3# Copyright 2017 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
4# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
5# found in the LICENSE file.
7"""Load generator for devserver."""
9import argparse
10import itertools
11import json
12import pprint
13import re
14import sys
16import common
17from chromite.lib import commandline
18from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
21# Default keys to skip displaying.
23    'build_name',
24    'devserver',
25    'name',
26    'parent',
27    'quick_provision',
28    'trigger_response',
31# List of commandline arguments for easy filtering.
33    'board',
34    'build_name',
35    'devserver',
36    'name',
37    'status',
41def get_parser():
42    """Creates the argparse parser."""
43    parser = commandline.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
44    parser.add_argument('infile', nargs='*', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
45                        help='Path to JSON file to read.',
46                        default=[sys.stdin])
47    parser.add_argument('--boards', type=str, action='store',
48                        help='Boards to show.')
49    parser.add_argument('--group', type=str, action='store',
50                        help='Comma-spearated list of keys to group by.')
51    parser.add_argument('--dump', action='store_true',
52                        help='Dump all filtered entries.')
53    parser.add_argument('--skip', type=str, action='store',
54                        help='Comma-separated list of keys to skip displaying.',
55                        default=','.join(DEFAULT_SKIP))
56    parser.add_argument('--filter', type=str, action='store',
57                        help='Filter expression to apply to each node.')
58    for arg in FILTER_ARGS:
59        parser.add_argument('--%s' % arg, type=str, action='store',
60                            help='Comma-separated list of %s to filter by.' %
61                            arg)
62    parser.add_argument('--no-summary', action='store_false', dest='summary',
63                        help='Disable summary.')
65    return parser
67def summarize_entries(entries, skip=set()):
68    """Summarize a list of entries."""
69    TAG_KEYS = [
70        'board', 'build_name', 'devserver', 'name',
71        'parent', 'quick_provision', 'status'
72    ]
73    VALUE_KEYS = [
74        'avg_active', 'elapsed',
75    ]
76    summary = {
77        'COUNT': len(entries),
78    }
79    summary.update({key: summarize_tags(entries, key) for key in TAG_KEYS
80                    if key not in skip})
81    summary.update({key: summarize_values(entries, key) for key in VALUE_KEYS
82                    if key not in skip})
83    return summary
85def summarize_tags(entries, key):
86    """Summarize all the different string values for a given key."""
87    tags = {str(entry[key]) for entry in entries}
88    return list(tags)
90def summarize_values(entries, key):
91    """Summarize the numeric values for a given key."""
92    if entries is None or len(entries) == 0:
93        return None
95    values = [entry[key] for entry in entries if key in entry]
96    summary = {}
97    num_values = len(values)
98    if num_values:
99        summary['min'] = min(values)
100        summary['max'] = max(values)
101        summary['avg'] = sum(values) / num_values
102    num_skipped = len(entries) - num_values
103    if num_skipped:
104        summary['num'] = num_values
105        summary['skipped'] = num_skipped
106    return summary
108def group_entries(keys, entries):
109    """Group entries based on different values of given keys.
111    @param keys: A list of keys to group by.
112    @param entries: A list of entries to split into groups.
114    @return A list of list of entries, where each list has a different key
115            value.
116    """
117    if not keys:
118        return [entries]
120    # Divide the group based on the first key.
121    indexed = {}
122    for entry in entries:
123        value = str(entry[keys[0]])
124        indexed.setdefault(value, []).append(entry)
125    groups = [indexed[value] for value in sorted(indexed.keys())]
127    # Recursively subdivide all the groups based on the rest of the keys.
128    subgroups = []
129    for group in groups:
130        subgroups.extend(group_entries(keys[1:], group))
131    return subgroups
133def main(argv):
134    """Load generator for a devserver."""
135    parser = get_parser()
136    options = parser.parse_args(argv)
138    # Read entries from the specified file.
139    all_entries = []
140    for f in options.infile:
141        all_entries.extend([json.loads(line) for line in f])
143    # Filter entries:
144    # - Ignore non-provisions.
145    # - Filter via the specified FILTER_ARGS arguments.
146    # - Filter via explicit filter request.
147    entries = filter(lambda x: x['name'] != 'Runner', all_entries)
148    for arg in FILTER_ARGS:
149        if options.__dict__.get(arg):
150            entries = filter(lambda x: x[arg] in
151                                       options.__dict__[arg].split(','),
152                             entries)
153    if options.filter:
154        entries = filter(lambda x: eval(options.filter, {'re': re}, x), entries)
156    # Group the entries based on specified keys.
157    groups = group_entries(options.group.split(',') if options.group else None,
158                           entries)
160    # Dump all filtered entries as groups, including their parents.
161    if options.dump:
162        dump_entries = itertools.chain(*groups)
163        # Dump all entries, tracking needed parents.
164        parents = []
165        for entry in dump_entries:
166            print(json.dumps(entry))
167            if 'parent' in entry and entry['parent'] not in parents:
168                parents.append(entry['parent'])
169        # Dump all parents.
170        for entry in all_entries:
171            if entry['id'] in parents:
172                print(json.dumps(entry))
174    # Summarize the entries, group by group.
175    if options.summary:
176        skip = options.skip.split(',') if options.skip else set()
177        summaries = [summarize_entries(group, skip) for group in groups]
178        print(json.dumps(summaries, indent=2))
180if __name__ == '__main__':
181    sys.exit(main(sys.argv[1:]))