History log of /libcore/ojluni/src/main/java/java/nio/IntBuffer.java
Revision Date Author Comments
0d6471219bdd70d45b784a810e037e97011d6459 19-Dec-2017 Tobias Thierer <tobiast@google.com> Reformat java.nio.Buffer impls for update to 8u121-b13.

This CL integrates (mostly) javadoc reformatting changes
from upstream OpenJDK8u121-b13 for some java.nio.*Buffer
classes. Behavior changes and Android change markers are
left for a future CL. This CL also updates the copyright
years to be those of 8u121-b13.

The upstream classes are generated from the same
template but separate in Android.
- The upstream classes have a lot of redundant empty lines.
Most of those are not kept on Android.
- The decision which redundant empty lines are kept (and
perhaps also minor other formatting changes) may not
be 100% consistent between the files in this CL.

The following is left for a future CL to investigate:
- upstream's put() has logic for throwing ReadOnlyBufferException.
Needs to be looked at for a follow-up CL. It may be related to
this Android change in CharBuffer:
"Android-changed: Throw ReadOnlyBufferException as soon as possible."
- Extra super ctor argument for Buffer._elementSizeShift is missing
a change marker. Note that this area is reformatted by this CL.
- *Unchecked() methods added in Android libcore commit
e20e1b55eab0f2163e812a28cf3b3a682df38a1d need change markers.
- Need to look into diff in the following changes to figure out
whether they are Android vs. upstream changes and whether they
change behavior:
- ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(int)
- ByteBuffer.put(ByteBuffer).
- CharBuffer.chars()
- Need to check whether DoubleBuffer.compareTo() change is
a bug fix ("duplicating pointlessly" suggests it's only a
- Other (generally indirect) subclasses of java.nio.Buffer,
e.g. DirectByteBuffer or ByteBufferAsCharBuffer, were not

A typo in the updated upstream javadoc for bulk get()
methods is fixed (the typo is not taken) in this CL:
upstream javadoc contains "src.get():" in a code snippet,
which should be "src.get();".

Bug: 35910877
Test: libcore/tools/upstream/upstream-diff \
Change-Id: I50c3abe0951946223e26cd38abd8caa0b3b73d60
2c87ad3a45cecf9e344487cad1abfdebe79f2c7c 21-Dec-2015 Narayan Kamath <narayan@google.com> Update file headers.

Change-Id: I8149f41585768a1a4b72ab7bb4a1452376c05cc2
190a49036750b8bb6c979d958ed56aa3fb4f408a 15-Dec-2015 Shubham Ajmera <shubhamajmera@google.com> Formatted java.nio.* classes

according to Android style guidelines and removed extra white spaces.

Also, removed the templates from the package.

Change-Id: Ibc96d75c48201987087c87f8ea0c66a495eeb94c
f28b09a791e4e5635e4fcdfd1adde27aec0a1ed6 11-Dec-2015 Shubham Ajmera <shubhamajmera@google.com> Modify get|putArray methods in ByteBufferAs*Buffers

This will improve the performance of ByteBufferAs*Buffers. The past
implemention was making independent get and set calls for each element
of the array which resulted in the poor performance. The new
implementation uses Memory methods to handle the requests.

Change-Id: I6ee75a168946634164f85017d5fec25c47577dc6
dee594e6a72064fc994b305487a61f2e2bb250e1 05-May-2015 Piotr Jastrzebski <haaawk@google.com> Add machine-generated variants of Buffer classes.

Change-Id: Ie042495e667378a0cfb507fd76ca7961e66fbc78