metadata tests

Removes the use of .smali files to generate valid test
classes with parameter metadata. This makes the test:

1) Easier to maintain
2) Doubles as a regression test for the parameter metadata
support in the platform build tools.

Bug: 69735095
Bug: 36805513
Bug: 32109605
Test: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t libcore.java.lang.reflect.ParameterTest
Change-Id: I6f3ad662326f69fb41f74914d2e9dc2795bd84c3
fb7218e7ced6dae1654ffc723835bda6e3696ac7 27-Oct-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Revert "Revert "Add makefile targets for ojluni jaif-annotated source files.""

This reverts commit 554d65461915e1f9d2197a13d4ef39fa9964c809.

This reapplies I9571a7841cbcc2790891352e0efc69327484736b with additional fixes for absolute OUT_DIR.

Bug: 64930165
Bug: 68375156
Test: m checkbuild
Test: m docs
Change-Id: Iabb6689559752932f7e9a9bfb3c6d1077e844b1f
554d65461915e1f9d2197a13d4ef39fa9964c809 27-Oct-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Revert "Add makefile targets for ojluni jaif-annotated source files."

This reverts commit eb55e5c38f1c374897a60f17627a153480e608bd.

Reason for revert: Broke builds with absolute OUT_DIR, I'll reapply with a fix.

Change-Id: Ie7cf38cb097bf9665e6e745707b705be24b77605
eb55e5c38f1c374897a60f17627a153480e608bd 26-Sep-2017 Przemyslaw Szczepaniak <pszczepaniak@google.com> Add makefile targets for ojluni jaif-annotated source files.

Second attempt, this time with fixed list of targets in blueprints
and with less broken python code.

Test: make docs
Bug: 64930165
Change-Id: I9571a7841cbcc2790891352e0efc69327484736b
3c6c2e2343f05b63e6d088aa48c3dfdb55d31cc6 18-Oct-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Move some libcore test modules to soong

This moves some of the libcore test-related modules to Soong. There
are still a few that cannot be moved due to missing dependencies or

Test: m checkbuild
Change-Id: I7397177f44ddcb7608c251f5183f807fc6601816
9c30254a93508c5859d995b762f14408e173ffde 19-Oct-2017 Przemyslaw Szczepaniak <pszczepaniak@google.com> Revert "Add makefile targets for ojluni jaif-annotated source files."

This reverts commit e106467891c636d22fbe0a4af0990a2ff0b5e8df.

Change-Id: I3a5811177a35376825b861a0d925b75624387043
e106467891c636d22fbe0a4af0990a2ff0b5e8df 26-Sep-2017 Przemyslaw Szczepaniak <pszczepaniak@google.com> Add makefile targets for ojluni jaif-annotated source files.

Test: make docs
Bug: 64930165
Change-Id: Ic1df393ee7b90f53318183fdcd74b5ff2ac94fb9
bb180be18249d4b5414e568242497c98b703ed62 09-Oct-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Move hostdex libraries to soong

Soong will automatically copy the final javalib.jar to a host
module with a -hostdex suffix if hostdex: true is set. core-all
and core-lambda-stubs don't need a hostdex module, they are
never dexed.

Bug: 67600882
Test: m -j checkbuild
Change-Id: I9708307026abca398b6117572e1f3fed735a1b2e
af0b54c0c03b3191c8c6222d2bfd40e6a365ec66 28-Sep-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Revert "Revert "Convert libcore java to Android.bp""

This reverts commit 9762264100d81d3dd653cbca2996b288c52f9546.

Jack is disabled everywhere now. This reapplies
I20a0f0327172bc51db47c7c56ccc806e20cf1244 with updates for changes
to Soong and to add sources to the core-lambda-stubs jar.

Test: m -j checkbuild
Change-Id: I77c9dc558bc6c0f3833b1b79a0707c498e560628
b218d661af961b1a8c2b60ccd7ecba321703b0ca 22-Sep-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Include source files in core-lambda-stubs

Make core-lambda-stubs easier to distribute by embedding its sources.

Test: m -j checkbuild
Test: unzip -l out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core-lambda-stubs_intermediates/classes.jar
Bug: 65210042
Change-Id: Id2d3342ebc4b5a67c4098fb94c455d3b1cf7effc
9762264100d81d3dd653cbca2996b288c52f9546 22-Sep-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Revert "Convert libcore java to Android.bp"

This reverts commit 70d863fdc17969b4638caf830d0567adc20a6100.

Reason for revert: Broke the few remaining builds that still use jack

Change-Id: I437d583cf33d68e6d8fa3367e1ea54848b56e05b
70d863fdc17969b4638caf830d0567adc20a6100 30-Aug-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Convert libcore java to Android.bp

See build/soong/README.md for more information.

Test: m -j checkbuild
Test: classes.dex for core-oj is identical
Test: classes.dex for core-libart only has extra bridge methods (b/65645120)
Change-Id: I0f81937dcc6efba87e7f61b2d5840b18068cd587
de1e96316f68ae5196583f99ed8f1ba292eeecf9 14-Sep-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Move jacocoagent out of core-libart

Put jacocoagent on the bootclasspath instead of merging it into

Test: m -j EMMA_INSTRUMENT=true
Test: https://android-build.googleplex.com/builds/view-workplan?viewType=Table&workplanId=L53300000103158721&nodeType=Trybot
Change-Id: Ib7651d23a3126eb1034249a4c29f77bd76390041
35f08670fe09ae6163b2c59caa18636d91980460 24-Jul-2017 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> Don't explicitly set LOCAL_JAVA_LANGUAGE_VERSION := 1.8

1.8 is now the default, so this is now redundant.
If and when the default language version changes to something
higher, libcore should also use that language version.

Bug: 38177569
Test: Treehugger

Change-Id: I9a1b5a37aeacd530d74ea2a3e5a29913b399cc2b
85952e2f39b42a461e218ebb003f3a8dff534c5b 14-Jun-2017 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Enable stripping of debug information when required.

We're removing LocalVariableType / LocalVariableType in order to
save space.

Bug: 38224820
Test: CtsLibcoreTestCases
Change-Id: I232400c696cc8239fe0fc09e50fd4fd4ba4029bc
9e217304aae2b84a4213ddf69d5ed1daf1a61f5c 28-Oct-2016 Sergio Giro <sgiro@google.com> CertificateTest: fix error-prone code in test

There was a comparison of a byte against the value 200, which would
always fail. From the code below it's evident that the comparison should
be against the value 200 casted as a byte.

Test: vogar CertificateTest

(cherry picked from commit 2cdb68f718098570bf466661d5aba3f1ceba566a)

Change-Id: I86f9ff925a81dc6d0f174063992745db558ca73c
dada2c2f491e3ff04a3e7298e55d14c06b490384 24-May-2017 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Add a regression test for Deflate/zlib behavior

Adds a regression test for Deflate and the underlying native libraries.
If any of these tests fail it suggests that tools such as Google Play
Store that rely on deterministic binary output from Deflate; those tools
may behave inefficiently if the output changes.

Bug: 27637914
Test: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t libcore.java.util.zip.DeflateRegressionTest
Change-Id: If281f5c1402959d6f959cc4827e912df46b70c57
(cherry picked from commit f04b9afc1ab2c230fa145375b5531c8a5415f40a)
f04b9afc1ab2c230fa145375b5531c8a5415f40a 24-May-2017 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Add a regression test for Deflate/zlib behavior

Adds a regression test for Deflate and the underlying native libraries.
If any of these tests fail it suggests that tools such as Google Play
Store that rely on deterministic binary output from Deflate; those tools
may behave inefficiently if the output changes.

Bug: 27637914
Test: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t libcore.java.util.zip.DeflateRegressionTest
Change-Id: If281f5c1402959d6f959cc4827e912df46b70c57
3cbfb6e3a3d8c50b6512df250b24dbfffbf6d3a7 30-Mar-2017 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Addition of new time zone lookup code

Introduction of libcore.util.TimeZoneFinder for
resolving time zones by country / by country + offset

This code is intended to be a work-a-like replacement
for code currently residing in android.util.TimeUtils
and using time_zones_by_country.xml in the plaform.

android.util.TimeUtils and
com.android.internal.telephony.ServiceStateTracker will
be switched over to using it in a follow up change.

At present, the algorithm should return the same
logical results as the code it is intended to replace.

A notable difference is that it uses ICU's TimeZone class
instead of java.util.TimeZone because
it has more convenient methods and the ability to
freeze timezones. More care has been taken to return
immutable data structures than the code it replaces.

This change also changes the TimeZoneDistroInstaller
and associated classes / tests to be aware of and
require the new file.

Bug: 25338903
Test: vogar luni/src/test/java/libcore/util/TimeZoneFinderTest.java
Test: CTS: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t libcore.tzdata.shared2
Test: CTS: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t libcore.tzdata.update2
Test: CTS: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t
Test: Manual testing after install using prepareTzDataUpdates.sh /
update test app and reboot

(cherry picked from commit 085fbffe1a9fd2d53bc1959a189b0289302c67b3)

Change-Id: I6541b84d0e6e289cb2495e5ae045fd0356145d47
085fbffe1a9fd2d53bc1959a189b0289302c67b3 30-Mar-2017 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Addition of new time zone lookup code

Introduction of libcore.util.TimeZoneFinder for
resolving time zones by country / by country + offset

This code is intended to be a work-a-like replacement
for code currently residing in android.util.TimeUtils
and using time_zones_by_country.xml in the plaform.

android.util.TimeUtils and
com.android.internal.telephony.ServiceStateTracker will
be switched over to using it in a follow up change.

At present, the algorithm should return the same
logical results as the code it is intended to replace.

A notable difference is that it uses ICU's TimeZone class
instead of java.util.TimeZone because
it has more convenient methods and the ability to
freeze timezones. More care has been taken to return
immutable data structures than the code it replaces.

This change also changes the TimeZoneDistroInstaller
and associated classes / tests to be aware of and
require the new file.

Bug: 25338903
Test: vogar luni/src/test/java/libcore/util/TimeZoneFinderTest.java
Test: CTS: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t libcore.tzdata.shared2
Test: CTS: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t libcore.tzdata.update2
Test: CTS: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t
Test: Manual testing after install using prepareTzDataUpdates.sh /
update test app and reboot
Change-Id: Ic6d0a617519a7685815c99a8e41ccab65be1ff57
bec383100320e0a5f64dc0a5f19929bfed802025 31-Mar-2017 Orion Hodson <oth@google.com> Undo temporary API level coercion

Bug: 36087246,36118520
Change-Id: I4c2041adfa901ca850a321913f13cccdae31019d
209074830f7fc8bd62f8e9738e527cc805f2b388 21-Mar-2017 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Libcore: Delete all com.android.dex sources and tests.

They're no longer used in libcore and have been moved to dx.

Also removed the unused dex-host build target that depends on these

Test: make; dalvik/dx/tests/run-all-tests
Change-Id: I489369b362ecadb00f3afb269366e7077351d91f
6a6398fb8807fd9d274beb1d5734cf82a441e112 20-Mar-2017 Dan Willemsen <dwillemsen@google.com> Don't recompile core-tests after installclean

Instead of using the installed copy of filesystemstest.jar as an input,
create an intermediate that is named appropriately, and use that

Also removes all the LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES := JavaLibrary.mk
that we just strip out in the build system anyways.

Test: Compare core-tests_intermediates/classes.jack before/after
Test: m -j core-tests; m installclean; m -j core-tests
Test: cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t libcore.java.nio.file.FileSystemsTest
Change-Id: I7f8f3c187c1ac33e017372b2f8f01884c4c1c796
7554309dede14f02436a8eba0bc1d96a598ff87f 08-Mar-2017 Scott Main <smain@google.com> update libcore docs build to use new location for templates
as per:
Bug: 31836581
Test: Run 'make libcore-docs'

Change-Id: I61154fcd94ad10b41cc3fef3600fa8358fec2737
a54a548b0f9f4f557332965719166a25e75f53a9 10-Mar-2017 Orion Hodson <oth@google.com> Enable core-oj build with dx

Bug: 36087246,36118520

Change-Id: I88b232a5210c09c9ec9a3fa31d44d3266e67399d
ce69636853dede4a6f0f3cd0af74374ae03db497 03-Mar-2017 Adam Vartanian <flooey@google.com> Move Mockito to static library section of core-tests

Also removes junit because it's depended on by Mockito.

Test: cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases
Change-Id: Id60d8f6ee09756a3e4018561a083d2e91c966015
cfcde6a30cbf9c64205a89fba3757f37aff8902b 09-Feb-2017 Shubham Ajmera <shubhamajmera@google.com> Add java.nio.file.FileSystems unit tests.

Add java.nio.file.FileSystems unit tests.

Test: cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases \
-t libcore.java.nio.file.FileSystemsTest \
--skip-connectivity-check --skip-preconditions \

Bug: 27331465
Change-Id: I649892e7cbef30e1cad603cdc277a684be9332ee
2b422608c511cca8d790b13c39526bc7fba9a310 01-Mar-2017 Nicolas Geoffray <ngeoffray@google.com> Improve comment for the testdex variants.

bug: 24535627
Change-Id: Ic2b97134ff18d8b817d002bef747936ef645ebef
abbd52bd3d500cc0fab307da3a0aec29c75038a4 25-Feb-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Add LOCAL_DX_FLAGS := --core-library to core-ojtests-hostdex

Desugar needs the --core-library flag to desugar core-ojtests-hostdex
because it contains java.*

Test: m -j ANDROID_FORCE_JACK_ENABLED=disabled checkbuild
Change-Id: I603d4ed2ad9be14cb492bdd9820e03179d59dd24
96a5529c752d5d55d62a67a5e329058bcf067220 22-Dec-2016 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Re-add LOCAL_DX_FLAGS

This reverts commit cbcfd558c06fc156fef31a729d4dada559d3a881.

Also adds LOCAL_DX_FLAGS := --core-library to a few new libraries.

Test: builds
Change-Id: I531d5a0494943f7cddbcdba26e0322e556169a37
ac12c75ae5915ea728f8a90348f98edeee74d4f8 30-Jan-2017 Joachim Sauer <jsauer@google.com> Remove ojluni test resources from general tests.

Test resources from the ojluni/ tree were included in test packages
unrelated to ojluni tests. Apart from being unnecessary, it also caused
libcore.java.time.chrono.ChronologyDisplayNameTest to fail.

Bug: 34762876
Test: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases
Change-Id: I214a470d9c1d1f5bf81b1f92717e1166352a2d66
acc4298fa2475679d60dd9c2d55ddd6ca7949b0f 14-Nov-2016 Shubham Ajmera <shubhamajmera@google.com> Add unit tests for java.nio.channels.FileChannel open methods

#open(Path, Set, FIleAttribute …), #open(Path, OpenOption)

Test: cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t \

Test: cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t \

Bug: 29031069
(cherry-picked from commit 96d64bf292ebd4e2c44852e3b12858806624a1b1)
Change-Id: I8c3a3e6ced6c2aa549f942dcd1369d60d7f85650
8aeb919f6154e74f872cee9f3c87bac4cdcd2cca 06-Jan-2017 Joachim Sauer <jsauer@google.com> Revert "Temporarily disable java.time tests."

This reverts commit fca5887a2de5b0d8ddd295da714472768458d6d0.

With this commit, the java.time tests are re-enabled and are part of
the CTS module CtsLibcoreOjTestCases.

Bug: 28832222
Test: CtsLibcoreTestCases and CtsLibcoreOjTestCases
Change-Id: Idfe2012169b623b94f99e73312117f72506a7c3e
8c57257a2905a8a0781767123f537176dca3291f 20-Dec-2016 Joachim Sauer <jsauer@google.com> Make Chronology/ServiceLoader tests pass.

Add necessary resources to CTS target for Chronology tests.

Also modify TestServiceLoader to avoid the assumption that the system
classloader will always see test resources (does not hold true in CTS).

Bug: 28832222
Test: run cts -m LibcoreOj -t test.java.time.chrono.TestServiceLoader
Test: run cts -m LibcoreOj -t tck.java.time.chrono.TCKTestServiceLoader
Change-Id: I831d71d12a47107ef0011a7e171da7639eb34184
5c173d7010955160bf8bf3dfdc1fcd4e3c1a3b12 19-Jan-2017 Colin Cross <ccross@android.com> Use BUILD_HOST_STATIC_DALVIK_JAVA_LIBRARY for core-test-rules-hostdex

BUILD_HOST_STATIC_DALVIK_JAVA_LIBRARY must be used for libraries
that will be linked with LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES.

Test: m -j java
Change-Id: Ie83040aa61ec820ec9f985311b1a7e2923e1a6f9
62db9f9d1df5b158f80da1366225e7de5039d803 28-Nov-2016 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> Drop support for proxying FTP over HTTP

This feature accidentally launched in Android N; it relied on
9k lines of untested code in the packages
sun.net.www.{http,protocol.http} which are dropped by this CL.

Tests for FtpURLConnection that depend on external/mockftpserver
were added; the tests originally derive from draft CL
http://r.android.com/143327 but those have been refactored.
Additional tests were added to cover specifically FTP proxying
over HTTP, which is no longer supported after this CL.

Bug: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=160725
Bug: 29574477
Test: libcore.java.net.FtpURLConnectionTest
Test: cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -a arm64-v8a
Change-Id: I8a2aab36632e162e4616a4f3c61e833f63a97b88
69de0c1658cc5e4367c93cc2989d5bbbd48ad675 06-Jan-2017 Joachim Sauer <jsauer@google.com> Temporarily disable java.time tests.

The new tests don't pass yet, but that doesn't negatively affect any
other systems. To allow a partial merge of the java.time work, disable
those tests for now.

Also added failures in CalendarTest to knownfailures that are caused by
new Calendar code. These will be fixed/modified in a later commit.

Bug: 28832222
Test: run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases
Test: run cts -m CtsLibcoreOjTestCases
Change-Id: I630293959ba365f1ddcc972fe1233d6632d8c86c
d5e8f8cc36718a26df0d505640469a9ef97ba681 22-Dec-2016 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> Rearrange deps in JavaLibrary.mk

For build targets with lots of dependencies (which are
likely to gain or lose dependencies in future), break
the dependencies out over separate lines and order them
alphabetically. This has the benefit that it

a) minimizes the risk of merge conflicts in future
b) allows blame/annotate to identify the originating
CL for dependencies added from now on.

Test: make droid cts
Change-Id: I2df930461b3a6611dcfde2c54d100daf0c4222da
8e0c3490cb36f4388460e26f1e0cd89f995f0e76 09-Dec-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Adding extra validation to TzDataBundleInstaller

Adding extra validation to TzDataBundleInstaller. This requires
that the test data the test is given is actually valid.
To provide valid test data the ZoneInfoTestHelper has been moved
into a support library under tzdata that can be used from the
installer and libcore test code.

Bug: 31008728
Test: CtsLibcoreTestCases
Change-Id: I5035b4b292f2574b2d58829fb0c2df9efac470d6
c347df812958ccd948f14638fa41d2b9fa0279d3 29-Nov-2016 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Replace core-junit/junit4-target with junit

Bug: 30188076
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: I991e8ffe2d27539312699bd439aef1291b2acc56
1eac8b3c7b6ae72ab87e806457854e6824e0cfd0 25-Nov-2016 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Use junit-hostdex instead of core-junit-hostdex/junit4-target-hostdex

A recent change in external/junit changes junit-hostdex so it
includes all JUnit classes not just the ones not in
core-junit-hostdex and not in junit4-target-hostdex. This change
updates this project to use junit-hostdex instead of either of
or even both of the other two.

Bug: 30188076
Test: make checkbuild and art/tools/run-libcore-tests.sh '--mode=host' '--variant=X32'
Change-Id: Ib7e9c42ea68ef6f4dab90ae894c73248ff04ce4c
1a5d070b8d17905319b377c976143d330a678666 03-Nov-2016 Shubham Ajmera <shubhamajmera@google.com> Revert "Revert "Revert "Add unit tests for java.nio.channels.FileChannel open methods"""

This reverts commit 7e36f3879278711c0bd21718c950c10ff6dde678.


Change-Id: Ic31fae25f197bc5aaf6d8980d5b2a215086c14c9
7e36f3879278711c0bd21718c950c10ff6dde678 03-Nov-2016 Shubham Ajmera <shubhamajmera@google.com> Revert "Revert "Add unit tests for java.nio.channels.FileChannel open methods""

This reverts commit d40991be9e5f10155f6214886aa5d8365a60e1df.

Change-Id: I26324be1294865528cdc9ad17699e74df0855688
d40991be9e5f10155f6214886aa5d8365a60e1df 02-Nov-2016 Shubham Ajmera <shubhamajmera@google.com> Revert "Add unit tests for java.nio.channels.FileChannel open methods"

This reverts commit 96d64bf292ebd4e2c44852e3b12858806624a1b1.

Change-Id: I74429b50da1bf930db6ecc7bccfdab85a159731e
96d64bf292ebd4e2c44852e3b12858806624a1b1 25-Oct-2016 Shubham Ajmera <shubhamajmera@google.com> Add unit tests for java.nio.channels.FileChannel open methods

#open(Path, Set, FIleAttribute …), #open(Path, OpenOption)

Test: cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t \

Test: cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -t \

Bug: 29031069
Change-Id: Ia4aa1ecb74bec25651efef09c66697e6c6770106
2cdb68f718098570bf466661d5aba3f1ceba566a 28-Oct-2016 Sergio Giro <sgiro@google.com> CertificateTest: fix error-prone code in test

There was a comparison of a byte against the value 200, which would
always fail. From the code below it's evident that the comparison should
be against the value 200 casted as a byte.

Test: vogar CertificateTest
Change-Id: I5dcde48bb9b64c55f66b9c6ef38050f734674318
7881b2c8db934c9592648201985df0976e67cee4 14-Oct-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Remove some warnings from the libcore-docs build

Ignore the set of non-standard JavaDoc tags from OpenJDK in the
libcore-docs build. They are non-fatal, but distracting.

Bug: 32128132
Test: make libcore-docs
Change-Id: I4923b5b4bd1063baeccef4814e8e817d03a4ba06
6be83e4ae44ebb699e01ab0d03f40ca14c4abc7a 26-Sep-2016 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Treat TryFailThrowable error prone check as error

Enabling the option detected a problem in URLConnectionTest
so this fixes that.

Test: m -j -l32 javac-check-core-tests RUN_ERROR_PRONE=true
run org.apache.harmony.luni.tests.java.net.URLConnectionTest
test using vogar and CTS
Bug: 31507496
Change-Id: Ie3f150e79fc1e58f812bf5c81181a68dae752271
fe0ee8ef8870338ad67ebfb6b62785e0cbdb325b 12-Aug-2016 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Improve resource leakage detection testing

This change makes various improvements to the support for
testing resource leakage detection.

Adds CloseGuard.Tracker to allow tests to track the lifecycle of
CloseGuard allocation sites directly.

Adds CloseGuardSupport to use CloseGuard.Tracker to provide:
* A BiConsumer that can be used to help check that objects which
own resources protected by CloseGuard correctly detect resource
* A TestRule that allows tests to check that system code does
not leak resources, especially under error conditions.

Adds a new ResourceLeakageDetector that uses reflection to
access CloseGuardSupport. This can safely be used in code that
needs to compile and run on OpenJDK.

Adds TestCaseWithRules to allow the TestRule above to be used
with JUnit 3 style tests without converting the whole test to
JUnit 4 style.

Changed libcore.java.lang.ProcessBuilderTest to use TestCase as
ProcessBuilder does not have any CloseGuard protected resources.
That allows AbstractResourceLeakageDetectorTestCase to be

Changed RandomAccessFileTest to use TestCaseWithRules and
ResourceLeakageDetector. Fixed issues that it highlighted,
fixed testRandomAccessFileHasCleanupFinalizer test and removed
it from expectations/knownfailures.txt.

Adds core-test-rules/-hostdex targets to encapsulate TestRule
and related classes that can be shared with other projects.

Removes the following now unused classes:
* CloseGuardMonitor
* AbstractResourceLeakageDetectorTest
* The old ResourceLeakageDetector and associated test.

Bug: 31542223
Test: Ran tests on both Vogar and CTS
Change-Id: I8f802b52fdbeac0a30f339a9ceca5d2eaaafd180
d097a9b4b6edc1bc502e9448eae1c910a8127d67 22-Sep-2016 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Include core_lambda_stubs in core_oj.

core-oj already contains most of java.lang.invoke - there isn't
much point in complicating build rules for bundled targets by continuing
to rely on stubs. The stubs target continues to exist for compiling code
that contains Java 8 language features against the M sdk.

bug: 31675876
Test: make checkbuild
Change-Id: I9a5ed695fd2406919a218a7dc1c4a7560cc39b91
3c9b631901609c8f28677f24c2b4c8f9716fe0fa 02-Aug-2016 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Fix error prone build.

We need to bring back stubs for MethodType / LambdaConversionException
to avoid build issues when targeting older SDKs.

bug: 30550796
test: make checkbuild; make -j39 javac-check RUN_ERROR_PRONE=true
Change-Id: I3c8a2ff296a51c0d9a552cf0e6cbf1815c680da8
c8b2c5627863b7079eaad00adf7954e330fba1ac 28-Apr-2016 Igor Murashkin <iam@google.com> build: Fix mac build

New ojtest device rules were being excluded for non-linux OSes.

Bug: 28389144
Change-Id: Icf26d0390b6cd3ad52dc36d870887308d22c2c31
(cherry picked from commit edabd98db57ed1e67cd9d591034fd3f20d791fc4)
edabd98db57ed1e67cd9d591034fd3f20d791fc4 28-Apr-2016 Igor Murashkin <iam@google.com> build: Fix mac build

New ojtest device rules were being excluded for non-linux OSes.

Bug: 28389144
Change-Id: Icf26d0390b6cd3ad52dc36d870887308d22c2c31
289e51c2258b001f2aa6d6e67b21be7bb65d5102 04-Apr-2016 Igor Murashkin <iam@google.com> ojtests: Split out public/boot tests and add device targets

* Enable tests to be run from CTS (without changing bootclasspath)
* Fix host test script to pass higher heap maximum
* Include test source code as part of the core-ojtests-public.jar

Bug: 27521545
Bug: 27797922
Bug: 28389144
Change-Id: Ibd5ac74c939d1252e17dab2dc22d2a00de837bfe
603700058363f21b7b2ecae9c44e9617183ab3f9 04-Apr-2016 Igor Murashkin <iam@google.com> ojtests: Split out public/boot tests and add device targets

* Enable tests to be run from CTS (without changing bootclasspath)
* Fix host test script to pass higher heap maximum
* Include test source code as part of the core-ojtests-public.jar

Bug: 27521545
Bug: 27797922
Change-Id: Ibd5ac74c939d1252e17dab2dc22d2a00de837bfd
(cherry picked from commit ce0115e08189fcb96f990f0b93a6c2aeae59250e)
c3d875180189cdb59ff48a3dc7cd4b8bf1efcea4 26-Apr-2016 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Revert "ojtests: Split out public/boot tests and add device targets"

This reverts commit ce0115e08189fcb96f990f0b93a6c2aeae59250e.

This topic has been reverted because it causes build flakiness and
bogus verification failures on most active changes.

Change-Id: I7dfa25e54c0121b4059f25a8f42f3e0532c1d4c0
ce0115e08189fcb96f990f0b93a6c2aeae59250e 04-Apr-2016 Igor Murashkin <iam@google.com> ojtests: Split out public/boot tests and add device targets

* Enable tests to be run from CTS (without changing bootclasspath)
* Fix host test script to pass higher heap maximum
* Include test source code as part of the core-ojtests-public.jar

Bug: 27521545
Bug: 27797922
Change-Id: Ibd5ac74c939d1252e17dab2dc22d2a00de837bfd
7c19e31a23a5e2b0c98b062f86a8182d90a1dedb 13-Apr-2016 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Add test for WEEK_OF_MONTH

The behavior is as expected but the change wasn't picked up
between M and N so we obviously need some more tests.

Add junit4-target to targets that use core-junit and
junit4-target-hostdex to those that use core-junit-hostdex to
allow access to JUnit4 classes.

Bug: 28009087
Change-Id: Ice49b83c8e626dd3cd4054ae0c4eaf17f82d8249
1d6be01dcbbe89f4bbc92c8e8b1a422c96ff0bae 24-Mar-2016 Sebastien Hertz <shertz@google.com> Include jacoco in core-libart for full coverage build

When building with EMMA_INSTRUMENT=true, coverage classes must be
available everywhere (so all apps can run with code coverage without
including those classes).

This CL includes jacoco into core-libart so it's available in the
bootclasspath (only when EMMA_INSTRUMENT=true).

Bug: 27607712

(cherry picked from commit 827e3d4e84e8cbe42148228eda204e29a10d877d)

Change-Id: I9c39d7495f4e1ceca70bff30a1bb8b938ed3e1b7
827e3d4e84e8cbe42148228eda204e29a10d877d 24-Mar-2016 Sebastien Hertz <shertz@google.com> Include jacoco in core-libart for full coverage build

When building with EMMA_INSTRUMENT=true, coverage classes must be
available everywhere (so all apps can run with code coverage without
including those classes).

This CL includes jacoco into core-libart so it's available in the
bootclasspath (only when EMMA_INSTRUMENT=true).

Bug: 27607712
Change-Id: Ib7fe6448d7105b10db329e6563fe9d92eb8817b4
5a85130cc3ee3df65c3b263773e3649277b37317 30-Mar-2016 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Add OCSP helpers

Add helper functions for later tests that test OCSP functionality.

(cherry picked from commit 0435fdbd46bdbbec9c97932ebb86bffe8cb981b6)

Bug: 27812109
Change-Id: If0f9190e30ea386b364fda4eaa3315ad647c461e
0435fdbd46bdbbec9c97932ebb86bffe8cb981b6 30-Mar-2016 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Add OCSP helpers

Add helper functions for later tests that test OCSP functionality.

Bug: 27812109
Change-Id: If0f9190e30ea386b364fda4eaa3315ad647c461e
cbcfd558c06fc156fef31a729d4dada559d3a881 30-Mar-2016 Ying Wang <wangying@google.com> Remove obsolete LOCAL_DX_FLAGS.

Bug: 27400061
Change-Id: I189e7d94ea35b8533dcfd3ea376303151f52af8d
a405b7ea164e472bcf6b75d9890021bd82e4d60d 24-Mar-2016 Igor Murashkin <iam@google.com> ojluni: Downstream OJ tests

* Bring in OJ java.util.stream tests from jdk8u60

Execute ojluni/src/test/artrun-testng after building the new
target to run the tests (host only).

(cherry picked from commit 4c65c01a4fcfe8c68cd73914370bd269712b91d9)
Bug: 27521545
Change-Id: I06fd28baa6e4793b3e3d3639745a3a68f89b2582
4c65c01a4fcfe8c68cd73914370bd269712b91d9 24-Mar-2016 Igor Murashkin <iam@google.com> Revert "Revert "ojluni: Downstream OJ tests""

This reverts commit 6b74f4120861ee30b76507f158499cf01c1196e8.

Change-Id: I06fd28baa6e4793b3e3d3639745a3a68f89b2582
6b74f4120861ee30b76507f158499cf01c1196e8 23-Mar-2016 Igor Murashkin <iam@google.com> Revert "ojluni: Downstream OJ tests"

This reverts commit 20277d1ac2307c1137d40330322b35e8236551a7.

Change-Id: Icf8693bd760c39ea7d24756d49932c20881458a1
20277d1ac2307c1137d40330322b35e8236551a7 23-Feb-2016 Igor Murashkin <iam@google.com> ojluni: Downstream OJ tests

* Bring in OJ java.util.stream tests from jdk8u60

Execute ojluni/src/test/artrun-testng after building the new core-ojtests-hostdex
target to run the tests (host only).

Bug: 27521545
Change-Id: If1655caccd3e65ef9edd0e2cf0d4a727212a4c58
087f0caa3e9d16931fb44f09a77e226db4e5564d 15-Mar-2016 Przemyslaw Szczepaniak <pszczepaniak@google.com> Fix jsr166-tests for aosp buildbots

Change-Id: I1135d8589cd0ba13dae5457c93991642cda7ce71
e8b323c7cb7d55be9a4df579231e44f04f53d766 11-Mar-2016 Przemyslaw Szczepaniak <pszczepaniak@google.com> JSR-166 update without java 1.9 method/classes

Second attempt, in frist one I've submitted some code from openJdk 1.9
that shouldn't be here, orignial change can be found at

Adapted from sources taken from CVS using:
cvs -d ':pserver:anonymous@gee.cs.oswego.edu/home/jsr166/jsr166' checkout -D "03/03/2016 10:00:00 GMT" jsr166

This time with hidden/removed "@since 9" methods and classes

Bug: 27426599
Change-Id: Ibd8d26e13cba091bfd983c73d005e4f8d8f5946d
(cherry picked from commit b8b75116273ecfdb8ffdd1869b1c0dd04570a95e)
b8b75116273ecfdb8ffdd1869b1c0dd04570a95e 11-Mar-2016 Przemyslaw Szczepaniak <pszczepaniak@google.com> JSR-166 update without java 1.9 method/classes

Second attempt, in frist one I've submitted some code from openJdk 1.9
that shouldn't be here, orignial change can be found at

Adapted from sources taken from CVS using:
cvs -d ':pserver:anonymous@gee.cs.oswego.edu/home/jsr166/jsr166' checkout -D "03/03/2016 10:00:00 GMT" jsr166

This time with hidden/removed "@since 9" methods and classes

Bug: 27426599
Change-Id: Ibd8d26e13cba091bfd983c73d005e4f8d8f5946d
ed4f365789d43b1961657195df223a19bf4ef20f 15-Mar-2016 Przemyslaw Szczepaniak <pszczepaniak@google.com> Revert "JSR-166 update"

I missed comments on framework/base change regarding "@since 9" parts
This reverts commit 5328e07d282bef36ac8b757bbee16a761415b2c4.

Change-Id: Iff71b8a17e79a0a5c1ecadc05bccadceabb83393
5328e07d282bef36ac8b757bbee16a761415b2c4 11-Mar-2016 Przemyslaw Szczepaniak <pszczepaniak@google.com> JSR-166 update

Adapted from sources taken from CVS using:
cvs -d ':pserver:anonymous@gee.cs.oswego.edu/home/jsr166/jsr166' checkout -D "03/03/2016 10:00:00 GMT" jsr166

Bug: 27426599
Change-Id: Ic9ba278929f8747d58b69e7d67ec325064588bff
a98463d9f58c3aac41256d3bfb8699a2a704665c 25-Feb-2016 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Only include android_icu4j production files

In preparation for repackaging the icu4j tests this changes the
android_icu4j_src_files variable to only specify production
files as they are the only ones we want to include in

Bug: 22023363

(cherry picked from 56066345fdcce0f0f8d585b4fbe1fb31560c95e4)

Change-Id: Iaa1f0fc841e7d8e108e0881b92909c0d52f5a490
56066345fdcce0f0f8d585b4fbe1fb31560c95e4 25-Feb-2016 Paul Duffin <paulduffin@google.com> Only include android_icu4j production files

In preparation for repackaging the icu4j tests this changes the
android_icu4j_src_files variable to only specify production
files as they are the only ones we want to include in

Change-Id: I498289fd27697831ccd38fb5d5f4bbd58e013240
Bug: 22023363
3375f98846313c6c25d903ffe3c407b185bbbb14 15-Feb-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Add lambda support stubs for core-tests-hostdex

This is the equivalent of commit
35eb86d88d048c5010ca406a8d543a54b84ca7b8 but for the
core-tests-hostdex library.

It is unclear right now what needs a .class form of a
hostdex library. It seems counter-intuitive and there
appear to be no obvious direct dependencies.

Bug: 27188132
Bug: 26753820
Bug: 26604040
(cherry-picked from commit f2eb9cfe8fee647d6c2a1aed051c9dd4e55d4b9e)

Change-Id: I913dd93ed98e86606600816a2f8951ccb04611ae
4c6a1ee5fc1e06992e67c4a3600e60dce0597226 15-Feb-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Add flags needed to switch Jack to 1.8 for CTS targets

When linking against .jack files that contain 1.8 language
features Jack (currently) requires -D jack.java.source.version=1.8.

"core-tests" includes 1.8 language features.

core-tests-hostdex does not appear to be used in this
branch but it is used in downstream branches.

Bug: 27113322
Bug: 26953739
(cherry-picked from commit 6917cb59b4776bfd190e3ea26fd75156c6d9bd1e)

Change-Id: Id70a78aad45d15bdd23537df438fbfcd126f38d3
668d34693582137a25bfd33544c49afa4b26b06b 01-Feb-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> CTS tests for java.util.function changes

Bug: 26814204
(cherry-picked from commit 7cf6b7d47829942a72faf8c6525e403cd9f37e48)

Change-Id: I0b3157581f2b540292d6ddfd669cfb966b5279df
f2eb9cfe8fee647d6c2a1aed051c9dd4e55d4b9e 15-Feb-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Add lambda support stubs for core-tests-hostdex

This is the equivalent of commit
35eb86d88d048c5010ca406a8d543a54b84ca7b8 but for the
core-tests-hostdex library.

It is unclear right now what needs a .class form of a
hostdex library. It seems counter-intuitive and there
appear to be no obvious direct dependencies.

Bug: 27188132
Bug: 26753820
Bug: 26604040
Change-Id: If2b0ba6e2a8f8ddfa8212f7a00af900ddb9c101d
6917cb59b4776bfd190e3ea26fd75156c6d9bd1e 15-Feb-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Add flags needed to switch Jack to 1.8 for CTS targets

When linking against .jack files that contain 1.8 language
features Jack (currently) requires -D jack.java.source.version=1.8.

"core-tests" includes 1.8 language features.

core-tests-hostdex does not appear to be used in this
branch but it is used in downstream branches.

Bug: 27113322
Bug: 26953739
Change-Id: I299ac0b50f58611e4eeac97b7d578307f205cae0
7cf6b7d47829942a72faf8c6525e403cd9f37e48 01-Feb-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> CTS tests for java.util.function changes

Bug: 26814204
Change-Id: I94eb6d39b4183db86b323ab5f37a623bedd8c395
7d6a54c12a826fc8d5c2b1d41244b2bad27f968b 27-Jan-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Stubs required for javac to compile lambda code

In order for javac to compile code with (non-serializable) lambdas
the included classes are required. These are based on OpenJDK 8
source code which has then been stubbed. The stubs are only
required for build paths that use javac (e.g. javadoc) and
are not to be deployed to a device.

Bug: 26753820
(cherry-picked from commit 35eb86d88d048c5010ca406a8d543a54b84ca7b8)

Change-Id: I1de207b54865ded4c0582dd2f3c3f8f9bebda11f
6c8e0ae1f076e7d2839167eb38c63b136a86f11c 27-Jan-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Enable Java 1.8 language features in libcore code

Bug: 26814204
Bug: 26753820
(cherry-picked from commit 976c83e6c7dd4542dd0a3d333ca8b42bb0205c10)

Change-Id: I0a8834cd0a4bbf6147384ec8c400d8f93256fdd2
35eb86d88d048c5010ca406a8d543a54b84ca7b8 27-Jan-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Stubs required for javac to compile lambda code

In order for javac to compile code with (non-serializable) lambdas
the included classes are required. These are based on OpenJDK 8
source code which has then been stubbed. The stubs are only
required for build paths that use javac (e.g. javadoc) and
are not to be deployed to a device.

Bug: 26753820
Change-Id: I6a78110d10fa157b2e101ea2556de01b59339ef3
976c83e6c7dd4542dd0a3d333ca8b42bb0205c10 27-Jan-2016 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Enable Java 1.8 language features in libcore code

Bug: 26814204
Bug: 26753820
Change-Id: I6ce21b91578feb222638242f8e5db09d9b762b51
7e3c9197dd6819e459d95e986cb028b61e708da1 08-Jan-2016 Shubham Ajmera <shubhamajmera@google.com> Implement java.util.Currency using ICU4J

java.util.Currency uses android.icu.util.Currency as the wrapper class.

Change-Id: Ia67e5b83ed62d06fa53dfb7bcc42cdfb784df40c
7859026238f711b69472b9f22596d5741a603aa4 30-Sep-2015 Andreas Gampe <agampe@google.com> Libcore: Add always-unstripped core jars

Add core-libart-testdex and core-oj-testdex for ART device testing.
ART requires a non-stripped version, even for preopted configurations.

Bug: 24535627
Change-Id: Ie632bc382bbc753e9c100039f2ecc4ac1f2ab249
558a2d164a7c9c307a6d70820b11f29a7997504e 22-Dec-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Override notice file for OpenJdk based modules.

Change-Id: Iffeffc2ed0cfe4c1568c74ddf3176de22930b2a5
a61daf45610bcb8bf8619168190b8f18490471e6 24-Nov-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Include ICU4J resources in core-libart / core-libart-hostex.

Was accidentally omitted in the enso merge.

Change-Id: I9cb5dc65ab796b9b23c1dc9eac701e9ee2c68ff6
f41eec8d7adce5b32470c3b8593012f36d960b27 20-Nov-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Add a placeholder core-oj / libopenjdk definition.

Helps us to commit trivial makefile changes ahead of the larger
code merge.

Change-Id: I2710a664e3a39afead03fc617f04e432df7f8fea
09f993b04651359387d5e089b076994bb6cccc5f 18-Nov-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Turn off obfuscation.

This change also contains a revert of ac740d8c4dd4c7c17ae9d32d.

Change-Id: Ie69ec7242576af80fce4d518a504d19ddd9dc580
c011b2445a19deced34542d1459eaa6f86e92b8e 05-Oct-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Fix inconsistent application of jarjar rules.

We must apply them to core-all if we're going to use the obfuscation
map that's produced as a result of obfuscating it. If we don't, the
map will contain mappings for the "old" (com.ibm...) names which isn't
what we want.

Change-Id: I6deb103ff377e66c6d3368133ee8b88115b69b14
e3b37c28829fa2e2a6ce00f152f4ef36012ea802 28-Sep-2015 Przemyslaw Szczepaniak <pszczepaniak@google.com> Update makefiles to deal with ICU4J related changes.

Change-Id: I3dfbf6b417a883165421b79748ae0bc5bdb4ee1e
647e4a65cba9eafbc3e0bba207f5b0c5eb2a0f5e 02-Oct-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Avoid spurious libcore builds (take 2).

Depend on proguard.classes.jar instead of proguard_dictionary.

Change-Id: If357cfab9326f32084b24fa7c9b714443f6b571b
c2f920658dbf286ad1ada2ed16c8fa6c6bf49b3b 01-Oct-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Revert "Fix spurious libcore rebuilds."

This reverts commit 2cd01bd959719192b9666742cfbd9804f1211ca1.

Change-Id: I96f1e9f7328899c1c95d34c690db2d807c24f5e5
55962973c156e2f19dfc8681b1314cbf69d46107 01-Oct-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Revert "Followup to change 2cd01bd959719192b9666."

This reverts commit 06772e8067ae6230e907dffc9fe1384c678fb409.

Change-Id: I2b672183ee12a1cb09fb883590e3ca1216ad91e4
8ca24bf8db893b686819d5b557c85909b9520705 01-Oct-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Followup to change 2cd01bd959719192b9666.

Change-Id: If4f6696381f871ff50cbf9884a977a7230773999
025d4d56bb5e6b6e65d8202956546e8b58ed4d5e 01-Oct-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Fix spurious libcore rebuilds.

Due to a bad LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCY. Also fixes a missing
dependency on the proguard_dictionary for core_oj.

(cherry picked from commit 728e83308e7f1d746b7271d432d8de4255f13bec)

Change-Id: I46995801e2b5e8dbd9da35cad87ba7c537e1e4c6
844baddb75b289c6f7f09ef03f1cd3864609af86 11-Sep-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Include ICU4J in core-libart.

Includes a partial cherry-pick of change bd4a28864d1892 to
ensure that we're looking for data in the right place.

Change-Id: I04b532478a304103131e6a500dfdff7cdd672c8d
714eff1a255e6eabd82ff3780abb284ea5ed4a2d 08-Sep-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> proguard: Keep all attributes.

Needed to inspect parameterized types etc.

Change-Id: I6f4ab24c69ec1648097bf07815916e8ae52a3bb9
1a0f184a01fcbb1ad3acdd4f48a8fb0a5d9db964 07-Sep-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> proguard : Rename SourceFile and keep the LineNumberTable.

Can be used offline to map obfuscated stack traces to unambiguous
unobfuscated stack traces.

Also includes a minor refactoring to avoid repeating flags.

Change-Id: I86db7d7b31275dbd0887ef32cded5842c88fef7c
b985319ccf8fd9211654db234e9e9058f812ec81 02-Sep-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Obfuscate core-libart / core-oj using proguard.

The general sequence of operations here is :

(1) Compile core-all with a specified input obfuscation map (see below).
Classes that aren't specified in the input obfuscation map are
obfuscated according to proguard's usual algorithm. Classes that match
keep rules (public API, usually) are left alone. In addition, proguard
will produce an output obfuscation mapping after it processes this target.
This will be a superset of the input obfuscation map.

(2) Compile core-all-obfuscated, which uses the same input fileset as
core-all but has proguard turned off.

(3) Compile core-oj and core-libart against core-all-obfuscated. Then
apply the obfuscation map from (1).

Why is an input obfuscation map necessary for step (1) ?
Native methods, mainly. Proguard will leave package names unchanged
for classes that have native methods. This will force *all* classes in
that package to have unobfuscated package names since proguard doesn't
go through the trouble of proving there's no package private accesses
across these packages. We want to force these classes to be obfuscated,
but in a manner that allows us to easily to fix up the native code to
reflect the new naming. This change includes a script that can munge an
obfuscation map from proguard to force obfuscation of known bad classes
and packages. In addition, we force proguard to perform an "inconsistent"
obfuscation for sun.misc. We want to leave the package name for Unsafe
unchanged but want the rest of the package to be obfuscated. This is
provably safe because Unsafe doesn't contain any non public methods.

Change-Id: Ibdfb8ca36d6e0bfedd7552268c5cb83e68cccf09
4cb7ea3b1ec96f3cb678c63d388106dffab9e4ba 31-Jul-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Fix host runtimes.

Needs data for j.u.Currency.

Change-Id: I23728bb5b2c8d68079c04e984f66afb96097973c
0ebbfbdbca73d6261a77183f68e1f3e56c339f9f 30-Jul-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> core-all / core-all-hostdex are not INSTALLABLE_MODULES.

Change-Id: Ie4797a22ffe5c8f334f17f194bd6ba35c0eae51c
29c564f601b47d933e1f3c20c757fdc534d5b681 30-Jul-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Create a separate directory for the resources we're using.

This becomes necessary because :
- LOCAL_JAVA_RESOURCE_DIRS will end up including tons of unnecessary
- LOCAL_JAVA_RESOURCE_FILES won't work properly due to limitations in
the Jar tool.

Change-Id: Id0d347858d2a4d717660dad48d0ab198a078fb3c
0a57ec224e5ce980fb24fcc59983206f13ff821e 24-Jul-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Rewrite our file inclusion logic.

Avoids painful greps, and forces all files in the list to be valid
and named by absolute path relative to libcore. This is the foundation
for changing our API stub generation procedure, where we'll need the
same list of files.

Change-Id: I2bd31b850de13706e42c2ce3dd5cbd4dc3facef0
ebe4f19cd62ed042845e23b7132859c88d91934b 09-Jul-2015 Przemyslaw Szczepaniak <pszczepaniak@google.com> Remove org.apache.harmony.security package.

- Removed org.apache.harmony.security.* files from
non-OpenJdk whitelist.
- Removed the package providers from relevant registrations
- Created java tests blacklist, added all tests that
depend on org.apache.harmony.security package (they
may require rewriting in the future)
- Extended sun.security.pkcs.PKCS7|SignerInfo to work
with data provided as InputStream. This is required
for the android.os.RecoverySystem.

Change-Id: Ib5162afef78a85a52bbba3a246e49d03037146c8
b0fd0510423e205cac93d2b035f9510085c1169b 07-Jul-2015 Przemyslaw Szczepaniak <pszczepaniak@google.com> Create non_opendjk_java files whitelist

Change-Id: I0d1170fe05346c1969210062a161f2ae1749bb70
983b2c6ff9ea6d35adf7ab6398dccf870b7e180a 24-Apr-2015 Piotr Jastrzebski <haaawk@google.com> Use OpenJdk implementation for java.util.*

- Add a target for currency data (currency.data).
- Arrays: Add an android specific debugging method.
- Currency: Use ICU4C data.
- EnumMap / EnumSet : Use JavaLangAccess directly.
- HashMap / Hashtable / LinkedHashMap : Make Entry<K,V> public.
- LinkedHashMap : Add an eldest() method.
- Locale : Fix handling of 3 letter region codes.
- Scanner : Temporarily remove references to the nio file APIs.
- ServiceLoader : Add a method to instantiate a class from a system
property (used in other parts of libcore).
- Hashing : Use JavaLangAccess directly.
- VM : Remove native initialization (doesn't apply here).

Change-Id: I8e870357cf3987cd571c7ebe8bc633a85380a8d5
5c3c9df16515ac0c383ea29d1528a0653e7b7d97 20-Apr-2015 Piotr Jastrzebski <haaawk@google.com> Set LOCAL_CORE_LIBRARY=true for core-all and core-oj.

Oversight from earlier changes.

Change-Id: I0bcb0d564d30e4e5a59a8714f4373d1771ee70cd
51b1b6997fd3f980076b8081f7f1165ccc2a4008 16-Feb-2015 Piotr Jastrzebski <haaawk@google.com> Initial import of OpenJdk files.

Create new libcore/ojluni directory with src/main/java and
src/main/native subdirectiories.

Build ojluni into core-oj jar.

Use openjdk classes from java.awt.font package.

Copy all files from jdk/src/share/classes and jdk/src/solaris/classes
directories in openjdk into libcore/ojluni/src/main/java.

Copy following native files from openjdk to
jdk/src/share/native/java/util/zip/Adler32.c as java_util_zip_Adler32.c
jdk/src/share/native/java/util/zip/CRC32.c as java_util_zip_CRC32.c
jdk/src/share/native/java/util/zip/Deflater.c as java_util_zip_Deflater.c
jdk/src/share/native/java/util/zip/Inflater.c as java_util_zip_Inflater.c
jdk/src/share/native/java/util/zip/ZipFile.c as java_util_zip_ZipFile.c

Change-Id: Ib237df4e1b7b5b4d9f12e74d189e6ec9eed3c31d
a3156917a41848003e22ff39c1e6aa6b6d92e3f4 30-Oct-2015 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Avoid compiling ICU4J sample code in libcore

In an upcoming change a new directory is being added under
src that should not be compiled as part of libcore.

Bug: 22023363
Change-Id: I117a9e3d70f45aa6aa573a48a8517c5947577b40
4259738c6591d4235b73e5750a3f7ede91076c5a 07-Oct-2015 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Inclusion of android_icu4j src in the droiddoc generation

All public classes are hidden with @hide so this should be a no-op.

Bug: 22023363
Change-Id: I191ad6e91e0248bf0bc21f655cbd4b9a016e3377
728029941ba340aeb8e4098b7ad12d3a30e38aa9 05-Oct-2015 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Switch from jarjar to generated source for ICU4J

Future changes will include ICU4J classes as public APIs
(still beneath android.icu). To generate these docs source
code will be needed under the expected package (android.icu),
as well as the ability to apply changes to the javadoc
comments programatically so ICU can be upgraded easily.

A consequence of this change is that libcore code can now
depend on icu in the android.icu package and not the
com.ibm.icu package as was the case previously. A nice
side effect is that the source code is available for use
during debugging as well.

Bug: 22023363
Change-Id: Icba5668fae53e2dc98ccc74e2f1ad1ca226e5feb
3df3bfcbad6f4da20964424c4772985d1b1586a1 26-Aug-2015 Rayhaan Jaufeerally <rayhaan@google.com> Revert "Revert "Migrate Collator classes to use ICU4J.""

The SDK build is now fixed by adding icu4j as a dependency of docs.

This reverts commit 5fc822e7ef47448adccd73ca2ebbd28a068f5136.

Change-Id: Ibac9b40189a83323e5175e8ea26c973eb07bc34f
17552b6592aeaaa564725a07e10e8c4b1c8163cb 14-Jul-2015 Rayhaan Jaufeerally <rayhaan@google.com> Remove Transliterator wrapper class.

This change removes the wrapper class in Java which was used for
proxying requests to ICU4c. Now ICU4J is called directly at the
call sites. See: https://android-review.googlesource.com/#/c/162002/

This is done by replacing instantiations of the old Transliterator
class with calls to a static factory in ICU4J which returns a cached
transliterator if available, otherwise creates it on demand.

This change requires that the transliterator resource directories
and source files are added to our java libraries, which increases
the size of core-libart.jar from 2.289 MB to 2.332 MB. Maybe it's
possible to wait until dependencies on ICU4c have been removed to
see if we can save space there.

Change-Id: I2b2f84a051ba9815ba6d346dfe7fb764e39032c4
c167fceeefb9338f37a43b8376c6984346e712b7 24-Jul-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Get rid of dex-host.

Currently unused.

Change-Id: Icd8422f529e4de1d7e989754a2805a7fb1a6e9f3
32e63383e343005933012ead54759681cae32b12 24-Jul-2015 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Change mockito-api-host to mockito-api-hostdex

Change-Id: Ica6c05a6f0bdc3c893159be8f9842e910dff969b
72aeabb0bcb1dbb627eea912f2250ac80177af01 21-Jul-2015 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Add mockito for tests

Add dependency on mockito-target so that we may use mockito in
core-tests to reduce the number of hand-written mocks needed in our core
library tests.

Change-Id: Iefb5cf3823e3958867d5e9c597aa451d52e375ac
417d6d36a8cb508f493d9b09fb2f552a9d53b1d7 14-May-2015 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Remove ICU4J data build hack

We use system properties now, not the config file so we should
not need to do and config file generation.

Bug: 19960867
Change-Id: I27436589076e7b541bb1e2f4b28a10634a42f4ce
3142d93869e2c24d3ee9bcd3b720e03619486062 01-Apr-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Exclude resources from charset/translit/localespi.

We're not building sources so we shouldn't build resource either.
Even if we *were* building charset, we wouldn't want the ICU
charset provider SPI queried by default.

Fixes errors in the ART buildbot and CTS.

Change-Id: Ia3b1ca1e14cadaca99c6a616e13b7bb2792aa848
f37f781d473cd398041e34648aaa5f2a50c0d8f5 01-Apr-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Revert "Revert "Add icu4j to core-libart.jar.""

This reverts commit 3b59929cb9978453c8bc81cf7e222c40fa42ce90.

Fixes the original flaky build issues and fixes a typo caught
by the previous review.

Change-Id: Ia8a008b75dba51980b064f9689477b8698bcfa5c
3b59929cb9978453c8bc81cf7e222c40fa42ce90 31-Mar-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Revert "Add icu4j to core-libart.jar."

This reverts commit de7c1fb9684c2558743e88fbf74a61f5ed6b47b5.

Change-Id: I22be183176e27371b3ab5fd8868598968cf01584
de7c1fb9684c2558743e88fbf74a61f5ed6b47b5 30-Mar-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Add icu4j to core-libart.jar.

The first approach of building icu4j against the SDK and adding that
to the boot classpath won't work out too well. Besides being a bit
of a hack, there's no way to express that relationship for hostdex

We now compile icu4j sources along with core-libart. This is the most
direct way of expressing this relationship and allows us to include
exactly what we need.

Note that we exclude the locale SPIs, transliterators and charset code
by default.

Change-Id: Idd305e77480bc681ed5b47e740dfec20d3bc7b26
3f1d7beed354200b21e5d45e70121428c342237a 21-Jan-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Get rid of rule to generate a file with a # in its name.

Was only around to work around perforce issues, and we have
a copy of this file checked in anyway.

Also, gets rid of an unused constant referencing the name.

Change-Id: Iddd5871130d779455f8ff960703945dc1d745e18
e983a0b31601050b9dd81026d6ed6a802f3f5fa8 16-Jan-2015 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Only bother building the host tests for Linux.

It's the only place you can run the host tests anyway.

Change-Id: I5fe2b5b74e70a17696baf8ceaacaf4fca52d71ca
4275765ce375e715ac73c6e5965184404e1f490d 21-Nov-2014 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Remove prohibition on stripping classes.dex from core-libart for Dalvik/ART dual-boot

Bug: 18364650
Change-Id: I86ad8e627bbc558252b4c2aab520a5bf8639df5a
9496b21a11f74959bd8e18836796d6eec77c9f74 04-Sep-2014 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Removing differences between AOSP and internal

These commits were equivalent but not exactly the same:
AOSP commit: adb19b9b603ba83ba49b1a10b6301e396132bf3b
Internal commit: 18e74061b760389a94439f4b14acb376809a44ce

This commit makes the internal files the same as AOSP
to make future diffs easier.

Change-Id: Ie2dcdd3940244c6dd18334b58037d2e8cca93920
18e74061b760389a94439f4b14acb376809a44ce 05-Aug-2014 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Dalvik is dead, long live Dalvik!

cd libcore
repo start dalvik-is-dead-long-live-dalvik .
repo sync -c .
git rm -r libdvm
git add JavaLibrary.mk (after removing libdvm references, adding explict core-libart references)
git add Docs.mk (after replacing references to libdvm with libart)
git add benchmarks/Android.mk (after adding explict core-libart references)
git add Android.mk (after removing dalvik-host target)
git commit -a -m 'Dalvik is dead, long live Dalvik!'

Bug: 14298175
Change-Id: I977e7b4be8ef1043b70ceb8532ac4947ea1b7ab8
adb19b9b603ba83ba49b1a10b6301e396132bf3b 18-Jun-2014 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Dalvik is dead, long live Dalvik! DO NOT MERGE

cd libcore
repo start dalvik-is-dead-long-live-dalvik .
repo sync -c .
git rm -r libdvm
git add JavaLibrary.mk (after removing libdvm references, adding explict core-libart references)
git add Docs.mk (after replacing references to libdvm with libart)
git add benchmarks/Android.mk (after adding explict core-libart references)
git add Android.mk (after removing dalvik-host target)
git commit -a -m 'Dalvik is dead, long live Dalvik! DO NOT MERGE'

Bug: 14298175
Change-Id: I0e7a3ce47e0b6e3a7b15006a6d17d103d23e8064
3deabd220cf7b1ca0824987e90b8ecc07087f05a 24-May-2014 Ian Rogers <irogers@google.com> Remove deprecated WITH_HOST_DALVIK.

Bug: 13751317
Fix the Mac host build:
- conditionally define constants using pre-existing pattern,
- make Posix calls that the Mac doesn't support throw

Change-Id: Ib68887cbe36ab167d042eb96c7834bce0651b078
62fba1e159f86b9af3dbb02bef51feeb9098de37 29-May-2014 Neil Fuller <nfuller@google.com> Remove reference to unused okhttp-test build target

Change-Id: I8098a97d9ce59d77dc11793b484497d39884ca3d
7aaf90ed0daa9b025f60dc4d77859aa46ebe33ec 11-Dec-2013 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Revert "Revert "Do not dexopt core-libart""

This reverts commit 5ce66d51d2c5707789a82bb4b02c8dce94bbaf9c.
5ce66d51d2c5707789a82bb4b02c8dce94bbaf9c 11-Dec-2013 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Revert "Do not dexopt core-libart"

This reverts commit a8f7639cb7dee119543ed7db0c219e300c11e951.

Change-Id: I5b5cda6db9de756f7b7aa01e5098b6737262fced
a8f7639cb7dee119543ed7db0c219e300c11e951 06-Dec-2013 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Do not dexopt core-libart

Change-Id: I7571221096abbbc76c564033cd5a1c9f6d8553c4
21ac42d63b67930480ccf8a087604ee7b6c6811f 05-Dec-2013 Ying Wang <wangying@google.com> Better way to export variables in Docs.mk.

With this change, libcore_to_document will be evaluated only once.
As a side effect, this fixes the build log spam reported in:

Change-Id: I4fcfbcd70f6d4b119487525825aeafa2926507b4
d774708f53cbfa24e224c64d497d3bcaac809c57 05-Dec-2013 Ying Wang <wangying@google.com> Better way to export variables in Docs.mk.

With this change, libcore_to_document will be evaluated only once.
As a side effect, this fixes the build log spam reported in:

Change-Id: I4fcfbcd70f6d4b119487525825aeafa2926507b4
d59063c7a6eb985a857ecbf2ca8d1b6dc5deac1d 07-Nov-2013 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Remove incorrect LOCAL_NO_STANDARD_LIBRARIES flag.

(cherry-picked from commit 115197d88b5ce8a4a25a6deaa172cd1848e4f9d6)

Change-Id: Ie0f2d0b5fb88e6a507836db3609b4be53abb636b
70e8ce8186788e520330e71681af30cfd939fa4b 28-Oct-2013 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Remove uses of LOCAL_BUILD_HOST_DEX


(cherry picked from commit bb99b4971afcf5616ad0a3d2b8edaf3bd74d101b)

Change-Id: If6822157b02126ede86b2e9cd4db11bdbae5b82b
51525b5dbb7a1bb8a03fdecb5e5ea15810f8289a 15-Nov-2013 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Harmonize sources across core-tests and core-tests-hostdex

Change-Id: I450b13e714cf68310bf53e2fe740e9ecaac44576
115197d88b5ce8a4a25a6deaa172cd1848e4f9d6 07-Nov-2013 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Remove incorrect LOCAL_NO_STANDARD_LIBRARIES flag.

Change-Id: Ie0f2d0b5fb88e6a507836db3609b4be53abb636b
bb99b4971afcf5616ad0a3d2b8edaf3bd74d101b 28-Oct-2013 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Remove uses of LOCAL_BUILD_HOST_DEX


Change-Id: I1ea753b3e770568b82ea645c3d50a8d568cb127f
58162773b0664d5c5acbc658df4fa1d99f14b691 16-Sep-2013 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Split Conscrypt makefile out from libcore

Change-Id: I6c12a0e038a86b186b5d88b9f0ff28b8480b4aed
61a124188040f84b5c237c338ec0ce7d3da75ed0 29-Aug-2013 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Move conscrypt out libjavacore and split tests

To make the situation with testing a little better and enable building
core libraries totally independent of conscrypt, move the native
registration to a JNI_OnLoad scheme. Also, since we want to separate the
testing, make conscrypt build its own tests library.

(cherry picked from commit ba07db54a902e6741cd085901264e4e45c9c844e)

Bug: 10092469
Change-Id: Ie0e9b73d05236a9bd02fbb66cb1a5da4ec34df45
a7cf230b11ad925558d07674a768c8851a8d71bf 29-Aug-2013 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Change conscrypt-nojarjar to a static library

This doesn't need to be a shared library, so we can just use a static

(cherry picked from commit 69314139247afa971dedc262b5a5fd1cf891d132)

Bug: 10092469
Change-Id: I3c57ca8594a4d3efcfd5d9d2aea01c13ee555dd7
4616c7f802521312349adec76e10f4a5b612223e 29-Aug-2013 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Move support library to a separate static library

frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests uses the libcore/support/* classes
for SSL-based tests. Instead of including core-tests itself, we need to
split out the support classes to its own library to keep frameworks
tests below the dex method limit.

(cherry picked from commit b397b19a825d69e9122f1241849db726abae5413)

Bug: 10092469
Change-Id: Ib9b1dd60cb778dba79afcbe3001749d82afa99d2
ba07db54a902e6741cd085901264e4e45c9c844e 29-Aug-2013 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Move conscrypt out libjavacore and split tests

To make the situation with testing a little better and enable building
core libraries totally independent of conscrypt, move the native
registration to a JNI_OnLoad scheme. Also, since we want to separate the
testing, make conscrypt build its own tests library.

Change-Id: I9f2831839059c1c012ec7bdeab2f90b4e2f44bfd
55dcd9775c58b79c7e3ea1e4f8a6ed3cc2001ff3 29-Aug-2013 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Revert "Revert "Change conscrypt-nojarjar to a static library""

This reverts commit aae2e51f245328652c00c95004f394ff360e2fb8.

Split the support library out of core-tests so the frameworks tests
don't go over the method limit.

Change-Id: Ib177a41b9965f213d325964e9723bfdfba2c5b99
b397b19a825d69e9122f1241849db726abae5413 29-Aug-2013 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Move support library to a separate static library

frameworks/base/core/tests/coretests uses the libcore/support/* classes
for SSL-based tests. Instead of including core-tests itself, we need to
split out the support classes to its own library to keep frameworks
tests below the dex method limit.

Change-Id: Ic11dbd1c6f897af10c6cfe47efb977018ef2ad9a
aae2e51f245328652c00c95004f394ff360e2fb8 29-Aug-2013 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Revert "Change conscrypt-nojarjar to a static library"

FrameworksCoreTests is too bloated now. Revert this.

This reverts commit 69314139247afa971dedc262b5a5fd1cf891d132.
69314139247afa971dedc262b5a5fd1cf891d132 29-Aug-2013 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Change conscrypt-nojarjar to a static library

This doesn't need to be a shared library, so we can just use a static

Change-Id: I6fb1a652d22fd4434f28f408142f1daefbbd0005
808558f781b25d785e31c409a4cac991f5bd81b8 21-Aug-2013 Tsu Chiang Chuang <tsu@google.com> create a separate lib for jsr166.
Bug: 10390711

(cherry picked from commit d47cd7206917560c7f522ede128490819a96b143)

Change-Id: I2646530dad175e2efe81b3f926a4d78a901f76ee
d47cd7206917560c7f522ede128490819a96b143 21-Aug-2013 Tsu Chiang Chuang <tsu@google.com> create a separate lib for jsr166.
Bug: 10390711

Change-Id: Id58ce698594f878e9b78e6207ccb913eac8fa67f
3d41b9abc97ffc1f95b63a30f9a2ab72aaef1139 19-Aug-2013 Ian Rogers <irogers@google.com> Temporarily don't place jsr166 tests in coretests.

Build fix. We're over the dex method reference limit.
Removes part of commit 8f0d92bba199d906c70a5e40d7f3516c1a424117.

(cherry-pick of 5f17cb094449b2667f0fca5988da6f5b103161f9.)

Change-Id: If47b84c0baf2621e59ab262a0f9c088d98f5e33f
7decbc7b1bd5cb69cb88bd40af75256d8f4435fb 19-Aug-2013 Ian Rogers <irogers@google.com> Temporarily don't place jsr166 tests in coretests.

Build fix. We're over the dex method reference limit.
Removes part of commit 8f0d92bba199d906c70a5e40d7f3516c1a424117.

Change-Id: Ia526ba7444fc1861f9b922c25e83a97ce3f32cf0
(cherry picked from commit 5f17cb094449b2667f0fca5988da6f5b103161f9)
8f0d92bba199d906c70a5e40d7f3516c1a424117 01-Aug-2013 Calin Juravle <calin@google.com> Added jsr166 tck tests as part of the libcore testsuite.

Change-Id: I6094d734f818fa043f2b277cf2b4ec7fec68e26e
25963aedcfbeaa3e1c93fc916dc1575a1dcdce7a 24-Jul-2013 Tsu Chiang Chuang <tsu@google.com> Add make rule for dex.

(cherry-picked from commit 6f567f2bcbd07375c723e03c994a7c7674f42c7e)

Change-Id: If3c7122d7a6e914d4a21a33d0dddcc234bb5089e
6f567f2bcbd07375c723e03c994a7c7674f42c7e 24-Jul-2013 Tsu Chiang Chuang <tsu@google.com> Add make rule for dex.

Change-Id: I2807095462667f6d2b3723b315d5365c77a60931
3711c2119dc25aed312081a77dc028504bd482e1 26-Jun-2013 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Add core-libart.jar alongside core.jar

Change-Id: I4c241d6b44265edd9a9606626b697148f77571f0
2cf03dc15c40b92634ff606694af5a6e9aa4db09 22-May-2013 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Adding libart support to libcore

Change-Id: I86febf08eacf42bb4b2f06dbd51c5b2d5b25c9fb
895bba44ff59d2225532a1fe9842c8b9a70a9f9a 13-May-2013 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Move some files with dalvik dependencies to libdvm

Change-Id: I04498d8d8c4b065dbda8d7b30b8b77ce53e63a77
2bea5ee615b0f4add658d5660bd81c5145a0d05e 18-Sep-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Move dex utilities from dalvik/dx to libcore/dex part 2

Change-Id: Ib5bb7bec80d77464f632f1cdfef708d868301c42
(cherry picked from commit 9ae95d8f3381204108abc722e8e5a03d6ecbf311)
38375a4d0b3d34e2babbd2f6a013976c7c439696 24-Apr-2013 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Move JSSE to new package

To help with shipping the JSSE with apps that want to bundle it, move
it to a new package so that the tangles in other parts of the library
can be untangled.

Change-Id: I810b6861388635301e28aee5b9b47b8e6b35b430
81ccea015ba3d2a2da1c641b14dd3713c6b40a76 05-Apr-2013 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Move the external/apache-harmony/math tests into libcore.

Change-Id: Ic4acfcf8553e0108e6ad127afa2745bb551acba3
2503556d17b28c7b4e6e514540a77df1627857d0 30-Mar-2013 jwilson <jwilson@squareup.com> Switch to OkHttp as URL's preferred HTTP implementation.

Change-Id: Id724b75dd78b68ed00f5db4989c4070896996ec0
92fc63ea7bdfcca72203ba0d183a43df0765cf79 08-Feb-2013 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Implement UTS #35 5-count date format patterns.

Bug: https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=39616
Change-Id: I8143f75abc25b2f839a3e44ab800ad90ff9b9029
22a12c91eade02f4bbbead512a63a1c322adecb2 18-Jan-2013 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Track rename of mockwebserver-hostdex to mockwebserver-host

Change-Id: I2122f8c7d69f4d8837d5a677599d33cb32b24f2a
a96f0f8f2a20d6776fdcaf420fe654c4f9f06ae0 18-Jan-2013 Kenny Root <kroot@google.com> Add NIST PKIX tests to core-tests and knownfailures

Bug: 8030138
Change-Id: Ib29438238a21e20c4f039660d76ded2b96bed492
b98632738dfc72ba32ae0160eada03a97a303288 08-Nov-2012 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Improve the System.currentTimeMillis/Date/DateFormat/SimpleDateFormat documentation.

15 years later, this stuff is still causing confusion.

Change-Id: Id68d43014b72de2cf620cf1798517106fd68d229
c5cd6e8f15ce352d009a0d12291e14f321b76d11 19-Oct-2012 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Fix LIBCORE_SKIP_TESTS without causing warnings.

Change-Id: I45609998bf46d6937a041b9fb25200a98a026b04
055fe87bc2435e657dfa6a443060a61665d6e0f3 18-Oct-2012 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Make libcore's dependency on the tzdata explicit.

Bug: 7012465
Change-Id: I85469606cd9bae8c5ebd742ac781d82c5af9c6c0
73d3e262ecf514ef17f47da335fdad899aecc3dc 29-Aug-2012 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Add dependencies on the makefiles.

I've been enjoying this in bionic for a while now, and was annoyed
not to have make do the right thing in libcore.

Change-Id: Idcd2db48349202259887499a1f47d85c5d205d54
507504c19919db8be7da16203601341b144b9e27 23-Aug-2012 Ying Wang <wangying@google.com> Fix build warning.

(cherry-picked from e79ac583cf570e66762c93c9bdfea14fd5c6249a)

Change-Id: I76cc3e709606b9e58e2f5c639207ffb53462905b
e79ac583cf570e66762c93c9bdfea14fd5c6249a 23-Aug-2012 Ying Wang <wangying@google.com> Fix build warning.

Change-Id: I931bf7b28fbefaa247f96122f823b712d0c9396f
ff053c366fd8277f02773b1c0a6489ad67a794f1 22-Aug-2012 Ying Wang <wangying@google.com> Remove obsolete variables.

Bug: 6987838
- Now emma is only enabled for apks.
- Global var EMMA_INSTRUMENT_STATIC tells to build emma as static
library to each module with emma enabled.

Change-Id: I1f3831ca3bbb3bc4fcc3c049fe80993a5cdc177a
17cdf1ac454247016f338d84be763789e6416100 14-Apr-2012 Brett Chabot <brettchabot@android.com> Remove junit source from libcore.

Will be replaced with library built from external/junit.

Bug 5826326

Change-Id: I78518a04b57bade113b1797a808ec1a39bd82ad7
09336c914b4fc813e493acc82469b9ad89fd8694 07-Jun-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Use external/mockwebserver in libcore

Change-Id: I4dac34f88b23484643bce31e5f25ac6eb1fea426
43624e7f4cfd03e0425ad4a4ce818e403900b0d1 07-Jun-2011 Ying Wang <wangying@google.com> Quote the filename before passing to jar.

Jar arg list file can not handle correctly if file name with "#" in it
is not quoted.
Also change to use a module specific tmp directory, instead of out/tmp.

Change-Id: I2b73f0826f845381a8457f0d342c736bea33a7c2
5b989a4848adb9de45ebb7b3bb96fa4586c18f99 28-Apr-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Remove --core-libraries from the core-tests make rules.

I think this was left in by accident from the days when we had tests in the
same package as the classes they were testing.

Change-Id: I45901714c33007aba139b22bfb7b660f038a1883
cfa84a2aac159bb8a1763298882df7aa98f7fc6f 24-Mar-2011 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Import SamplingProfiler from http://code.google.com/p/dalvik/

cp ~/android/dalvik/profiler/src/main/java/dalvik/profiler/* ~/android/master/libcore/dalvik/src/main/java/dalvik/system/profiler/
cp ~/android/dalvik/profiler/src/test/java/dalvik/profiler/* ~/android/master/libcore/dalvik/src/test/java/dalvik/system/profiler/
perl -p -i -e 's/package dalvik.profiler;/package dalvik.system.profiler;/' ~/android/master/libcore/dalvik/src/*/java/dalvik/system/profiler/*.java
perl -p -i -e 's/import dalvik.profiler./import dalvik.system.profiler./' ~/android/master/libcore/dalvik/src/*/java/dalvik/system/profiler/*.java

Change-Id: Iae3f63327f4a9dde7f037e69c22057e2ea704aaa
37a816a09d0b075033bf81c7787a5037430f430d 18-Mar-2011 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Move sqlite-jdbc to be a static library

Change-Id: If02a0973eb7ba0291a75397dda5f221b810890de
b5d9f82ac737ab4a464ba1506713572dea3d5f9d 18-Mar-2011 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Remove sqlite-jdbc sources that moved to external/javasqlite

Change-Id: I1782aa53b05b959100c9fe3a55a718121e3b0f58
8ea4e0c4fd5fa778f8f9fac620e05216337b3b22 07-Mar-2011 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Remove unused core-junitrunner

Change-Id: I825ef2ed2fa3b277c12566f0e900e86d3e140cbb
d39b1d6298afe1cf6364d4d118596045005c8688 07-Mar-2011 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> "m dalvik-host" for quick minimal host build

Change-Id: I9df312fc2f887372e3fdb35863fa572020eb36f2
302e330bfcd86f54e43c0d4d73c3fadfc334240a 02-Mar-2011 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Removing cts dependency on AllTests for running core-tests

- rewrote CollectAllTests to not depend on now deleted AllTests
- flattened core-tests into one static jar (enh)
- used static lib in cts build process



allow static libraries to contain resources
used by core-tests module

collapse CTS_CORE_CASE_LIST to android.core.tests.libcore
change generate-core-test-description to take a jar of tests to run instead of an AllTests class name
move common options from callers of generate-core-test-description to its definition
updated classpath for running generate-core-test-description for libcore tests


Restore temporarily disabled cts build

- don't overwrite LOCAL_STATIC_JAVA_LIBRARIES, just append to it so we can use a static library to build android.core.tests.libcore
- clarify some comments
- change some @ to $(hide) to clarify operations in showcommands
- update rules now that input is a static library

New android.core.tests.libcore built from static core-tests library
Note dummy file is necessary for build to process static library into an APK.
I first tried to change build to allow a package with only a static library
but it would require changing how static libraries are packed in to APK,
which right now is done at the time Java sources are compiled.

Removing old core-tests packages

Rewrite of logic in CollectAllTests for finding tests to run.
Previously it acted as a JUnit TestRunner for a specific TestSuite,
with the runner modified to do no-op runs just to collect the names of tests.
Now it takes a jar file argument and walks the entries looking for TestCase
classes and then walking the methods to find the tests.



fix all-test-java-files-under to work like all-main-java-files-under (to support multiple directories)
flatten separate core-tests-* into core-tests
make core-tests a static Java library, avoiding dex overhead (which will only now be done when building CTS packages)
remove old RI core-tests.jar build which seems obsolete given our use of vogar
removd core-tests-supportlib since core-tests can now be used in its place



Change tracking move from core-tests-supportlib to core-tests


Change-Id: Id5d965dd96d257544ce27a1e0fcde65901e9c573
d610834e0a53866778efdab2a529e7c2f9a75dc9 22-Feb-2011 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Build everything with -encoding UTF-8, as we intended.

Change-Id: I9c83326d36232233b86891a607e8c581c1b0d27a
e590b9c7ecbe9b35c33fd2d101b1abc6bd7d1489 14-Jan-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Move apache-xml to external. (project 2 of 4)

Change-Id: I1ac2e099f4b8c5002e24eb18a3b14cdc193e610f
f029395dff382fc4dcba0689fd948ec06644e1f0 10-Jan-2011 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Break dependency from libcore to Apache XML libraries.

Change-Id: I482ba29551423c682696db44f78bc6b74fa04341
dc3c15284f838a1330135249b7b8255b616b4670 06-Jan-2011 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Add libcore-docs target

Add a local droiddoc target that cuts the review time for javadoc
changes from several minutes to less than a minute.

Docs.mk is the list of directories to javadoc within libcore that was
refactored from frameworks/base/Android.mk

Change-Id: I5c12b48e71b849c2883ebaafaddea5f6c6dea857
48d0b3ffb83c2d9f08d9f4debb09e9798cf67c6a 14-Dec-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Building libcore in master is spam city. Fix that.

Actually, this is more of a workaround. The real fix would be:

1. work out why @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") isn't working.
2. move the XML crap (which we're not maintaining, and where we don't fix
warnings) out into external/.
3. uncomment the commented-out line in this patch.

(I've fixed our real non-"unchecked" warnings in earlier patches.)

Change-Id: I5a2dcb071eef5b46c8f166f9492d56cfdb5c6fa5
59498a6d868652afe491e95862bc19e186ad83a9 12-Oct-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Remove dead scripts.

Bug: 3087671
Change-Id: I95eb77ea66e289c9ea1c6106b4eb4654ca15215d
53fbc0a776feebcc04f6c24b34f2c7ba39e6b5a1 17-Sep-2010 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Add optional tags to libcore.

Change-Id: Iac339144ed448848c96852da8d301d528ebfa0e6
f2678961b60cfe08d8b9aa1210cb75291496f83f 14-Sep-2010 Jean-Baptiste Queru <jbq@google.com> make new module optional

Change-Id: Iadd023fbc4f11b10d1f76c92c1cfad7ff21dde97
7898a917ea805abf9f320ed42285ff3adf79968d 14-Sep-2010 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Update the host core.jar build to include classes.dex.

Uses LOCAL_BUILD_HOST_DEX:=true to do the heavy lifting.

See Ying Wang's example, which this obsoletes:

Change-Id: I7ebfd7033e130280e473b1a42624c5d375d7eaed
51ee38b9c39b0c36bce728a797b2c5e637be3d2c 24-Jul-2010 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> New Java-based SamplingProfiler

- libcore: new Java based SamplingProfiler
- dalvik: remove old SamplingProfiler native bits
- frameworks/base: New placeholder SamplingProfilerIntegration
- vendor/google: remove old profiler snapshot parsing code



A new 100% Java SamplingProfiler. While it has more overhead that
the old native one, the new one can actually collect more than the
current PC and frame pointer, so you can get useful context of
where your app is spending time. It currently provides ASCII hprof
format output for use with tools like PerfAnal

Unit test for the new SamplingProfiler

Add core-tests-dalvik


Removing native code that supported the old SamplingProfiler


Placeholder SamplingProfilerIntegration. Later plans include
generating EventStackTrace protobufs.

New SamplingProfiler does not have a global instance, so
SamplingProfilerIntegration provides one in INSTANCE. Old binary
snapshot format is temporily replaced with ASCII hprof data.

Simplified interface for zygote profile snapshotting

Current SamplingProfilerIntegration does not track event loop
explicitly, but hprof information does include thread information.


Removing code for parsing old SamplingProfiler snapshot format
bb22f75bd3380dc9ed8bd45b03ad5ddf818ad1e8 24-Jul-2010 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> New Java-based SamplingProfiler

- libcore: new Java based SamplingProfiler
- dalvik: remove old SamplingProfiler native bits
- frameworks/base: New placeholder SamplingProfilerIntegration
- vendor/google: remove old profiler snapshot parsing code



A new 100% Java SamplingProfiler. While it has more overhead that
the old native one, the new one can actually collect more than the
current PC and frame pointer, so you can get useful context of
where your app is spending time. It currently provides ASCII hprof
format output for use with tools like PerfAnal

Unit test for the new SamplingProfiler

Add core-tests-dalvik


Removing native code that supported the old SamplingProfiler


Placeholder SamplingProfilerIntegration. Later plans include
generating EventStackTrace protobufs.

New SamplingProfiler does not have a global instance, so
SamplingProfilerIntegration provides one in INSTANCE. Old binary
snapshot format is temporily replaced with ASCII hprof data.

Simplified interface for zygote profile snapshotting

Current SamplingProfilerIntegration does not track event loop
explicitly, but hprof information does include thread information.


Removing code for parsing old SamplingProfiler snapshot format

Change-Id: I4a7d7b86b45a806021249c83ab32e52d3d53f33c
12cd1f00c2fa1a7f37bf644cecdf7588bdc0b0a9 23-Jun-2010 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Remove libcore's dependency on bouncycastle

- Change to be the primary build for bouncycastle sources (as opposed to part of libcore)
- Moved OpenSSLMessageDigest from libcore to OpenSSLDigest
It uses NativeCrypto API from core, but implements a bouncycastle specific interface
- restored registration of bouncycastle MessageDigests for SHA-1, SHA-256, MD5
OpenSSLProvider versions take precedence, but explicit provider of "BC" allows choice
- enabled native versions of SHA-384 and SHA-512
- pruned MD4 implementation

- frameworks and CoreTests modules now depend on bouncycastle
- update preloades classes for NativeBN package change
- moved CryptoTest to libcore

- core now builds without bouncycastle sources
- core-tests, core-tests-support, core-tests-supportlib now depend on bouncycastle
- removed libcore/openssl directory, moving NativeBN to java/math
- minor cleanup of Provider, Security, Services style while working on ProviderTest
- added new OpenSSLProvider registered as first provider to have
priority over the others to ensure our native implementations are used
- moved BouncyCastle to have priority as a provider over Harmony
- JarVerifier and JarUtils now implicitly use OpenSSLMessageDigest
- Cleanedup OpenSSLSignature, implementation needs to be finished to move to OpenSSLProvider
- To avoid using PEMWriter from BouncyCastle, NativeCrypto now takes binary encoded certs and keys
This is more efficient as well avoiding the base64 decode/encode of the binary data
- removed SHA-224 to match the RI

- CertificateInstaller module now depends on bouncycastle
this is the only app to depend on bouncycastle


Change-Id: I6205366b12baec4331b4a76e2c85d8324bf64b2c
845cc0816af30c6753dee2fb33f8c3ece638bd66 17-Jun-2010 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> libcore/luni/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle moved to external/bouncycastle/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle

Change-Id: I288db1607ad6f45dea71e7496d4d94c9707779f6
d0049c5d83546e28e091b6530bf5f0052da6a80a 18-Jun-2010 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Enable UTF-8 in libcore Java source

Bouncy Castle has UTF-8 javadoc, but we also want this for character examples

Change-Id: I734890ddafc49bcf2ce71c60947e9cf4c95712b2
d3ae3dbba52b9eec408be9b2e74a9f93388d4202 17-Jun-2010 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> libcore/luni/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle moved to external/bouncycastle/src/main/java/org/bouncycastle

Change-Id: Ic8d81f1c057458e9fdf9b648c9d976a552b785b8
83244e5bec9d489a097251c3df8cd22b36f4f648 12-Jun-2010 Guang Zhu <guangzhu@google.com> update emma build path due to libcore location change

Change-Id: Ib9484dd4caca75ae662be9baa887adb387f583fc
706d53593cd8841d378dbe298a8d1940db1e71df 09-Jun-2010 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Adding HTTPS and proxy support to our mock webserver.

Also exposing core-tests-support for use by tests in frameworks/base.
I'm not particularly happy about this, but it seems to be the best
way to share test support code between the two build targets.

Change-Id: I5e8dcac90fc5d9be791e46c2606498978212108e
b094af3cdc9225356724ff4b4f431fb51f781594 29-May-2010 Brian Carlstrom <bdc@google.com> Rename core-tests-luni to core-tests-luni for cts dependency

Change-Id: I6a739028c4c7bcda12b905116166e119720e69c2
6ba9c6519c9b1681fdbd6f444917e19f359acc15 14-May-2010 Guang Zhu <guangzhu@google.com> manually squashing commits from master (DO NOT MERGE)

Change-Id: I4d4287a7d91ba39e97fd907eae9fd0c93e026d02
I8e65d375: no emma instrumentation on core-test
I09725483: include emma into core library on conditional flag
1708c119626a936797c7c9257af52cd629a28cbb 14-May-2010 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Moving junit out of core.jar and into core-junit.jar.

Adapted from master:

Change-Id: I24cde108f1dd70532ff217545445cdc0b2650a48
d5d3526b485a6d79ec06598540ce77c6f3698f01 13-May-2010 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> DO NOT MERGE: Split test targets into different .jars for master.

This cherry picks the critical parts of enh's original change:

This is a stopgap fix; eventually when dalvik-dev's changes
are committed to master this should be obsolete.

Change-Id: Ieb04253fb7387ffa37452992c8a5af739fbbc45f
32cfe9539e1cc988fa433c18c12a89a18afe1f55 05-May-2010 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Moving junit out of core.jar and into core-junit.jar.

Previously it wasn't possible to start a dalvikvm without
a copy of JUnit on the boot class path.

Change-Id: I52f924207efe0a115e69616111807c6738d1a17f
6b811c5daec1b28e6f63b57f98a032236f2c3cf7 03-May-2010 Peter Hallam <peterhal@google.com> Merge awt-kernel, icu, luni-kernel, prefs, security-kernel, x-net into luni
Merge xml except xmlpull and kxml into luni
6e1c2a95596e3ea72b48c7b54395131acbeab1da 30-Apr-2010 Jean-Baptiste Queru <jbq@google.com> Adapt to new location of libcore

Change-Id: I0dcadda241e7fd2a7429f9dd43d1ff5e945e5467
f69aac3c1697d31dbeda8a81d2b32bb8f48b6850 28-Apr-2010 Guang Zhu <guangzhu@google.com> no emma instrumentation on core-test

* applying emma instrumentation causes OOM in dx
* test packages don't need emma instrumentation anyway, it's the
package under test that needs to be processed by emma

Change-Id: I8e65d3750aae716c52fb98d0b8cd41a748344516
cec4dd4b1d33f78997603d0f89c0d0e56e64dbcd 26-Apr-2010 Peter Hallam <peterhal@google.com> merge more modules into luni
3ff29eb11a241d58c54ecc84230bb0672f4aa148 23-Apr-2010 Peter Hallam <peterhal@google.com> More merging of nio into luni

Change-Id: Ib4356b3cd57490df8ff246ea6a4bc1c269ba848b
757a7942eed2b0aa457f8517a0259d2ac82c5b18 16-Apr-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Merge LocaleData and Resources, rename Resources to ICU.

Also move our ICU tests into our little tree of tests.

Bug: 2596471
Change-Id: I73b53d74c26ef9bf670f12cac58b51ba61eefead
709c24d3b00c9c84ab66213911be1292154fe0ef 11-Mar-2010 Guang Zhu <guangzhu@google.com> include emma into core library on conditional flag

emma library is used for collecting code coverage. Current pain point is that
for collecting code coverage, developers either need to include emma as a
local static library, or change BOOTCLASSPATH to include emma which includes
hacking boot image and reflashing it.

With this change, emma will be integrated into core.jar if EMMA_INSTRUMENT flag
is on, so pushing the updated framework.jar and perform a runtime restart will
make emma globally available to all code coverage tests.

This change will only affect code coverage builds.

Change-Id: I097254835ef4817d068e8946ecbec60135e1f515
b9cf9cb6d681614fe3aa282511a99c3ed3329fce 26-Feb-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Break the sqlite JDBC driver out from our JDBC implementation.

The JDBC driver is from a different source
(http://www.ch-werner.de/javasqlite/overview-summary.html) and is only
really needed for testing.

Bug 2468870 asks that we don't eagerly register the native methods for
these classes. That bug is fixed by this change.

Bug 2198667 asks that we stop shipping this JDBC driver as part of the
base system. That bug is not addressed by this change: the classes and
native code are now in their own, separate, .jar and .so files -- so
they'll be easier to remove in future -- but for now those files are
still in /system/framework and /system/lib respectively.

Bug: 2468870
Bug: 2198667
3e951a59b52fd39b9bd432d5724b94cc7a23a9ec 23-Feb-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Fix a stupid mistake in my earlier change.

(I removed the unused parameter from the wrong macro!)
bf1ecf255af211d1657886a56fec2a4415c81517 22-Feb-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Adapt jesse's new json tests to the new build scheme.
67cc34b75c18ae7d02c90282cb8616b82e1d8fcb 20-Feb-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Remove external/jsr305, external/guava, and external/caliper.
7ee3a061452c5a7e5c8e661219a1f08a14171858 19-Feb-2010 Elliott Hughes <enh@google.com> Resync a load of tests with upstream, make our build faster.

I started off with a mission to remove uses of dalvik.annotation.* (stuff
like @TestTargetNew and other useless junk that just makes it harder to
stay in sync with upstream). I wrote a script to go through tests showing
me the diff between what we have and what upstream has, thinking that in
cases where upstream has also added tests, I may as well pull them in at
the same time...

...but I didn't realize how close we were to having dx fill its 1.5GiB heap.

After trying various alternatives, I decided to bite the bullet and break
core-tests up into one .jar per module. This adds parallelism back into this,
the slowest part of our build. (I can do even better, but I'll do that in a
separate patch, preferably after we've merged recent changes from master.)

Only a couple of dependencies were problematic: the worthless TestSuiteFactory
which already contained a comment suggesting we get rid of it, and the fact
that some tests -- most notably the concurrent ones -- also contained main
methods that started the JUnit tty-based TestRunner.

(In the long run, we want to be running the harmony tests directly from a
pristine "svn co" of upstream, using DalvikRunner. But this will be a big
help in the meantime, and starts the work of getting our current copy of
the tests into a state where we can start to extract any meaningful
changes/additions we've made.)
e75be427785cf47b8236558c96d86beb976802d7 09-Dec-2009 Jesse Wilson <jessewilson@google.com> Support running caliper with the jtreg runner. This is an early first look;
we'll need to fix a few things before the UI for this is nice.
6ac43c29e4f1918d40441178c22bfca7409101be 25-Oct-2009 Dan Bornstein <danfuzz@android.com> Split libcore/Android.mk into two files, one for Java code and one for
native code, and make each have a set of rules for building on the host.

I also tightened up how sub.mk processing works and documented it
a little better.

Change-Id: I8a7a4c5697b2f22c4d69941dba381d6452200911