2// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
3// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License
5 *******************************************************************************
6 * Copyright (C) 1996-2010, International Business Machines Corporation and    *
7 * others. All Rights Reserved.                                                *
8 *******************************************************************************
9 */
10package android.icu.text;
12import android.icu.impl.Utility;
15 * A transliteration rule used by
16 * <code>RuleBasedTransliterator</code>.
17 * <code>TransliterationRule</code> is an immutable object.
18 *
19 * <p>A rule consists of an input pattern and an output string.  When
20 * the input pattern is matched, the output string is emitted.  The
21 * input pattern consists of zero or more characters which are matched
22 * exactly (the key) and optional context.  Context must match if it
23 * is specified.  Context may be specified before the key, after the
24 * key, or both.  The key, preceding context, and following context
25 * may contain variables.  Variables represent a set of Unicode
26 * characters, such as the letters <i>a</i> through <i>z</i>.
27 * Variables are detected by looking up each character in a supplied
28 * variable list to see if it has been so defined.
29 *
30 * <p>A rule may contain segments in its input string and segment
31 * references in its output string.  A segment is a substring of the
32 * input pattern, indicated by an offset and limit.  The segment may
33 * be in the preceding or following context.  It may not span a
34 * context boundary.  A segment reference is a special character in
35 * the output string that causes a segment of the input string (not
36 * the input pattern) to be copied to the output string.  The range of
37 * special characters that represent segment references is defined by
38 * RuleBasedTransliterator.Data.
39 *
40 * <p>Example: The rule "([a-z]) . ([0-9]) > $2 . $1" will change the input
41 * string "abc.123" to "ab1.c23".
42 *
43 * <p>Copyright &copy; IBM Corporation 1999.  All rights reserved.
44 *
45 * @author Alan Liu
46 */
47class TransliterationRule {
49    // TODO Eliminate the pattern and keyLength data members.  They
50    // are used only by masks() and getIndexValue() which are called
51    // only during build time, not during run-time.  Perhaps these
52    // methods and pattern/keyLength can be isolated into a separate
53    // object.
55    /**
56     * The match that must occur before the key, or null if there is no
57     * preceding context.
58     */
59    private StringMatcher anteContext;
61    /**
62     * The matcher object for the key.  If null, then the key is empty.
63     */
64    private StringMatcher key;
66    /**
67     * The match that must occur after the key, or null if there is no
68     * following context.
69     */
70    private StringMatcher postContext;
72    /**
73     * The object that performs the replacement if the key,
74     * anteContext, and postContext are matched.  Never null.
75     */
76    private UnicodeReplacer output;
78    /**
79     * The string that must be matched, consisting of the anteContext, key,
80     * and postContext, concatenated together, in that order.  Some components
81     * may be empty (zero length).
82     * @see anteContextLength
83     * @see keyLength
84     */
85    private String pattern;
87    /**
88     * An array of matcher objects corresponding to the input pattern
89     * segments.  If there are no segments this is null.  N.B. This is
90     * a UnicodeMatcher for generality, but in practice it is always a
91     * StringMatcher.  In the future we may generalize this, but for
92     * now we sometimes cast down to StringMatcher.
93     */
94    UnicodeMatcher[] segments;
96    /**
97     * The length of the string that must match before the key.  If
98     * zero, then there is no matching requirement before the key.
99     * Substring [0,anteContextLength) of pattern is the anteContext.
100     */
101    private int anteContextLength;
103    /**
104     * The length of the key.  Substring [anteContextLength,
105     * anteContextLength + keyLength) is the key.
106     */
107    private int keyLength;
109    /**
110     * Miscellaneous attributes.
111     */
112    byte flags;
114    /**
115     * Flag attributes.
116     */
117    static final int ANCHOR_START = 1;
118    static final int ANCHOR_END   = 2;
120    /**
121     * An alias pointer to the data for this rule.  The data provides
122     * lookup services for matchers and segments.
123     */
124    private final RuleBasedTransliterator.Data data;
127    /**
128     * Construct a new rule with the given input, output text, and other
129     * attributes.  A cursor position may be specified for the output text.
130     * @param input input string, including key and optional ante and
131     * post context
132     * @param anteContextPos offset into input to end of ante context, or -1 if
133     * none.  Must be <= input.length() if not -1.
134     * @param postContextPos offset into input to start of post context, or -1
135     * if none.  Must be <= input.length() if not -1, and must be >=
136     * anteContextPos.
137     * @param output output string
138     * @param cursorPos offset into output at which cursor is located, or -1 if
139     * none.  If less than zero, then the cursor is placed after the
140     * <code>output</code>; that is, -1 is equivalent to
141     * <code>output.length()</code>.  If greater than
142     * <code>output.length()</code> then an exception is thrown.
143     * @param cursorOffset an offset to be added to cursorPos to position the
144     * cursor either in the ante context, if < 0, or in the post context, if >
145     * 0.  For example, the rule "abc{def} > | @@@ xyz;" changes "def" to
146     * "xyz" and moves the cursor to before "a".  It would have a cursorOffset
147     * of -3.
148     * @param segs array of UnicodeMatcher corresponding to input pattern
149     * segments, or null if there are none
150     * @param anchorStart true if the the rule is anchored on the left to
151     * the context start
152     * @param anchorEnd true if the rule is anchored on the right to the
153     * context limit
154     */
155    public TransliterationRule(String input,
156                               int anteContextPos, int postContextPos,
157                               String output,
158                               int cursorPos, int cursorOffset,
159                               UnicodeMatcher[] segs,
160                               boolean anchorStart, boolean anchorEnd,
161                               RuleBasedTransliterator.Data theData) {
162        data = theData;
164        // Do range checks only when warranted to save time
165        if (anteContextPos < 0) {
166            anteContextLength = 0;
167        } else {
168            if (anteContextPos > input.length()) {
169                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid ante context");
170            }
171            anteContextLength = anteContextPos;
172        }
173        if (postContextPos < 0) {
174            keyLength = input.length() - anteContextLength;
175        } else {
176            if (postContextPos < anteContextLength ||
177                postContextPos > input.length()) {
178                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid post context");
179            }
180            keyLength = postContextPos - anteContextLength;
181        }
182        if (cursorPos < 0) {
183            cursorPos = output.length();
184        } else if (cursorPos > output.length()) {
185            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid cursor position");
186        }
188        // We don't validate the segments array.  The caller must
189        // guarantee that the segments are well-formed (that is, that
190        // all $n references in the output refer to indices of this
191        // array, and that no array elements are null).
192        this.segments = segs;
194        pattern = input;
195        flags = 0;
196        if (anchorStart) {
197            flags |= ANCHOR_START;
198        }
199        if (anchorEnd) {
200            flags |= ANCHOR_END;
201        }
203        anteContext = null;
204        if (anteContextLength > 0) {
205            anteContext = new StringMatcher(pattern.substring(0, anteContextLength),
206                                            0, data);
207        }
209        key = null;
210        if (keyLength > 0) {
211            key = new StringMatcher(pattern.substring(anteContextLength, anteContextLength + keyLength),
212                                    0, data);
213        }
215        int postContextLength = pattern.length() - keyLength - anteContextLength;
216        postContext = null;
217        if (postContextLength > 0) {
218            postContext = new StringMatcher(pattern.substring(anteContextLength + keyLength),
219                                            0, data);
220        }
222        this.output = new StringReplacer(output, cursorPos + cursorOffset, data);
223    }
225    /**
226     * Return the preceding context length.  This method is needed to
227     * support the <code>Transliterator</code> method
228     * <code>getMaximumContextLength()</code>.
229     */
230    public int getAnteContextLength() {
231        return anteContextLength + (((flags & ANCHOR_START) != 0) ? 1 : 0);
232    }
234    /**
235     * Internal method.  Returns 8-bit index value for this rule.
236     * This is the low byte of the first character of the key,
237     * unless the first character of the key is a set.  If it's a
238     * set, or otherwise can match multiple keys, the index value is -1.
239     */
240    final int getIndexValue() {
241        if (anteContextLength == pattern.length()) {
242            // A pattern with just ante context {such as foo)>bar} can
243            // match any key.
244            return -1;
245        }
246        int c = UTF16.charAt(pattern, anteContextLength);
247        return data.lookupMatcher(c) == null ? (c & 0xFF) : -1;
248    }
250    /**
251     * Internal method.  Returns true if this rule matches the given
252     * index value.  The index value is an 8-bit integer, 0..255,
253     * representing the low byte of the first character of the key.
254     * It matches this rule if it matches the first character of the
255     * key, or if the first character of the key is a set, and the set
256     * contains any character with a low byte equal to the index
257     * value.  If the rule contains only ante context, as in foo)>bar,
258     * then it will match any key.
259     */
260    final boolean matchesIndexValue(int v) {
261        // Delegate to the key, or if there is none, to the postContext.
262        // If there is neither then we match any key; return true.
263        UnicodeMatcher m = (key != null) ? key : postContext;
264        return (m != null) ? m.matchesIndexValue(v) : true;
265    }
267    /**
268     * Return true if this rule masks another rule.  If r1 masks r2 then
269     * r1 matches any input string that r2 matches.  If r1 masks r2 and r2 masks
270     * r1 then r1 == r2.  Examples: "a>x" masks "ab>y".  "a>x" masks "a[b]>y".
271     * "[c]a>x" masks "[dc]a>y".
272     */
273    public boolean masks(TransliterationRule r2) {
274        /* Rule r1 masks rule r2 if the string formed of the
275         * antecontext, key, and postcontext overlaps in the following
276         * way:
277         *
278         * r1:      aakkkpppp
279         * r2:     aaakkkkkpppp
280         *            ^
281         *
282         * The strings must be aligned at the first character of the
283         * key.  The length of r1 to the left of the alignment point
284         * must be <= the length of r2 to the left; ditto for the
285         * right.  The characters of r1 must equal (or be a superset
286         * of) the corresponding characters of r2.  The superset
287         * operation should be performed to check for UnicodeSet
288         * masking.
289         *
290         * Anchors:  Two patterns that differ only in anchors only
291         * mask one another if they are exactly equal, and r2 has
292         * all the anchors r1 has (optionally, plus some).  Here Y
293         * means the row masks the column, N means it doesn't.
294         *
295         *         ab   ^ab    ab$  ^ab$
296         *   ab    Y     Y     Y     Y
297         *  ^ab    N     Y     N     Y
298         *   ab$   N     N     Y     Y
299         *  ^ab$   N     N     N     Y
300         *
301         * Post context: {a}b masks ab, but not vice versa, since {a}b
302         * matches everything ab matches, and {a}b matches {|a|}b but ab
303         * does not.  Pre context is different (a{b} does not align with
304         * ab).
305         */
307        /* LIMITATION of the current mask algorithm: Some rule
308         * maskings are currently not detected.  For example,
309         * "{Lu}]a>x" masks "A]a>y".  This can be added later. TODO
310         */
312        int len = pattern.length();
313        int left = anteContextLength;
314        int left2 = r2.anteContextLength;
315        int right = pattern.length() - left;
316        int right2 = r2.pattern.length() - left2;
318        // TODO Clean this up -- some logic might be combinable with the
319        // next statement.
321        // Test for anchor masking
322        if (left == left2 && right == right2 &&
323            keyLength <= r2.keyLength &&
324            r2.pattern.regionMatches(0, pattern, 0, len)) {
325            // The following boolean logic implements the table above
326            return (flags == r2.flags) ||
327                (!((flags & ANCHOR_START) != 0) && !((flags & ANCHOR_END) != 0)) ||
328                (((r2.flags & ANCHOR_START) != 0) && ((r2.flags & ANCHOR_END) != 0));
329        }
331        return left <= left2 &&
332            (right < right2 ||
333             (right == right2 && keyLength <= r2.keyLength)) &&
334            r2.pattern.regionMatches(left2 - left, pattern, 0, len);
335    }
337    static final int posBefore(Replaceable str, int pos) {
338        return (pos > 0) ?
339            pos - UTF16.getCharCount(str.char32At(pos-1)) :
340            pos - 1;
341    }
343    static final int posAfter(Replaceable str, int pos) {
344        return (pos >= 0 && pos < str.length()) ?
345            pos + UTF16.getCharCount(str.char32At(pos)) :
346            pos + 1;
347    }
349    /**
350     * Attempt a match and replacement at the given position.  Return
351     * the degree of match between this rule and the given text.  The
352     * degree of match may be mismatch, a partial match, or a full
353     * match.  A mismatch means at least one character of the text
354     * does not match the context or key.  A partial match means some
355     * context and key characters match, but the text is not long
356     * enough to match all of them.  A full match means all context
357     * and key characters match.
358     *
359     * If a full match is obtained, perform a replacement, update pos,
360     * and return U_MATCH.  Otherwise both text and pos are unchanged.
361     *
362     * @param text the text
363     * @param pos the position indices
364     * @param incremental if TRUE, test for partial matches that may
365     * be completed by additional text inserted at pos.limit.
366     * @return one of <code>U_MISMATCH</code>,
367     * <code>U_PARTIAL_MATCH</code>, or <code>U_MATCH</code>.  If
368     * incremental is FALSE then U_PARTIAL_MATCH will not be returned.
369     */
370    public int matchAndReplace(Replaceable text,
371                               Transliterator.Position pos,
372                               boolean incremental) {
373        // Matching and replacing are done in one method because the
374        // replacement operation needs information obtained during the
375        // match.  Another way to do this is to have the match method
376        // create a match result struct with relevant offsets, and to pass
377        // this into the replace method.
379        // ============================ MATCH ===========================
381        // Reset segment match data
382        if (segments != null) {
383            for (int i=0; i<segments.length; ++i) {
384                ((StringMatcher) segments[i]).resetMatch();
385            }
386        }
388        int keyLimit;
389        int[] intRef = new int[1];
391        // ------------------------ Ante Context ------------------------
393        // A mismatch in the ante context, or with the start anchor,
394        // is an outright U_MISMATCH regardless of whether we are
395        // incremental or not.
396        int oText; // offset into 'text'
397        int minOText;
399        // Note (1): We process text in 16-bit code units, rather than
400        // 32-bit code points.  This works because stand-ins are
401        // always in the BMP and because we are doing a literal match
402        // operation, which can be done 16-bits at a time.
404        int anteLimit = posBefore(text, pos.contextStart);
406        int match;
408        // Start reverse match at char before pos.start
409        intRef[0] = posBefore(text, pos.start);
411        if (anteContext != null) {
412            match = anteContext.matches(text, intRef, anteLimit, false);
413            if (match != UnicodeMatcher.U_MATCH) {
414                return UnicodeMatcher.U_MISMATCH;
415            }
416        }
418        oText = intRef[0];
420        minOText = posAfter(text, oText);
422        // ------------------------ Start Anchor ------------------------
424        if (((flags & ANCHOR_START) != 0) && oText != anteLimit) {
425            return UnicodeMatcher.U_MISMATCH;
426        }
428        // -------------------- Key and Post Context --------------------
430        intRef[0] = pos.start;
432        if (key != null) {
433            match = key.matches(text, intRef, pos.limit, incremental);
434            if (match != UnicodeMatcher.U_MATCH) {
435                return match;
436            }
437        }
439        keyLimit = intRef[0];
441        if (postContext != null) {
442            if (incremental && keyLimit == pos.limit) {
443                // The key matches just before pos.limit, and there is
444                // a postContext.  Since we are in incremental mode,
445                // we must assume more characters may be inserted at
446                // pos.limit -- this is a partial match.
447                return UnicodeMatcher.U_PARTIAL_MATCH;
448            }
450            match = postContext.matches(text, intRef, pos.contextLimit, incremental);
451            if (match != UnicodeMatcher.U_MATCH) {
452                return match;
453            }
454        }
456        oText = intRef[0];
458        // ------------------------- Stop Anchor ------------------------
460        if (((flags & ANCHOR_END)) != 0) {
461            if (oText != pos.contextLimit) {
462                return UnicodeMatcher.U_MISMATCH;
463            }
464            if (incremental) {
465                return UnicodeMatcher.U_PARTIAL_MATCH;
466            }
467        }
469        // =========================== REPLACE ==========================
471        // We have a full match.  The key is between pos.start and
472        // keyLimit.
474        int newLength = output.replace(text, pos.start, keyLimit, intRef);
475        int lenDelta = newLength - (keyLimit - pos.start);
476        int newStart = intRef[0];
478        oText += lenDelta;
479        pos.limit += lenDelta;
480        pos.contextLimit += lenDelta;
481        // Restrict new value of start to [minOText, min(oText, pos.limit)].
482        pos.start = Math.max(minOText, Math.min(Math.min(oText, pos.limit), newStart));
483        return UnicodeMatcher.U_MATCH;
484    }
486    /**
487     * Create a source string that represents this rule.  Append it to the
488     * given string.
489     */
490    public String toRule(boolean escapeUnprintable) {
491       // int i;
493        StringBuffer rule = new StringBuffer();
495        // Accumulate special characters (and non-specials following them)
496        // into quoteBuf.  Append quoteBuf, within single quotes, when
497        // a non-quoted element must be inserted.
498        StringBuffer quoteBuf = new StringBuffer();
500        // Do not emit the braces '{' '}' around the pattern if there
501        // is neither anteContext nor postContext.
502        boolean emitBraces =
503            (anteContext != null) || (postContext != null);
505        // Emit start anchor
506        if ((flags & ANCHOR_START) != 0) {
507            rule.append('^');
508        }
510        // Emit the input pattern
511        Utility.appendToRule(rule, anteContext, escapeUnprintable, quoteBuf);
513        if (emitBraces) {
514            Utility.appendToRule(rule, '{', true, escapeUnprintable, quoteBuf);
515        }
517        Utility.appendToRule(rule, key, escapeUnprintable, quoteBuf);
519        if (emitBraces) {
520            Utility.appendToRule(rule, '}', true, escapeUnprintable, quoteBuf);
521        }
523        Utility.appendToRule(rule, postContext, escapeUnprintable, quoteBuf);
525        // Emit end anchor
526        if ((flags & ANCHOR_END) != 0) {
527            rule.append('$');
528        }
530        Utility.appendToRule(rule, " > ", true, escapeUnprintable, quoteBuf);
532        // Emit the output pattern
534        Utility.appendToRule(rule, output.toReplacerPattern(escapeUnprintable),
535                     true, escapeUnprintable, quoteBuf);
537        Utility.appendToRule(rule, ';', true, escapeUnprintable, quoteBuf);
539        return rule.toString();
540    }
542    /**
543     * Return a string representation of this object.
544     * @return string representation of this object
545     */
546    @Override
547    public String toString() {
548        return '{' + toRule(true) + '}';
549    }
551    /**
552     * Find the source and target sets, subject to the input filter.
553     * There is a known issue with filters containing multiple characters.
554     */
555    // TODO: Problem: the rule is [{ab}]c > x
556    // The filter is [a{bc}].
557    // If the input is abc, then the rule will work.
558    // However, following code applying the filter won't catch that case.
560    void addSourceTargetSet(UnicodeSet filter, UnicodeSet sourceSet, UnicodeSet targetSet, UnicodeSet revisiting) {
561        int limit = anteContextLength + keyLength;
562        UnicodeSet tempSource = new UnicodeSet();
563        UnicodeSet temp = new UnicodeSet();
565        // We need to walk through the pattern.
566        // Iff some of the characters at ALL of the the positions are matched by the filter, then we add temp to toUnionTo
567        for (int i=anteContextLength; i<limit; ) {
568            int ch = UTF16.charAt(pattern, i);
569            i += UTF16.getCharCount(ch);
570            UnicodeMatcher matcher = data.lookupMatcher(ch);
571            if (matcher == null) {
572                if (!filter.contains(ch)) {
573                    return;
574                }
575                tempSource.add(ch);
576            } else {
577                try {
578                    if (!filter.containsSome((UnicodeSet) matcher)) {
579                        return;
580                    }
581                    matcher.addMatchSetTo(tempSource);
582                } catch (ClassCastException e) { // if the matcher is not a UnicodeSet
583                    temp.clear();
584                    matcher.addMatchSetTo(temp);
585                    if (!filter.containsSome(temp)) {
586                        return;
587                    }
588                    tempSource.addAll(temp);
589                }
590            }
591        }
592        // if we made our way through the gauntlet, add to source/target
593        sourceSet.addAll(tempSource);
594        output.addReplacementSetTo(targetSet);
595    }