1import java.io.IOException;
2class Blort {
3    private static void arrayCopyTest(int k) {
4        // A local variable assigned from an argument
5        int j = k;
6        // These two locals are defined once and used multiple times
7        String[] stringArray = new String[8];
8        Object[] objectArray = new Object[8];
9        // Should cause another move to be inserted
10        Object anotherOne = objectArray;
12        if (anotherOne != null) {
13            System.out.println("foo");
14        }
16        // "i" is used in a loop
17        for (int i = 0; i < stringArray.length; i++)
18            stringArray[i] = new String(Integer.toString(i));
20        System.out.println("string -> object");
21        System.arraycopy(stringArray, 0, objectArray, 0, stringArray.length);
22        System.out.println("object -> string");
23        System.arraycopy(objectArray, 0, stringArray, 0, stringArray.length);
24        System.out.println("object -> string (modified)");
25        objectArray[4] = new Object();
26        try {
27            System.arraycopy(objectArray, 0, stringArray, 0,stringArray.length);
28        } catch (ArrayStoreException ase) {
29            // "ase" is an unused local which still must be preserved
30            System.out.println("caught ArrayStoreException (expected)");
31        }
32    }
34    private void testConstructor() {
35        Blort foo = null;
36        try {
37            foo = new Blort();
38        } catch (Exception ex) {
39        }
40        System.err.println(foo);
41    }
42    /**
43     * Stolen from
44     * java/android/org/apache/http/impl/io/AbstractMessageParser.java
45     * Simplified.
46     *
47     * Checks to see that local variable assignment is preserved through
48     * phi's. The key component here is the assignment of previous = current.
49     */
50    public static void parseHeaderGroup(
51            final Object headGroup,
52            final Object inbuffer,
53            int maxHeaderCount,
54            int maxLineLen)
55        throws  IOException {
57        StringBuilder current = null;
58        StringBuilder previous = null;
59        for (;;) {
60            if (current == null) {
61                current = new StringBuilder(64);
62            } else {
63                current.length();
64            }
65            int l = inbuffer.hashCode();
66            if (l == -1 || current.length() < 1) {
67                break;
68            }
70            if ((current.charAt(0) == ' ' || current.charAt(0) == '\t') && previous != null) {
71                int i = 0;
72                while (i < current.length()) {
73                    char ch = current.charAt(i);
74                    if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') {
75                        break;
76                    }
77                    i++;
78                }
79                if (maxLineLen > 0
80                        && previous.length() + 1 + current.length() - i > maxLineLen) {
81                    throw new IOException("Maximum line length limit exceeded");
82                }
83                previous.append(' ');
84                previous.append(current, i, current.length() - i);
85            } else {
86                previous = current;
87                current = null;
88            }
89            if (maxHeaderCount > 0) {
90                throw new IOException("Maximum header count exceeded");
91            }
92        }
93    }