1/* Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
3   Distributed under MIT license.
4   See file LICENSE for detail or copy at https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT
7/* Literal cost model to allow backward reference replacement to be efficient.
10#include "./literal_cost.h"
12#include <brotli/types.h>
13#include "./fast_log.h"
14#include "./port.h"
15#include "./utf8_util.h"
17#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
18extern "C" {
21static size_t UTF8Position(size_t last, size_t c, size_t clamp) {
22  if (c < 128) {
23    return 0;  /* Next one is the 'Byte 1' again. */
24  } else if (c >= 192) {  /* Next one is the 'Byte 2' of utf-8 encoding. */
25    return BROTLI_MIN(size_t, 1, clamp);
26  } else {
27    /* Let's decide over the last byte if this ends the sequence. */
28    if (last < 0xe0) {
29      return 0;  /* Completed two or three byte coding. */
30    } else {  /* Next one is the 'Byte 3' of utf-8 encoding. */
31      return BROTLI_MIN(size_t, 2, clamp);
32    }
33  }
36static size_t DecideMultiByteStatsLevel(size_t pos, size_t len, size_t mask,
37                                        const uint8_t *data) {
38  size_t counts[3] = { 0 };
39  size_t max_utf8 = 1;  /* should be 2, but 1 compresses better. */
40  size_t last_c = 0;
41  size_t i;
42  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
43    size_t c = data[(pos + i) & mask];
44    ++counts[UTF8Position(last_c, c, 2)];
45    last_c = c;
46  }
47  if (counts[2] < 500) {
48    max_utf8 = 1;
49  }
50  if (counts[1] + counts[2] < 25) {
51    max_utf8 = 0;
52  }
53  return max_utf8;
56static void EstimateBitCostsForLiteralsUTF8(size_t pos, size_t len, size_t mask,
57                                            const uint8_t *data, float *cost) {
58  /* max_utf8 is 0 (normal ASCII single byte modeling),
59     1 (for 2-byte UTF-8 modeling), or 2 (for 3-byte UTF-8 modeling). */
60  const size_t max_utf8 = DecideMultiByteStatsLevel(pos, len, mask, data);
61  size_t histogram[3][256] = { { 0 } };
62  size_t window_half = 495;
63  size_t in_window = BROTLI_MIN(size_t, window_half, len);
64  size_t in_window_utf8[3] = { 0 };
66  size_t i;
67  {  /* Bootstrap histograms. */
68    size_t last_c = 0;
69    size_t utf8_pos = 0;
70    for (i = 0; i < in_window; ++i) {
71      size_t c = data[(pos + i) & mask];
72      ++histogram[utf8_pos][c];
73      ++in_window_utf8[utf8_pos];
74      utf8_pos = UTF8Position(last_c, c, max_utf8);
75      last_c = c;
76    }
77  }
79  /* Compute bit costs with sliding window. */
80  for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
81    if (i >= window_half) {
82      /* Remove a byte in the past. */
83      size_t c =
84          i < window_half + 1 ? 0 : data[(pos + i - window_half - 1) & mask];
85      size_t last_c =
86          i < window_half + 2 ? 0 : data[(pos + i - window_half - 2) & mask];
87      size_t utf8_pos2 = UTF8Position(last_c, c, max_utf8);
88      --histogram[utf8_pos2][data[(pos + i - window_half) & mask]];
89      --in_window_utf8[utf8_pos2];
90    }
91    if (i + window_half < len) {
92      /* Add a byte in the future. */
93      size_t c = data[(pos + i + window_half - 1) & mask];
94      size_t last_c = data[(pos + i + window_half - 2) & mask];
95      size_t utf8_pos2 = UTF8Position(last_c, c, max_utf8);
96      ++histogram[utf8_pos2][data[(pos + i + window_half) & mask]];
97      ++in_window_utf8[utf8_pos2];
98    }
99    {
100      size_t c = i < 1 ? 0 : data[(pos + i - 1) & mask];
101      size_t last_c = i < 2 ? 0 : data[(pos + i - 2) & mask];
102      size_t utf8_pos = UTF8Position(last_c, c, max_utf8);
103      size_t masked_pos = (pos + i) & mask;
104      size_t histo = histogram[utf8_pos][data[masked_pos]];
105      double lit_cost;
106      if (histo == 0) {
107        histo = 1;
108      }
109      lit_cost = FastLog2(in_window_utf8[utf8_pos]) - FastLog2(histo);
110      lit_cost += 0.02905;
111      if (lit_cost < 1.0) {
112        lit_cost *= 0.5;
113        lit_cost += 0.5;
114      }
115      /* Make the first bytes more expensive -- seems to help, not sure why.
116         Perhaps because the entropy source is changing its properties
117         rapidly in the beginning of the file, perhaps because the beginning
118         of the data is a statistical "anomaly". */
119      if (i < 2000) {
120        lit_cost += 0.7 - ((double)(2000 - i) / 2000.0 * 0.35);
121      }
122      cost[i] = (float)lit_cost;
123    }
124  }
127void BrotliEstimateBitCostsForLiterals(size_t pos, size_t len, size_t mask,
128                                       const uint8_t *data, float *cost) {
129  if (BrotliIsMostlyUTF8(data, pos, mask, len, kMinUTF8Ratio)) {
130    EstimateBitCostsForLiteralsUTF8(pos, len, mask, data, cost);
131    return;
132  } else {
133    size_t histogram[256] = { 0 };
134    size_t window_half = 2000;
135    size_t in_window = BROTLI_MIN(size_t, window_half, len);
137    /* Bootstrap histogram. */
138    size_t i;
139    for (i = 0; i < in_window; ++i) {
140      ++histogram[data[(pos + i) & mask]];
141    }
143    /* Compute bit costs with sliding window. */
144    for (i = 0; i < len; ++i) {
145      size_t histo;
146      if (i >= window_half) {
147        /* Remove a byte in the past. */
148        --histogram[data[(pos + i - window_half) & mask]];
149        --in_window;
150      }
151      if (i + window_half < len) {
152        /* Add a byte in the future. */
153        ++histogram[data[(pos + i + window_half) & mask]];
154        ++in_window;
155      }
156      histo = histogram[data[(pos + i) & mask]];
157      if (histo == 0) {
158        histo = 1;
159      }
160      {
161        double lit_cost = FastLog2(in_window) - FastLog2(histo);
162        lit_cost += 0.029;
163        if (lit_cost < 1.0) {
164          lit_cost *= 0.5;
165          lit_cost += 0.5;
166        }
167        cost[i] = (float)lit_cost;
168      }
169    }
170  }
173#if defined(__cplusplus) || defined(c_plusplus)
174}  /* extern "C" */