1package org.bouncycastle.asn1;
3import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;
4import java.io.IOException;
5import java.math.BigInteger;
6import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
7import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentMap;
9import org.bouncycastle.util.Arrays;
12 * Class representing the ASN.1 OBJECT IDENTIFIER type.
13 */
14public class ASN1ObjectIdentifier
15    extends ASN1Primitive
17    private final String identifier;
19    private byte[] body;
21    /**
22     * return an OID from the passed in object
23     *
24     * @param obj an ASN1ObjectIdentifier or an object that can be converted into one.
25     * @return an ASN1ObjectIdentifier instance, or null.
26     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the object cannot be converted.
27     */
28    public static ASN1ObjectIdentifier getInstance(
29        Object obj)
30    {
31        if (obj == null || obj instanceof ASN1ObjectIdentifier)
32        {
33            return (ASN1ObjectIdentifier)obj;
34        }
36        if (obj instanceof ASN1Encodable && ((ASN1Encodable)obj).toASN1Primitive() instanceof ASN1ObjectIdentifier)
37        {
38            return (ASN1ObjectIdentifier)((ASN1Encodable)obj).toASN1Primitive();
39        }
41        if (obj instanceof byte[])
42        {
43            byte[] enc = (byte[])obj;
44            try
45            {
46                return (ASN1ObjectIdentifier)fromByteArray(enc);
47            }
48            catch (IOException e)
49            {
50                throw new IllegalArgumentException("failed to construct object identifier from byte[]: " + e.getMessage());
51            }
52        }
54        throw new IllegalArgumentException("illegal object in getInstance: " + obj.getClass().getName());
55    }
57    /**
58     * return an Object Identifier from a tagged object.
59     *
60     * @param obj      the tagged object holding the object we want
61     * @param explicit true if the object is meant to be explicitly
62     *                 tagged false otherwise.
63     * @return an ASN1ObjectIdentifier instance, or null.
64     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the tagged object cannot
65     * be converted.
66     */
67    public static ASN1ObjectIdentifier getInstance(
68        ASN1TaggedObject obj,
69        boolean explicit)
70    {
71        ASN1Primitive o = obj.getObject();
73        if (explicit || o instanceof ASN1ObjectIdentifier)
74        {
75            return getInstance(o);
76        }
77        else
78        {
79            return ASN1ObjectIdentifier.fromOctetString(ASN1OctetString.getInstance(obj.getObject()).getOctets());
80        }
81    }
83    private static final long LONG_LIMIT = (Long.MAX_VALUE >> 7) - 0x7f;
85    ASN1ObjectIdentifier(
86        byte[] bytes)
87    {
88        StringBuffer objId = new StringBuffer();
89        long value = 0;
90        BigInteger bigValue = null;
91        boolean first = true;
93        for (int i = 0; i != bytes.length; i++)
94        {
95            int b = bytes[i] & 0xff;
97            if (value <= LONG_LIMIT)
98            {
99                value += (b & 0x7f);
100                if ((b & 0x80) == 0)             // end of number reached
101                {
102                    if (first)
103                    {
104                        if (value < 40)
105                        {
106                            objId.append('0');
107                        }
108                        else if (value < 80)
109                        {
110                            objId.append('1');
111                            value -= 40;
112                        }
113                        else
114                        {
115                            objId.append('2');
116                            value -= 80;
117                        }
118                        first = false;
119                    }
121                    objId.append('.');
122                    objId.append(value);
123                    value = 0;
124                }
125                else
126                {
127                    value <<= 7;
128                }
129            }
130            else
131            {
132                if (bigValue == null)
133                {
134                    bigValue = BigInteger.valueOf(value);
135                }
136                bigValue = bigValue.or(BigInteger.valueOf(b & 0x7f));
137                if ((b & 0x80) == 0)
138                {
139                    if (first)
140                    {
141                        objId.append('2');
142                        bigValue = bigValue.subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(80));
143                        first = false;
144                    }
146                    objId.append('.');
147                    objId.append(bigValue);
148                    bigValue = null;
149                    value = 0;
150                }
151                else
152                {
153                    bigValue = bigValue.shiftLeft(7);
154                }
155            }
156        }
158        // Android-changed: Intern the identifier so there aren't hundreds of duplicates in practice.
159        this.identifier = objId.toString().intern();
160        this.body = Arrays.clone(bytes);
161    }
163    /**
164     * Create an OID based on the passed in String.
165     *
166     * @param identifier a string representation of an OID.
167     */
168    public ASN1ObjectIdentifier(
169        String identifier)
170    {
171        if (identifier == null)
172        {
173            throw new IllegalArgumentException("'identifier' cannot be null");
174        }
175        if (!isValidIdentifier(identifier))
176        {
177            throw new IllegalArgumentException("string " + identifier + " not an OID");
178        }
180        // Android-changed: Intern the identifier so there aren't hundreds of duplicates in practice.
181        this.identifier = identifier.intern();
182    }
184    /**
185     * Create an OID that creates a branch under the current one.
186     *
187     * @param branchID node numbers for the new branch.
188     * @return the OID for the new created branch.
189     */
190    ASN1ObjectIdentifier(ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid, String branchID)
191    {
192        if (!isValidBranchID(branchID, 0))
193        {
194            throw new IllegalArgumentException("string " + branchID + " not a valid OID branch");
195        }
197        this.identifier = oid.getId() + "." + branchID;
198    }
200    /**
201     * Return the OID as a string.
202     *
203     * @return the string representation of the OID carried by this object.
204     */
205    public String getId()
206    {
207        return identifier;
208    }
210    /**
211     * Return an OID that creates a branch under the current one.
212     *
213     * @param branchID node numbers for the new branch.
214     * @return the OID for the new created branch.
215     */
216    public ASN1ObjectIdentifier branch(String branchID)
217    {
218        return new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(this, branchID);
219    }
221    /**
222     * Return  true if this oid is an extension of the passed in branch, stem.
223     *
224     * @param stem the arc or branch that is a possible parent.
225     * @return true if the branch is on the passed in stem, false otherwise.
226     */
227    public boolean on(ASN1ObjectIdentifier stem)
228    {
229        String id = getId(), stemId = stem.getId();
230        return id.length() > stemId.length() && id.charAt(stemId.length()) == '.' && id.startsWith(stemId);
231    }
233    private void writeField(
234        ByteArrayOutputStream out,
235        long fieldValue)
236    {
237        byte[] result = new byte[9];
238        int pos = 8;
239        result[pos] = (byte)((int)fieldValue & 0x7f);
240        while (fieldValue >= (1L << 7))
241        {
242            fieldValue >>= 7;
243            result[--pos] = (byte)((int)fieldValue & 0x7f | 0x80);
244        }
245        out.write(result, pos, 9 - pos);
246    }
248    private void writeField(
249        ByteArrayOutputStream out,
250        BigInteger fieldValue)
251    {
252        int byteCount = (fieldValue.bitLength() + 6) / 7;
253        if (byteCount == 0)
254        {
255            out.write(0);
256        }
257        else
258        {
259            BigInteger tmpValue = fieldValue;
260            byte[] tmp = new byte[byteCount];
261            for (int i = byteCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
262            {
263                tmp[i] = (byte)((tmpValue.intValue() & 0x7f) | 0x80);
264                tmpValue = tmpValue.shiftRight(7);
265            }
266            tmp[byteCount - 1] &= 0x7f;
267            out.write(tmp, 0, tmp.length);
268        }
269    }
271    private void doOutput(ByteArrayOutputStream aOut)
272    {
273        OIDTokenizer tok = new OIDTokenizer(identifier);
274        int first = Integer.parseInt(tok.nextToken()) * 40;
276        String secondToken = tok.nextToken();
277        if (secondToken.length() <= 18)
278        {
279            writeField(aOut, first + Long.parseLong(secondToken));
280        }
281        else
282        {
283            writeField(aOut, new BigInteger(secondToken).add(BigInteger.valueOf(first)));
284        }
286        while (tok.hasMoreTokens())
287        {
288            String token = tok.nextToken();
289            if (token.length() <= 18)
290            {
291                writeField(aOut, Long.parseLong(token));
292            }
293            else
294            {
295                writeField(aOut, new BigInteger(token));
296            }
297        }
298    }
300    private synchronized byte[] getBody()
301    {
302        if (body == null)
303        {
304            ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
306            doOutput(bOut);
308            body = bOut.toByteArray();
309        }
311        return body;
312    }
314    boolean isConstructed()
315    {
316        return false;
317    }
319    int encodedLength()
320        throws IOException
321    {
322        int length = getBody().length;
324        return 1 + StreamUtil.calculateBodyLength(length) + length;
325    }
327    void encode(
328        ASN1OutputStream out)
329        throws IOException
330    {
331        byte[] enc = getBody();
333        out.write(BERTags.OBJECT_IDENTIFIER);
334        out.writeLength(enc.length);
335        out.write(enc);
336    }
338    public int hashCode()
339    {
340        return identifier.hashCode();
341    }
343    boolean asn1Equals(
344        ASN1Primitive o)
345    {
346        if (o == this)
347        {
348            return true;
349        }
351        if (!(o instanceof ASN1ObjectIdentifier))
352        {
353            return false;
354        }
356        return identifier.equals(((ASN1ObjectIdentifier)o).identifier);
357    }
359    public String toString()
360    {
361        return getId();
362    }
364    private static boolean isValidBranchID(
365        String branchID, int start)
366    {
367        boolean periodAllowed = false;
369        int pos = branchID.length();
370        while (--pos >= start)
371        {
372            char ch = branchID.charAt(pos);
374            // TODO Leading zeroes?
375            if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9')
376            {
377                periodAllowed = true;
378                continue;
379            }
381            if (ch == '.')
382            {
383                if (!periodAllowed)
384                {
385                    return false;
386                }
388                periodAllowed = false;
389                continue;
390            }
392            return false;
393        }
395        return periodAllowed;
396    }
398    private static boolean isValidIdentifier(
399        String identifier)
400    {
401        if (identifier.length() < 3 || identifier.charAt(1) != '.')
402        {
403            return false;
404        }
406        char first = identifier.charAt(0);
407        if (first < '0' || first > '2')
408        {
409            return false;
410        }
412        return isValidBranchID(identifier, 2);
413    }
415    /**
416     * Intern will return a reference to a pooled version of this object, unless it
417     * is not present in which case intern will add it.
418     * <p>
419     * The pool is also used by the ASN.1 parsers to limit the number of duplicated OID
420     * objects in circulation.
421     * </p>
422     *
423     * @return a reference to the identifier in the pool.
424     */
425    public ASN1ObjectIdentifier intern()
426    {
427        final OidHandle hdl = new OidHandle(getBody());
428        ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid = pool.get(hdl);
429        if (oid == null)
430        {
431            oid = pool.putIfAbsent(hdl, this);
432            if (oid == null)
433            {
434                oid = this;
435            }
436        }
437        return oid;
438    }
440    private static final ConcurrentMap<OidHandle, ASN1ObjectIdentifier> pool = new ConcurrentHashMap<OidHandle, ASN1ObjectIdentifier>();
442    private static class OidHandle
443    {
444        private final int key;
445        private final byte[] enc;
447        OidHandle(byte[] enc)
448        {
449            this.key = Arrays.hashCode(enc);
450            this.enc = enc;
451        }
453        public int hashCode()
454        {
455            return key;
456        }
458        public boolean equals(Object o)
459        {
460            if (o instanceof OidHandle)
461            {
462                return Arrays.areEqual(enc, ((OidHandle)o).enc);
463            }
465            return false;
466        }
467    }
469    static ASN1ObjectIdentifier fromOctetString(byte[] enc)
470    {
471        final OidHandle hdl = new OidHandle(enc);
472        ASN1ObjectIdentifier oid = pool.get(hdl);
473        if (oid == null)
474        {
475            return new ASN1ObjectIdentifier(enc);
476        }
477        return oid;
478    }