History log of /libcore/harmony-tests/src/test/java/org/apache/harmony/tests/javax/net/ssl/SSLSocketTest.java
Revision Date Author Comments
7ff645482d5d10f2c15955ed812de183dead5557 01-Dec-2016 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> Switch Base64 decoder implementation used in harmony SSL tests

These tests were using libcore.io.Base64.decode() for test data. Since
that class is deprecated and the tests weren't depending on the subtle
behavioral differences relative java.util.Base64.getDecoder().decode(),
this CL converts them to the latter implementation.

Bug: 31292683
Test: cts-tradefed run cts -m CtsLibcoreTestCases -a arm64-v8a

Change-Id: I635625ceae9d6a33a4909101e65363d7052263d9
d4b7449574ca69c713a3f2230cb77c68ee642700 06-Sep-2016 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> Fix 58 libcore tests that caught "expected" Exceptions but didn't fail()

There were no changes to code under test.

4 tests were fixed to not tolerate an Exception:
- libcore.java.util.CollectionsTest#test_CheckedMap_computeIfAbsent
In the case where a Map key is present, computeIfAbsent() should
not invoke the Function, so there is no return value that could
be expected to undergo a type check. The test was changed to
verify that the Function is not invoked.
- libcore.java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayListTest#test_sort and
were sorting an already-sorted non-null list that contains no null
values. That logic was redundant and wouldn't have thrown.
- org.apache.harmony.security.tests.java.security.KeyStoreSpiTest#test_engineEntryInstanceOf
(the KeyStoreSpi documentation does not mention whether NPE is thrown;
the implementation comes from upstream and does not throw it).

54 tests were fixed by adding the missing
No attempt was made to make this failure message specific to the
exception that was expected.

Tests that weren't changed:

- SSLEngineTest.test_wrap_ByteBuffer_ByteBuffer_04() requires
investigation to determine the correct resolution.
A comment was added to the test linking to the corresponding bug.

- ThreadTest#testParkUntilWithUnderflowValue() and
OldNodeChangeEventTest.waitForEvent() were not touched since
it was not clear whether that it was relevent to the test whether
or not the exception was thrown.

- two cases in Files2Test#test_setPosixFilePermissions_NPE() are
left to a future CL

(croot; make vogar core-tests) \
&& git diff aosp/master --name-only | xargs vogar `cparg core-tests`

Change-Id: I1cd3220a06e331ff049b146b393f78879f07211a
c46a2ea848e7a62cd5ee24216e446ad7b9ba7629 19-Feb-2015 Piotr Jastrzebski <haaawk@google.com> Add missing package names for legacy harmony tests.

Change-Id: I7bf808c7df0c432eb64b101506a7a419521c2e14
cff384fb32d139d2bda7c3dc872108fe9d86d6b1 09-Jul-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Get rid of as much of dalvik.annotation.* as we can.

Some of it is public API (why oh why..) so we're forced to
keep it around.

Change-Id: Ic1e059d7162c442a1a996eb1510d0f7f84add34e
a951e74897193848ee88ed1c5b0a1d536f403d70 04-Dec-2014 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Fix failing socket tests.

Use bogus numeric addresses instead of invalid hostnames to make
InetAddress.getAllByName fail before we ask a DNS server. This guards
against flakiness caused by evil DNS servers.

Note that from an API perspective, Socket* and SSLSocket* don't care
about *why* getAllByName failed, just that it did.

This change also fixes a test that was asserting that the exception we
throw contains a useful error message. Again, this test was changed
to use a broken numeric address.

bug: 18575971

(cherry picked from commit 83b5554108e839b0c78178a029b65fddce8983f0)

Change-Id: Ia1c521c05634ce798a61b060f4d3fbbc164bb9fc
83b5554108e839b0c78178a029b65fddce8983f0 04-Dec-2014 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Fix failing socket tests.

Use bogus numeric addresses instead of invalid hostnames to make
InetAddress.getAllByName fail before we ask a DNS server. This guards
against flakiness caused by evil DNS servers.

Note that from an API perspective, Socket* and SSLSocket* don't care
about *why* getAllByName failed, just that it did.

This change also fixes a test that was asserting that the exception we
throw contains a useful error message. Again, this test was changed
to use a broken numeric address.

bug: 18575971
Change-Id: I0b49e5e66717dc29a3401f45af0ef2d5bb955219
e82be46881b2ab9d64b35c0ee53fc359b5cfd18a 04-Dec-2014 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Rename packages to match directory structure.

Doesn't make a difference to the CTS test runner (which runs these
tests anyway) but vogar complains.

bug: 18575971

Change-Id: Ifd323300f9c70a8625c215d8ff7d48ddd18083bd
ab762bb740405d0fefcccf4a0899a234f995be13 15-Nov-2013 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Move tests from tests/api to harmony-tests. (Take 2)

This reverts commit d5e281743e55e1daa297fd8043b2d9b6e8e1bed2.

The makefile issue that caused the original build break
has been resolved.
d5e281743e55e1daa297fd8043b2d9b6e8e1bed2 15-Nov-2013 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Revert "Move tests from tests/api to harmony-tests."

This reverts commit 81bf28ad31131815d0a36a43a0eca3c29aefdfcd.

Breaks build

Change-Id: I3f1562921ffe8fdbec36971dd65db398c27c92db
81bf28ad31131815d0a36a43a0eca3c29aefdfcd 15-Nov-2013 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Move tests from tests/api to harmony-tests.

The vast majority of cleaned up harmony tests
are now in harmony-tests/src/test/org/apache/harmony/tests/

Change-Id: I56c2e484ff434b5618cf6751d602ae9f0db96b30