History log of /libcore/harmony-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/tests/java/math/BigDecimalTest.java
Revision Date Author Comments
5d175dd4d7b128492ef7e3da6a77d80b8fd0aa22 02-Mar-2017 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> Automated: Canonicalize spelling of Android-changed across libcore

This applies the same regexp replacement across libcore that
http://r.android.com/345826 had only applied to ojluni.

Most of the previous noncanonical spellings were a lowercased
"android-" that should be "Android-".

This CL was created by running the following command on top of
the above CL. No manual changes were made.

find . -name \*\.java | xargs sed -i \
-e 's/Android[- ]changed/Android-changed/ig' \
-e 's/Android-changed :/Android-changed:/g' \
-e 's/Android-changed \(BEGIN\|END\)/\1 Android-changed/g' \
-e 's/Android-changed - /Android-changed: /g' \
-e 's/Android[- ]removed/Android-removed/ig' \
-e 's/Android-removed :/Android-removed:/g' \
-e 's/Android-removed \(BEGIN\|END\)/\1 Android-removed/g' \
-e 's/Android-removed - /Android-removed: /g' \
-e 's/Android[- ]added/Android-added/ig' \
-e 's/Android-added :/Android-added:/g' \
-e 's/Android-added \(BEGIN\|END\)/\1 Android-added/g' \
-e 's/Android-added - /Android-added: /g' \
-e 's/----- \(BEGIN\|END\) android\( -----\)\?/\1 Android-changed/g' \
-e 's/\/\* \(BEGIN\|END\) Android-changed \*\//\/\/ \1 Android-changed/g'

Bug: 35841464
Test: make droid cts

Change-Id: I060c7236b7607763e5d27d60aa395d2507703a95
e5fea3d504609d22337a5311d3ce0e72314bceee 15-Nov-2013 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Use a consistent package path for harmony tests.

Harmony was never consistent about where they put their
tests. There's no reason we have to be the same.

Also, there's no need to have separate subtrees for nio,
nio_char etc. etc.

This change makes all existing apache harmony tests
subpackages of "org.apache.harmony.tests" and put them under

We somehow managed to end up with two vastly different
copies of CharsetDecoderTest & CharsetEncoderTest. I've
renamed the copies CharsetDecoder2Test & CharsetEncoder2Test
to avoid having to go in and resolve the complicated
diffs or speculate about the reasons for their

Change-Id: Ic34e69c2faab8893edd54e05eccd7091f4a09abd