2 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 *
16 * Implementation file of the dex layout visualization.
17 *
18 * This is a tool to read dex files into an internal representation,
19 * reorganize the representation, and emit dex files with a better
20 * file layout.
21 */
23#include "dex_visualize.h"
25#include <inttypes.h>
26#include <stdio.h>
28#include <functional>
29#include <memory>
30#include <vector>
32#include <android-base/logging.h>
34#include "dex_ir.h"
35#include "dexlayout.h"
36#include "jit/profile_compilation_info.h"
38namespace art {
40static std::string MultidexName(const std::string& prefix,
41                                size_t dex_file_index,
42                                const std::string& suffix) {
43  return prefix + ((dex_file_index > 0) ? std::to_string(dex_file_index + 1) : "") + suffix;
46class Dumper {
47 public:
48  // Colors are based on the type of the section in MapList.
49  explicit Dumper(dex_ir::Header* header)
50      : out_file_(nullptr),
51        sorted_sections_(
52            dex_ir::GetSortedDexFileSections(header, dex_ir::SortDirection::kSortDescending)) { }
54  bool OpenAndPrintHeader(size_t dex_index) {
55    // Open the file and emit the gnuplot prologue.
56    out_file_ = fopen(MultidexName("layout", dex_index, ".gnuplot").c_str(), "w");
57    if (out_file_ == nullptr) {
58      return false;
59    }
60    fprintf(out_file_, "set terminal png size 1920,1080\n");
61    fprintf(out_file_, "set output \"%s\"\n", MultidexName("layout", dex_index, ".png").c_str());
62    fprintf(out_file_, "set title \"%s\"\n", MultidexName("classes", dex_index, ".dex").c_str());
63    fprintf(out_file_, "set xlabel \"Page offset into dex\"\n");
64    fprintf(out_file_, "set ylabel \"ClassDef index\"\n");
65    fprintf(out_file_, "set xtics rotate out (");
66    bool printed_one = false;
68    for (const dex_ir::DexFileSection& s : sorted_sections_) {
69      if (s.size > 0) {
70        if (printed_one) {
71          fprintf(out_file_, ", ");
72        }
73        fprintf(out_file_, "\"%s\" %d", s.name.c_str(), s.offset / kPageSize);
74        printed_one = true;
75      }
76    }
77    fprintf(out_file_, ")\n");
78    fprintf(out_file_,
79            "plot \"-\" using 1:2:3:4:5 with vector nohead linewidth 1 lc variable notitle\n");
80    return true;
81  }
83  int GetColor(uint32_t offset) const {
84    // The dread linear search to find the right section for the reference.
85    uint16_t section = 0;
86    for (const dex_ir::DexFileSection& file_section : sorted_sections_) {
87      if (file_section.offset < offset) {
88        section = file_section.type;
89        break;
90      }
91    }
92    // And a lookup table from type to color.
93    ColorMapType::const_iterator iter = kColorMap.find(section);
94    if (iter != kColorMap.end()) {
95      return iter->second;
96    }
97    return 0;
98  }
100  void DumpAddressRange(uint32_t from, uint32_t size, int class_index) {
101    const uint32_t low_page = from / kPageSize;
102    const uint32_t high_page = (size > 0) ? (from + size - 1) / kPageSize : low_page;
103    const uint32_t size_delta = high_page - low_page;
104    fprintf(out_file_, "%d %d %d 0 %d\n", low_page, class_index, size_delta, GetColor(from));
105  }
107  void DumpAddressRange(const dex_ir::Item* item, int class_index) {
108    if (item != nullptr) {
109      DumpAddressRange(item->GetOffset(), item->GetSize(), class_index);
110    }
111  }
113  void DumpStringData(const dex_ir::StringData* string_data, int class_index) {
114    DumpAddressRange(string_data, class_index);
115  }
117  void DumpStringId(const dex_ir::StringId* string_id, int class_index) {
118    DumpAddressRange(string_id, class_index);
119    if (string_id == nullptr) {
120      return;
121    }
122    DumpStringData(string_id->DataItem(), class_index);
123  }
125  void DumpTypeId(const dex_ir::TypeId* type_id, int class_index) {
126    DumpAddressRange(type_id, class_index);
127    DumpStringId(type_id->GetStringId(), class_index);
128  }
130  void DumpFieldId(const dex_ir::FieldId* field_id, int class_index) {
131    DumpAddressRange(field_id, class_index);
132    if (field_id == nullptr) {
133      return;
134    }
135    DumpTypeId(field_id->Class(), class_index);
136    DumpTypeId(field_id->Type(), class_index);
137    DumpStringId(field_id->Name(), class_index);
138  }
140  void DumpFieldItem(const dex_ir::FieldItem* field, int class_index) {
141    DumpAddressRange(field, class_index);
142    if (field == nullptr) {
143      return;
144    }
145    DumpFieldId(field->GetFieldId(), class_index);
146  }
148  void DumpProtoId(const dex_ir::ProtoId* proto_id, int class_index) {
149    DumpAddressRange(proto_id, class_index);
150    if (proto_id == nullptr) {
151      return;
152    }
153    DumpStringId(proto_id->Shorty(), class_index);
154    const dex_ir::TypeList* type_list = proto_id->Parameters();
155    if (type_list != nullptr) {
156      for (const dex_ir::TypeId* t : *type_list->GetTypeList()) {
157        DumpTypeId(t, class_index);
158      }
159    }
160    DumpTypeId(proto_id->ReturnType(), class_index);
161  }
163  void DumpMethodId(const dex_ir::MethodId* method_id, int class_index) {
164    DumpAddressRange(method_id, class_index);
165    if (method_id == nullptr) {
166      return;
167    }
168    DumpTypeId(method_id->Class(), class_index);
169    DumpProtoId(method_id->Proto(), class_index);
170    DumpStringId(method_id->Name(), class_index);
171  }
173  void DumpMethodItem(dex_ir::MethodItem* method,
174                      const DexFile* dex_file,
175                      int class_index,
176                      ProfileCompilationInfo* profile_info) {
177    if (profile_info != nullptr) {
178      uint32_t method_idx = method->GetMethodId()->GetIndex();
179      if (!profile_info->GetMethodHotness(MethodReference(dex_file, method_idx)).IsHot()) {
180        return;
181      }
182    }
183    DumpAddressRange(method, class_index);
184    if (method == nullptr) {
185      return;
186    }
187    DumpMethodId(method->GetMethodId(), class_index);
188    const dex_ir::CodeItem* code_item = method->GetCodeItem();
189    if (code_item != nullptr) {
190      DumpAddressRange(code_item, class_index);
191      const dex_ir::CodeFixups* fixups = code_item->GetCodeFixups();
192      if (fixups != nullptr) {
193        for (dex_ir::TypeId* type_id : fixups->TypeIds()) {
194          DumpTypeId(type_id, class_index);
195        }
196        for (dex_ir::StringId* string_id : fixups->StringIds()) {
197          DumpStringId(string_id, class_index);
198        }
199        for (dex_ir::MethodId* method_id : fixups->MethodIds()) {
200          DumpMethodId(method_id, class_index);
201        }
202        for (dex_ir::FieldId* field_id : fixups->FieldIds()) {
203          DumpFieldId(field_id, class_index);
204        }
205      }
206    }
207  }
209  ~Dumper() {
210    fclose(out_file_);
211  }
213 private:
214  using ColorMapType = std::map<uint16_t, int>;
215  const ColorMapType kColorMap = {
216    { DexFile::kDexTypeHeaderItem, 1 },
217    { DexFile::kDexTypeStringIdItem, 2 },
218    { DexFile::kDexTypeTypeIdItem, 3 },
219    { DexFile::kDexTypeProtoIdItem, 4 },
220    { DexFile::kDexTypeFieldIdItem, 5 },
221    { DexFile::kDexTypeMethodIdItem, 6 },
222    { DexFile::kDexTypeClassDefItem, 7 },
223    { DexFile::kDexTypeTypeList, 8 },
224    { DexFile::kDexTypeAnnotationSetRefList, 9 },
225    { DexFile::kDexTypeAnnotationSetItem, 10 },
226    { DexFile::kDexTypeClassDataItem, 11 },
227    { DexFile::kDexTypeCodeItem, 12 },
228    { DexFile::kDexTypeStringDataItem, 13 },
229    { DexFile::kDexTypeDebugInfoItem, 14 },
230    { DexFile::kDexTypeAnnotationItem, 15 },
231    { DexFile::kDexTypeEncodedArrayItem, 16 },
232    { DexFile::kDexTypeAnnotationsDirectoryItem, 16 }
233  };
235  FILE* out_file_;
236  std::vector<dex_ir::DexFileSection> sorted_sections_;
242 * Dumps a gnuplot data file showing the parts of the dex_file that belong to each class.
243 * If profiling information is present, it dumps only those classes that are marked as hot.
244 */
245void VisualizeDexLayout(dex_ir::Header* header,
246                        const DexFile* dex_file,
247                        size_t dex_file_index,
248                        ProfileCompilationInfo* profile_info) {
249  std::unique_ptr<Dumper> dumper(new Dumper(header));
250  if (!dumper->OpenAndPrintHeader(dex_file_index)) {
251    LOG(ERROR) << "Could not open output file.";
252    return;
253  }
255  const uint32_t class_defs_size = header->GetCollections().ClassDefsSize();
256  for (uint32_t class_index = 0; class_index < class_defs_size; class_index++) {
257    dex_ir::ClassDef* class_def = header->GetCollections().GetClassDef(class_index);
258    dex::TypeIndex type_idx(class_def->ClassType()->GetIndex());
259    if (profile_info != nullptr && !profile_info->ContainsClass(*dex_file, type_idx)) {
260      continue;
261    }
262    dumper->DumpAddressRange(class_def, class_index);
263    // Type id.
264    dumper->DumpTypeId(class_def->ClassType(), class_index);
265    // Superclass type id.
266    dumper->DumpTypeId(class_def->Superclass(), class_index);
267    // Interfaces.
268    // TODO(jeffhao): get TypeList from class_def to use Item interface.
269    static constexpr uint32_t kInterfaceSizeKludge = 8;
270    dumper->DumpAddressRange(class_def->InterfacesOffset(), kInterfaceSizeKludge, class_index);
271    // Source file info.
272    dumper->DumpStringId(class_def->SourceFile(), class_index);
273    // Annotations.
274    dumper->DumpAddressRange(class_def->Annotations(), class_index);
275    // TODO(sehr): walk the annotations and dump them.
276    // Class data.
277    dex_ir::ClassData* class_data = class_def->GetClassData();
278    if (class_data != nullptr) {
279      dumper->DumpAddressRange(class_data, class_index);
280      if (class_data->StaticFields()) {
281        for (auto& field_item : *class_data->StaticFields()) {
282          dumper->DumpFieldItem(field_item.get(), class_index);
283        }
284      }
285      if (class_data->InstanceFields()) {
286        for (auto& field_item : *class_data->InstanceFields()) {
287          dumper->DumpFieldItem(field_item.get(), class_index);
288        }
289      }
290      if (class_data->DirectMethods()) {
291        for (auto& method_item : *class_data->DirectMethods()) {
292          dumper->DumpMethodItem(method_item.get(), dex_file, class_index, profile_info);
293        }
294      }
295      if (class_data->VirtualMethods()) {
296        for (auto& method_item : *class_data->VirtualMethods()) {
297          dumper->DumpMethodItem(method_item.get(), dex_file, class_index, profile_info);
298        }
299      }
300    }
301  }  // for
304static uint32_t FindNextByteAfterSection(dex_ir::Header* header,
305                                         const std::vector<dex_ir::DexFileSection>& sorted_sections,
306                                         size_t section_index) {
307  for (size_t i = section_index + 1; i < sorted_sections.size(); ++i) {
308    const dex_ir::DexFileSection& section = sorted_sections.at(i);
309    if (section.size != 0) {
310      return section.offset;
311    }
312  }
313  return header->FileSize();
317 * Dumps the offset and size of sections within the file.
318 */
319void ShowDexSectionStatistics(dex_ir::Header* header, size_t dex_file_index) {
320  // Compute the (multidex) class file name).
321  fprintf(stdout, "%s (%d bytes)\n",
322          MultidexName("classes", dex_file_index, ".dex").c_str(),
323          header->FileSize());
324  fprintf(stdout, "section      offset    items    bytes    pages pct\n");
325  std::vector<dex_ir::DexFileSection> sorted_sections =
326      GetSortedDexFileSections(header, dex_ir::SortDirection::kSortAscending);
327  for (size_t i = 0; i < sorted_sections.size(); ++i) {
328    const dex_ir::DexFileSection& file_section = sorted_sections[i];
329    uint32_t bytes = 0;
330    if (file_section.size > 0) {
331      bytes = FindNextByteAfterSection(header, sorted_sections, i) - file_section.offset;
332    }
333    fprintf(stdout,
334            "%-10s %8d %8d %8d %8d %%%02d\n",
335            file_section.name.c_str(),
336            file_section.offset,
337            file_section.size,
338            bytes,
339            RoundUp(bytes, kPageSize) / kPageSize,
340            100 * bytes / header->FileSize());
341  }
342  fprintf(stdout, "\n");
345}  // namespace art