2 * Copyright (C) 2008 The Android Open Source Project
3 *
4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
7 *
8 *      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9 *
10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14 * limitations under the License.
15 */
20#include <iosfwd>
21#include <string>
22#include <unordered_set>
23#include <vector>
25#include <android-base/logging.h>
27#include "allocator_type.h"
28#include "arch/instruction_set.h"
29#include "base/atomic.h"
30#include "base/macros.h"
31#include "base/mutex.h"
32#include "base/runtime_debug.h"
33#include "base/safe_map.h"
34#include "base/time_utils.h"
35#include "gc/collector/gc_type.h"
36#include "gc/collector/iteration.h"
37#include "gc/collector_type.h"
38#include "gc/gc_cause.h"
39#include "gc/space/large_object_space.h"
40#include "globals.h"
41#include "handle.h"
42#include "obj_ptr.h"
43#include "offsets.h"
44#include "process_state.h"
45#include "read_barrier_config.h"
46#include "verify_object.h"
48namespace art {
50class ConditionVariable;
51class IsMarkedVisitor;
52class Mutex;
53class RootVisitor;
54class StackVisitor;
55class Thread;
56class ThreadPool;
57class TimingLogger;
58class VariableSizedHandleScope;
60namespace mirror {
61class Class;
62class Object;
63}  // namespace mirror
65namespace gc {
67class AllocationListener;
68class AllocRecordObjectMap;
69class GcPauseListener;
70class ReferenceProcessor;
71class TaskProcessor;
72class Verification;
74namespace accounting {
75template <typename T> class AtomicStack;
76typedef AtomicStack<mirror::Object> ObjectStack;
77class CardTable;
78class HeapBitmap;
79class ModUnionTable;
80class ReadBarrierTable;
81class RememberedSet;
82}  // namespace accounting
84namespace collector {
85class ConcurrentCopying;
86class GarbageCollector;
87class MarkCompact;
88class MarkSweep;
89class SemiSpace;
90}  // namespace collector
92namespace allocator {
93class RosAlloc;
94}  // namespace allocator
96namespace space {
97class AllocSpace;
98class BumpPointerSpace;
99class ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace;
100class DiscontinuousSpace;
101class DlMallocSpace;
102class ImageSpace;
103class LargeObjectSpace;
104class MallocSpace;
105class RegionSpace;
106class RosAllocSpace;
107class Space;
108class ZygoteSpace;
109}  // namespace space
111enum HomogeneousSpaceCompactResult {
112  // Success.
113  kSuccess,
114  // Reject due to disabled moving GC.
115  kErrorReject,
116  // Unsupported due to the current configuration.
117  kErrorUnsupported,
118  // System is shutting down.
119  kErrorVMShuttingDown,
122// If true, use rosalloc/RosAllocSpace instead of dlmalloc/DlMallocSpace
123static constexpr bool kUseRosAlloc = true;
125// If true, use thread-local allocation stack.
126static constexpr bool kUseThreadLocalAllocationStack = true;
128class Heap {
129 public:
130  // If true, measure the total allocation time.
131  static constexpr size_t kDefaultStartingSize = kPageSize;
132  static constexpr size_t kDefaultInitialSize = 2 * MB;
133  static constexpr size_t kDefaultMaximumSize = 256 * MB;
134  static constexpr size_t kDefaultNonMovingSpaceCapacity = 64 * MB;
135  static constexpr size_t kDefaultMaxFree = 2 * MB;
136  static constexpr size_t kDefaultMinFree = kDefaultMaxFree / 4;
137  static constexpr size_t kDefaultLongPauseLogThreshold = MsToNs(5);
138  static constexpr size_t kDefaultLongGCLogThreshold = MsToNs(100);
139  static constexpr size_t kDefaultTLABSize = 32 * KB;
140  static constexpr double kDefaultTargetUtilization = 0.5;
141  static constexpr double kDefaultHeapGrowthMultiplier = 2.0;
142  // Primitive arrays larger than this size are put in the large object space.
143  static constexpr size_t kMinLargeObjectThreshold = 3 * kPageSize;
144  static constexpr size_t kDefaultLargeObjectThreshold = kMinLargeObjectThreshold;
145  // Whether or not parallel GC is enabled. If not, then we never create the thread pool.
146  static constexpr bool kDefaultEnableParallelGC = false;
147  static uint8_t* const kPreferredAllocSpaceBegin;
149  // Whether or not we use the free list large object space. Only use it if USE_ART_LOW_4G_ALLOCATOR
150  // since this means that we have to use the slow msync loop in MemMap::MapAnonymous.
151  static constexpr space::LargeObjectSpaceType kDefaultLargeObjectSpaceType =
153          space::LargeObjectSpaceType::kFreeList
154        : space::LargeObjectSpaceType::kMap;
156  // Used so that we don't overflow the allocation time atomic integer.
157  static constexpr size_t kTimeAdjust = 1024;
159  // How often we allow heap trimming to happen (nanoseconds).
160  static constexpr uint64_t kHeapTrimWait = MsToNs(5000);
161  // How long we wait after a transition request to perform a collector transition (nanoseconds).
162  static constexpr uint64_t kCollectorTransitionWait = MsToNs(5000);
163  // Whether the transition-wait applies or not. Zero wait will stress the
164  // transition code and collector, but increases jank probability.
165  DECLARE_RUNTIME_DEBUG_FLAG(kStressCollectorTransition);
167  // Create a heap with the requested sizes. The possible empty
168  // image_file_names names specify Spaces to load based on
169  // ImageWriter output.
170  Heap(size_t initial_size,
171       size_t growth_limit,
172       size_t min_free,
173       size_t max_free,
174       double target_utilization,
175       double foreground_heap_growth_multiplier,
176       size_t capacity,
177       size_t non_moving_space_capacity,
178       const std::string& original_image_file_name,
179       InstructionSet image_instruction_set,
180       CollectorType foreground_collector_type,
181       CollectorType background_collector_type,
182       space::LargeObjectSpaceType large_object_space_type,
183       size_t large_object_threshold,
184       size_t parallel_gc_threads,
185       size_t conc_gc_threads,
186       bool low_memory_mode,
187       size_t long_pause_threshold,
188       size_t long_gc_threshold,
189       bool ignore_max_footprint,
190       bool use_tlab,
191       bool verify_pre_gc_heap,
192       bool verify_pre_sweeping_heap,
193       bool verify_post_gc_heap,
194       bool verify_pre_gc_rosalloc,
195       bool verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc,
196       bool verify_post_gc_rosalloc,
197       bool gc_stress_mode,
198       bool measure_gc_performance,
199       bool use_homogeneous_space_compaction,
200       uint64_t min_interval_homogeneous_space_compaction_by_oom);
202  ~Heap();
204  // Allocates and initializes storage for an object instance.
205  template <bool kInstrumented, typename PreFenceVisitor>
206  mirror::Object* AllocObject(Thread* self,
207                              ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass,
208                              size_t num_bytes,
209                              const PreFenceVisitor& pre_fence_visitor)
210      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
211      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_,
212               !*pending_task_lock_,
213               !*backtrace_lock_,
214               !Roles::uninterruptible_) {
215    return AllocObjectWithAllocator<kInstrumented, true>(self,
216                                                         klass,
217                                                         num_bytes,
218                                                         GetCurrentAllocator(),
219                                                         pre_fence_visitor);
220  }
222  template <bool kInstrumented, typename PreFenceVisitor>
223  mirror::Object* AllocNonMovableObject(Thread* self,
224                                        ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass,
225                                        size_t num_bytes,
226                                        const PreFenceVisitor& pre_fence_visitor)
227      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
228      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_,
229               !*pending_task_lock_,
230               !*backtrace_lock_,
231               !Roles::uninterruptible_) {
232    return AllocObjectWithAllocator<kInstrumented, true>(self,
233                                                         klass,
234                                                         num_bytes,
235                                                         GetCurrentNonMovingAllocator(),
236                                                         pre_fence_visitor);
237  }
239  template <bool kInstrumented, bool kCheckLargeObject, typename PreFenceVisitor>
240  ALWAYS_INLINE mirror::Object* AllocObjectWithAllocator(Thread* self,
241                                                         ObjPtr<mirror::Class> klass,
242                                                         size_t byte_count,
243                                                         AllocatorType allocator,
244                                                         const PreFenceVisitor& pre_fence_visitor)
245      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
246      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_,
247               !*pending_task_lock_,
248               !*backtrace_lock_,
249               !Roles::uninterruptible_);
251  AllocatorType GetCurrentAllocator() const {
252    return current_allocator_;
253  }
255  AllocatorType GetCurrentNonMovingAllocator() const {
256    return current_non_moving_allocator_;
257  }
259  // Visit all of the live objects in the heap.
260  template <typename Visitor>
261  ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitObjects(Visitor&& visitor)
262      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
263      REQUIRES(!Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
264  template <typename Visitor>
265  ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitObjectsPaused(Visitor&& visitor)
266      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, !Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
268  void CheckPreconditionsForAllocObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> c, size_t byte_count)
269      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
271  void RegisterNativeAllocation(JNIEnv* env, size_t bytes)
272      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_);
273  void RegisterNativeFree(JNIEnv* env, size_t bytes);
275  // Change the allocator, updates entrypoints.
276  void ChangeAllocator(AllocatorType allocator)
277      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, !Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_);
279  // Transition the garbage collector during runtime, may copy objects from one space to another.
280  void TransitionCollector(CollectorType collector_type) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
282  // Change the collector to be one of the possible options (MS, CMS, SS).
283  void ChangeCollector(CollectorType collector_type)
284      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
286  // The given reference is believed to be to an object in the Java heap, check the soundness of it.
287  // TODO: NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS since we call this everywhere and it is impossible to find a
288  // proper lock ordering for it.
289  void VerifyObjectBody(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> o) NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
291  // Check sanity of all live references.
292  void VerifyHeap() REQUIRES(!Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
293  // Returns how many failures occured.
294  size_t VerifyHeapReferences(bool verify_referents = true)
295      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
296  bool VerifyMissingCardMarks()
297      REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_);
299  // A weaker test than IsLiveObject or VerifyObject that doesn't require the heap lock,
300  // and doesn't abort on error, allowing the caller to report more
301  // meaningful diagnostics.
302  bool IsValidObjectAddress(const void* obj) const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
304  // Faster alternative to IsHeapAddress since finding if an object is in the large object space is
305  // very slow.
306  bool IsNonDiscontinuousSpaceHeapAddress(const void* addr) const
307      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
309  // Returns true if 'obj' is a live heap object, false otherwise (including for invalid addresses).
310  // Requires the heap lock to be held.
311  bool IsLiveObjectLocked(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj,
312                          bool search_allocation_stack = true,
313                          bool search_live_stack = true,
314                          bool sorted = false)
315      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, Locks::mutator_lock_);
317  // Returns true if there is any chance that the object (obj) will move.
318  bool IsMovableObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj) const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
320  // Enables us to compacting GC until objects are released.
321  void IncrementDisableMovingGC(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
322  void DecrementDisableMovingGC(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
324  // Temporarily disable thread flip for JNI critical calls.
325  void IncrementDisableThreadFlip(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*thread_flip_lock_);
326  void DecrementDisableThreadFlip(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*thread_flip_lock_);
327  void ThreadFlipBegin(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*thread_flip_lock_);
328  void ThreadFlipEnd(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*thread_flip_lock_);
330  // Clear all of the mark bits, doesn't clear bitmaps which have the same live bits as mark bits.
331  // Mutator lock is required for GetContinuousSpaces.
332  void ClearMarkedObjects()
333      REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_)
334      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
336  // Initiates an explicit garbage collection.
337  void CollectGarbage(bool clear_soft_references, GcCause cause = kGcCauseExplicit)
338      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_);
340  // Does a concurrent GC, should only be called by the GC daemon thread
341  // through runtime.
342  void ConcurrentGC(Thread* self, GcCause cause, bool force_full)
343      REQUIRES(!Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_);
345  // Implements VMDebug.countInstancesOfClass and JDWP VM_InstanceCount.
346  // The boolean decides whether to use IsAssignableFrom or == when comparing classes.
347  void CountInstances(const std::vector<Handle<mirror::Class>>& classes,
348                      bool use_is_assignable_from,
349                      uint64_t* counts)
350      REQUIRES(!Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_)
351      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
353  // Implements VMDebug.getInstancesOfClasses and JDWP RT_Instances.
354  void GetInstances(VariableSizedHandleScope& scope,
355                    Handle<mirror::Class> c,
356                    bool use_is_assignable_from,
357                    int32_t max_count,
358                    std::vector<Handle<mirror::Object>>& instances)
359      REQUIRES(!Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_)
360      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
362  // Implements JDWP OR_ReferringObjects.
363  void GetReferringObjects(VariableSizedHandleScope& scope,
364                           Handle<mirror::Object> o,
365                           int32_t max_count,
366                           std::vector<Handle<mirror::Object>>& referring_objects)
367      REQUIRES(!Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_)
368      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
370  // Removes the growth limit on the alloc space so it may grow to its maximum capacity. Used to
371  // implement dalvik.system.VMRuntime.clearGrowthLimit.
372  void ClearGrowthLimit();
374  // Make the current growth limit the new maximum capacity, unmaps pages at the end of spaces
375  // which will never be used. Used to implement dalvik.system.VMRuntime.clampGrowthLimit.
376  void ClampGrowthLimit() REQUIRES(!Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
378  // Target ideal heap utilization ratio, implements
379  // dalvik.system.VMRuntime.getTargetHeapUtilization.
380  double GetTargetHeapUtilization() const {
381    return target_utilization_;
382  }
384  // Data structure memory usage tracking.
385  void RegisterGCAllocation(size_t bytes);
386  void RegisterGCDeAllocation(size_t bytes);
388  // Set the heap's private space pointers to be the same as the space based on it's type. Public
389  // due to usage by tests.
390  void SetSpaceAsDefault(space::ContinuousSpace* continuous_space)
391      REQUIRES(!Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
392  void AddSpace(space::Space* space)
393      REQUIRES(!Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_)
394      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
395  void RemoveSpace(space::Space* space)
396    REQUIRES(!Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_)
397    REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
399  // Set target ideal heap utilization ratio, implements
400  // dalvik.system.VMRuntime.setTargetHeapUtilization.
401  void SetTargetHeapUtilization(float target);
403  // For the alloc space, sets the maximum number of bytes that the heap is allowed to allocate
404  // from the system. Doesn't allow the space to exceed its growth limit.
405  void SetIdealFootprint(size_t max_allowed_footprint);
407  // Blocks the caller until the garbage collector becomes idle and returns the type of GC we
408  // waited for.
409  collector::GcType WaitForGcToComplete(GcCause cause, Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
411  // Update the heap's process state to a new value, may cause compaction to occur.
412  void UpdateProcessState(ProcessState old_process_state, ProcessState new_process_state)
413      REQUIRES(!*pending_task_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
415  bool HaveContinuousSpaces() const NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS {
416    // No lock since vector empty is thread safe.
417    return !continuous_spaces_.empty();
418  }
420  const std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*>& GetContinuousSpaces() const
421      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
422    return continuous_spaces_;
423  }
425  const std::vector<space::DiscontinuousSpace*>& GetDiscontinuousSpaces() const {
426    return discontinuous_spaces_;
427  }
429  const collector::Iteration* GetCurrentGcIteration() const {
430    return &current_gc_iteration_;
431  }
432  collector::Iteration* GetCurrentGcIteration() {
433    return &current_gc_iteration_;
434  }
436  // Enable verification of object references when the runtime is sufficiently initialized.
437  void EnableObjectValidation() {
438    verify_object_mode_ = kVerifyObjectSupport;
439    if (verify_object_mode_ > kVerifyObjectModeDisabled) {
440      VerifyHeap();
441    }
442  }
444  // Disable object reference verification for image writing.
445  void DisableObjectValidation() {
446    verify_object_mode_ = kVerifyObjectModeDisabled;
447  }
449  // Other checks may be performed if we know the heap should be in a sane state.
450  bool IsObjectValidationEnabled() const {
451    return verify_object_mode_ > kVerifyObjectModeDisabled;
452  }
454  // Returns true if low memory mode is enabled.
455  bool IsLowMemoryMode() const {
456    return low_memory_mode_;
457  }
459  // Returns the heap growth multiplier, this affects how much we grow the heap after a GC.
460  // Scales heap growth, min free, and max free.
461  double HeapGrowthMultiplier() const;
463  // Freed bytes can be negative in cases where we copy objects from a compacted space to a
464  // free-list backed space.
465  void RecordFree(uint64_t freed_objects, int64_t freed_bytes);
467  // Record the bytes freed by thread-local buffer revoke.
468  void RecordFreeRevoke();
470  // Must be called if a field of an Object in the heap changes, and before any GC safe-point.
471  // The call is not needed if null is stored in the field.
472  ALWAYS_INLINE void WriteBarrierField(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> dst,
473                                       MemberOffset offset,
474                                       ObjPtr<mirror::Object> new_value)
475      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
477  // Write barrier for array operations that update many field positions
478  ALWAYS_INLINE void WriteBarrierArray(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> dst,
479                                       int start_offset,
480                                       // TODO: element_count or byte_count?
481                                       size_t length)
482      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
484  ALWAYS_INLINE void WriteBarrierEveryFieldOf(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj)
485      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
487  accounting::CardTable* GetCardTable() const {
488    return card_table_.get();
489  }
491  accounting::ReadBarrierTable* GetReadBarrierTable() const {
492    return rb_table_.get();
493  }
495  void AddFinalizerReference(Thread* self, ObjPtr<mirror::Object>* object);
497  // Returns the number of bytes currently allocated.
498  size_t GetBytesAllocated() const {
499    return num_bytes_allocated_.LoadSequentiallyConsistent();
500  }
502  // Returns the number of objects currently allocated.
503  size_t GetObjectsAllocated() const
504      REQUIRES(!Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
506  // Returns the total number of objects allocated since the heap was created.
507  uint64_t GetObjectsAllocatedEver() const;
509  // Returns the total number of bytes allocated since the heap was created.
510  uint64_t GetBytesAllocatedEver() const;
512  // Returns the total number of objects freed since the heap was created.
513  uint64_t GetObjectsFreedEver() const {
514    return total_objects_freed_ever_;
515  }
517  // Returns the total number of bytes freed since the heap was created.
518  uint64_t GetBytesFreedEver() const {
519    return total_bytes_freed_ever_;
520  }
522  // Implements java.lang.Runtime.maxMemory, returning the maximum amount of memory a program can
523  // consume. For a regular VM this would relate to the -Xmx option and would return -1 if no Xmx
524  // were specified. Android apps start with a growth limit (small heap size) which is
525  // cleared/extended for large apps.
526  size_t GetMaxMemory() const {
527    // There is some race conditions in the allocation code that can cause bytes allocated to
528    // become larger than growth_limit_ in rare cases.
529    return std::max(GetBytesAllocated(), growth_limit_);
530  }
532  // Implements java.lang.Runtime.totalMemory, returning approximate amount of memory currently
533  // consumed by an application.
534  size_t GetTotalMemory() const;
536  // Returns approximately how much free memory we have until the next GC happens.
537  size_t GetFreeMemoryUntilGC() const {
538    return max_allowed_footprint_ - GetBytesAllocated();
539  }
541  // Returns approximately how much free memory we have until the next OOME happens.
542  size_t GetFreeMemoryUntilOOME() const {
543    return growth_limit_ - GetBytesAllocated();
544  }
546  // Returns how much free memory we have until we need to grow the heap to perform an allocation.
547  // Similar to GetFreeMemoryUntilGC. Implements java.lang.Runtime.freeMemory.
548  size_t GetFreeMemory() const {
549    size_t byte_allocated = num_bytes_allocated_.LoadSequentiallyConsistent();
550    size_t total_memory = GetTotalMemory();
551    // Make sure we don't get a negative number.
552    return total_memory - std::min(total_memory, byte_allocated);
553  }
555  // Get the space that corresponds to an object's address. Current implementation searches all
556  // spaces in turn. If fail_ok is false then failing to find a space will cause an abort.
557  // TODO: consider using faster data structure like binary tree.
558  space::ContinuousSpace* FindContinuousSpaceFromObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object>, bool fail_ok) const
559      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
561  space::ContinuousSpace* FindContinuousSpaceFromAddress(const mirror::Object* addr) const
562      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
564  space::DiscontinuousSpace* FindDiscontinuousSpaceFromObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object>,
565                                                              bool fail_ok) const
566      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
568  space::Space* FindSpaceFromObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj, bool fail_ok) const
569      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
571  space::Space* FindSpaceFromAddress(const void* ptr) const
572      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
574  void DumpForSigQuit(std::ostream& os) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
576  // Do a pending collector transition.
577  void DoPendingCollectorTransition() REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_);
579  // Deflate monitors, ... and trim the spaces.
580  void Trim(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
582  void RevokeThreadLocalBuffers(Thread* thread);
583  void RevokeRosAllocThreadLocalBuffers(Thread* thread);
584  void RevokeAllThreadLocalBuffers();
585  void AssertThreadLocalBuffersAreRevoked(Thread* thread);
586  void AssertAllBumpPointerSpaceThreadLocalBuffersAreRevoked();
587  void RosAllocVerification(TimingLogger* timings, const char* name)
588      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
590  accounting::HeapBitmap* GetLiveBitmap() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) {
591    return live_bitmap_.get();
592  }
594  accounting::HeapBitmap* GetMarkBitmap() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) {
595    return mark_bitmap_.get();
596  }
598  accounting::ObjectStack* GetLiveStack() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_) {
599    return live_stack_.get();
600  }
602  void PreZygoteFork() NO_THREAD_SAFETY_ANALYSIS;
604  // Mark and empty stack.
605  void FlushAllocStack()
606      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
607      REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
609  // Revoke all the thread-local allocation stacks.
610  void RevokeAllThreadLocalAllocationStacks(Thread* self)
611      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, !Locks::runtime_shutdown_lock_, !Locks::thread_list_lock_);
613  // Mark all the objects in the allocation stack in the specified bitmap.
614  // TODO: Refactor?
615  void MarkAllocStack(accounting::SpaceBitmap<kObjectAlignment>* bitmap1,
616                      accounting::SpaceBitmap<kObjectAlignment>* bitmap2,
617                      accounting::SpaceBitmap<kLargeObjectAlignment>* large_objects,
618                      accounting::ObjectStack* stack)
619      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
620      REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
622  // Mark the specified allocation stack as live.
623  void MarkAllocStackAsLive(accounting::ObjectStack* stack)
624      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
625      REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
627  // Unbind any bound bitmaps.
628  void UnBindBitmaps()
629      REQUIRES(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_)
630      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
632  // Returns the boot image spaces. There may be multiple boot image spaces.
633  const std::vector<space::ImageSpace*>& GetBootImageSpaces() const {
634    return boot_image_spaces_;
635  }
637  bool ObjectIsInBootImageSpace(ObjPtr<mirror::Object> obj) const
638      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
640  bool IsInBootImageOatFile(const void* p) const
641      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
643  void GetBootImagesSize(uint32_t* boot_image_begin,
644                         uint32_t* boot_image_end,
645                         uint32_t* boot_oat_begin,
646                         uint32_t* boot_oat_end);
648  // Permenantly disable moving garbage collection.
649  void DisableMovingGc() REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
651  space::DlMallocSpace* GetDlMallocSpace() const {
652    return dlmalloc_space_;
653  }
655  space::RosAllocSpace* GetRosAllocSpace() const {
656    return rosalloc_space_;
657  }
659  // Return the corresponding rosalloc space.
660  space::RosAllocSpace* GetRosAllocSpace(gc::allocator::RosAlloc* rosalloc) const
661      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
663  space::MallocSpace* GetNonMovingSpace() const {
664    return non_moving_space_;
665  }
667  space::LargeObjectSpace* GetLargeObjectsSpace() const {
668    return large_object_space_;
669  }
671  // Returns the free list space that may contain movable objects (the
672  // one that's not the non-moving space), either rosalloc_space_ or
673  // dlmalloc_space_.
674  space::MallocSpace* GetPrimaryFreeListSpace() {
675    if (kUseRosAlloc) {
676      DCHECK(rosalloc_space_ != nullptr);
677      // reinterpret_cast is necessary as the space class hierarchy
678      // isn't known (#included) yet here.
679      return reinterpret_cast<space::MallocSpace*>(rosalloc_space_);
680    } else {
681      DCHECK(dlmalloc_space_ != nullptr);
682      return reinterpret_cast<space::MallocSpace*>(dlmalloc_space_);
683    }
684  }
686  void DumpSpaces(std::ostream& stream) const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
687  std::string DumpSpaces() const REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
689  // GC performance measuring
690  void DumpGcPerformanceInfo(std::ostream& os)
691      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
692  void ResetGcPerformanceInfo() REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
694  // Thread pool.
695  void CreateThreadPool();
696  void DeleteThreadPool();
697  ThreadPool* GetThreadPool() {
698    return thread_pool_.get();
699  }
700  size_t GetParallelGCThreadCount() const {
701    return parallel_gc_threads_;
702  }
703  size_t GetConcGCThreadCount() const {
704    return conc_gc_threads_;
705  }
706  accounting::ModUnionTable* FindModUnionTableFromSpace(space::Space* space);
707  void AddModUnionTable(accounting::ModUnionTable* mod_union_table);
709  accounting::RememberedSet* FindRememberedSetFromSpace(space::Space* space);
710  void AddRememberedSet(accounting::RememberedSet* remembered_set);
711  // Also deletes the remebered set.
712  void RemoveRememberedSet(space::Space* space);
714  bool IsCompilingBoot() const;
715  bool HasBootImageSpace() const {
716    return !boot_image_spaces_.empty();
717  }
719  ReferenceProcessor* GetReferenceProcessor() {
720    return reference_processor_.get();
721  }
722  TaskProcessor* GetTaskProcessor() {
723    return task_processor_.get();
724  }
726  bool HasZygoteSpace() const {
727    return zygote_space_ != nullptr;
728  }
730  collector::ConcurrentCopying* ConcurrentCopyingCollector() {
731    return concurrent_copying_collector_;
732  }
734  CollectorType CurrentCollectorType() {
735    return collector_type_;
736  }
738  bool IsGcConcurrentAndMoving() const {
739    if (IsGcConcurrent() && IsMovingGc(collector_type_)) {
740      // Assume no transition when a concurrent moving collector is used.
741      DCHECK_EQ(collector_type_, foreground_collector_type_);
742      return true;
743    }
744    return false;
745  }
747  bool IsMovingGCDisabled(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_) {
748    MutexLock mu(self, *gc_complete_lock_);
749    return disable_moving_gc_count_ > 0;
750  }
752  // Request an asynchronous trim.
753  void RequestTrim(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*pending_task_lock_);
755  // Request asynchronous GC.
756  void RequestConcurrentGC(Thread* self, GcCause cause, bool force_full)
757      REQUIRES(!*pending_task_lock_);
759  // Whether or not we may use a garbage collector, used so that we only create collectors we need.
760  bool MayUseCollector(CollectorType type) const;
762  // Used by tests to reduce timinig-dependent flakiness in OOME behavior.
763  void SetMinIntervalHomogeneousSpaceCompactionByOom(uint64_t interval) {
764    min_interval_homogeneous_space_compaction_by_oom_ = interval;
765  }
767  // Helpers for android.os.Debug.getRuntimeStat().
768  uint64_t GetGcCount() const;
769  uint64_t GetGcTime() const;
770  uint64_t GetBlockingGcCount() const;
771  uint64_t GetBlockingGcTime() const;
772  void DumpGcCountRateHistogram(std::ostream& os) const REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
773  void DumpBlockingGcCountRateHistogram(std::ostream& os) const REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
775  // Allocation tracking support
776  // Callers to this function use double-checked locking to ensure safety on allocation_records_
777  bool IsAllocTrackingEnabled() const {
778    return alloc_tracking_enabled_.LoadRelaxed();
779  }
781  void SetAllocTrackingEnabled(bool enabled) REQUIRES(Locks::alloc_tracker_lock_) {
782    alloc_tracking_enabled_.StoreRelaxed(enabled);
783  }
785  AllocRecordObjectMap* GetAllocationRecords() const
786      REQUIRES(Locks::alloc_tracker_lock_) {
787    return allocation_records_.get();
788  }
790  void SetAllocationRecords(AllocRecordObjectMap* records)
791      REQUIRES(Locks::alloc_tracker_lock_);
793  void VisitAllocationRecords(RootVisitor* visitor) const
794      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
795      REQUIRES(!Locks::alloc_tracker_lock_);
797  void SweepAllocationRecords(IsMarkedVisitor* visitor) const
798      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
799      REQUIRES(!Locks::alloc_tracker_lock_);
801  void DisallowNewAllocationRecords() const
802      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
803      REQUIRES(!Locks::alloc_tracker_lock_);
805  void AllowNewAllocationRecords() const
806      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
807      REQUIRES(!Locks::alloc_tracker_lock_);
809  void BroadcastForNewAllocationRecords() const
810      REQUIRES(!Locks::alloc_tracker_lock_);
812  void DisableGCForShutdown() REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
814  // Create a new alloc space and compact default alloc space to it.
815  HomogeneousSpaceCompactResult PerformHomogeneousSpaceCompact() REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
816  bool SupportHomogeneousSpaceCompactAndCollectorTransitions() const;
818  // Install an allocation listener.
819  void SetAllocationListener(AllocationListener* l);
820  // Remove an allocation listener. Note: the listener must not be deleted, as for performance
821  // reasons, we assume it stays valid when we read it (so that we don't require a lock).
822  void RemoveAllocationListener();
824  // Install a gc pause listener.
825  void SetGcPauseListener(GcPauseListener* l);
826  // Get the currently installed gc pause listener, or null.
827  GcPauseListener* GetGcPauseListener() {
828    return gc_pause_listener_.LoadAcquire();
829  }
830  // Remove a gc pause listener. Note: the listener must not be deleted, as for performance
831  // reasons, we assume it stays valid when we read it (so that we don't require a lock).
832  void RemoveGcPauseListener();
834  const Verification* GetVerification() const;
836 private:
837  class ConcurrentGCTask;
838  class CollectorTransitionTask;
839  class HeapTrimTask;
841  // Compact source space to target space. Returns the collector used.
842  collector::GarbageCollector* Compact(space::ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace* target_space,
843                                       space::ContinuousMemMapAllocSpace* source_space,
844                                       GcCause gc_cause)
845      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
847  void LogGC(GcCause gc_cause, collector::GarbageCollector* collector);
848  void StartGC(Thread* self, GcCause cause, CollectorType collector_type)
849      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
850  void FinishGC(Thread* self, collector::GcType gc_type) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
852  // Create a mem map with a preferred base address.
853  static MemMap* MapAnonymousPreferredAddress(const char* name, uint8_t* request_begin,
854                                              size_t capacity, std::string* out_error_str);
856  bool SupportHSpaceCompaction() const {
857    // Returns true if we can do hspace compaction
858    return main_space_backup_ != nullptr;
859  }
861  static ALWAYS_INLINE bool AllocatorHasAllocationStack(AllocatorType allocator_type) {
862    return
863        allocator_type != kAllocatorTypeBumpPointer &&
864        allocator_type != kAllocatorTypeTLAB &&
865        allocator_type != kAllocatorTypeRegion &&
866        allocator_type != kAllocatorTypeRegionTLAB;
867  }
868  static ALWAYS_INLINE bool AllocatorMayHaveConcurrentGC(AllocatorType allocator_type) {
869    if (kUseReadBarrier) {
870      // Read barrier may have the TLAB allocator but is always concurrent. TODO: clean this up.
871      return true;
872    }
873    return
874        allocator_type != kAllocatorTypeBumpPointer &&
875        allocator_type != kAllocatorTypeTLAB;
876  }
877  static bool IsMovingGc(CollectorType collector_type) {
878    return
879        collector_type == kCollectorTypeSS ||
880        collector_type == kCollectorTypeGSS ||
881        collector_type == kCollectorTypeCC ||
882        collector_type == kCollectorTypeCCBackground ||
883        collector_type == kCollectorTypeMC ||
884        collector_type == kCollectorTypeHomogeneousSpaceCompact;
885  }
886  bool ShouldAllocLargeObject(ObjPtr<mirror::Class> c, size_t byte_count) const
887      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
888  ALWAYS_INLINE void CheckConcurrentGC(Thread* self,
889                                       size_t new_num_bytes_allocated,
890                                       ObjPtr<mirror::Object>* obj)
891      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
892      REQUIRES(!*pending_task_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
894  accounting::ObjectStack* GetMarkStack() {
895    return mark_stack_.get();
896  }
898  // We don't force this to be inlined since it is a slow path.
899  template <bool kInstrumented, typename PreFenceVisitor>
900  mirror::Object* AllocLargeObject(Thread* self,
901                                   ObjPtr<mirror::Class>* klass,
902                                   size_t byte_count,
903                                   const PreFenceVisitor& pre_fence_visitor)
904      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
905      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_, !*backtrace_lock_);
907  // Handles Allocate()'s slow allocation path with GC involved after
908  // an initial allocation attempt failed.
909  mirror::Object* AllocateInternalWithGc(Thread* self,
910                                         AllocatorType allocator,
911                                         bool instrumented,
912                                         size_t num_bytes,
913                                         size_t* bytes_allocated,
914                                         size_t* usable_size,
915                                         size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated,
916                                         ObjPtr<mirror::Class>* klass)
917      REQUIRES(!Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_)
918      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
920  // Allocate into a specific space.
921  mirror::Object* AllocateInto(Thread* self,
922                               space::AllocSpace* space,
923                               ObjPtr<mirror::Class> c,
924                               size_t bytes)
925      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
927  // Need to do this with mutators paused so that somebody doesn't accidentally allocate into the
928  // wrong space.
929  void SwapSemiSpaces() REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
931  // Try to allocate a number of bytes, this function never does any GCs. Needs to be inlined so
932  // that the switch statement is constant optimized in the entrypoints.
933  template <const bool kInstrumented, const bool kGrow>
934  ALWAYS_INLINE mirror::Object* TryToAllocate(Thread* self,
935                                              AllocatorType allocator_type,
936                                              size_t alloc_size,
937                                              size_t* bytes_allocated,
938                                              size_t* usable_size,
939                                              size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated)
940      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
942  mirror::Object* AllocWithNewTLAB(Thread* self,
943                                   size_t alloc_size,
944                                   bool grow,
945                                   size_t* bytes_allocated,
946                                   size_t* usable_size,
947                                   size_t* bytes_tl_bulk_allocated)
948      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
950  void ThrowOutOfMemoryError(Thread* self, size_t byte_count, AllocatorType allocator_type)
951      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
953  ALWAYS_INLINE bool IsOutOfMemoryOnAllocation(AllocatorType allocator_type,
954                                               size_t alloc_size,
955                                               bool grow);
957  // Run the finalizers. If timeout is non zero, then we use the VMRuntime version.
958  void RunFinalization(JNIEnv* env, uint64_t timeout);
960  // Blocks the caller until the garbage collector becomes idle and returns the type of GC we
961  // waited for.
962  collector::GcType WaitForGcToCompleteLocked(GcCause cause, Thread* self)
963      REQUIRES(gc_complete_lock_);
965  void RequestCollectorTransition(CollectorType desired_collector_type, uint64_t delta_time)
966      REQUIRES(!*pending_task_lock_);
968  void RequestConcurrentGCAndSaveObject(Thread* self, bool force_full, ObjPtr<mirror::Object>* obj)
969      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
970      REQUIRES(!*pending_task_lock_);
971  bool IsGCRequestPending() const;
973  // Sometimes CollectGarbageInternal decides to run a different Gc than you requested. Returns
974  // which type of Gc was actually ran.
975  collector::GcType CollectGarbageInternal(collector::GcType gc_plan,
976                                           GcCause gc_cause,
977                                           bool clear_soft_references)
978      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, !Locks::thread_suspend_count_lock_,
979               !*pending_task_lock_);
981  void PreGcVerification(collector::GarbageCollector* gc)
982      REQUIRES(!Locks::mutator_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
983  void PreGcVerificationPaused(collector::GarbageCollector* gc)
984      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
985  void PrePauseRosAllocVerification(collector::GarbageCollector* gc)
986      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_);
987  void PreSweepingGcVerification(collector::GarbageCollector* gc)
988      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, !Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
989  void PostGcVerification(collector::GarbageCollector* gc)
990      REQUIRES(!Locks::mutator_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
991  void PostGcVerificationPaused(collector::GarbageCollector* gc)
992      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
994  // Find a collector based on GC type.
995  collector::GarbageCollector* FindCollectorByGcType(collector::GcType gc_type);
997  // Create the main free list malloc space, either a RosAlloc space or DlMalloc space.
998  void CreateMainMallocSpace(MemMap* mem_map,
999                             size_t initial_size,
1000                             size_t growth_limit,
1001                             size_t capacity);
1003  // Create a malloc space based on a mem map. Does not set the space as default.
1004  space::MallocSpace* CreateMallocSpaceFromMemMap(MemMap* mem_map,
1005                                                  size_t initial_size,
1006                                                  size_t growth_limit,
1007                                                  size_t capacity,
1008                                                  const char* name,
1009                                                  bool can_move_objects);
1011  // Given the current contents of the alloc space, increase the allowed heap footprint to match
1012  // the target utilization ratio.  This should only be called immediately after a full garbage
1013  // collection. bytes_allocated_before_gc is used to measure bytes / second for the period which
1014  // the GC was run.
1015  void GrowForUtilization(collector::GarbageCollector* collector_ran,
1016                          uint64_t bytes_allocated_before_gc = 0);
1018  size_t GetPercentFree();
1020  // Swap the allocation stack with the live stack.
1021  void SwapStacks() REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
1023  // Clear cards and update the mod union table. When process_alloc_space_cards is true,
1024  // if clear_alloc_space_cards is true, then we clear cards instead of ageing them. We do
1025  // not process the alloc space if process_alloc_space_cards is false.
1026  void ProcessCards(TimingLogger* timings,
1027                    bool use_rem_sets,
1028                    bool process_alloc_space_cards,
1029                    bool clear_alloc_space_cards)
1030      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_);
1032  // Push an object onto the allocation stack.
1033  void PushOnAllocationStack(Thread* self, ObjPtr<mirror::Object>* obj)
1034      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
1035      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_);
1036  void PushOnAllocationStackWithInternalGC(Thread* self, ObjPtr<mirror::Object>* obj)
1037      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
1038      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_);
1039  void PushOnThreadLocalAllocationStackWithInternalGC(Thread* thread, ObjPtr<mirror::Object>* obj)
1040      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
1041      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_);
1043  void ClearConcurrentGCRequest();
1044  void ClearPendingTrim(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*pending_task_lock_);
1045  void ClearPendingCollectorTransition(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*pending_task_lock_);
1047  // What kind of concurrency behavior is the runtime after? Currently true for concurrent mark
1048  // sweep GC, false for other GC types.
1049  bool IsGcConcurrent() const ALWAYS_INLINE {
1050    return collector_type_ == kCollectorTypeCMS ||
1051        collector_type_ == kCollectorTypeCC ||
1052        collector_type_ == kCollectorTypeCCBackground;
1053  }
1055  // Trim the managed and native spaces by releasing unused memory back to the OS.
1056  void TrimSpaces(Thread* self) REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_);
1058  // Trim 0 pages at the end of reference tables.
1059  void TrimIndirectReferenceTables(Thread* self);
1061  template <typename Visitor>
1062  ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitObjectsInternal(Visitor&& visitor)
1063      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
1064      REQUIRES(!Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
1065  template <typename Visitor>
1066  ALWAYS_INLINE void VisitObjectsInternalRegionSpace(Visitor&& visitor)
1067      REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_, !Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_, !*gc_complete_lock_);
1069  void UpdateGcCountRateHistograms() REQUIRES(gc_complete_lock_);
1071  // GC stress mode attempts to do one GC per unique backtrace.
1072  void CheckGcStressMode(Thread* self, ObjPtr<mirror::Object>* obj)
1073      REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_)
1074      REQUIRES(!*gc_complete_lock_, !*pending_task_lock_, !*backtrace_lock_);
1076  collector::GcType NonStickyGcType() const {
1077    return HasZygoteSpace() ? collector::kGcTypePartial : collector::kGcTypeFull;
1078  }
1080  // How large new_native_bytes_allocated_ can grow before we trigger a new
1081  // GC.
1082  ALWAYS_INLINE size_t NativeAllocationGcWatermark() const {
1083    // Reuse max_free_ for the native allocation gc watermark, so that the
1084    // native heap is treated in the same way as the Java heap in the case
1085    // where the gc watermark update would exceed max_free_. Using max_free_
1086    // instead of the target utilization means the watermark doesn't depend on
1087    // the current number of registered native allocations.
1088    return max_free_;
1089  }
1091  void TraceHeapSize(size_t heap_size);
1093  // Remove a vlog code from heap-inl.h which is transitively included in half the world.
1094  static void VlogHeapGrowth(size_t max_allowed_footprint, size_t new_footprint, size_t alloc_size);
1096  // All-known continuous spaces, where objects lie within fixed bounds.
1097  std::vector<space::ContinuousSpace*> continuous_spaces_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::mutator_lock_);
1099  // All-known discontinuous spaces, where objects may be placed throughout virtual memory.
1100  std::vector<space::DiscontinuousSpace*> discontinuous_spaces_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::mutator_lock_);
1102  // All-known alloc spaces, where objects may be or have been allocated.
1103  std::vector<space::AllocSpace*> alloc_spaces_;
1105  // A space where non-movable objects are allocated, when compaction is enabled it contains
1106  // Classes, ArtMethods, ArtFields, and non moving objects.
1107  space::MallocSpace* non_moving_space_;
1109  // Space which we use for the kAllocatorTypeROSAlloc.
1110  space::RosAllocSpace* rosalloc_space_;
1112  // Space which we use for the kAllocatorTypeDlMalloc.
1113  space::DlMallocSpace* dlmalloc_space_;
1115  // The main space is the space which the GC copies to and from on process state updates. This
1116  // space is typically either the dlmalloc_space_ or the rosalloc_space_.
1117  space::MallocSpace* main_space_;
1119  // The large object space we are currently allocating into.
1120  space::LargeObjectSpace* large_object_space_;
1122  // The card table, dirtied by the write barrier.
1123  std::unique_ptr<accounting::CardTable> card_table_;
1125  std::unique_ptr<accounting::ReadBarrierTable> rb_table_;
1127  // A mod-union table remembers all of the references from the it's space to other spaces.
1128  AllocationTrackingSafeMap<space::Space*, accounting::ModUnionTable*, kAllocatorTagHeap>
1129      mod_union_tables_;
1131  // A remembered set remembers all of the references from the it's space to the target space.
1132  AllocationTrackingSafeMap<space::Space*, accounting::RememberedSet*, kAllocatorTagHeap>
1133      remembered_sets_;
1135  // The current collector type.
1136  CollectorType collector_type_;
1137  // Which collector we use when the app is in the foreground.
1138  CollectorType foreground_collector_type_;
1139  // Which collector we will use when the app is notified of a transition to background.
1140  CollectorType background_collector_type_;
1141  // Desired collector type, heap trimming daemon transitions the heap if it is != collector_type_.
1142  CollectorType desired_collector_type_;
1144  // Lock which guards pending tasks.
1145  Mutex* pending_task_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
1147  // How many GC threads we may use for paused parts of garbage collection.
1148  const size_t parallel_gc_threads_;
1150  // How many GC threads we may use for unpaused parts of garbage collection.
1151  const size_t conc_gc_threads_;
1153  // Boolean for if we are in low memory mode.
1154  const bool low_memory_mode_;
1156  // If we get a pause longer than long pause log threshold, then we print out the GC after it
1157  // finishes.
1158  const size_t long_pause_log_threshold_;
1160  // If we get a GC longer than long GC log threshold, then we print out the GC after it finishes.
1161  const size_t long_gc_log_threshold_;
1163  // If we ignore the max footprint it lets the heap grow until it hits the heap capacity, this is
1164  // useful for benchmarking since it reduces time spent in GC to a low %.
1165  const bool ignore_max_footprint_;
1167  // Lock which guards zygote space creation.
1168  Mutex zygote_creation_lock_;
1170  // Non-null iff we have a zygote space. Doesn't contain the large objects allocated before
1171  // zygote space creation.
1172  space::ZygoteSpace* zygote_space_;
1174  // Minimum allocation size of large object.
1175  size_t large_object_threshold_;
1177  // Guards access to the state of GC, associated conditional variable is used to signal when a GC
1178  // completes.
1179  Mutex* gc_complete_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
1180  std::unique_ptr<ConditionVariable> gc_complete_cond_ GUARDED_BY(gc_complete_lock_);
1182  // Used to synchronize between JNI critical calls and the thread flip of the CC collector.
1183  Mutex* thread_flip_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
1184  std::unique_ptr<ConditionVariable> thread_flip_cond_ GUARDED_BY(thread_flip_lock_);
1185  // This counter keeps track of how many threads are currently in a JNI critical section. This is
1186  // incremented once per thread even with nested enters.
1187  size_t disable_thread_flip_count_ GUARDED_BY(thread_flip_lock_);
1188  bool thread_flip_running_ GUARDED_BY(thread_flip_lock_);
1190  // Reference processor;
1191  std::unique_ptr<ReferenceProcessor> reference_processor_;
1193  // Task processor, proxies heap trim requests to the daemon threads.
1194  std::unique_ptr<TaskProcessor> task_processor_;
1196  // Collector type of the running GC.
1197  volatile CollectorType collector_type_running_ GUARDED_BY(gc_complete_lock_);
1199  // Cause of the last running GC.
1200  volatile GcCause last_gc_cause_ GUARDED_BY(gc_complete_lock_);
1202  // The thread currently running the GC.
1203  volatile Thread* thread_running_gc_ GUARDED_BY(gc_complete_lock_);
1205  // Last Gc type we ran. Used by WaitForConcurrentGc to know which Gc was waited on.
1206  volatile collector::GcType last_gc_type_ GUARDED_BY(gc_complete_lock_);
1207  collector::GcType next_gc_type_;
1209  // Maximum size that the heap can reach.
1210  size_t capacity_;
1212  // The size the heap is limited to. This is initially smaller than capacity, but for largeHeap
1213  // programs it is "cleared" making it the same as capacity.
1214  size_t growth_limit_;
1216  // When the number of bytes allocated exceeds the footprint TryAllocate returns null indicating
1217  // a GC should be triggered.
1218  size_t max_allowed_footprint_;
1220  // When num_bytes_allocated_ exceeds this amount then a concurrent GC should be requested so that
1221  // it completes ahead of an allocation failing.
1222  size_t concurrent_start_bytes_;
1224  // Since the heap was created, how many bytes have been freed.
1225  uint64_t total_bytes_freed_ever_;
1227  // Since the heap was created, how many objects have been freed.
1228  uint64_t total_objects_freed_ever_;
1230  // Number of bytes allocated.  Adjusted after each allocation and free.
1231  Atomic<size_t> num_bytes_allocated_;
1233  // Number of registered native bytes allocated since the last time GC was
1234  // triggered. Adjusted after each RegisterNativeAllocation and
1235  // RegisterNativeFree. Used to determine when to trigger GC for native
1236  // allocations.
1237  // See the REDESIGN section of go/understanding-register-native-allocation.
1238  Atomic<size_t> new_native_bytes_allocated_;
1240  // Number of registered native bytes allocated prior to the last time GC was
1241  // triggered, for debugging purposes. The current number of registered
1242  // native bytes is determined by taking the sum of
1243  // old_native_bytes_allocated_ and new_native_bytes_allocated_.
1244  Atomic<size_t> old_native_bytes_allocated_;
1246  // Number of bytes freed by thread local buffer revokes. This will
1247  // cancel out the ahead-of-time bulk counting of bytes allocated in
1248  // rosalloc thread-local buffers.  It is temporarily accumulated
1249  // here to be subtracted from num_bytes_allocated_ later at the next
1250  // GC.
1251  Atomic<size_t> num_bytes_freed_revoke_;
1253  // Info related to the current or previous GC iteration.
1254  collector::Iteration current_gc_iteration_;
1256  // Heap verification flags.
1257  const bool verify_missing_card_marks_;
1258  const bool verify_system_weaks_;
1259  const bool verify_pre_gc_heap_;
1260  const bool verify_pre_sweeping_heap_;
1261  const bool verify_post_gc_heap_;
1262  const bool verify_mod_union_table_;
1263  bool verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_;
1264  bool verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_;
1265  bool verify_post_gc_rosalloc_;
1266  const bool gc_stress_mode_;
1268  // RAII that temporarily disables the rosalloc verification during
1269  // the zygote fork.
1270  class ScopedDisableRosAllocVerification {
1271   private:
1272    Heap* const heap_;
1273    const bool orig_verify_pre_gc_;
1274    const bool orig_verify_pre_sweeping_;
1275    const bool orig_verify_post_gc_;
1277   public:
1278    explicit ScopedDisableRosAllocVerification(Heap* heap)
1279        : heap_(heap),
1280          orig_verify_pre_gc_(heap_->verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_),
1281          orig_verify_pre_sweeping_(heap_->verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_),
1282          orig_verify_post_gc_(heap_->verify_post_gc_rosalloc_) {
1283      heap_->verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_ = false;
1284      heap_->verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_ = false;
1285      heap_->verify_post_gc_rosalloc_ = false;
1286    }
1287    ~ScopedDisableRosAllocVerification() {
1288      heap_->verify_pre_gc_rosalloc_ = orig_verify_pre_gc_;
1289      heap_->verify_pre_sweeping_rosalloc_ = orig_verify_pre_sweeping_;
1290      heap_->verify_post_gc_rosalloc_ = orig_verify_post_gc_;
1291    }
1292  };
1294  // Parallel GC data structures.
1295  std::unique_ptr<ThreadPool> thread_pool_;
1297  // A bitmap that is set corresponding to the known live objects since the last GC cycle.
1298  std::unique_ptr<accounting::HeapBitmap> live_bitmap_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
1299  // A bitmap that is set corresponding to the marked objects in the current GC cycle.
1300  std::unique_ptr<accounting::HeapBitmap> mark_bitmap_ GUARDED_BY(Locks::heap_bitmap_lock_);
1302  // Mark stack that we reuse to avoid re-allocating the mark stack.
1303  std::unique_ptr<accounting::ObjectStack> mark_stack_;
1305  // Allocation stack, new allocations go here so that we can do sticky mark bits. This enables us
1306  // to use the live bitmap as the old mark bitmap.
1307  const size_t max_allocation_stack_size_;
1308  std::unique_ptr<accounting::ObjectStack> allocation_stack_;
1310  // Second allocation stack so that we can process allocation with the heap unlocked.
1311  std::unique_ptr<accounting::ObjectStack> live_stack_;
1313  // Allocator type.
1314  AllocatorType current_allocator_;
1315  const AllocatorType current_non_moving_allocator_;
1317  // Which GCs we run in order when an allocation fails.
1318  std::vector<collector::GcType> gc_plan_;
1320  // Bump pointer spaces.
1321  space::BumpPointerSpace* bump_pointer_space_;
1322  // Temp space is the space which the semispace collector copies to.
1323  space::BumpPointerSpace* temp_space_;
1325  // Region space, used by the concurrent collector.
1326  space::RegionSpace* region_space_;
1328  // Minimum free guarantees that you always have at least min_free_ free bytes after growing for
1329  // utilization, regardless of target utilization ratio.
1330  size_t min_free_;
1332  // The ideal maximum free size, when we grow the heap for utilization.
1333  size_t max_free_;
1335  // Target ideal heap utilization ratio.
1336  double target_utilization_;
1338  // How much more we grow the heap when we are a foreground app instead of background.
1339  double foreground_heap_growth_multiplier_;
1341  // Total time which mutators are paused or waiting for GC to complete.
1342  uint64_t total_wait_time_;
1344  // The current state of heap verification, may be enabled or disabled.
1345  VerifyObjectMode verify_object_mode_;
1347  // Compacting GC disable count, prevents compacting GC from running iff > 0.
1348  size_t disable_moving_gc_count_ GUARDED_BY(gc_complete_lock_);
1350  std::vector<collector::GarbageCollector*> garbage_collectors_;
1351  collector::SemiSpace* semi_space_collector_;
1352  collector::MarkCompact* mark_compact_collector_;
1353  collector::ConcurrentCopying* concurrent_copying_collector_;
1355  const bool is_running_on_memory_tool_;
1356  const bool use_tlab_;
1358  // Pointer to the space which becomes the new main space when we do homogeneous space compaction.
1359  // Use unique_ptr since the space is only added during the homogeneous compaction phase.
1360  std::unique_ptr<space::MallocSpace> main_space_backup_;
1362  // Minimal interval allowed between two homogeneous space compactions caused by OOM.
1363  uint64_t min_interval_homogeneous_space_compaction_by_oom_;
1365  // Times of the last homogeneous space compaction caused by OOM.
1366  uint64_t last_time_homogeneous_space_compaction_by_oom_;
1368  // Saved OOMs by homogeneous space compaction.
1369  Atomic<size_t> count_delayed_oom_;
1371  // Count for requested homogeneous space compaction.
1372  Atomic<size_t> count_requested_homogeneous_space_compaction_;
1374  // Count for ignored homogeneous space compaction.
1375  Atomic<size_t> count_ignored_homogeneous_space_compaction_;
1377  // Count for performed homogeneous space compaction.
1378  Atomic<size_t> count_performed_homogeneous_space_compaction_;
1380  // Whether or not a concurrent GC is pending.
1381  Atomic<bool> concurrent_gc_pending_;
1383  // Active tasks which we can modify (change target time, desired collector type, etc..).
1384  CollectorTransitionTask* pending_collector_transition_ GUARDED_BY(pending_task_lock_);
1385  HeapTrimTask* pending_heap_trim_ GUARDED_BY(pending_task_lock_);
1387  // Whether or not we use homogeneous space compaction to avoid OOM errors.
1388  bool use_homogeneous_space_compaction_for_oom_;
1390  // True if the currently running collection has made some thread wait.
1391  bool running_collection_is_blocking_ GUARDED_BY(gc_complete_lock_);
1392  // The number of blocking GC runs.
1393  uint64_t blocking_gc_count_;
1394  // The total duration of blocking GC runs.
1395  uint64_t blocking_gc_time_;
1396  // The duration of the window for the GC count rate histograms.
1397  static constexpr uint64_t kGcCountRateHistogramWindowDuration = MsToNs(10 * 1000);  // 10s.
1398  // The last time when the GC count rate histograms were updated.
1399  // This is rounded by kGcCountRateHistogramWindowDuration (a multiple of 10s).
1400  uint64_t last_update_time_gc_count_rate_histograms_;
1401  // The running count of GC runs in the last window.
1402  uint64_t gc_count_last_window_;
1403  // The running count of blocking GC runs in the last window.
1404  uint64_t blocking_gc_count_last_window_;
1405  // The maximum number of buckets in the GC count rate histograms.
1406  static constexpr size_t kGcCountRateMaxBucketCount = 200;
1407  // The histogram of the number of GC invocations per window duration.
1408  Histogram<uint64_t> gc_count_rate_histogram_ GUARDED_BY(gc_complete_lock_);
1409  // The histogram of the number of blocking GC invocations per window duration.
1410  Histogram<uint64_t> blocking_gc_count_rate_histogram_ GUARDED_BY(gc_complete_lock_);
1412  // Allocation tracking support
1413  Atomic<bool> alloc_tracking_enabled_;
1414  std::unique_ptr<AllocRecordObjectMap> allocation_records_;
1416  // GC stress related data structures.
1417  Mutex* backtrace_lock_ DEFAULT_MUTEX_ACQUIRED_AFTER;
1418  // Debugging variables, seen backtraces vs unique backtraces.
1419  Atomic<uint64_t> seen_backtrace_count_;
1420  Atomic<uint64_t> unique_backtrace_count_;
1421  // Stack trace hashes that we already saw,
1422  std::unordered_set<uint64_t> seen_backtraces_ GUARDED_BY(backtrace_lock_);
1424  // We disable GC when we are shutting down the runtime in case there are daemon threads still
1425  // allocating.
1426  bool gc_disabled_for_shutdown_ GUARDED_BY(gc_complete_lock_);
1428  // Boot image spaces.
1429  std::vector<space::ImageSpace*> boot_image_spaces_;
1431  // An installed allocation listener.
1432  Atomic<AllocationListener*> alloc_listener_;
1433  // An installed GC Pause listener.
1434  Atomic<GcPauseListener*> gc_pause_listener_;
1436  std::unique_ptr<Verification> verification_;
1438  friend class CollectorTransitionTask;
1439  friend class collector::GarbageCollector;
1440  friend class collector::MarkCompact;
1441  friend class collector::ConcurrentCopying;
1442  friend class collector::MarkSweep;
1443  friend class collector::SemiSpace;
1444  friend class ReferenceQueue;
1445  friend class ScopedGCCriticalSection;
1446  friend class VerifyReferenceCardVisitor;
1447  friend class VerifyReferenceVisitor;
1448  friend class VerifyObjectVisitor;
1453}  // namespace gc
1454}  // namespace art
1456#endif  // ART_RUNTIME_GC_HEAP_H_