1// © 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
2// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html
5* Copyright (c) 2003-2014, International Business Machines
6* Corporation and others.  All Rights Reserved.
8* Author: Alan Liu
9* Created: July 10 2003
10* Since: ICU 2.8
13#include "tzfile.h" // from Olson tzcode archive, copied to this dir
15#ifdef WIN32
17 #include <windows.h>
18 #undef min // windows.h/STL conflict
19 #undef max // windows.h/STL conflict
20 // "identifier was truncated to 'number' characters" warning
21 #pragma warning(disable: 4786)
25 #include <unistd.h>
26 #include <stdio.h>
27 #include <dirent.h>
28 #include <string.h>
29 #include <sys/stat.h>
33#include <algorithm>
34#include <cassert>
35#include <ctime>
36#include <fstream>
37#include <iomanip>
38#include <iostream>
39#include <iterator>
40#include <limits>
41#include <map>
42#include <set>
43#include <sstream>
44#include <sstream>
45#include <stdexcept>
46#include <string>
47#include <vector>
49#include "tz2icu.h"
50#include "unicode/uversion.h"
52using namespace std;
54bool ICU44PLUS = TRUE;
58// Time utilities
61const int64_t SECS_PER_YEAR      = 31536000; // 365 days
62const int64_t SECS_PER_LEAP_YEAR = 31622400; // 366 days
63const int64_t LOWEST_TIME32    = (int64_t)((int32_t)0x80000000);
64const int64_t HIGHEST_TIME32    = (int64_t)((int32_t)0x7fffffff);
66bool isLeap(int32_t y) {
67    return (y%4 == 0) && ((y%100 != 0) || (y%400 == 0)); // Gregorian
70int64_t secsPerYear(int32_t y) {
71    return isLeap(y) ? SECS_PER_LEAP_YEAR : SECS_PER_YEAR;
75 * Given a calendar year, return the GMT epoch seconds for midnight
76 * GMT of January 1 of that year.  yearToSeconds(1970) == 0.
77 */
78int64_t yearToSeconds(int32_t year) {
79    // inefficient but foolproof
80    int64_t s = 0;
81    int32_t y = 1970;
82    while (y < year) {
83        s += secsPerYear(y++);
84    }
85    while (y > year) {
86        s -= secsPerYear(--y);
87    }
88    return s;
92 * Given 1970 GMT epoch seconds, return the calendar year containing
93 * that time.  secondsToYear(0) == 1970.
94 */
95int32_t secondsToYear(int64_t seconds) {
96    // inefficient but foolproof
97    int32_t y = 1970;
98    int64_t s = 0;
99    if (seconds >= 0) {
100        for (;;) {
101            s += secsPerYear(y++);
102            if (s > seconds) break;
103        }
104        --y;
105    } else {
106        for (;;) {
107            s -= secsPerYear(--y);
108            if (s <= seconds) break;
109        }
110    }
111    return y;
115// Types
118struct FinalZone;
119struct FinalRule;
120struct SimplifiedZoneType;
122// A transition from one ZoneType to another
123// Minimal size = 5 bytes (4+1)
124struct Transition {
125    int64_t time;  // seconds, 1970 epoch
126    int32_t  type;  // index into 'ZoneInfo.types' 0..255
127    Transition(int64_t _time, int32_t _type) {
128        time = _time;
129        type = _type;
130    }
133// A behavior mode (what zic calls a 'type') of a time zone.
134// Minimal size = 6 bytes (4+1+3bits)
135// SEE: SimplifiedZoneType
136struct ZoneType {
137    int64_t rawoffset; // raw seconds offset from GMT
138    int64_t dstoffset; // dst seconds offset from GMT
140    // We don't really need any of the following, but they are
141    // retained for possible future use.  See SimplifiedZoneType.
142    int32_t  abbr;      // index into ZoneInfo.abbrs 0..n-1
143    bool isdst;
144    bool isstd;
145    bool isgmt;
147    ZoneType(const SimplifiedZoneType&); // used by optimizeTypeList
149    ZoneType() : rawoffset(-1), dstoffset(-1), abbr(-1) {}
151    // A restricted equality, of just the raw and dst offset
152    bool matches(const ZoneType& other) {
153        return rawoffset == other.rawoffset &&
154            dstoffset == other.dstoffset;
155    }
158// A collection of transitions from one ZoneType to another, together
159// with a list of the ZoneTypes.  A ZoneInfo object may have a long
160// list of transitions between a smaller list of ZoneTypes.
162// This object represents the contents of a single zic-created
163// zoneinfo file.
164struct ZoneInfo {
165    vector<Transition> transitions;
166    vector<ZoneType>   types;
167    vector<string>     abbrs;
169    string finalRuleID;
170    int32_t finalOffset;
171    int32_t finalYear; // -1 if none
173    // If this is an alias, then all other fields are meaningless, and
174    // this field will point to the "real" zone 0..n-1.
175    int32_t aliasTo; // -1 if this is a "real" zone
177    // If there are aliases TO this zone, then the following set will
178    // contain their index numbers (each index >= 0).
179    set<int32_t> aliases;
181    ZoneInfo() : finalYear(-1), aliasTo(-1) {}
183    void mergeFinalData(const FinalZone& fz);
185    void optimizeTypeList();
187    // Set this zone to be an alias TO another zone.
188    void setAliasTo(int32_t index);
190    // Clear the list of aliases OF this zone.
191    void clearAliases();
193    // Add an alias to the list of aliases OF this zone.
194    void addAlias(int32_t index);
196    // Is this an alias to another zone?
197    bool isAlias() const {
198        return aliasTo >= 0;
199    }
201    // Retrieve alias list
202    const set<int32_t>& getAliases() const {
203        return aliases;
204    }
206    void print(ostream& os, const string& id) const;
209void ZoneInfo::clearAliases() {
210    assert(aliasTo < 0);
211    aliases.clear();
214void ZoneInfo::addAlias(int32_t index) {
215    assert(aliasTo < 0 && index >= 0 && aliases.find(index) == aliases.end());
216    aliases.insert(index);
219void ZoneInfo::setAliasTo(int32_t index) {
220    assert(index >= 0);
221    assert(aliases.size() == 0);
222    aliasTo = index;
225typedef map<string, ZoneInfo> ZoneMap;
227typedef ZoneMap::const_iterator ZoneMapIter;
233// Global map holding all our ZoneInfo objects, indexed by id.
234ZoneMap ZONEINFO;
237// zoneinfo file parsing
240// Read zic-coded 32-bit integer from file
241int64_t readcoded(ifstream& file, int64_t minv=numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
242                               int64_t maxv=numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
243    unsigned char buf[4]; // must be UNSIGNED
244    int64_t val=0;
245    file.read((char*)buf, 4);
246    for(int32_t i=0,shift=24;i<4;++i,shift-=8) {
247        val |= buf[i] << shift;
248    }
249    if (val < minv || val > maxv) {
250        ostringstream os;
251        os << "coded value out-of-range: " << val << ", expected ["
252           << minv << ", " << maxv << "]";
253        throw out_of_range(os.str());
254    }
255    return val;
258// Read zic-coded 64-bit integer from file
259int64_t readcoded64(ifstream& file, int64_t minv=numeric_limits<int64_t>::min(),
260                               int64_t maxv=numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()) {
261    unsigned char buf[8]; // must be UNSIGNED
262    int64_t val=0;
263    file.read((char*)buf, 8);
264    for(int32_t i=0,shift=56;i<8;++i,shift-=8) {
265        val |= (int64_t)buf[i] << shift;
266    }
267    if (val < minv || val > maxv) {
268        ostringstream os;
269        os << "coded value out-of-range: " << val << ", expected ["
270           << minv << ", " << maxv << "]";
271        throw out_of_range(os.str());
272    }
273    return val;
276// Read a boolean value
277bool readbool(ifstream& file) {
278    char c;
279    file.read(&c, 1);
280    if (c!=0 && c!=1) {
281        ostringstream os;
282        os << "boolean value out-of-range: " << (int32_t)c;
283        throw out_of_range(os.str());
284    }
285    return (c!=0);
289 * Read the zoneinfo file structure (see tzfile.h) into a ZoneInfo
290 * @param file an already-open file stream
291 */
292void readzoneinfo(ifstream& file, ZoneInfo& info, bool is64bitData) {
293    int32_t i;
295    // Check for TZ_ICU_MAGIC signature at file start.  If we get a
296    // signature mismatch, it means we're trying to read a file which
297    // isn't a ICU-modified-zic-created zoneinfo file.  Typically this
298    // means the user is passing in a "normal" zoneinfo directory, or
299    // a zoneinfo directory that is polluted with other files, or that
300    // the user passed in the wrong directory.
301    char buf[32];
302    file.read(buf, 4);
303    if (strncmp(buf, TZ_ICU_MAGIC, 4) != 0) {
304        throw invalid_argument("TZ_ICU_MAGIC signature missing");
305    }
306    // skip additional Olson byte version
307    file.read(buf, 1);
308    // if '\0', we have just one copy of data, if '2' or '3', there is additional
309    // 64 bit version at the end.
310    if(buf[0]!=0 && buf[0]!='2' && buf[0]!='3') {
311      throw invalid_argument("Bad Olson version info");
312    }
314    // Read reserved bytes.  The first of these will be a version byte.
315    file.read(buf, 15);
316    if (*(ICUZoneinfoVersion*)&buf != TZ_ICU_VERSION) {
317        throw invalid_argument("File version mismatch");
318    }
320    // Read array sizes
321    int64_t isgmtcnt = readcoded(file, 0);
322    int64_t isdstcnt = readcoded(file, 0);
323    int64_t leapcnt  = readcoded(file, 0);
324    int64_t timecnt  = readcoded(file, 0);
325    int64_t typecnt  = readcoded(file, 0);
326    int64_t charcnt  = readcoded(file, 0);
328    // Confirm sizes that we assume to be equal.  These assumptions
329    // are drawn from a reading of the zic source (2003a), so they
330    // should hold unless the zic source changes.
331    if (isgmtcnt != typecnt || isdstcnt != typecnt) {
332        throw invalid_argument("count mismatch between tzh_ttisgmtcnt, tzh_ttisdstcnt, tth_typecnt");
333    }
335    // Used temporarily to store transition times and types.  We need
336    // to do this because the times and types are stored in two
337    // separate arrays.
338    vector<int64_t> transitionTimes(timecnt, -1); // temporary
339    vector<int32_t>  transitionTypes(timecnt, -1); // temporary
341    // Read transition times
342    for (i=0; i<timecnt; ++i) {
343        if (is64bitData) {
344            transitionTimes[i] = readcoded64(file);
345        } else {
346            transitionTimes[i] = readcoded(file);
347        }
348    }
350    // Read transition types
351    for (i=0; i<timecnt; ++i) {
352        unsigned char c;
353        file.read((char*) &c, 1);
354        int32_t t = (int32_t) c;
355        if (t < 0 || t >= typecnt) {
356            ostringstream os;
357            os << "illegal type: " << t << ", expected [0, " << (typecnt-1) << "]";
358            throw out_of_range(os.str());
359        }
360        transitionTypes[i] = t;
361    }
363    // Build transitions vector out of corresponding times and types.
364    bool insertInitial = false;
365    if (is64bitData && !ICU44PLUS) {
366        if (timecnt > 0) {
367            int32_t minidx = -1;
368            for (i=0; i<timecnt; ++i) {
369                if (transitionTimes[i] < LOWEST_TIME32) {
370                    if (minidx == -1 || transitionTimes[i] > transitionTimes[minidx]) {
371                        // Preserve the latest transition before the 32bit minimum time
372                        minidx = i;
373                    }
374                } else if (transitionTimes[i] > HIGHEST_TIME32) {
375                    // Skipping the rest of the transition data.  We cannot put such
376                    // transitions into zoneinfo.res, because data is limited to singed
377                    // 32bit int by the ICU resource bundle.
378                    break;
379                } else {
380                    info.transitions.push_back(Transition(transitionTimes[i], transitionTypes[i]));
381                }
382            }
384            if (minidx != -1) {
385                // If there are any transitions before the 32bit minimum time,
386                // put the type information with the 32bit minimum time
387                vector<Transition>::iterator itr = info.transitions.begin();
388                info.transitions.insert(itr, Transition(LOWEST_TIME32, transitionTypes[minidx]));
389            } else {
390                // Otherwise, we need insert the initial type later
391                insertInitial = true;
392            }
393        }
394    } else {
395        for (i=0; i<timecnt; ++i) {
396            info.transitions.push_back(Transition(transitionTimes[i], transitionTypes[i]));
397        }
398    }
400    // Read types (except for the isdst and isgmt flags, which come later (why??))
401    for (i=0; i<typecnt; ++i) {
402        ZoneType type;
404        type.rawoffset = readcoded(file);
405        type.dstoffset = readcoded(file);
406        type.isdst = readbool(file);
408        unsigned char c;
409        file.read((char*) &c, 1);
410        type.abbr = (int32_t) c;
412        if (type.isdst != (type.dstoffset != 0)) {
413            throw invalid_argument("isdst does not reflect dstoffset");
414        }
416        info.types.push_back(type);
417    }
419    assert(info.types.size() == (unsigned) typecnt);
421    if (insertInitial) {
422        assert(timecnt > 0);
423        assert(typecnt > 0);
425        int32_t initialTypeIdx = -1;
427        // Check if the first type is not dst
428        if (info.types.at(0).dstoffset != 0) {
429            // Initial type's rawoffset is same with the rawoffset after the
430            // first transition, but no DST is observed.
431            int64_t rawoffset0 = (info.types.at(info.transitions.at(0).type)).rawoffset;
432            // Look for matching type
433            for (i=0; i<(int32_t)info.types.size(); ++i) {
434                if (info.types.at(i).rawoffset == rawoffset0
435                        && info.types.at(i).dstoffset == 0) {
436                    initialTypeIdx = i;
437                    break;
438                }
439            }
440        } else {
441            initialTypeIdx = 0;
442        }
443        assert(initialTypeIdx >= 0);
444        // Add the initial type associated with the lowest int32 time
445        vector<Transition>::iterator itr = info.transitions.begin();
446        info.transitions.insert(itr, Transition(LOWEST_TIME32, initialTypeIdx));
447    }
450    // Read the abbreviation string
451    if (charcnt) {
452        // All abbreviations are concatenated together, with a 0 at
453        // the end of each abbr.
454        char* str = new char[charcnt + 8];
455        file.read(str, charcnt);
457        // Split abbreviations apart into individual strings.  Record
458        // offset of each abbr in a vector.
459        vector<int32_t> abbroffset;
460        char *limit=str+charcnt;
461        for (char* p=str; p<limit; ++p) {
462            char* start = p;
463            while (*p != 0) ++p;
464            info.abbrs.push_back(string(start, p-start));
465            abbroffset.push_back(start-str);
466        }
468        // Remap all the abbrs.  Old value is offset into concatenated
469        // raw abbr strings.  New value is index into vector of
470        // strings.  E.g., 0,5,10,14 => 0,1,2,3.
472        // Keep track of which abbreviations get used.
473        vector<bool> abbrseen(abbroffset.size(), false);
475        for (vector<ZoneType>::iterator it=info.types.begin();
476             it!=info.types.end();
477             ++it) {
478            vector<int32_t>::const_iterator x=
479                find(abbroffset.begin(), abbroffset.end(), it->abbr);
480            if (x==abbroffset.end()) {
481                // TODO: Modify code to add a new string to the end of
482                // the abbr list when a middle offset is given, e.g.,
483                // "abc*def*" where * == '\0', take offset of 1 and
484                // make the array "abc", "def", "bc", and translate 1
485                // => 2.  NOT CRITICAL since we don't even use the
486                // abbr at this time.
487#if 0
488                // TODO: Re-enable this warning if we start using
489                // the Olson abbr data, or if the above TODO is completed.
490                ostringstream os;
491                os << "Warning: unusual abbr offset " << it->abbr
492                   << ", expected one of";
493                for (vector<int32_t>::const_iterator y=abbroffset.begin();
494                     y!=abbroffset.end(); ++y) {
495                    os << ' ' << *y;
496                }
497                cerr << os.str() << "; using 0" << endl;
499                it->abbr = 0;
500            } else {
501                int32_t index = x - abbroffset.begin();
502                it->abbr = index;
503                abbrseen[index] = true;
504            }
505        }
507        for (int32_t ii=0;ii<(int32_t) abbrseen.size();++ii) {
508            if (!abbrseen[ii]) {
509                cerr << "Warning: unused abbreviation: " << ii << endl;
510            }
511        }
512    }
514    // Read leap second info, if any.
515    // *** We discard leap second data. ***
516    for (i=0; i<leapcnt; ++i) {
517        readcoded(file); // transition time
518        readcoded(file); // total correction after above
519    }
521    // Read isstd flags
522    for (i=0; i<typecnt; ++i) info.types[i].isstd = readbool(file);
524    // Read isgmt flags
525    for (i=0; i<typecnt; ++i) info.types[i].isgmt = readbool(file);
529// Directory and file reading
533 * Process a single zoneinfo file, adding the data to ZONEINFO
534 * @param path the full path to the file, e.g., ".\zoneinfo\America\Los_Angeles"
535 * @param id the zone ID, e.g., "America/Los_Angeles"
536 */
537void handleFile(string path, string id) {
538    // Check for duplicate id
539    if (ZONEINFO.find(id) != ZONEINFO.end()) {
540        ostringstream os;
541        os << "duplicate zone ID: " << id;
542        throw invalid_argument(os.str());
543    }
545    ifstream file(path.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary);
546    if (!file) {
547        throw invalid_argument("can't open file");
548    }
550    // eat 32bit data part
551    ZoneInfo info;
552    readzoneinfo(file, info, false);
554    // Check for errors
555    if (!file) {
556        throw invalid_argument("read error");
557    }
559    // we only use 64bit part
560    ZoneInfo info64;
561    readzoneinfo(file, info64, true);
563    bool alldone = false;
564    int64_t eofPos = (int64_t) file.tellg();
566    // '\n' + <envvar string> + '\n' after the 64bit version data
567    char ch = file.get();
568    if (ch == 0x0a) {
569        bool invalidchar = false;
570        while (file.get(ch)) {
571            if (ch == 0x0a) {
572                break;
573            }
574            if (ch < 0x20) {
575                // must be printable ascii
576                invalidchar = true;
577                break;
578            }
579        }
580        if (!invalidchar) {
581            eofPos = (int64_t) file.tellg();
582            file.seekg(0, ios::end);
583            eofPos = eofPos - (int64_t) file.tellg();
584            if (eofPos == 0) {
585                alldone = true;
586            }
587        }
588    }
589    if (!alldone) {
590        ostringstream os;
591        os << (-eofPos) << " unprocessed bytes at end";
592        throw invalid_argument(os.str());
593    }
595    ZONEINFO[id] = info64;
599 * Recursively scan the given directory, calling handleFile() for each
600 * file in the tree.  The user should call with the root directory and
601 * a prefix of "".  The function will call itself with non-empty
602 * prefix values.
603 */
604#ifdef WIN32
606void scandir(string dirname, string prefix="") {
607    HANDLE          hList;
608    WIN32_FIND_DATA FileData;
610    // Get the first file
611    hList = FindFirstFile((dirname + "\\*").c_str(), &FileData);
612    if (hList == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
613        cerr << "Error: Invalid directory: " << dirname << endl;
614        exit(1);
615    }
616    for (;;) {
617        string name(FileData.cFileName);
618        string path(dirname + "\\" + name);
619        if (FileData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
620            if (name != "." && name != "..") {
621                scandir(path, prefix + name + "/");
622            }
623        } else {
624            try {
625                string id = prefix + name;
626                handleFile(path, id);
627            } catch (const exception& e) {
628                cerr << "Error: While processing \"" << path << "\", "
629                     << e.what() << endl;
630                exit(1);
631            }
632        }
634        if (!FindNextFile(hList, &FileData)) {
635            if (GetLastError() == ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) {
636                break;
637            } // else...?
638        }
639    }
640    FindClose(hList);
645void scandir(string dir, string prefix="") {
646    DIR *dp;
647    struct dirent *dir_entry;
648    struct stat stat_info;
649    char pwd[512];
650    vector<string> subdirs;
651    vector<string> subfiles;
653    if ((dp = opendir(dir.c_str())) == NULL) {
654        cerr << "Error: Invalid directory: " << dir << endl;
655        exit(1);
656    }
657    if (!getcwd(pwd, sizeof(pwd))) {
658        cerr << "Error: Directory name too long" << endl;
659        exit(1);
660    }
661    chdir(dir.c_str());
662    while ((dir_entry = readdir(dp)) != NULL) {
663        string name = dir_entry->d_name;
664        string path = dir + "/" + name;
665        lstat(dir_entry->d_name,&stat_info);
666        if (S_ISDIR(stat_info.st_mode)) {
667            if (name != "." && name != "..") {
668                subdirs.push_back(path);
669                subdirs.push_back(prefix + name + "/");
670                // scandir(path, prefix + name + "/");
671            }
672        } else {
673            try {
674                string id = prefix + name;
675                subfiles.push_back(path);
676                subfiles.push_back(id);
677                // handleFile(path, id);
678            } catch (const exception& e) {
679                cerr << "Error: While processing \"" << path << "\", "
680                     << e.what() << endl;
681                exit(1);
682            }
683        }
684    }
685    closedir(dp);
686    chdir(pwd);
688    for(int32_t i=0;i<(int32_t)subfiles.size();i+=2) {
689        try {
690            handleFile(subfiles[i], subfiles[i+1]);
691        } catch (const exception& e) {
692            cerr << "Error: While processing \"" << subfiles[i] << "\", "
693                 << e.what() << endl;
694            exit(1);
695        }
696    }
697    for(int32_t i=0;i<(int32_t)subdirs.size();i+=2) {
698        scandir(subdirs[i], subdirs[i+1]);
699    }
705// Final zone and rule info
709 * Read and discard the current line.
710 */
711void consumeLine(istream& in) {
712    int32_t c;
713    do {
714        c = in.get();
715    } while (c != EOF && c != '\n');
718enum {
719    DOM = 0,
720    DOWGEQ = 1,
721    DOWLEQ = 2
724const char* TIME_MODE[] = {"w", "s", "u"};
726// Allow 29 days in February because zic outputs February 29
727// for rules like "last Sunday in February".
728const int32_t MONTH_LEN[] = {31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
730const int32_t HOUR = 3600;
732struct FinalZone {
733    int32_t offset; // raw offset
734    int32_t year; // takes effect for y >= year
735    string ruleid;
736    set<string> aliases;
737    FinalZone(int32_t _offset, int32_t _year, const string& _ruleid) :
738        offset(_offset), year(_year), ruleid(_ruleid)  {
739        if (offset <= -16*HOUR || offset >= 16*HOUR) {
740            ostringstream os;
741            os << "Invalid input offset " << offset
742               << " for year " << year
743               << " and rule ID " << ruleid;
744            throw invalid_argument(os.str());
745        }
746        if (year < 1900) {
747            ostringstream os;
748            os << "Invalid input year " << year
749               << " with offset " << offset
750               << " and rule ID " << ruleid;
751            throw invalid_argument(os.str());
752        }
753    }
754    FinalZone() : offset(-1), year(-1) {}
755    void addLink(const string& alias) {
756        if (aliases.find(alias) != aliases.end()) {
757            ostringstream os;
758            os << "Duplicate alias " << alias;
759            throw invalid_argument(os.str());
760        }
761        aliases.insert(alias);
762    }
765struct FinalRulePart {
766    int32_t mode;
767    int32_t month;
768    int32_t dom;
769    int32_t dow;
770    int32_t time;
771    int32_t offset; // dst offset, usually either 0 or 1:00
773    // Isstd and isgmt only have 3 valid states, corresponding to local
774    // wall time, local standard time, and GMT standard time.
775    // Here is how the isstd & isgmt flags are set by zic:
776    //| case 's':       /* Standard */
777    //|         rp->r_todisstd = TRUE;
778    //|         rp->r_todisgmt = FALSE;
779    //| case 'w':       /* Wall */
780    //|         rp->r_todisstd = FALSE;
781    //|         rp->r_todisgmt = FALSE;
782    //| case 'g':       /* Greenwich */
783    //| case 'u':       /* Universal */
784    //| case 'z':       /* Zulu */
785    //|         rp->r_todisstd = TRUE;
786    //|         rp->r_todisgmt = TRUE;
787    bool isstd;
788    bool isgmt;
790    bool isset; // used during building; later ignored
792    FinalRulePart() : isset(false) {}
793    void set(const string& id,
794             const string& _mode,
795             int32_t _month,
796             int32_t _dom,
797             int32_t _dow,
798             int32_t _time,
799             bool _isstd,
800             bool _isgmt,
801             int32_t _offset) {
802        if (isset) {
803            throw invalid_argument("FinalRulePart set twice");
804        }
805        isset = true;
806        if (_mode == "DOWLEQ") {
807            mode = DOWLEQ;
808        } else if (_mode == "DOWGEQ") {
809            mode = DOWGEQ;
810        } else if (_mode == "DOM") {
811            mode = DOM;
812        } else {
813            throw invalid_argument("Unrecognized FinalRulePart mode");
814        }
815        month = _month;
816        dom = _dom;
817        dow = _dow;
818        time = _time;
819        isstd = _isstd;
820        isgmt = _isgmt;
821        offset = _offset;
823        ostringstream os;
824        if (month < 0 || month >= 12) {
825            os << "Invalid input month " << month;
826        }
827        if (dom < 1 || dom > MONTH_LEN[month]) {
828            os << "Invalid input day of month " << dom;
829        }
830        if (mode != DOM && (dow < 0 || dow >= 7)) {
831            os << "Invalid input day of week " << dow;
832        }
833        if (offset < (-1 * HOUR) || offset > (2 * HOUR)) {
834            os << "Invalid input offset " << offset;
835        }
836        if (isgmt && !isstd) {
837            os << "Invalid input isgmt && !isstd";
838        }
839        if (!os.str().empty()) {
840            os << " for rule "
841               << id
842               << _mode
843               << month << dom << dow << time
844               << isstd << isgmt
845               << offset;
846            throw invalid_argument(os.str());
847        }
848    }
850    /**
851     * Return the time mode as an ICU SimpleTimeZone int from 0..2;
852     * see simpletz.h.
853     */
854    int32_t timemode() const {
855        if (isgmt) {
856            assert(isstd);
857            return 2; // gmt standard
858        }
859        if (isstd) {
860            return 1; // local standard
861        }
862        return 0; // local wall
863    }
865    // The SimpleTimeZone encoding method for rules is as follows:
866    //          stz_dowim  stz_dow
867    // DOM:     dom        0
868    // DOWGEQ:  dom        -(dow+1)
869    // DOWLEQ:  -dom       -(dow+1)
870    // E.g., to encode Mon>=7, use stz_dowim=7, stz_dow=-2
871    //       to encode Mon<=7, use stz_dowim=-7, stz_dow=-2
872    //       to encode 7, use stz_dowim=7, stz_dow=0
873    // Note that for this program and for SimpleTimeZone, 0==Jan,
874    // but for this program 0==Sun while for SimpleTimeZone 1==Sun.
876    /**
877     * Return a "dowim" param suitable for SimpleTimeZone.
878     */
879    int32_t stz_dowim() const {
880        return (mode == DOWLEQ) ? -dom : dom;
881    }
883    /**
884     * Return a "dow" param suitable for SimpleTimeZone.
885     */
886    int32_t stz_dow() const {
887        return (mode == DOM) ? 0 : -(dow+1);
888    }
891struct FinalRule {
892    FinalRulePart part[2];
894    bool isset() const {
895        return part[0].isset && part[1].isset;
896    }
898    void print(ostream& os) const;
901map<string,FinalZone> finalZones;
902map<string,FinalRule> finalRules;
904map<string, set<string> > links;
905map<string, string> reverseLinks;
908 * Predicate used to find FinalRule objects that do not have both
909 * sub-parts set (indicating an error in the input file).
910 */
911bool isNotSet(const pair<const string,FinalRule>& p) {
912    return !p.second.isset();
916 * Predicate used to find FinalZone objects that do not map to a known
917 * rule (indicating an error in the input file).
918 */
919bool mapsToUnknownRule(const pair<const string,FinalZone>& p) {
920    return finalRules.find(p.second.ruleid) == finalRules.end();
924 * This set is used to make sure each rule in finalRules is used at
925 * least once.  First we populate it with all the rules from
926 * finalRules; then we remove all the rules referred to in
927 * finaleZones.
928 */
929set<string> ruleIDset;
931void insertRuleID(const pair<string,FinalRule>& p) {
932    ruleIDset.insert(p.first);
935void eraseRuleID(const pair<string,FinalZone>& p) {
936    ruleIDset.erase(p.second.ruleid);
940 * Populate finalZones and finalRules from the given istream.
941 */
942void readFinalZonesAndRules(istream& in) {
944    for (;;) {
945        string token;
946        in >> token;
947        if (in.eof() || !in) {
948            break;
949        } else if (token == "zone") {
950            // zone Africa/Cairo 7200 1995 Egypt # zone Africa/Cairo, offset 7200, year >= 1995, rule Egypt (0)
951            string id, ruleid;
952            int32_t offset, year;
953            in >> id >> offset >> year >> ruleid;
954            consumeLine(in);
955            finalZones[id] = FinalZone(offset, year, ruleid);
956        } else if (token == "rule") {
957            // rule US DOWGEQ 3 1 0 7200 0 0 3600 # 52: US, file data/northamerica, line 119, mode DOWGEQ, April, dom 1, Sunday, time 7200, isstd 0, isgmt 0, offset 3600
958            // rule US DOWLEQ 9 31 0 7200 0 0 0 # 53: US, file data/northamerica, line 114, mode DOWLEQ, October, dom 31, Sunday, time 7200, isstd 0, isgmt 0, offset 0
959            string id, mode;
960            int32_t month, dom, dow, time, offset;
961            bool isstd, isgmt;
962            in >> id >> mode >> month >> dom >> dow >> time >> isstd >> isgmt >> offset;
963            consumeLine(in);
964            FinalRule& fr = finalRules[id];
965            int32_t p = fr.part[0].isset ? 1 : 0;
966            fr.part[p].set(id, mode, month, dom, dow, time, isstd, isgmt, offset);
967        } else if (token == "link") {
968            string fromid, toid; // fromid == "real" zone, toid == alias
969            in >> fromid >> toid;
970            // DO NOT consumeLine(in);
971            if (finalZones.find(toid) != finalZones.end()) {
972                throw invalid_argument("Bad link: `to' id is a \"real\" zone");
973            }
975            links[fromid].insert(toid);
976            reverseLinks[toid] = fromid;
977        } else if (token.length() > 0 && token[0] == '#') {
978            consumeLine(in);
979        } else {
980            throw invalid_argument("Unrecognized keyword");
981        }
982    }
984    if (!in.eof() && !in) {
985        throw invalid_argument("Parse failure");
986    }
988    // Perform validity check: Each rule should have data for 2 parts.
989    if (count_if(finalRules.begin(), finalRules.end(), isNotSet) != 0) {
990        throw invalid_argument("One or more incomplete rule pairs");
991    }
993    // Perform validity check: Each zone should map to a known rule.
994    if (count_if(finalZones.begin(), finalZones.end(), mapsToUnknownRule) != 0) {
995        throw invalid_argument("One or more zones refers to an unknown rule");
996    }
998    // Perform validity check: Each rule should be referred to by a zone.
999    ruleIDset.clear();
1000    for_each(finalRules.begin(), finalRules.end(), insertRuleID);
1001    for_each(finalZones.begin(), finalZones.end(), eraseRuleID);
1002    if (ruleIDset.size() != 0) {
1003        throw invalid_argument("Unused rules");
1004    }
1008// Resource bundle output
1013void ZoneInfo::print(ostream& os, const string& id) const {
1014    // Implement compressed format #2:
1015  os << "  /* " << id << " */ ";
1017    if (aliasTo >= 0) {
1018        assert(aliases.size() == 0);
1019        os << ":int { " << aliasTo << " } "; // No endl - save room for comment.
1020        return;
1021    }
1023    if (ICU44PLUS) {
1024        os << ":table {" << endl;
1025    } else {
1026        os << ":array {" << endl;
1027    }
1029    vector<Transition>::const_iterator trn;
1030    vector<ZoneType>::const_iterator typ;
1032    bool first;
1034    if (ICU44PLUS) {
1035        trn = transitions.begin();
1037        // pre 32bit transitions
1038        if (trn != transitions.end() && trn->time < LOWEST_TIME32) {
1039            os << "    transPre32:intvector { ";
1040            for (first = true; trn != transitions.end() && trn->time < LOWEST_TIME32; ++trn) {
1041                if (!first) {
1042                    os<< ", ";
1043                }
1044                first = false;
1045                os << (int32_t)(trn->time >> 32) << ", " << (int32_t)(trn->time & 0x00000000ffffffff);
1046            }
1047            os << " }" << endl;
1048        }
1050        // 32bit transtions
1051        if (trn != transitions.end() && trn->time < HIGHEST_TIME32) {
1052            os << "    trans:intvector { ";
1053            for (first = true; trn != transitions.end() && trn->time < HIGHEST_TIME32; ++trn) {
1054                if (!first) {
1055                    os << ", ";
1056                }
1057                first = false;
1058                os << trn->time;
1059            }
1060            os << " }" << endl;
1061        }
1063        // post 32bit transitons
1064        if (trn != transitions.end()) {
1065            os << "    transPost32:intvector { ";
1066            for (first = true; trn != transitions.end(); ++trn) {
1067                if (!first) {
1068                    os<< ", ";
1069                }
1070                first = false;
1071                os << (int32_t)(trn->time >> 32) << ", " << (int32_t)(trn->time & 0x00000000ffffffff);
1072            }
1073            os << " }" << endl;
1074        }
1075    } else {
1076        os << "    :intvector { ";
1077        for (trn = transitions.begin(), first = true; trn != transitions.end(); ++trn) {
1078            if (!first) os << ", ";
1079            first = false;
1080            os << trn->time;
1081        }
1082        os << " }" << endl;
1083    }
1086    first=true;
1087    if (ICU44PLUS) {
1088        os << "    typeOffsets:intvector { ";
1089    } else {
1090        os << "    :intvector { ";
1091    }
1092    for (typ = types.begin(); typ != types.end(); ++typ) {
1093        if (!first) os << ", ";
1094        first = false;
1095        os << typ->rawoffset << ", " << typ->dstoffset;
1096    }
1097    os << " }" << endl;
1099    if (ICU44PLUS) {
1100        if (transitions.size() != 0) {
1101            os << "    typeMap:bin { \"" << hex << setfill('0');
1102            for (trn = transitions.begin(); trn != transitions.end(); ++trn) {
1103                os << setw(2) << trn->type;
1104            }
1105            os << dec << "\" }" << endl;
1106        }
1107    } else {
1108        os << "    :bin { \"" << hex << setfill('0');
1109        for (trn = transitions.begin(); trn != transitions.end(); ++trn) {
1110            os << setw(2) << trn->type;
1111        }
1112        os << dec << "\" }" << endl;
1113    }
1115    // Final zone info, if any
1116    if (finalYear != -1) {
1117        if (ICU44PLUS) {
1118            os << "    finalRule { \"" << finalRuleID << "\" }" << endl;
1119            os << "    finalRaw:int { " << finalOffset << " }" << endl;
1120            os << "    finalYear:int { " << finalYear << " }" << endl;
1121        } else {
1122            os << "    \"" << finalRuleID << "\"" << endl;
1123            os << "    :intvector { " << finalOffset << ", "
1124               << finalYear << " }" << endl;
1125        }
1126    }
1128    // Alias list, if any
1129    if (aliases.size() != 0) {
1130        first = true;
1131        if (ICU44PLUS) {
1132            os << "    links:intvector { ";
1133        } else {
1134            os << "    :intvector { ";
1135        }
1136        for (set<int32_t>::const_iterator i=aliases.begin(); i!=aliases.end(); ++i) {
1137            if (!first) os << ", ";
1138            first = false;
1139            os << *i;
1140        }
1141        os << " }" << endl;
1142    }
1144    os << "  } "; // no trailing 'endl', so comments can be placed.
1147inline ostream&
1148operator<<(ostream& os, const ZoneMap& zoneinfo) {
1149    int32_t c = 0;
1150    for (ZoneMapIter it = zoneinfo.begin();
1151         it != zoneinfo.end();
1152         ++it) {
1153        if(c && !ICU44PLUS)  os << ",";
1154        it->second.print(os, it->first);
1155        os << "//Z#" << c++ << endl;
1156    }
1157    return os;
1160// print the string list
1161ostream& printStringList( ostream& os, const ZoneMap& zoneinfo) {
1162  int32_t n = 0; // count
1163  int32_t col = 0; // column
1164  os << " Names {" << endl
1165     << "    ";
1166  for (ZoneMapIter it = zoneinfo.begin();
1167       it != zoneinfo.end();
1168       ++it) {
1169    if(n) {
1170      os << ",";
1171      col ++;
1172    }
1173    const string& id = it->first;
1174    os << "\"" << id << "\"";
1175    col += id.length() + 2;
1176    if(col >= 50) {
1177      os << " // " << n << endl
1178         << "    ";
1179      col = 0;
1180    }
1181    n++;
1182  }
1183  os << " // " << (n-1) << endl
1184     << " }" << endl;
1186  return os;
1190// main
1193// Unary predicate for finding transitions after a given time
1194bool isAfter(const Transition t, int64_t thresh) {
1195    return t.time >= thresh;
1199 * A zone type that contains only the raw and dst offset.  Used by the
1200 * optimizeTypeList() method.
1201 */
1202struct SimplifiedZoneType {
1203    int64_t rawoffset;
1204    int64_t dstoffset;
1205    SimplifiedZoneType() : rawoffset(-1), dstoffset(-1) {}
1206    SimplifiedZoneType(const ZoneType& t) : rawoffset(t.rawoffset),
1207                                            dstoffset(t.dstoffset) {}
1208    bool operator<(const SimplifiedZoneType& t) const {
1209        return rawoffset < t.rawoffset ||
1210            (rawoffset == t.rawoffset &&
1211             dstoffset < t.dstoffset);
1212    }
1216 * Construct a ZoneType from a SimplifiedZoneType.  Note that this
1217 * discards information; the new ZoneType will have meaningless
1218 * (empty) abbr, isdst, isstd, and isgmt flags; this is appropriate,
1219 * since ignoring these is how we do optimization (we have no use for
1220 * these in historical transitions).
1221 */
1222ZoneType::ZoneType(const SimplifiedZoneType& t) :
1223    rawoffset(t.rawoffset), dstoffset(t.dstoffset),
1224    abbr(-1), isdst(false), isstd(false), isgmt(false) {}
1227 * Optimize the type list to remove excess entries.  The type list may
1228 * contain entries that are distinct only in terms of their dst, std,
1229 * or gmt flags.  Since we don't care about those flags, we can reduce
1230 * the type list to a set of unique raw/dst offset pairs, and remap
1231 * the type indices in the transition list, which stores, for each
1232 * transition, a transition time and a type index.
1233 */
1234void ZoneInfo::optimizeTypeList() {
1235    // Assemble set of unique types; only those in the `transitions'
1236    // list, since there may be unused types in the `types' list
1237    // corresponding to transitions that have been trimmed (during
1238    // merging of final data).
1240    if (aliasTo >= 0) return; // Nothing to do for aliases
1242    if (!ICU44PLUS) {
1243        // This is the old logic which has a bug, which occasionally removes
1244        // the type before the first transition.  The problem was fixed
1245        // by inserting the dummy transition indirectly.
1247        // If there are zero transitions and one type, then leave that as-is.
1248        if (transitions.size() == 0) {
1249            if (types.size() != 1) {
1250                cerr << "Error: transition count = 0, type count = " << types.size() << endl;
1251            }
1252            return;
1253        }
1255        set<SimplifiedZoneType> simpleset;
1256        for (vector<Transition>::const_iterator i=transitions.begin();
1257             i!=transitions.end(); ++i) {
1258            assert(i->type < (int32_t)types.size());
1259            simpleset.insert(types[i->type]);
1260        }
1262        // Map types to integer indices
1263        map<SimplifiedZoneType,int32_t> simplemap;
1264        int32_t n=0;
1265        for (set<SimplifiedZoneType>::const_iterator i=simpleset.begin();
1266             i!=simpleset.end(); ++i) {
1267            simplemap[*i] = n++;
1268        }
1270        // Remap transitions
1271        for (vector<Transition>::iterator i=transitions.begin();
1272             i!=transitions.end(); ++i) {
1273            assert(i->type < (int32_t)types.size());
1274            ZoneType oldtype = types[i->type];
1275            SimplifiedZoneType newtype(oldtype);
1276            assert(simplemap.find(newtype) != simplemap.end());
1277            i->type = simplemap[newtype];
1278        }
1280        // Replace type list
1281        types.clear();
1282        copy(simpleset.begin(), simpleset.end(), back_inserter(types));
1284    } else {
1285        if (types.size() > 1) {
1286            // Note: localtime uses the very first non-dst type as initial offsets.
1287            // If all types are DSTs, the very first type is treated as the initial offsets.
1289            // Decide a type used as the initial offsets.  ICU put the type at index 0.
1290            ZoneType initialType = types[0];
1291            for (vector<ZoneType>::const_iterator i=types.begin(); i!=types.end(); ++i) {
1292                if (i->dstoffset == 0) {
1293                    initialType = *i;
1294                    break;
1295                }
1296            }
1298            SimplifiedZoneType initialSimplifiedType(initialType);
1300            // create a set of unique types, but ignoring fields which we're not interested in
1301            set<SimplifiedZoneType> simpleset;
1302            simpleset.insert(initialSimplifiedType);
1303            for (vector<Transition>::const_iterator i=transitions.begin(); i!=transitions.end(); ++i) {
1304                assert(i->type < (int32_t)types.size());
1305                simpleset.insert(types[i->type]);
1306            }
1308            // Map types to integer indices, however, keeping the first type at offset 0
1309            map<SimplifiedZoneType,int32_t> simplemap;
1310            simplemap[initialSimplifiedType] = 0;
1311            int32_t n = 1;
1312            for (set<SimplifiedZoneType>::const_iterator i=simpleset.begin(); i!=simpleset.end(); ++i) {
1313                if (*i < initialSimplifiedType || initialSimplifiedType < *i) {
1314                    simplemap[*i] = n++;
1315                }
1316            }
1318            // Remap transitions
1319            for (vector<Transition>::iterator i=transitions.begin();
1320                 i!=transitions.end(); ++i) {
1321                assert(i->type < (int32_t)types.size());
1322                ZoneType oldtype = types[i->type];
1323                SimplifiedZoneType newtype(oldtype);
1324                assert(simplemap.find(newtype) != simplemap.end());
1325                i->type = simplemap[newtype];
1326            }
1328            // Replace type list
1329            types.clear();
1330            types.push_back(initialSimplifiedType);
1331            for (set<SimplifiedZoneType>::const_iterator i=simpleset.begin(); i!=simpleset.end(); ++i) {
1332                if (*i < initialSimplifiedType || initialSimplifiedType < *i) {
1333                    types.push_back(*i);
1334                }
1335            }
1337            // Reiterating transitions to remove any transitions which
1338            // do not actually change the raw/dst offsets
1339            int32_t prevTypeIdx = 0;
1340            for (vector<Transition>::iterator i=transitions.begin(); i!=transitions.end();) {
1341                if (i->type == prevTypeIdx) {
1342                    // this is not a time transition, probably just name change
1343                    // e.g. America/Resolute after 2006 in 2010b
1344                    transitions.erase(i);
1345                } else {
1346                    prevTypeIdx = i->type;
1347                    i++;
1348                }
1349            }
1350        }
1351    }
1356 * Merge final zone data into this zone.
1357 */
1358void ZoneInfo::mergeFinalData(const FinalZone& fz) {
1359    int32_t year = fz.year;
1360    int64_t seconds = yearToSeconds(year);
1362    if (!ICU44PLUS) {
1363        if (seconds > HIGHEST_TIME32) {
1364            // Avoid transitions beyond signed 32bit max second.
1365            // This may result incorrect offset computation around
1366            // HIGHEST_TIME32.  This is a limitation of ICU
1367            // before 4.4.
1368            seconds = HIGHEST_TIME32;
1369        }
1370    }
1372    vector<Transition>::iterator it =
1373        find_if(transitions.begin(), transitions.end(),
1374                bind2nd(ptr_fun(isAfter), seconds));
1375    transitions.erase(it, transitions.end());
1377    if (finalYear != -1) {
1378        throw invalid_argument("Final zone already merged in");
1379    }
1380    finalYear = fz.year;
1381    finalOffset = fz.offset;
1382    finalRuleID = fz.ruleid;
1386 * Merge the data from the given final zone into the core zone data by
1387 * calling the ZoneInfo member function mergeFinalData.
1388 */
1389void mergeOne(const string& zoneid, const FinalZone& fz) {
1390    if (ZONEINFO.find(zoneid) == ZONEINFO.end()) {
1391        throw invalid_argument("Unrecognized final zone ID");
1392    }
1393    ZONEINFO[zoneid].mergeFinalData(fz);
1397 * Visitor function that merges the final zone data into the main zone
1398 * data structures.  It calls mergeOne for each final zone and its
1399 * list of aliases.
1400 */
1401void mergeFinalZone(const pair<string,FinalZone>& p) {
1402    const string& id = p.first;
1403    const FinalZone& fz = p.second;
1405    mergeOne(id, fz);
1409 * Print this rule in resource bundle format to os.  ID and enclosing
1410 * braces handled elsewhere.
1411 */
1412void FinalRule::print(ostream& os) const {
1413    // First print the rule part that enters DST; then the rule part
1414    // that exits it.
1415    int32_t whichpart = (part[0].offset != 0) ? 0 : 1;
1416    assert(part[whichpart].offset != 0);
1417    assert(part[1-whichpart].offset == 0);
1419    os << "    ";
1420    for (int32_t i=0; i<2; ++i) {
1421        const FinalRulePart& p = part[whichpart];
1422        whichpart = 1-whichpart;
1423        os << p.month << ", " << p.stz_dowim() << ", " << p.stz_dow() << ", "
1424           << p.time << ", " << p.timemode() << ", ";
1425    }
1426    os << part[whichpart].offset << endl;
1432int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
1433    string rootpath, zonetab, version;
1434    bool validArgs = FALSE;
1436    if (argc == 4 || argc == 5) {
1437        validArgs = TRUE;
1438        rootpath = argv[1];
1439        zonetab = argv[2];
1440        version = argv[3];
1441        if (argc == 5) {
1442            if (strcmp(argv[4], "--old") == 0) {
1443                ICU44PLUS = FALSE;
1445            } else {
1446                validArgs = FALSE;
1447            }
1448        }
1449    }
1450    if (!validArgs) {
1451        cout << "Usage: tz2icu <dir> <cmap> <tzver> [--old]" << endl
1452             << " <dir>    path to zoneinfo file tree generated by" << endl
1453             << "          ICU-patched version of zic" << endl
1454             << " <cmap>   country map, from tzdata archive," << endl
1455             << "          typically named \"zone.tab\"" << endl
1456             << " <tzver>  version string, such as \"2003e\"" << endl
1457             << " --old    generating resource format before ICU4.4" << endl;
1458        exit(1);
1459    }
1461    cout << "Olson data version: " << version << endl;
1462    cout << "ICU 4.4+ format: " << (ICU44PLUS ? "Yes" : "No") << endl;
1464    try {
1465        ifstream finals(ICU_ZONE_FILE);
1466        if (finals) {
1467            readFinalZonesAndRules(finals);
1469            cout << "Finished reading " << finalZones.size()
1470                 << " final zones and " << finalRules.size()
1471                 << " final rules from " ICU_ZONE_FILE << endl;
1472        } else {
1473            cerr << "Error: Unable to open " ICU_ZONE_FILE << endl;
1474            return 1;
1475        }
1476    } catch (const exception& error) {
1477        cerr << "Error: While reading " ICU_ZONE_FILE ": " << error.what() << endl;
1478        return 1;
1479    }
1481    try {
1482        // Recursively scan all files below the given path, accumulating
1483        // their data into ZONEINFO.  All files must be TZif files.  Any
1484        // failure along the way will result in a call to exit(1).
1485        scandir(rootpath);
1486    } catch (const exception& error) {
1487        cerr << "Error: While scanning " << rootpath << ": " << error.what() << endl;
1488        return 1;
1489    }
1491    cout << "Finished reading " << ZONEINFO.size() << " zoneinfo files ["
1492         << (ZONEINFO.begin())->first << ".."
1493         << (--ZONEINFO.end())->first << "]" << endl;
1495    // Overrides TZ database zones with ICU custom zone definition.
1496    // These ICU zone overrides are defined in icuzones, with suffix --ICU.
1497    // If there is a matching TZ database zone, the zoneinfo is replaced
1498    // with the ICU definition. Then, the zone ID with --ICU suffix
1499    // will be deleted from the final list.
1500    // For example, zoneinfo for Europe/Dublin imported from the TZ database
1501    // will be replaced with the zone definition for Europe/Dublin--ICU
1502    // in icuzones.
1504    // Collect zone IDs to be modified with ICU definition.
1505    vector<string> customZones;
1506    for (ZoneMapIter i = ZONEINFO.begin(); i != ZONEINFO.end(); ++i) {
1507        const string& id = i->first;
1508        size_t idx = id.rfind(ICU_ZONE_OVERRIDE_SUFFIX);
1509        if (idx != string::npos && idx == id.length() - ICU_ZONE_OVERRIDE_SUFFIX_LEN) {
1510            cout << "ICU zone override: " << id << endl;
1511            customZones.push_back(id.substr(0, idx));
1512        }
1513    }
1515    //
1516    // BEGIN ICU Custom ZoneInfo Override Handling
1517    //
1519    // Replace zoneinfo with ICU definition, then remove ICU zone ID with
1520    // the special suffix.
1521    for (vector<string>::iterator i = customZones.begin(); i != customZones.end(); i++) {
1522        string& origId = *i;
1523        string custId = origId + ICU_ZONE_OVERRIDE_SUFFIX;
1525        map<string,ZoneInfo>::iterator origZi = ZONEINFO.find(origId);
1526        map<string,ZoneInfo>::iterator custZi = ZONEINFO.find(custId);
1527        if (origZi != ZONEINFO.end() && custZi != ZONEINFO.end()) {
1528            // replace original zone info with custom override,
1529            // then delete one custom ID
1530            cout << "Replacing ZoneInfo " << origId << " with " << custId << endl;
1531            origZi->second = custZi->second;
1532            ZONEINFO.erase(custZi);
1533        }
1535        // Also replace final rule
1536        map<string,FinalZone>::iterator origFz = finalZones.find(origId);
1537        map<string,FinalZone>::iterator custFz = finalZones.find(custId);
1538        if (origFz != finalZones.end() && custFz != finalZones.end()) {
1539            // replace original final zone with custom override,
1540            // then delete one for custom ID
1541            cout << "Replacing FinalZone for " << origId << " with " << custId << endl;
1542            origFz->second = custFz->second;
1543            finalZones.erase(custFz);
1544        }
1545    }
1547    // Also remove aliases for ICU custom zoneinfo overrides.
1548    for (map<string,set<string>>::const_iterator i = links.begin(); i != links.end(); ) {
1549        const string& id = i->first;
1550        size_t idx = id.rfind(ICU_ZONE_OVERRIDE_SUFFIX);
1551        if (idx != string::npos && idx == id.length() - ICU_ZONE_OVERRIDE_SUFFIX_LEN) {
1552            const set<string>& aliases = i->second;
1553            // Also remove all revserse links
1554            for (set<string>::const_iterator j = aliases.begin(); j != aliases.end(); j++) {
1555                const string& alias = *j;
1556                cout << "Removing alias " << alias << endl;
1557                reverseLinks.erase(alias);
1558            }
1560            links.erase(i++);
1561        } else {
1562            i++;
1563        }
1564    }
1567    //
1568    // END ICU Custom ZoneInfo Override Handling
1569    //
1571    try {
1572        for_each(finalZones.begin(), finalZones.end(), mergeFinalZone);
1573    } catch (const exception& error) {
1574        cerr << "Error: While merging final zone data: " << error.what() << endl;
1575        return 1;
1576    }
1578    // Process links (including ICU aliases).  For each link set we have
1579    // a canonical ID (e.g., America/Los_Angeles) and a set of one or more
1580    // aliases (e.g., PST, PST8PDT, ...).
1582    // 1. Add all aliases as zone objects in ZONEINFO
1583    for (map<string,set<string> >::const_iterator i = links.begin();
1584         i!=links.end(); ++i) {
1585        const string& olson = i->first;
1586        const set<string>& aliases = i->second;
1587        if (ZONEINFO.find(olson) == ZONEINFO.end()) {
1588            cerr << "Error: Invalid 'Link' to non-existent \""
1589                 << olson << "\"" << endl;
1590            return 1;
1591        }
1592        for (set<string>::const_iterator j=aliases.begin();
1593             j!=aliases.end(); ++j) {
1594            ZONEINFO[*j] = ZoneInfo();
1595        }
1596    }
1598    // 2. Create a mapping from zones to index numbers 0..n-1.
1599    map<string,int32_t> zoneIDs;
1600    vector<string> zoneIDlist;
1601    int32_t z=0;
1602    for (ZoneMap::iterator i=ZONEINFO.begin(); i!=ZONEINFO.end(); ++i) {
1603        zoneIDs[i->first] = z++;
1604        zoneIDlist.push_back(i->first);
1605    }
1606    assert(z == (int32_t) ZONEINFO.size());
1608    // 3. Merge aliases.  Sometimes aliases link to other aliases; we
1609    // resolve these into simplest possible sets.
1610    map<string,set<string> > links2;
1611    map<string,string> reverse2;
1612    for (map<string,set<string> >::const_iterator i = links.begin();
1613         i!=links.end(); ++i) {
1614        string olson = i->first;
1615        while (reverseLinks.find(olson) != reverseLinks.end()) {
1616            olson = reverseLinks[olson];
1617        }
1618        for (set<string>::const_iterator j=i->second.begin(); j!=i->second.end(); ++j) {
1619            links2[olson].insert(*j);
1620            reverse2[*j] = olson;
1621        }
1622    }
1623    links = links2;
1624    reverseLinks = reverse2;
1626    if (false) { // Debugging: Emit link map
1627        for (map<string,set<string> >::const_iterator i = links.begin();
1628             i!=links.end(); ++i) {
1629            cout << i->first << ": ";
1630            for (set<string>::const_iterator j=i->second.begin(); j!=i->second.end(); ++j) {
1631                cout << *j << ", ";
1632            }
1633            cout << endl;
1634        }
1635    }
1637    // 4. Update aliases
1638    for (map<string,set<string> >::const_iterator i = links.begin();
1639         i!=links.end(); ++i) {
1640        const string& olson = i->first;
1641        const set<string>& aliases = i->second;
1642        ZONEINFO[olson].clearAliases();
1643        ZONEINFO[olson].addAlias(zoneIDs[olson]);
1644        for (set<string>::const_iterator j=aliases.begin();
1645             j!=aliases.end(); ++j) {
1646            assert(zoneIDs.find(olson) != zoneIDs.end());
1647            assert(zoneIDs.find(*j) != zoneIDs.end());
1648            assert(ZONEINFO.find(*j) != ZONEINFO.end());
1649            ZONEINFO[*j].setAliasTo(zoneIDs[olson]);
1650            ZONEINFO[olson].addAlias(zoneIDs[*j]);
1651        }
1652    }
1654    // Once merging of final data is complete, we can optimize the type list
1655    for (ZoneMap::iterator i=ZONEINFO.begin(); i!=ZONEINFO.end(); ++i) {
1656        i->second.optimizeTypeList();
1657    }
1659    // Create the country map
1660    map<string, string> icuRegions;        // ICU's custom zone -> country override
1661    map<string, set<string> > countryMap;  // country -> set of zones
1662    map<string, string> reverseCountryMap; // zone -> country
1664    try {
1665        // Read icuregions file to collect ICU's own zone-region mapping data.
1666        ifstream frg(ICU_REGIONS);
1667        if (frg) {
1668            string line;
1669            while (getline(frg, line)) {
1670                if (line[0] == '#') continue;
1672                string zone, country;
1673                istringstream is(line);
1674                is >> zone >> country;
1675                if (zone.size() == 0) continue;
1676                if (country.size() < 2) {
1677                    cerr << "Error: Can't parse " << line << " in " << ICU_REGIONS << endl;
1678                    return 1;
1679                }
1680                icuRegions[zone] = country;
1681            }
1682        } else {
1683            cout << "No custom region map [icuregions]" << endl;
1684        }
1685    } catch (const exception& error) {
1686        cerr << "Error: While reading " << ICU_REGIONS << ": " << error.what() << endl;
1687        return 1;
1688    }
1690    try {
1691        ifstream f(zonetab.c_str());
1692        if (!f) {
1693            cerr << "Error: Unable to open " << zonetab << endl;
1694            return 1;
1695        }
1696        int32_t n = 0;
1697        string line;
1698        while (getline(f, line)) {
1699            string::size_type lb = line.find('#');
1700            if (lb != string::npos) {
1701                line.resize(lb); // trim comments
1702            }
1703            string country, coord, zone;
1704            istringstream is(line);
1705            is >> country >> coord >> zone;
1706            if (country.size() == 0) continue;
1707            if (country.size() != 2 || zone.size() < 1) {
1708                cerr << "Error: Can't parse " << line << " in " << zonetab << endl;
1709                return 1;
1710            }
1711            if (ZONEINFO.find(zone) == ZONEINFO.end()) {
1712                cerr << "Error: Country maps to invalid zone " << zone
1713                     << " in " << zonetab << endl;
1714                return 1;
1715            }
1716            if (icuRegions.find(zone) != icuRegions.end()) {
1717                // Custom override
1718                string customCountry = icuRegions[zone];
1719                cout << "Region Mapping: custom override for " << zone
1720                    << " " << country << " -> " << customCountry << endl;
1721                country = customCountry;
1722            }
1723            countryMap[country].insert(zone);
1724            reverseCountryMap[zone] = country;
1725            //cerr << (n+1) << ": " << country << " <=> " << zone << endl;
1726            ++n;
1727        }
1728        cout << "Finished reading " << n
1729             << " country entries from " << zonetab << endl;
1730    } catch (const exception& error) {
1731        cerr << "Error: While reading " << zonetab << ": " << error.what() << endl;
1732        return 1;
1733    }
1735    // Merge ICU's own zone-region mapping data
1736    for (map<string,string>::const_iterator i = icuRegions.begin();
1737        i != icuRegions.end(); ++i) {
1738        const string& zid(i->first);
1739        if (reverseCountryMap.find(zid) != reverseCountryMap.end()) {
1740            continue;
1741        }
1742        cout << "Region Mapping: custom data zone=" << zid
1743            << ", region=" << i->second << endl;
1745        reverseCountryMap[zid] = i->second;
1746        countryMap[i->second].insert(zid);
1747    }
1749    // Merge ICU aliases into country map.  Don't merge any alias
1750    // that already has a country map, since that doesn't make sense.
1751    // E.g.  "Link Europe/Oslo Arctic/Longyearbyen" doesn't mean we
1752    // should cross-map the countries between these two zones.
1753    for (map<string,set<string> >::const_iterator i = links.begin();
1754         i!=links.end(); ++i) {
1755        const string& olson(i->first);
1756        if (reverseCountryMap.find(olson) == reverseCountryMap.end()) {
1757            continue;
1758        }
1759        string c = reverseCountryMap[olson];
1760        const set<string>& aliases(i->second);
1761        for (set<string>::const_iterator j=aliases.begin();
1762             j != aliases.end(); ++j) {
1763            if (reverseCountryMap.find(*j) == reverseCountryMap.end()) {
1764                countryMap[c].insert(*j);
1765                reverseCountryMap[*j] = c;
1766                //cerr << "Aliased country: " << c << " <=> " << *j << endl;
1767            }
1768        }
1769    }
1771    // Create a pseudo-country containing all zones belonging to no country
1772    set<string> nocountry;
1773    for (ZoneMap::iterator i=ZONEINFO.begin(); i!=ZONEINFO.end(); ++i) {
1774        if (reverseCountryMap.find(i->first) == reverseCountryMap.end()) {
1775            nocountry.insert(i->first);
1776        }
1777    }
1778    countryMap[""] = nocountry;
1780    // Get local time & year for below
1781    time_t sec;
1782    time(&sec);
1783    struct tm* now = localtime(&sec);
1784    int32_t thisYear = now->tm_year + 1900;
1786    string filename = TZ_RESOURCE_NAME + ".txt";
1787    // Write out a resource-bundle source file containing data for
1788    // all zones.
1789    ofstream file(filename.c_str());
1790    if (file) {
1791        file << "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
1792             << "// Copyright (C) 2016 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others." << endl
1793             << "// License & terms of use: http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html#License" << endl
1794             << "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
1795             << "// Build tool:  tz2icu" << endl
1796             << "// Build date:  " << asctime(now) /* << endl -- asctime emits CR */
1797             << "// tz database: ftp://ftp.iana.org/tz/" << endl
1798             << "// tz version:  " << version << endl
1799             << "// ICU version: " << U_ICU_VERSION << endl
1800             << "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
1801             << "// >> !!! >>   THIS IS A MACHINE-GENERATED FILE   << !!! <<" << endl
1802             << "// >> !!! >>>            DO NOT EDIT             <<< !!! <<" << endl
1803             << "//---------------------------------------------------------" << endl
1804             << endl
1805             << TZ_RESOURCE_NAME << ":table(nofallback) {" << endl
1806             << " TZVersion { \"" << version << "\" }" << endl
1807             << " Zones:array { " << endl
1808             << ZONEINFO // Zones (the actual data)
1809             << " }" << endl;
1811        // Names correspond to the Zones list, used for binary searching.
1812        printStringList ( file, ZONEINFO ); // print the Names list
1814        // Final Rules are used if requested by the zone
1815        file << " Rules { " << endl;
1816        // Emit final rules
1817        int32_t frc = 0;
1818        for(map<string,FinalRule>::iterator i=finalRules.begin();
1819            i!=finalRules.end(); ++i) {
1820            const string& id = i->first;
1821            const FinalRule& r = i->second;
1822            file << "  " << id << ":intvector {" << endl;
1823            r.print(file);
1824            file << "  } //_#" << frc++ << endl;
1825        }
1826        file << " }" << endl;
1828        // Emit country (region) map.
1829        if (ICU44PLUS) {
1830            file << " Regions:array {" << endl;
1831            int32_t zn = 0;
1832            for (ZoneMap::iterator i=ZONEINFO.begin(); i!=ZONEINFO.end(); ++i) {
1833                map<string, string>::iterator cit = reverseCountryMap.find(i->first);
1834                if (cit == reverseCountryMap.end()) {
1835                    file << "  \"001\",";
1836                } else {
1837                    file << "  \"" << cit->second << "\", ";
1838                }
1839                file << "//Z#" << zn++ << " " << i->first << endl;
1840            }
1841            file << " }" << endl;
1842        } else {
1843            file << " Regions { " << endl;
1844            int32_t  rc = 0;
1845            for (map<string, set<string> >::const_iterator i=countryMap.begin();
1846                 i != countryMap.end(); ++i) {
1847                string country = i->first;
1848                const set<string>& zones(i->second);
1849                file << "  ";
1850                if(country[0]==0) {
1851                  file << "Default";
1852                }
1853                file << country << ":intvector { ";
1854                bool first = true;
1855                for (set<string>::const_iterator j=zones.begin();
1856                     j != zones.end(); ++j) {
1857                    if (!first) file << ", ";
1858                    first = false;
1859                    if (zoneIDs.find(*j) == zoneIDs.end()) {
1860                        cerr << "Error: Nonexistent zone in country map: " << *j << endl;
1861                        return 1;
1862                    }
1863                    file << zoneIDs[*j]; // emit the zone's index number
1864                }
1865                file << " } //R#" << rc++ << endl;
1866            }
1867            file << " }" << endl;
1868        }
1870        file << "}" << endl;
1871    }
1873    file.close();
1875    if (file) { // recheck error bit
1876        cout << "Finished writing " << TZ_RESOURCE_NAME << ".txt" << endl;
1877    } else {
1878        cerr << "Error: Unable to open/write to " << TZ_RESOURCE_NAME << ".txt" << endl;
1879        return 1;
1880    }