1// Copyright 2015 The Gemmlowp Authors. All Rights Reserved.
3// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5// You may obtain a copy of the License at
7//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
9// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13// limitations under the License.
15// kernel.h: general definitions for kernels.
20#include "../public/bit_depth.h"
21#include "common.h"
23namespace gemmlowp {
25// Explanation of general gemmlowp terminology
26// ===========================================
28// We use the following abbreviations:
29// LHS = "left-hand side"
30// RHS = "right-hand side"
31// Sometimes when referring to either LHS or RHS, we just say a "Side".
33// In a matrix product of a MxK matrix times a KxN matrix,
34// we call K the 'depth'. Note that M is the number of rows
35// of the result (and of the LHS), and N is the number of columns
36// of the result (and of the RHS).
38// In each of the LHS and RHS matrices, we call 'width' the
39// other dimension, besides the depth. So in the LHS, 'width'
40// is the number of rows, while in the RHS, 'width' is the number
41// of columns.
43//  So in the LHS MxK matrix, the depth is K and the width in M.
44// And in the RHS KxN matrix, the depth is K and the width in N.
46// This is illustrated in this picture:
48//                             RHS width
49//                        <----------------->
50//                        +-----------------+ ^
51//                        |       RHS       | | Depth
52//                        +-----------------+ v
53//                 ^ +--+ +-----------------+
54//                 | |L | |                 |
55//       LHS width | |H | |      Result     |
56//                 | |S | |                 |
57//                 v +--+ +-----------------+
58//                   <-->
59//                   Depth
61// Explanation of gemmlowp kernel formats and "cells"
62// ==================================================
64// Kernels operate on small LHS and RHS blocks that fit in registers.
65// These blocks are stored contiguously in memory, but not always
66// in a traditional column-major or row-major order; instead,
67// they consist of a number of sub-blocks, which we call "cells",
68// that are stored in column-major or row-major order. However,
69// what really matters to us is not so much rows vs columns, but
70// rather width vs depth. So we refer to "width-major" and "depth-major"
71// storage orders. In the LHS, width-major means row-major,
72// while in the RHS, width-major means column-major.
73// There is also a third possibility, "diagonal order",
74// which is unused at the moment.
76// We aim to treat both sides, LHS and RHS, on an equal footing,
77// so we call them both 'sides'. A KernelFormat thus is just a pair
78// of KernelSideFormat's, one for LHS and one for RHS; each KernelSideFormat
79// contains a CellFormat and a number of cells; cells are only ever
80// stacked in the width dimension, which means stacked vertically in the
81// LHS and stacked horizondally in the RHS.
83// Example
84// =======
86// Let's work out the data layout expected by a kernel having the
87// following format (the struct names here are defined below in this file):
89// KernelFormat<
90//   KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<3, 4>, 3>,
91//   KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<5, 4>, 2>
92// >
94// The LHS format, KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<3, 4>, 3>, means:
95// 3 cells, each cell having dimensions (width=3, depth=4), laid out in
96// DepthMajor order (the default value, see CellFormat). In the LHS,
97// DepthMajor means column-major, so the LHS cells are of size 3x4 in
98// column-major order, so the LHS layout is:
100// 0  3  6  9
101// 1  4  7  10
102// 2  5  8  11
103// 12 15 18 21
104// 13 16 19 22
105// 14 17 20 23
106// 24 27 30 33
107// 25 28 31 34
108// 26 29 32 35
110// The RHS format, KernelSideFormat<CellFormat<5, 4>, 2>, means:
111// 2 cells each having dimensions (width=5, depth=4), laid out in
112// DepthMajor order (the default value, see CellFormat). In the RHS,
113// DepthMajor means row-major, so the RHS cells are of size 4x5 in
114// row-major order, so the RHS layout is:
116// 0  1  2  3  4  20 21 22 23 24
117// 5  6  7  8  9  25 26 27 28 29
118// 10 11 12 13 14 30 31 32 33 34
119// 15 16 17 18 19 35 36 37 38 39
121// CellOrder enumerates the possible storage orders (=layouts) for
122// a cell (see explanation above).
123enum class CellOrder { DepthMajor, WidthMajor, Diagonal };
125// CellFormat describes how data is laid
126// out in a cell. That is, a CellOrder together with actual dimensions.
127template <int tWidth, int tDepth, CellOrder tOrder = CellOrder::DepthMajor>
128struct CellFormat {
129  static const int kWidth = tWidth;
130  static const int kDepth = tDepth;
131  static const CellOrder kOrder = tOrder;
133  static const int kSize = kWidth * kDepth;
136// KernelSideFormat describes how data is laid out in a kernel side
137// (i.e. LHS or RHS). That is, a CellFormat together with a number of
138// cells. These cells are always stacked in the Width dimension.
139// For example, in the LHS case, the Width dimension is the rows dimension,
140// se we're saying that in the LHS, cells are stacked vertically.
141// We never stack cells in the Depth dimension.
142template <typename tCellFormat, int tCells>
143struct KernelSideFormat {
144  typedef tCellFormat Cell;
145  static const int kCells = tCells;
146  static const int kWidth = kCells * Cell::kWidth;
147  static const int kDepth = Cell::kDepth;
148  typedef std::uint8_t Scalar;
151template <typename tCellFormat, int tCells>
152struct KernelSideFormatInt8 : KernelSideFormat<tCellFormat, tCells> {
153  typedef std::int8_t Scalar;
156// KernelFormat describes fully the input data layout that a kernel expects.
157// It consists of two KernelSideFormat's, one for LHS and one for RHS.
158template <typename tLhs, typename tRhs>
159struct KernelFormat {
160  typedef tLhs Lhs;
161  typedef tRhs Rhs;
163  static_assert(Lhs::Cell::kDepth == Rhs::Cell::kDepth, "");
164  static const int kDepth = Lhs::Cell::kDepth;
165  static const int kRows = Lhs::Cell::kWidth * Lhs::kCells;
166  static const int kCols = Rhs::Cell::kWidth * Rhs::kCells;
169inline const char* CellOrderName(CellOrder o) {
170  switch (o) {
171    case CellOrder::DepthMajor:
172      return "DepthMajor";
173    case CellOrder::WidthMajor:
174      return "WidthMajor";
175    case CellOrder::Diagonal:
176      return "Diagonal";
177    default:
178      assert(false);
179      return nullptr;
180  }
183// Returns the offset into a cell, at which a given coefficient is stored.
184template <typename CellFormat>
185inline int OffsetIntoCell(int w, int d) {
186  const int size = CellFormat::kWidth;
187  switch (CellFormat::kOrder) {
188    case CellOrder::DepthMajor:
189      return w + d * CellFormat::kWidth;
190    case CellOrder::WidthMajor:
191      return d + w * CellFormat::kDepth;
192    case CellOrder::Diagonal:
193      assert(CellFormat::kWidth == CellFormat::kDepth);
194      return ((size + w - d) * size + d) % (size * size);
195    default:
196      assert(false);
197      return 0;
198  }
201// KernelBase is the virtual base class below all kernels.
202// The idea is that we don't need to templatize all our code on the exact
203// kernel type; we only need to templatize on kernel format. Kernels
204// sharing the same format can thus share the same packing/unpacking code.
205struct KernelBase {
206  virtual const char* Name() const = 0;
208  // This is the kernel implementation. We use the word 'run' consistently
209  // throughout gemmlowp to mean an inner loop, the implementation of which
210  // is to be provided by a separate optimized function.
211  virtual void Run(std::int32_t* dst_ptr, std::size_t dst_row_stride,
212                   std::size_t dst_col_stride, const std::uint8_t* lhs_ptr,
213                   const std::uint8_t* rhs_ptr, std::size_t start_depth,
214                   std::size_t run_depth) const = 0;
216  virtual ~KernelBase() {}
219template <typename KernelScalarType>
220struct ZeroPointInputValue {};
222template <>
223struct ZeroPointInputValue<std::uint8_t> {
224  static constexpr std::uint8_t kValue = 0;
227template <>
228struct ZeroPointInputValue<std::int8_t> {
229  static constexpr std::uint8_t kValue = 128;
232}  // namespace gemmlowp