1// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
5// Activity tracking provides a low-overhead method of collecting information
6// about the state of the application for analysis both while it is running
7// and after it has terminated unexpectedly. Its primary purpose is to help
8// locate reasons the browser becomes unresponsive by providing insight into
9// what all the various threads and processes are (or were) doing.
14// std::atomic is undesired due to performance issues when used as global
15// variables. There are no such instances here. This module uses the
16// PersistentMemoryAllocator which also uses std::atomic and is written
17// by the same author.
18#include <atomic>
19#include <map>
20#include <memory>
21#include <string>
22#include <vector>
24#include "base/atomicops.h"
25#include "base/base_export.h"
26#include "base/callback.h"
27#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
28#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
29#include "base/location.h"
30#include "base/metrics/persistent_memory_allocator.h"
31#include "base/process/process_handle.h"
32#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
33#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
34#include "base/task_runner.h"
35#include "base/threading/platform_thread.h"
36#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
37#include "base/threading/thread_local_storage.h"
39namespace base {
41struct PendingTask;
43class FilePath;
44class Lock;
45class PlatformThreadHandle;
46class Process;
47class WaitableEvent;
49namespace debug {
51class ThreadActivityTracker;
54enum : int {
55  // The maximum number of call-stack addresses stored per activity. This
56  // cannot be changed without also changing the version number of the
57  // structure. See kTypeIdActivityTracker in GlobalActivityTracker.
58  kActivityCallStackSize = 10,
61// A class for keeping all information needed to verify that a structure is
62// associated with a given process.
63struct OwningProcess {
64  OwningProcess();
65  ~OwningProcess();
67  // Initializes structure with the current process id and the current time.
68  // These can uniquely identify a process. A unique non-zero data_id will be
69  // set making it possible to tell using atomic reads if the data has changed.
70  void Release_Initialize(int64_t pid = 0);
72  // Explicitly sets the process ID.
73  void SetOwningProcessIdForTesting(int64_t pid, int64_t stamp);
75  // Gets the associated process ID, in native form, and the creation timestamp
76  // from memory without loading the entire structure for analysis. This will
77  // return false if no valid process ID is available.
78  static bool GetOwningProcessId(const void* memory,
79                                 int64_t* out_id,
80                                 int64_t* out_stamp);
82  // SHA1(base::debug::OwningProcess): Increment this if structure changes!
83  static constexpr uint32_t kPersistentTypeId = 0xB1179672 + 1;
85  // Expected size for 32/64-bit check by PersistentMemoryAllocator.
86  static constexpr size_t kExpectedInstanceSize = 24;
88  std::atomic<uint32_t> data_id;
89  uint32_t padding;
90  int64_t process_id;
91  int64_t create_stamp;
94// The data associated with an activity is dependent upon the activity type.
95// This union defines all of the various fields. All fields must be explicitly
96// sized types to ensure no interoperability problems between 32-bit and
97// 64-bit systems.
98union ActivityData {
99  // Expected size for 32/64-bit check.
100  // TODO(bcwhite): VC2015 doesn't allow statics in unions. Fix when it does.
101  // static constexpr size_t kExpectedInstanceSize = 8;
103  // Generic activities don't have any defined structure.
104  struct {
105    uint32_t id;   // An arbitrary identifier used for association.
106    int32_t info;  // An arbitrary value used for information purposes.
107  } generic;
108  struct {
109    uint64_t sequence_id;  // The sequence identifier of the posted task.
110  } task;
111  struct {
112    uint64_t lock_address;  // The memory address of the lock object.
113  } lock;
114  struct {
115    uint64_t event_address;  // The memory address of the event object.
116  } event;
117  struct {
118    int64_t thread_id;  // A unique identifier for a thread within a process.
119  } thread;
120  struct {
121    int64_t process_id;  // A unique identifier for a process.
122  } process;
123  struct {
124    uint32_t code;  // An "exception code" number.
125  } exception;
127  // These methods create an ActivityData object from the appropriate
128  // parameters. Objects of this type should always be created this way to
129  // ensure that no fields remain unpopulated should the set of recorded
130  // fields change. They're defined inline where practical because they
131  // reduce to loading a small local structure with a few values, roughly
132  // the same as loading all those values into parameters.
134  static ActivityData ForGeneric(uint32_t id, int32_t info) {
135    ActivityData data;
136    data.generic.id = id;
137    data.generic.info = info;
138    return data;
139  }
141  static ActivityData ForTask(uint64_t sequence) {
142    ActivityData data;
143    data.task.sequence_id = sequence;
144    return data;
145  }
147  static ActivityData ForLock(const void* lock) {
148    ActivityData data;
149    data.lock.lock_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(lock);
150    return data;
151  }
153  static ActivityData ForEvent(const void* event) {
154    ActivityData data;
155    data.event.event_address = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(event);
156    return data;
157  }
159  static ActivityData ForThread(const PlatformThreadHandle& handle);
160  static ActivityData ForThread(const int64_t id) {
161    ActivityData data;
162    data.thread.thread_id = id;
163    return data;
164  }
166  static ActivityData ForProcess(const int64_t id) {
167    ActivityData data;
168    data.process.process_id = id;
169    return data;
170  }
172  static ActivityData ForException(const uint32_t code) {
173    ActivityData data;
174    data.exception.code = code;
175    return data;
176  }
179// A "null" activity-data that can be passed to indicate "do not change".
180extern const ActivityData kNullActivityData;
183// A helper class that is used for managing memory allocations within a
184// persistent memory allocator. Instances of this class are NOT thread-safe.
185// Use from a single thread or protect access with a lock.
186class BASE_EXPORT ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator {
187 public:
188  using Reference = PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference;
190  // Creates a instance for allocating objects of a fixed |object_type|, a
191  // corresponding |object_free| type, and the |object_size|. An internal
192  // cache of the last |cache_size| released references will be kept for
193  // quick future fetches. If |make_iterable| then allocated objects will
194  // be marked "iterable" in the allocator.
195  ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator(PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator,
196                                 uint32_t object_type,
197                                 uint32_t object_free_type,
198                                 size_t object_size,
199                                 size_t cache_size,
200                                 bool make_iterable);
201  ~ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator();
203  // Gets a reference to an object of the configured type. This can return
204  // a null reference if it was not possible to allocate the memory.
205  Reference GetObjectReference();
207  // Returns an object to the "free" pool.
208  void ReleaseObjectReference(Reference ref);
210  // Helper function to access an object allocated using this instance.
211  template <typename T>
212  T* GetAsObject(Reference ref) {
213    return allocator_->GetAsObject<T>(ref);
214  }
216  // Similar to GetAsObject() but converts references to arrays of objects.
217  template <typename T>
218  T* GetAsArray(Reference ref, size_t count) {
219    return allocator_->GetAsArray<T>(ref, object_type_, count);
220  }
222  // The current "used size" of the internal cache, visible for testing.
223  size_t cache_used() const { return cache_used_; }
225 private:
226  PersistentMemoryAllocator* const allocator_;
227  const uint32_t object_type_;
228  const uint32_t object_free_type_;
229  const size_t object_size_;
230  const size_t cache_size_;
231  const bool make_iterable_;
233  // An iterator for going through persistent memory looking for free'd objects.
234  PersistentMemoryAllocator::Iterator iterator_;
236  // The cache of released object memories.
237  std::unique_ptr<Reference[]> cache_values_;
238  size_t cache_used_;
240  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator);
244// This structure is the full contents recorded for every activity pushed
245// onto the stack. The |activity_type| indicates what is actually stored in
246// the |data| field. All fields must be explicitly sized types to ensure no
247// interoperability problems between 32-bit and 64-bit systems.
248struct Activity {
249  // SHA1(base::debug::Activity): Increment this if structure changes!
250  static constexpr uint32_t kPersistentTypeId = 0x99425159 + 1;
251  // Expected size for 32/64-bit check. Update this if structure changes!
252  static constexpr size_t kExpectedInstanceSize =
253      48 + 8 * kActivityCallStackSize;
255  // The type of an activity on the stack. Activities are broken into
256  // categories with the category ID taking the top 4 bits and the lower
257  // bits representing an action within that category. This combination
258  // makes it easy to "switch" based on the type during analysis.
259  enum Type : uint8_t {
260    // This "null" constant is used to indicate "do not change" in calls.
261    ACT_NULL = 0,
263    // Task activities involve callbacks posted to a thread or thread-pool
264    // using the PostTask() method or any of its friends.
265    ACT_TASK = 1 << 4,
268    // Lock activities involve the acquisition of "mutex" locks.
269    ACT_LOCK = 2 << 4,
273    // Event activities involve operations on a WaitableEvent.
274    ACT_EVENT = 3 << 4,
278    // Thread activities involve the life management of threads.
279    ACT_THREAD = 4 << 4,
283    // Process activities involve the life management of processes.
284    ACT_PROCESS = 5 << 4,
288    // Exception activities indicate the occurence of something unexpected.
289    ACT_EXCEPTION = 14 << 4,
291    // Generic activities are user defined and can be anything.
292    ACT_GENERIC = 15 << 4,
294    // These constants can be used to separate the category and action from
295    // a combined activity type.
296    ACT_CATEGORY_MASK = 0xF << 4,
297    ACT_ACTION_MASK = 0xF
298  };
300  // Internal representation of time. During collection, this is in "ticks"
301  // but when returned in a snapshot, it is "wall time".
302  int64_t time_internal;
304  // The address that pushed the activity onto the stack as a raw number.
305  uint64_t calling_address;
307  // The address that is the origin of the activity if it not obvious from
308  // the call stack. This is useful for things like tasks that are posted
309  // from a completely different thread though most activities will leave
310  // it null.
311  uint64_t origin_address;
313  // Array of program-counters that make up the top of the call stack.
314  // Despite the fixed size, this list is always null-terminated. Entries
315  // after the terminator have no meaning and may or may not also be null.
316  // The list will be completely empty if call-stack collection is not
317  // enabled.
318  uint64_t call_stack[kActivityCallStackSize];
320  // Reference to arbitrary user data within the persistent memory segment
321  // and a unique identifier for it.
322  uint32_t user_data_ref;
323  uint32_t user_data_id;
325  // The (enumerated) type of the activity. This defines what fields of the
326  // |data| record are valid.
327  uint8_t activity_type;
329  // Padding to ensure that the next member begins on a 64-bit boundary
330  // even on 32-bit builds which ensures inter-operability between CPU
331  // architectures. New fields can be taken from this space.
332  uint8_t padding[7];
334  // Information specific to the |activity_type|.
335  ActivityData data;
337  static void FillFrom(Activity* activity,
338                       const void* program_counter,
339                       const void* origin,
340                       Type type,
341                       const ActivityData& data);
344// This class manages arbitrary user data that can be associated with activities
345// done by a thread by supporting key/value pairs of any type. This can provide
346// additional information during debugging. It is also used to store arbitrary
347// global data. All updates must be done from the same thread though other
348// threads can read it concurrently if they create new objects using the same
349// memory.
350class BASE_EXPORT ActivityUserData {
351 public:
352  // List of known value type. REFERENCE types must immediately follow the non-
353  // external types.
354  enum ValueType : uint8_t {
355    END_OF_VALUES = 0,
356    RAW_VALUE,
360    CHAR_VALUE,
361    BOOL_VALUE,
364  };
366  class BASE_EXPORT TypedValue {
367   public:
368    TypedValue();
369    TypedValue(const TypedValue& other);
370    ~TypedValue();
372    ValueType type() const { return type_; }
374    // These methods return the extracted value in the correct format.
375    StringPiece Get() const;
376    StringPiece GetString() const;
377    bool GetBool() const;
378    char GetChar() const;
379    int64_t GetInt() const;
380    uint64_t GetUint() const;
382    // These methods return references to process memory as originally provided
383    // to corresponding Set calls. USE WITH CAUTION! There is no guarantee that
384    // the referenced memory is assessible or useful.  It's possible that:
385    //  - the memory was free'd and reallocated for a different purpose
386    //  - the memory has been released back to the OS
387    //  - the memory belongs to a different process's address space
388    // Dereferencing the returned StringPiece when the memory is not accessible
389    // will cause the program to SEGV!
390    StringPiece GetReference() const;
391    StringPiece GetStringReference() const;
393   private:
394    friend class ActivityUserData;
396    ValueType type_ = END_OF_VALUES;
397    uint64_t short_value_;    // Used to hold copy of numbers, etc.
398    std::string long_value_;  // Used to hold copy of raw/string data.
399    StringPiece ref_value_;   // Used to hold reference to external data.
400  };
402  using Snapshot = std::map<std::string, TypedValue>;
404  // Initialize the object either as a "sink" that just accepts and discards
405  // data or an active one that writes to a given (zeroed) memory block.
406  ActivityUserData();
407  ActivityUserData(void* memory, size_t size, int64_t pid = 0);
408  virtual ~ActivityUserData();
410  // Gets the unique ID number for this user data. If this changes then the
411  // contents have been overwritten by another thread. The return value is
412  // always non-zero unless it's actually just a data "sink".
413  uint32_t id() const {
414    return header_ ? header_->owner.data_id.load(std::memory_order_relaxed) : 0;
415  }
417  // Writes a |value| (as part of a key/value pair) that will be included with
418  // the activity in any reports. The same |name| can be written multiple times
419  // with each successive call overwriting the previously stored |value|. For
420  // raw and string values, the maximum size of successive writes is limited by
421  // the first call. The length of "name" is limited to 255 characters.
422  //
423  // This information is stored on a "best effort" basis. It may be dropped if
424  // the memory buffer is full or the associated activity is beyond the maximum
425  // recording depth.
426  void Set(StringPiece name, const void* memory, size_t size) {
427    Set(name, RAW_VALUE, memory, size);
428  }
429  void SetString(StringPiece name, StringPiece value) {
430    Set(name, STRING_VALUE, value.data(), value.length());
431  }
432  void SetString(StringPiece name, StringPiece16 value) {
433    SetString(name, UTF16ToUTF8(value));
434  }
435  void SetBool(StringPiece name, bool value) {
436    char cvalue = value ? 1 : 0;
437    Set(name, BOOL_VALUE, &cvalue, sizeof(cvalue));
438  }
439  void SetChar(StringPiece name, char value) {
440    Set(name, CHAR_VALUE, &value, sizeof(value));
441  }
442  void SetInt(StringPiece name, int64_t value) {
443    Set(name, SIGNED_VALUE, &value, sizeof(value));
444  }
445  void SetUint(StringPiece name, uint64_t value) {
446    Set(name, UNSIGNED_VALUE, &value, sizeof(value));
447  }
449  // These function as above but don't actually copy the data into the
450  // persistent memory. They store unaltered pointers along with a size. These
451  // can be used in conjuction with a memory dump to find certain large pieces
452  // of information.
453  void SetReference(StringPiece name, const void* memory, size_t size) {
454    SetReference(name, RAW_VALUE_REFERENCE, memory, size);
455  }
456  void SetStringReference(StringPiece name, StringPiece value) {
457    SetReference(name, STRING_VALUE_REFERENCE, value.data(), value.length());
458  }
460  // Creates a snapshot of the key/value pairs contained within. The returned
461  // data will be fixed, independent of whatever changes afterward. There is
462  // some protection against concurrent modification. This will return false
463  // if the data is invalid or if a complete overwrite of the contents is
464  // detected.
465  bool CreateSnapshot(Snapshot* output_snapshot) const;
467  // Gets the base memory address used for storing data.
468  const void* GetBaseAddress() const;
470  // Explicitly sets the process ID.
471  void SetOwningProcessIdForTesting(int64_t pid, int64_t stamp);
473  // Gets the associated process ID, in native form, and the creation timestamp
474  // from tracker memory without loading the entire structure for analysis. This
475  // will return false if no valid process ID is available.
476  static bool GetOwningProcessId(const void* memory,
477                                 int64_t* out_id,
478                                 int64_t* out_stamp);
480 protected:
481  virtual void Set(StringPiece name,
482                   ValueType type,
483                   const void* memory,
484                   size_t size);
486 private:
487  FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(ActivityTrackerTest, UserDataTest);
489  enum : size_t { kMemoryAlignment = sizeof(uint64_t) };
491  // A structure that defines the structure header in memory.
492  struct MemoryHeader {
493    MemoryHeader();
494    ~MemoryHeader();
496    OwningProcess owner;  // Information about the creating process.
497  };
499  // Header to a key/value record held in persistent memory.
500  struct FieldHeader {
501    FieldHeader();
502    ~FieldHeader();
504    std::atomic<uint8_t> type;         // Encoded ValueType
505    uint8_t name_size;                 // Length of "name" key.
506    std::atomic<uint16_t> value_size;  // Actual size of of the stored value.
507    uint16_t record_size;              // Total storage of name, value, header.
508  };
510  // A structure used to reference data held outside of persistent memory.
511  struct ReferenceRecord {
512    uint64_t address;
513    uint64_t size;
514  };
516  // This record is used to hold known value is a map so that they can be
517  // found and overwritten later.
518  struct ValueInfo {
519    ValueInfo();
520    ValueInfo(ValueInfo&&);
521    ~ValueInfo();
523    StringPiece name;                 // The "key" of the record.
524    ValueType type;                   // The type of the value.
525    void* memory;                     // Where the "value" is held.
526    std::atomic<uint16_t>* size_ptr;  // Address of the actual size of value.
527    size_t extent;                    // The total storage of the value,
528  };                                  // typically rounded up for alignment.
530  void SetReference(StringPiece name,
531                    ValueType type,
532                    const void* memory,
533                    size_t size);
535  // Loads any data already in the memory segment. This allows for accessing
536  // records created previously. If this detects that the underlying data has
537  // gone away (cleared by another thread/process), it will invalidate all the
538  // data in this object and turn it into simple "sink" with no values to
539  // return.
540  void ImportExistingData() const;
542  // A map of all the values within the memory block, keyed by name for quick
543  // updates of the values. This is "mutable" because it changes on "const"
544  // objects even when the actual data values can't change.
545  mutable std::map<StringPiece, ValueInfo> values_;
547  // Information about the memory block in which new data can be stored. These
548  // are "mutable" because they change even on "const" objects that are just
549  // skipping already set values.
550  mutable char* memory_;
551  mutable size_t available_;
553  // A pointer to the memory header for this instance.
554  MemoryHeader* const header_;
556  // These hold values used when initially creating the object. They are
557  // compared against current header values to check for outside changes.
558  const uint32_t orig_data_id;
559  const int64_t orig_process_id;
560  const int64_t orig_create_stamp;
562  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ActivityUserData);
565// This class manages tracking a stack of activities for a single thread in
566// a persistent manner, implementing a bounded-size stack in a fixed-size
567// memory allocation. In order to support an operational mode where another
568// thread is analyzing this data in real-time, atomic operations are used
569// where necessary to guarantee a consistent view from the outside.
571// This class is not generally used directly but instead managed by the
572// GlobalActivityTracker instance and updated using Scoped*Activity local
573// objects.
574class BASE_EXPORT ThreadActivityTracker {
575 public:
576  using ActivityId = uint32_t;
578  // This structure contains all the common information about the thread so
579  // it doesn't have to be repeated in every entry on the stack. It is defined
580  // and used completely within the .cc file.
581  struct Header;
583  // This structure holds a copy of all the internal data at the moment the
584  // "snapshot" operation is done. It is disconnected from the live tracker
585  // so that continued operation of the thread will not cause changes here.
586  struct BASE_EXPORT Snapshot {
587    // Explicit constructor/destructor are needed because of complex types
588    // with non-trivial default constructors and destructors.
589    Snapshot();
590    ~Snapshot();
592    // The name of the thread as set when it was created. The name may be
593    // truncated due to internal length limitations.
594    std::string thread_name;
596    // The timestamp at which this process was created.
597    int64_t create_stamp;
599    // The process and thread IDs. These values have no meaning other than
600    // they uniquely identify a running process and a running thread within
601    // that process.  Thread-IDs can be re-used across different processes
602    // and both can be re-used after the process/thread exits.
603    int64_t process_id = 0;
604    int64_t thread_id = 0;
606    // The current stack of activities that are underway for this thread. It
607    // is limited in its maximum size with later entries being left off.
608    std::vector<Activity> activity_stack;
610    // The current total depth of the activity stack, including those later
611    // entries not recorded in the |activity_stack| vector.
612    uint32_t activity_stack_depth = 0;
614    // The last recorded "exception" activity.
615    Activity last_exception;
616  };
618  // This is the base class for having the compiler manage an activity on the
619  // tracker's stack. It does nothing but call methods on the passed |tracker|
620  // if it is not null, making it safe (and cheap) to create these objects
621  // even if activity tracking is not enabled.
622  class BASE_EXPORT ScopedActivity {
623   public:
624    ScopedActivity(ThreadActivityTracker* tracker,
625                   const void* program_counter,
626                   const void* origin,
627                   Activity::Type type,
628                   const ActivityData& data);
629    ~ScopedActivity();
631    // Changes some basic metadata about the activity.
632    void ChangeTypeAndData(Activity::Type type, const ActivityData& data);
634   protected:
635    // The thread tracker to which this object reports. It can be null if
636    // activity tracking is not (yet) enabled.
637    ThreadActivityTracker* const tracker_;
639    // An identifier that indicates a specific activity on the stack.
640    ActivityId activity_id_;
642   private:
643    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedActivity);
644  };
646  // A ThreadActivityTracker runs on top of memory that is managed externally.
647  // It must be large enough for the internal header and a few Activity
648  // blocks. See SizeForStackDepth().
649  ThreadActivityTracker(void* base, size_t size);
650  virtual ~ThreadActivityTracker();
652  // Indicates that an activity has started from a given |origin| address in
653  // the code, though it can be null if the creator's address is not known.
654  // The |type| and |data| describe the activity. |program_counter| should be
655  // the result of GetProgramCounter() where push is called. Returned is an
656  // ID that can be used to adjust the pushed activity.
657  ActivityId PushActivity(const void* program_counter,
658                          const void* origin,
659                          Activity::Type type,
660                          const ActivityData& data);
662  // An inlined version of the above that gets the program counter where it
663  // is called.
665  ActivityId PushActivity(const void* origin,
666                          Activity::Type type,
667                          const ActivityData& data) {
668    return PushActivity(::tracked_objects::GetProgramCounter(), origin, type,
669                        data);
670  }
672  // Changes the activity |type| and |data| of the top-most entry on the stack.
673  // This is useful if the information has changed and it is desireable to
674  // track that change without creating a new stack entry. If the type is
675  // ACT_NULL or the data is kNullActivityData then that value will remain
676  // unchanged. The type, if changed, must remain in the same category.
677  // Changing both is not atomic so a snapshot operation could occur between
678  // the update of |type| and |data| or between update of |data| fields.
679  void ChangeActivity(ActivityId id,
680                      Activity::Type type,
681                      const ActivityData& data);
683  // Indicates that an activity has completed.
684  void PopActivity(ActivityId id);
686  // Sets the user-data information for an activity.
687  std::unique_ptr<ActivityUserData> GetUserData(
688      ActivityId id,
689      ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator* allocator);
691  // Returns if there is true use-data associated with a given ActivityId since
692  // it's possible than any returned object is just a sink.
693  bool HasUserData(ActivityId id);
695  // Release the user-data information for an activity.
696  void ReleaseUserData(ActivityId id,
697                       ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator* allocator);
699  // Save an exception. |origin| is the location of the exception.
700  void RecordExceptionActivity(const void* program_counter,
701                               const void* origin,
702                               Activity::Type type,
703                               const ActivityData& data);
705  // Returns whether the current data is valid or not. It is not valid if
706  // corruption has been detected in the header or other data structures.
707  bool IsValid() const;
709  // Gets a copy of the tracker contents for analysis. Returns false if a
710  // snapshot was not possible, perhaps because the data is not valid; the
711  // contents of |output_snapshot| are undefined in that case. The current
712  // implementation does not support concurrent snapshot operations.
713  bool CreateSnapshot(Snapshot* output_snapshot) const;
715  // Gets the base memory address used for storing data.
716  const void* GetBaseAddress();
718  // Explicitly sets the process ID.
719  void SetOwningProcessIdForTesting(int64_t pid, int64_t stamp);
721  // Gets the associated process ID, in native form, and the creation timestamp
722  // from tracker memory without loading the entire structure for analysis. This
723  // will return false if no valid process ID is available.
724  static bool GetOwningProcessId(const void* memory,
725                                 int64_t* out_id,
726                                 int64_t* out_stamp);
728  // Calculates the memory size required for a given stack depth, including
729  // the internal header structure for the stack.
730  static size_t SizeForStackDepth(int stack_depth);
732 private:
733  friend class ActivityTrackerTest;
735  std::unique_ptr<ActivityUserData> CreateUserDataForActivity(
736      Activity* activity,
737      ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator* allocator);
739  Header* const header_;        // Pointer to the Header structure.
740  Activity* const stack_;       // The stack of activities.
741  const uint32_t stack_slots_;  // The total number of stack slots.
743  bool valid_ = false;          // Tracks whether the data is valid or not.
745  base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
747  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ThreadActivityTracker);
751// The global tracker manages all the individual thread trackers. Memory for
752// the thread trackers is taken from a PersistentMemoryAllocator which allows
753// for the data to be analyzed by a parallel process or even post-mortem.
754class BASE_EXPORT GlobalActivityTracker {
755 public:
756  // Type identifiers used when storing in persistent memory so they can be
757  // identified during extraction; the first 4 bytes of the SHA1 of the name
758  // is used as a unique integer. A "version number" is added to the base
759  // so that, if the structure of that object changes, stored older versions
760  // will be safely ignored. These are public so that an external process
761  // can recognize records of this type within an allocator.
762  enum : uint32_t {
763    kTypeIdActivityTracker = 0x5D7381AF + 4,   // SHA1(ActivityTracker) v4
764    kTypeIdUserDataRecord = 0x615EDDD7 + 3,    // SHA1(UserDataRecord) v3
765    kTypeIdGlobalLogMessage = 0x4CF434F9 + 1,  // SHA1(GlobalLogMessage) v1
766    kTypeIdProcessDataRecord = kTypeIdUserDataRecord + 0x100,
767    kTypeIdGlobalDataRecord = kTypeIdUserDataRecord + 0x200,
769    kTypeIdActivityTrackerFree = ~kTypeIdActivityTracker,
770    kTypeIdUserDataRecordFree = ~kTypeIdUserDataRecord,
771    kTypeIdProcessDataRecordFree = ~kTypeIdProcessDataRecord,
772  };
774  // An enumeration of common process life stages. All entries are given an
775  // explicit number so they are known and remain constant; this allows for
776  // cross-version analysis either locally or on a server.
777  enum ProcessPhase : int {
778    // The phases are generic and may have meaning to the tracker.
785    // Add here whatever is useful for analysis.
788  };
790  // A callback made when a process exits to allow immediate analysis of its
791  // data. Note that the system may reuse the |process_id| so when fetching
792  // records it's important to ensure that what is returned was created before
793  // the |exit_stamp|. Movement of |process_data| information is allowed.
794  using ProcessExitCallback =
795      Callback<void(int64_t process_id,
796                    int64_t exit_stamp,
797                    int exit_code,
798                    ProcessPhase exit_phase,
799                    std::string&& command_line,
800                    ActivityUserData::Snapshot&& process_data)>;
802  // This structure contains information about a loaded module, as shown to
803  // users of the tracker.
804  struct BASE_EXPORT ModuleInfo {
805    ModuleInfo();
806    ModuleInfo(ModuleInfo&& rhs);
807    ModuleInfo(const ModuleInfo& rhs);
808    ~ModuleInfo();
810    ModuleInfo& operator=(ModuleInfo&& rhs);
811    ModuleInfo& operator=(const ModuleInfo& rhs);
813    // Information about where and when the module was loaded/unloaded.
814    bool is_loaded = false;  // Was the last operation a load or unload?
815    uintptr_t address = 0;   // Address of the last load operation.
816    int64_t load_time = 0;   // Time of last change; set automatically.
818    // Information about the module itself. These never change no matter how
819    // many times a module may be loaded and unloaded.
820    size_t size = 0;         // The size of the loaded module.
821    uint32_t timestamp = 0;  // Opaque "timestamp" for the module.
822    uint32_t age = 0;        // Opaque "age" for the module.
823    uint8_t identifier[16];  // Opaque identifier (GUID, etc.) for the module.
824    std::string file;        // The full path to the file. (UTF-8)
825    std::string debug_file;  // The full path to the debug file.
826  };
828  // This is a thin wrapper around the thread-tracker's ScopedActivity that
829  // accesses the global tracker to provide some of the information, notably
830  // which thread-tracker to use. It is safe to create even if activity
831  // tracking is not enabled.
832  class BASE_EXPORT ScopedThreadActivity
833      : public ThreadActivityTracker::ScopedActivity {
834   public:
835    ScopedThreadActivity(const void* program_counter,
836                         const void* origin,
837                         Activity::Type type,
838                         const ActivityData& data,
839                         bool lock_allowed);
840    ~ScopedThreadActivity();
842    // Returns an object for manipulating user data.
843    ActivityUserData& user_data();
845   private:
846    // Gets (or creates) a tracker for the current thread. If locking is not
847    // allowed (because a lock is being tracked which would cause recursion)
848    // then the attempt to create one if none found will be skipped. Once
849    // the tracker for this thread has been created for other reasons, locks
850    // will be tracked. The thread-tracker uses locks.
851    static ThreadActivityTracker* GetOrCreateTracker(bool lock_allowed) {
852      GlobalActivityTracker* global_tracker = Get();
853      if (!global_tracker)
854        return nullptr;
855      if (lock_allowed)
856        return global_tracker->GetOrCreateTrackerForCurrentThread();
857      else
858        return global_tracker->GetTrackerForCurrentThread();
859    }
861    // An object that manages additional user data, created only upon request.
862    std::unique_ptr<ActivityUserData> user_data_;
864    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedThreadActivity);
865  };
867  ~GlobalActivityTracker();
869  // Creates a global tracker using a given persistent-memory |allocator| and
870  // providing the given |stack_depth| to each thread tracker it manages. The
871  // created object is activated so tracking will begin immediately upon return.
872  // The |process_id| can be zero to get it from the OS but is taken for testing
873  // purposes.
874  static void CreateWithAllocator(
875      std::unique_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> allocator,
876      int stack_depth,
877      int64_t process_id);
879#if !defined(OS_NACL)
880  // Like above but internally creates an allocator around a disk file with
881  // the specified |size| at the given |file_path|. Any existing file will be
882  // overwritten. The |id| and |name| are arbitrary and stored in the allocator
883  // for reference by whatever process reads it.
884  static void CreateWithFile(const FilePath& file_path,
885                             size_t size,
886                             uint64_t id,
887                             StringPiece name,
888                             int stack_depth);
889#endif  // !defined(OS_NACL)
891  // Like above but internally creates an allocator using local heap memory of
892  // the specified size. This is used primarily for unit tests. The |process_id|
893  // can be zero to get it from the OS but is taken for testing purposes.
894  static void CreateWithLocalMemory(size_t size,
895                                    uint64_t id,
896                                    StringPiece name,
897                                    int stack_depth,
898                                    int64_t process_id);
900  // Gets the global activity-tracker or null if none exists.
901  static GlobalActivityTracker* Get() {
902    return reinterpret_cast<GlobalActivityTracker*>(
903        subtle::Acquire_Load(&g_tracker_));
904  }
906  // Sets the global activity-tracker for testing purposes.
907  static void SetForTesting(std::unique_ptr<GlobalActivityTracker> tracker);
909  // This access to the persistent allocator is only for testing; it extracts
910  // the global tracker completely. All tracked threads must exit before
911  // calling this. Tracking for the current thread will be automatically
912  // stopped.
913  static std::unique_ptr<GlobalActivityTracker> ReleaseForTesting();
915  // Convenience method for determining if a global tracker is active.
916  static bool IsEnabled() { return Get() != nullptr; }
918  // Gets the persistent-memory-allocator in which data is stored. Callers
919  // can store additional records here to pass more information to the
920  // analysis process.
921  PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator() { return allocator_.get(); }
923  // Gets the thread's activity-tracker if it exists. This is inline for
924  // performance reasons and it uses thread-local-storage (TLS) so that there
925  // is no significant lookup time required to find the one for the calling
926  // thread. Ownership remains with the global tracker.
927  ThreadActivityTracker* GetTrackerForCurrentThread() {
928    return reinterpret_cast<ThreadActivityTracker*>(this_thread_tracker_.Get());
929  }
931  // Gets the thread's activity-tracker or creates one if none exists. This
932  // is inline for performance reasons. Ownership remains with the global
933  // tracker.
934  ThreadActivityTracker* GetOrCreateTrackerForCurrentThread() {
935    ThreadActivityTracker* tracker = GetTrackerForCurrentThread();
936    if (tracker)
937      return tracker;
938    return CreateTrackerForCurrentThread();
939  }
941  // Creates an activity-tracker for the current thread.
942  ThreadActivityTracker* CreateTrackerForCurrentThread();
944  // Releases the activity-tracker for the current thread (for testing only).
945  void ReleaseTrackerForCurrentThreadForTesting();
947  // Sets a task-runner that can be used for background work.
948  void SetBackgroundTaskRunner(const scoped_refptr<TaskRunner>& runner);
950  // Sets an optional callback to be called when a process exits.
951  void SetProcessExitCallback(ProcessExitCallback callback);
953  // Manages process lifetimes. These are called by the process that launched
954  // and reaped the subprocess, not the subprocess itself. If it is expensive
955  // to generate the parameters, Get() the global tracker and call these
956  // conditionally rather than using the static versions.
957  void RecordProcessLaunch(ProcessId process_id,
958                           const FilePath::StringType& cmd);
959  void RecordProcessLaunch(ProcessId process_id,
960                           const FilePath::StringType& exe,
961                           const FilePath::StringType& args);
962  void RecordProcessExit(ProcessId process_id, int exit_code);
963  static void RecordProcessLaunchIfEnabled(ProcessId process_id,
964                                           const FilePath::StringType& cmd) {
965    GlobalActivityTracker* tracker = Get();
966    if (tracker)
967      tracker->RecordProcessLaunch(process_id, cmd);
968  }
969  static void RecordProcessLaunchIfEnabled(ProcessId process_id,
970                                           const FilePath::StringType& exe,
971                                           const FilePath::StringType& args) {
972    GlobalActivityTracker* tracker = Get();
973    if (tracker)
974      tracker->RecordProcessLaunch(process_id, exe, args);
975  }
976  static void RecordProcessExitIfEnabled(ProcessId process_id, int exit_code) {
977    GlobalActivityTracker* tracker = Get();
978    if (tracker)
979      tracker->RecordProcessExit(process_id, exit_code);
980  }
982  // Sets the "phase" of the current process, useful for knowing what it was
983  // doing when it last reported.
984  void SetProcessPhase(ProcessPhase phase);
985  static void SetProcessPhaseIfEnabled(ProcessPhase phase) {
986    GlobalActivityTracker* tracker = Get();
987    if (tracker)
988      tracker->SetProcessPhase(phase);
989  }
991  // Records a log message. The current implementation does NOT recycle these
992  // only store critical messages such as FATAL ones.
993  void RecordLogMessage(StringPiece message);
994  static void RecordLogMessageIfEnabled(StringPiece message) {
995    GlobalActivityTracker* tracker = Get();
996    if (tracker)
997      tracker->RecordLogMessage(message);
998  }
1000  // Records a module load/unload event. This is safe to call multiple times
1001  // even with the same information.
1002  void RecordModuleInfo(const ModuleInfo& info);
1003  static void RecordModuleInfoIfEnabled(const ModuleInfo& info) {
1004    GlobalActivityTracker* tracker = Get();
1005    if (tracker)
1006      tracker->RecordModuleInfo(info);
1007  }
1009  // Record field trial information. This call is thread-safe. In addition to
1010  // this, construction of a GlobalActivityTracker will cause all existing
1011  // active field trials to be fetched and recorded.
1012  void RecordFieldTrial(const std::string& trial_name, StringPiece group_name);
1013  static void RecordFieldTrialIfEnabled(const std::string& trial_name,
1014                                        StringPiece group_name) {
1015    GlobalActivityTracker* tracker = Get();
1016    if (tracker)
1017      tracker->RecordFieldTrial(trial_name, group_name);
1018  }
1020  // Record exception information for the current thread.
1022  void RecordException(const void* origin, uint32_t code) {
1023    return RecordExceptionImpl(::tracked_objects::GetProgramCounter(), origin,
1024                               code);
1025  }
1027  // Gets the process ID used for tracking. This is typically the same as what
1028  // the OS thinks is the current process but can be overridden for testing.
1029  int64_t process_id() { return process_id_; };
1031  // Accesses the process data record for storing arbitrary key/value pairs.
1032  // Updates to this are thread-safe.
1033  ActivityUserData& process_data() { return process_data_; }
1035  // Accesses the global data record for storing arbitrary key/value pairs.
1036  // Updates to this are thread-safe.
1037  ActivityUserData& global_data() { return global_data_; }
1039 private:
1040  friend class GlobalActivityAnalyzer;
1041  friend class ScopedThreadActivity;
1042  friend class ActivityTrackerTest;
1044  enum : int {
1045    // The maximum number of threads that can be tracked within a process. If
1046    // more than this number run concurrently, tracking of new ones may cease.
1047    kMaxThreadCount = 100,
1048    kCachedThreadMemories = 10,
1049    kCachedUserDataMemories = 10,
1050  };
1052  // A wrapper around ActivityUserData that is thread-safe and thus can be used
1053  // in the global scope without the requirement of being called from only one
1054  // thread.
1055  class ThreadSafeUserData : public ActivityUserData {
1056   public:
1057    ThreadSafeUserData(void* memory, size_t size, int64_t pid = 0);
1058    ~ThreadSafeUserData() override;
1060   private:
1061    void Set(StringPiece name,
1062             ValueType type,
1063             const void* memory,
1064             size_t size) override;
1066    Lock data_lock_;
1068    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ThreadSafeUserData);
1069  };
1071  // State of a module as stored in persistent memory. This supports a single
1072  // loading of a module only. If modules are loaded multiple times at
1073  // different addresses, only the last will be recorded and an unload will
1074  // not revert to the information of any other addresses.
1075  struct BASE_EXPORT ModuleInfoRecord {
1076    // SHA1(ModuleInfoRecord): Increment this if structure changes!
1077    static constexpr uint32_t kPersistentTypeId = 0x05DB5F41 + 1;
1079    // Expected size for 32/64-bit check by PersistentMemoryAllocator.
1080    static constexpr size_t kExpectedInstanceSize =
1081        OwningProcess::kExpectedInstanceSize + 56;
1083    // The atomic unfortunately makes this a "complex" class on some compilers
1084    // and thus requires an out-of-line constructor & destructor even though
1085    // they do nothing.
1086    ModuleInfoRecord();
1087    ~ModuleInfoRecord();
1089    OwningProcess owner;            // The process that created this record.
1090    uint64_t address;               // The base address of the module.
1091    uint64_t load_time;             // Time of last load/unload.
1092    uint64_t size;                  // The size of the module in bytes.
1093    uint32_t timestamp;             // Opaque timestamp of the module.
1094    uint32_t age;                   // Opaque "age" associated with the module.
1095    uint8_t identifier[16];         // Opaque identifier for the module.
1096    std::atomic<uint32_t> changes;  // Number load/unload actions.
1097    uint16_t pickle_size;           // The size of the following pickle.
1098    uint8_t loaded;                 // Flag if module is loaded or not.
1099    char pickle[1];                 // Other strings; may allocate larger.
1101    // Decodes/encodes storage structure from more generic info structure.
1102    bool DecodeTo(GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo* info,
1103                  size_t record_size) const;
1104    bool EncodeFrom(const GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo& info,
1105                    size_t record_size);
1107    // Updates the core information without changing the encoded strings. This
1108    // is useful when a known module changes state (i.e. new load or unload).
1109    bool UpdateFrom(const GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo& info);
1111    // Determines the required memory size for the encoded storage.
1112    static size_t EncodedSize(const GlobalActivityTracker::ModuleInfo& info);
1114   private:
1115    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ModuleInfoRecord);
1116  };
1118  // A thin wrapper around the main thread-tracker that keeps additional
1119  // information that the global tracker needs to handle joined threads.
1120  class ManagedActivityTracker : public ThreadActivityTracker {
1121   public:
1122    ManagedActivityTracker(PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference mem_reference,
1123                           void* base,
1124                           size_t size);
1125    ~ManagedActivityTracker() override;
1127    // The reference into persistent memory from which the thread-tracker's
1128    // memory was created.
1129    const PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference mem_reference_;
1131    // The physical address used for the thread-tracker's memory.
1132    void* const mem_base_;
1134   private:
1135    DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ManagedActivityTracker);
1136  };
1138  // Creates a global tracker using a given persistent-memory |allocator| and
1139  // providing the given |stack_depth| to each thread tracker it manages. The
1140  // created object is activated so tracking has already started upon return.
1141  // The |process_id| can be zero to get it from the OS but is taken for testing
1142  // purposes.
1143  GlobalActivityTracker(std::unique_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> allocator,
1144                        int stack_depth,
1145                        int64_t process_id);
1147  // Returns the memory used by an activity-tracker managed by this class.
1148  // It is called during the destruction of a ManagedActivityTracker object.
1149  void ReturnTrackerMemory(ManagedActivityTracker* tracker);
1151  // Records exception information.
1152  void RecordExceptionImpl(const void* pc, const void* origin, uint32_t code);
1154  // Releases the activity-tracker associcated with thread. It is called
1155  // automatically when a thread is joined and thus there is nothing more to
1156  // be tracked. |value| is a pointer to a ManagedActivityTracker.
1157  static void OnTLSDestroy(void* value);
1159  // Does process-exit work. This can be run on any thread.
1160  void CleanupAfterProcess(int64_t process_id,
1161                           int64_t exit_stamp,
1162                           int exit_code,
1163                           std::string&& command_line);
1165  // The persistent-memory allocator from which the memory for all trackers
1166  // is taken.
1167  std::unique_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> allocator_;
1169  // The size (in bytes) of memory required by a ThreadActivityTracker to
1170  // provide the stack-depth requested during construction.
1171  const size_t stack_memory_size_;
1173  // The process-id of the current process. This is kept as a member variable,
1174  // defined during initialization, for testing purposes.
1175  const int64_t process_id_;
1177  // The activity tracker for the currently executing thread.
1178  base::ThreadLocalStorage::Slot this_thread_tracker_;
1180  // The number of thread trackers currently active.
1181  std::atomic<int> thread_tracker_count_;
1183  // A caching memory allocator for thread-tracker objects.
1184  ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator thread_tracker_allocator_;
1185  base::Lock thread_tracker_allocator_lock_;
1187  // A caching memory allocator for user data attached to activity data.
1188  ActivityTrackerMemoryAllocator user_data_allocator_;
1189  base::Lock user_data_allocator_lock_;
1191  // An object for holding arbitrary key value pairs with thread-safe access.
1192  ThreadSafeUserData process_data_;
1193  ThreadSafeUserData global_data_;
1195  // A map of global module information, keyed by module path.
1196  std::map<const std::string, ModuleInfoRecord*> modules_;
1197  base::Lock modules_lock_;
1199  // The active global activity tracker.
1200  static subtle::AtomicWord g_tracker_;
1202  // A lock that is used to protect access to the following fields.
1203  base::Lock global_tracker_lock_;
1205  // The collection of processes being tracked and their command-lines.
1206  std::map<int64_t, std::string> known_processes_;
1208  // A task-runner that can be used for doing background processing.
1209  scoped_refptr<TaskRunner> background_task_runner_;
1211  // A callback performed when a subprocess exits, including its exit-code
1212  // and the phase it was in when that occurred. This will be called via
1213  // the |background_task_runner_| if one is set or whatever thread reaped
1214  // the process otherwise.
1215  ProcessExitCallback process_exit_callback_;
1217  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GlobalActivityTracker);
1221// Record entry in to and out of an arbitrary block of code.
1222class BASE_EXPORT ScopedActivity
1223    : public GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity {
1224 public:
1225  // Track activity at the specified FROM_HERE location for an arbitrary
1226  // 4-bit |action|, an arbitrary 32-bit |id|, and 32-bits of arbitrary
1227  // |info|. None of these values affect operation; they're all purely
1228  // for association and analysis. To have unique identifiers across a
1229  // diverse code-base, create the number by taking the first 8 characters
1230  // of the hash of the activity being tracked.
1231  //
1232  // For example:
1233  //   Tracking method: void MayNeverExit(uint32_t foo) {...}
1234  //   echo -n "MayNeverExit" | sha1sum   =>   e44873ccab21e2b71270da24aa1...
1235  //
1236  //   void MayNeverExit(int32_t foo) {
1237  //     base::debug::ScopedActivity track_me(0, 0xE44873CC, foo);
1238  //     ...
1239  //   }
1241  ScopedActivity(uint8_t action, uint32_t id, int32_t info)
1242      : ScopedActivity(::tracked_objects::GetProgramCounter(),
1243                       action,
1244                       id,
1245                       info) {}
1246  ScopedActivity() : ScopedActivity(0, 0, 0) {}
1248  // Changes the |action| and/or |info| of this activity on the stack. This
1249  // is useful for tracking progress through a function, updating the action
1250  // to indicate "milestones" in the block (max 16 milestones: 0-15) or the
1251  // info to reflect other changes. Changing both is not atomic so a snapshot
1252  // operation could occur between the update of |action| and |info|.
1253  void ChangeAction(uint8_t action);
1254  void ChangeInfo(int32_t info);
1255  void ChangeActionAndInfo(uint8_t action, int32_t info);
1257 private:
1258  // Constructs the object using a passed-in program-counter.
1259  ScopedActivity(const void* program_counter,
1260                 uint8_t action,
1261                 uint32_t id,
1262                 int32_t info);
1264  // A copy of the ID code so it doesn't have to be passed by the caller when
1265  // changing the |info| field.
1266  uint32_t id_;
1268  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedActivity);
1272// These "scoped" classes provide easy tracking of various blocking actions.
1274class BASE_EXPORT ScopedTaskRunActivity
1275    : public GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity {
1276 public:
1278  explicit ScopedTaskRunActivity(const base::PendingTask& task)
1279      : ScopedTaskRunActivity(::tracked_objects::GetProgramCounter(),
1280                              task) {}
1282 private:
1283  ScopedTaskRunActivity(const void* program_counter,
1284                        const base::PendingTask& task);
1285  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedTaskRunActivity);
1288class BASE_EXPORT ScopedLockAcquireActivity
1289    : public GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity {
1290 public:
1292  explicit ScopedLockAcquireActivity(const base::internal::LockImpl* lock)
1293      : ScopedLockAcquireActivity(::tracked_objects::GetProgramCounter(),
1294                                  lock) {}
1296 private:
1297  ScopedLockAcquireActivity(const void* program_counter,
1298                            const base::internal::LockImpl* lock);
1299  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedLockAcquireActivity);
1302class BASE_EXPORT ScopedEventWaitActivity
1303    : public GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity {
1304 public:
1306  explicit ScopedEventWaitActivity(const base::WaitableEvent* event)
1307      : ScopedEventWaitActivity(::tracked_objects::GetProgramCounter(),
1308                                event) {}
1310 private:
1311  ScopedEventWaitActivity(const void* program_counter,
1312                          const base::WaitableEvent* event);
1313  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedEventWaitActivity);
1316class BASE_EXPORT ScopedThreadJoinActivity
1317    : public GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity {
1318 public:
1320  explicit ScopedThreadJoinActivity(const base::PlatformThreadHandle* thread)
1321      : ScopedThreadJoinActivity(::tracked_objects::GetProgramCounter(),
1322                                 thread) {}
1324 private:
1325  ScopedThreadJoinActivity(const void* program_counter,
1326                           const base::PlatformThreadHandle* thread);
1327  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedThreadJoinActivity);
1330// Some systems don't have base::Process
1331#if !defined(OS_NACL) && !defined(OS_IOS)
1332class BASE_EXPORT ScopedProcessWaitActivity
1333    : public GlobalActivityTracker::ScopedThreadActivity {
1334 public:
1336  explicit ScopedProcessWaitActivity(const base::Process* process)
1337      : ScopedProcessWaitActivity(::tracked_objects::GetProgramCounter(),
1338                                  process) {}
1340 private:
1341  ScopedProcessWaitActivity(const void* program_counter,
1342                            const base::Process* process);
1343  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ScopedProcessWaitActivity);
1347}  // namespace debug
1348}  // namespace base