1package org.junit.matchers;
3import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers;
4import org.hamcrest.Matcher;
5import org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher.CombinableBothMatcher;
6import org.hamcrest.core.CombinableMatcher.CombinableEitherMatcher;
7import org.junit.internal.matchers.StacktracePrintingMatcher;
10 * Convenience import class: these are useful matchers for use with the assertThat method, but they are
11 * not currently included in the basic CoreMatchers class from hamcrest.
12 *
13 * @since 4.4
14 */
15public class JUnitMatchers {
16    /**
17     * @return A matcher matching any collection containing element
18     * @deprecated Please use {@link CoreMatchers#hasItem(Object)} instead.
19     */
20    @Deprecated
21    public static <T> Matcher<Iterable<? super T>> hasItem(T element) {
22        return CoreMatchers.hasItem(element);
23    }
25    /**
26     * @return A matcher matching any collection containing an element matching elementMatcher
27     * @deprecated Please use {@link CoreMatchers#hasItem(Matcher)} instead.
28     */
29    @Deprecated
30    public static <T> Matcher<Iterable<? super T>> hasItem(Matcher<? super T> elementMatcher) {
31        return CoreMatchers.<T>hasItem(elementMatcher);
32    }
34    /**
35     * @return A matcher matching any collection containing every element in elements
36     * @deprecated Please use {@link CoreMatchers#hasItems(Object...)} instead.
37     */
38    @Deprecated
39    public static <T> Matcher<Iterable<T>> hasItems(T... elements) {
40        return CoreMatchers.hasItems(elements);
41    }
43    /**
44     * @return A matcher matching any collection containing at least one element that matches
45     *         each matcher in elementMatcher (this may be one element matching all matchers,
46     *         or different elements matching each matcher)
47     * @deprecated Please use {@link CoreMatchers#hasItems(Matcher...)} instead.
48     */
49    @Deprecated
50    public static <T> Matcher<Iterable<T>> hasItems(Matcher<? super T>... elementMatchers) {
51        return CoreMatchers.<T>hasItems(elementMatchers);
52    }
54    /**
55     * @return A matcher matching any collection in which every element matches elementMatcher
56     * @deprecated Please use {@link CoreMatchers#everyItem(Matcher)} instead.
57     */
58    @Deprecated
59    public static <T> Matcher<Iterable<T>> everyItem(final Matcher<T> elementMatcher) {
60        return CoreMatchers.everyItem((Matcher) elementMatcher);
61    }
63    /**
64     * @return a matcher matching any string that contains substring
65     * @deprecated Please use {@link CoreMatchers#containsString(String)} instead.
66     */
67    @Deprecated
68    public static Matcher<java.lang.String> containsString(java.lang.String substring) {
69        return CoreMatchers.containsString(substring);
70    }
72    /**
73     * This is useful for fluently combining matchers that must both pass.  For example:
74     * <pre>
75     *   assertThat(string, both(containsString("a")).and(containsString("b")));
76     * </pre>
77     *
78     * @deprecated Please use {@link CoreMatchers#both(Matcher)} instead.
79     */
80    @Deprecated
81    public static <T> CombinableBothMatcher<T> both(Matcher<? super T> matcher) {
82        return CoreMatchers.both(matcher);
83    }
85    /**
86     * This is useful for fluently combining matchers where either may pass, for example:
87     * <pre>
88     *   assertThat(string, either(containsString("a")).or(containsString("b")));
89     * </pre>
90     *
91     * @deprecated Please use {@link CoreMatchers#either(Matcher)} instead.
92     */
93    @Deprecated
94    public static <T> CombinableEitherMatcher<T> either(Matcher<? super T> matcher) {
95        return CoreMatchers.either(matcher);
96    }
98    /**
99     * @return A matcher that delegates to throwableMatcher and in addition
100     *         appends the stacktrace of the actual Throwable in case of a mismatch.
101     */
102    public static <T extends Throwable> Matcher<T> isThrowable(Matcher<T> throwableMatcher) {
103        return StacktracePrintingMatcher.isThrowable(throwableMatcher);
104    }
106    /**
107     * @return A matcher that delegates to exceptionMatcher and in addition
108     *         appends the stacktrace of the actual Exception in case of a mismatch.
109     */
110    public static <T extends Exception> Matcher<T> isException(Matcher<T> exceptionMatcher) {
111        return StacktracePrintingMatcher.isException(exceptionMatcher);
112    }