1// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
2// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
3// found in the LICENSE file.
8#include <map>
9#include <memory>
11#include "base/atomicops.h"
12#include "base/base_export.h"
13#include "base/feature_list.h"
14#include "base/memory/shared_memory.h"
15#include "base/metrics/histogram_base.h"
16#include "base/metrics/persistent_memory_allocator.h"
17#include "base/strings/string_piece.h"
18#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
20namespace base {
22class BucketRanges;
23class FilePath;
24class PersistentSampleMapRecords;
25class PersistentSparseHistogramDataManager;
27// Feature definition for enabling histogram persistence.
28BASE_EXPORT extern const Feature kPersistentHistogramsFeature;
31// A data manager for sparse histograms so each instance of such doesn't have
32// to separately iterate over the entire memory segment. Though this class
33// will generally be accessed through the PersistentHistogramAllocator above,
34// it can be used independently on any PersistentMemoryAllocator (making it
35// useable for testing). This object supports only one instance of a sparse
36// histogram for a given id. Tests that create multiple identical histograms,
37// perhaps to simulate multiple processes, should create a separate manager
38// for each.
39class BASE_EXPORT PersistentSparseHistogramDataManager {
40 public:
41  // Constructs the data manager. The allocator must live longer than any
42  // managers that reference it.
43  explicit PersistentSparseHistogramDataManager(
44      PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator);
46  ~PersistentSparseHistogramDataManager();
48  // Returns the object that manages the persistent-sample-map records for a
49  // given |id|. Only one |user| of this data is allowed at a time. This does
50  // an automatic Acquire() on the records. The user must call Release() on
51  // the returned object when it is finished with it. Ownership of the records
52  // object stays with this manager.
53  PersistentSampleMapRecords* UseSampleMapRecords(uint64_t id,
54                                                  const void* user);
56  // Convenience method that gets the object for a given reference so callers
57  // don't have to also keep their own pointer to the appropriate allocator.
58  template <typename T>
59  T* GetAsObject(PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference ref) {
60    return allocator_->GetAsObject<T>(ref);
61  }
63 private:
64  friend class PersistentSampleMapRecords;
66  // Gets the object holding records for a given sample-map id when |lock_|
67  // has already been acquired.
68  PersistentSampleMapRecords* GetSampleMapRecordsWhileLocked(uint64_t id);
70  // Loads sample-map records looking for those belonging to the specified
71  // |load_id|. Records found for other sample-maps are held for later use
72  // without having to iterate again. This should be called only from a
73  // PersistentSampleMapRecords object because those objects have a contract
74  // that there are no other threads accessing the internal records_ field
75  // of the object that is passed in.
76  bool LoadRecords(PersistentSampleMapRecords* sample_map_records);
78  // Weak-pointer to the allocator used by the sparse histograms.
79  PersistentMemoryAllocator* allocator_;
81  // Iterator within the allocator for finding sample records.
82  PersistentMemoryAllocator::Iterator record_iterator_;
84  // Mapping of sample-map IDs to their sample records.
85  std::map<uint64_t, std::unique_ptr<PersistentSampleMapRecords>>
86      sample_records_;
88  // A lock used for synchronizing changes to sample_records_.
89  base::Lock lock_;
91  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PersistentSparseHistogramDataManager);
95// This class manages sample-records used by a PersistentSampleMap container
96// that underlies a persistent SparseHistogram object. It is broken out into a
97// top-level class so that it can be forward-declared in other header files
98// rather than include this entire file as would be necessary if it were
99// declared within the PersistentSparseHistogramDataManager class above.
100class BASE_EXPORT PersistentSampleMapRecords {
101 public:
102  // Constructs an instance of this class. The manager object must live longer
103  // than all instances of this class that reference it, which is not usually
104  // a problem since these objects are generally managed from within that
105  // manager instance.
106  PersistentSampleMapRecords(PersistentSparseHistogramDataManager* data_manager,
107                             uint64_t sample_map_id);
109  ~PersistentSampleMapRecords();
111  // Resets the internal state for a new object using this data. The return
112  // value is "this" as a convenience.
113  PersistentSampleMapRecords* Acquire(const void* user);
115  // Indicates that the using object is done with this data.
116  void Release(const void* user);
118  // Gets the next reference to a persistent sample-map record. The type and
119  // layout of the data being referenced is defined entirely within the
120  // PersistentSampleMap class.
121  PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference GetNext();
123  // Creates a new persistent sample-map record for sample |value| and returns
124  // a reference to it.
125  PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference CreateNew(HistogramBase::Sample value);
127  // Convenience method that gets the object for a given reference so callers
128  // don't have to also keep their own pointer to the appropriate allocator.
129  // This is expected to be used with the SampleRecord structure defined inside
130  // the persistent_sample_map.cc file but since that isn't exported (for
131  // cleanliness of the interface), a template is defined that will be
132  // resolved when used inside that file.
133  template <typename T>
134  T* GetAsObject(PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference ref) {
135    return data_manager_->GetAsObject<T>(ref);
136  }
138 private:
139  friend PersistentSparseHistogramDataManager;
141  // Weak-pointer to the parent data-manager object.
142  PersistentSparseHistogramDataManager* data_manager_;
144  // ID of PersistentSampleMap to which these records apply.
145  const uint64_t sample_map_id_;
147  // The current user of this set of records. It is used to ensure that no
148  // more than one object is using these records at a given time.
149  const void* user_ = nullptr;
151  // This is the count of how many "records" have already been read by the
152  // owning sample-map.
153  size_t seen_ = 0;
155  // This is the set of records previously found for a sample map. Because
156  // there is ever only one object with a given ID (typically a hash of a
157  // histogram name) and because the parent SparseHistogram has acquired
158  // its own lock before accessing the PersistentSampleMap it controls, this
159  // list can be accessed without acquiring any additional lock.
160  std::vector<PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference> records_;
162  // This is the set of records found during iteration through memory. It
163  // is appended in bulk to "records". Access to this vector can be done
164  // only while holding the parent manager's lock.
165  std::vector<PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference> found_;
167  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PersistentSampleMapRecords);
171// This class manages histograms created within a PersistentMemoryAllocator.
172class BASE_EXPORT PersistentHistogramAllocator {
173 public:
174  // A reference to a histogram. While this is implemented as PMA::Reference,
175  // it is not conceptually the same thing. Outside callers should always use
176  // a Reference matching the class it is for and not mix the two.
177  using Reference = PersistentMemoryAllocator::Reference;
179  // Iterator used for fetching persistent histograms from an allocator.
180  // It is lock-free and thread-safe.
181  // See PersistentMemoryAllocator::Iterator for more information.
182  class BASE_EXPORT Iterator {
183   public:
184    // Constructs an iterator on a given |allocator|, starting at the beginning.
185    // The allocator must live beyond the lifetime of the iterator.
186    explicit Iterator(PersistentHistogramAllocator* allocator);
188    // Gets the next histogram from persistent memory; returns null if there
189    // are no more histograms to be found. This may still be called again
190    // later to retrieve any new histograms added in the meantime.
191    std::unique_ptr<HistogramBase> GetNext() { return GetNextWithIgnore(0); }
193    // Gets the next histogram from persistent memory, ignoring one particular
194    // reference in the process. Pass |ignore| of zero (0) to ignore nothing.
195    std::unique_ptr<HistogramBase> GetNextWithIgnore(Reference ignore);
197   private:
198    // Weak-pointer to histogram allocator being iterated over.
199    PersistentHistogramAllocator* allocator_;
201    // The iterator used for stepping through objects in persistent memory.
202    // It is lock-free and thread-safe which is why this class is also such.
203    PersistentMemoryAllocator::Iterator memory_iter_;
206  };
208  // A PersistentHistogramAllocator is constructed from a PersistentMemory-
209  // Allocator object of which it takes ownership.
210  explicit PersistentHistogramAllocator(
211      std::unique_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> memory);
212  virtual ~PersistentHistogramAllocator();
214  // Direct access to underlying memory allocator. If the segment is shared
215  // across threads or processes, reading data through these values does
216  // not guarantee consistency. Use with care. Do not write.
217  PersistentMemoryAllocator* memory_allocator() {
218    return memory_allocator_.get();
219  }
221  // Implement the "metadata" API of a PersistentMemoryAllocator, forwarding
222  // those requests to the real one.
223  uint64_t Id() const { return memory_allocator_->Id(); }
224  const char* Name() const { return memory_allocator_->Name(); }
225  const void* data() const { return memory_allocator_->data(); }
226  size_t length() const { return memory_allocator_->length(); }
227  size_t size() const { return memory_allocator_->size(); }
228  size_t used() const { return memory_allocator_->used(); }
230  // Recreate a Histogram from data held in persistent memory. Though this
231  // object will be local to the current process, the sample data will be
232  // shared with all other threads referencing it. This method takes a |ref|
233  // to where the top-level histogram data may be found in this allocator.
234  // This method will return null if any problem is detected with the data.
235  std::unique_ptr<HistogramBase> GetHistogram(Reference ref);
237  // Allocate a new persistent histogram. The returned histogram will not
238  // be able to be located by other allocators until it is "finalized".
239  std::unique_ptr<HistogramBase> AllocateHistogram(
240      HistogramType histogram_type,
241      const std::string& name,
242      int minimum,
243      int maximum,
244      const BucketRanges* bucket_ranges,
245      int32_t flags,
246      Reference* ref_ptr);
248  // Finalize the creation of the histogram, making it available to other
249  // processes if |registered| (as in: added to the StatisticsRecorder) is
250  // True, forgetting it otherwise.
251  void FinalizeHistogram(Reference ref, bool registered);
253  // Merges the data in a persistent histogram with one held globally by the
254  // StatisticsRecorder, updating the "logged" samples within the passed
255  // object so that repeated merges are allowed. Don't call this on a "global"
256  // allocator because histograms created there will already be in the SR.
257  void MergeHistogramDeltaToStatisticsRecorder(HistogramBase* histogram);
259  // As above but merge the "final" delta. No update of "logged" samples is
260  // done which means it can operate on read-only objects. It's essential,
261  // however, not to call this more than once or those final samples will
262  // get recorded again.
263  void MergeHistogramFinalDeltaToStatisticsRecorder(
264      const HistogramBase* histogram);
266  // Returns the object that manages the persistent-sample-map records for a
267  // given |id|. Only one |user| of this data is allowed at a time. This does
268  // an automatic Acquire() on the records. The user must call Release() on
269  // the returned object when it is finished with it. Ownership stays with
270  // this allocator.
271  PersistentSampleMapRecords* UseSampleMapRecords(uint64_t id,
272                                                  const void* user);
274  // Create internal histograms for tracking memory use and allocation sizes
275  // for allocator of |name| (which can simply be the result of Name()). This
276  // is done seperately from construction for situations such as when the
277  // histograms will be backed by memory provided by this very allocator.
278  //
279  // IMPORTANT: Callers must update tools/metrics/histograms/histograms.xml
280  // with the following histograms:
281  //    UMA.PersistentAllocator.name.Allocs
282  //    UMA.PersistentAllocator.name.UsedPct
283  void CreateTrackingHistograms(StringPiece name);
284  void UpdateTrackingHistograms();
286  // Clears the internal |last_created_| reference so testing can validate
287  // operation without that optimization.
288  void ClearLastCreatedReferenceForTesting();
290  // Histogram containing creation results. Visible for testing.
291  static HistogramBase* GetCreateHistogramResultHistogram();
293 protected:
294  // The structure used to hold histogram data in persistent memory. It is
295  // defined and used entirely within the .cc file.
296  struct PersistentHistogramData;
298  // Gets the reference of the last histogram created, used to avoid
299  // trying to import what was just created.
300  PersistentHistogramAllocator::Reference last_created() {
301    return subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&last_created_);
302  }
304  // Gets the next histogram in persistent data based on iterator while
305  // ignoring a particular reference if it is found.
306  std::unique_ptr<HistogramBase> GetNextHistogramWithIgnore(Iterator* iter,
307                                                            Reference ignore);
309 private:
310  // Enumerate possible creation results for reporting.
311  enum CreateHistogramResultType {
312    // Everything was fine.
315    // Pointer to metadata was not valid.
318    // Histogram metadata was not valid.
321    // Ranges information was not valid.
324    // Counts information was not valid.
327    // Could not allocate histogram memory due to corruption.
330    // Could not allocate histogram memory due to lack of space.
333    // Could not allocate histogram memory due to unknown error.
336    // Histogram was of unknown type.
339    // Instance has detected a corrupt allocator (recorded only once).
342    // Always keep this at the end.
344  };
346  // Create a histogram based on saved (persistent) information about it.
347  std::unique_ptr<HistogramBase> CreateHistogram(
348      PersistentHistogramData* histogram_data_ptr);
350  // Gets or creates an object in the global StatisticsRecorder matching
351  // the |histogram| passed. Null is returned if one was not found and
352  // one could not be created.
353  HistogramBase* GetOrCreateStatisticsRecorderHistogram(
354      const HistogramBase* histogram);
356  // Record the result of a histogram creation.
357  static void RecordCreateHistogramResult(CreateHistogramResultType result);
359  // The memory allocator that provides the actual histogram storage.
360  std::unique_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> memory_allocator_;
362  // The data-manager used to improve performance of sparse histograms.
363  PersistentSparseHistogramDataManager sparse_histogram_data_manager_;
365  // A reference to the last-created histogram in the allocator, used to avoid
366  // trying to import what was just created.
367  // TODO(bcwhite): Change this to std::atomic<PMA::Reference> when available.
368  subtle::Atomic32 last_created_ = 0;
370  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PersistentHistogramAllocator);
374// A special case of the PersistentHistogramAllocator that operates on a
375// global scale, collecting histograms created through standard macros and
376// the FactoryGet() method.
377class BASE_EXPORT GlobalHistogramAllocator
378    : public PersistentHistogramAllocator {
379 public:
380  ~GlobalHistogramAllocator() override;
382  // Create a global allocator using the passed-in memory |base|, |size|, and
383  // other parameters. Ownership of the memory segment remains with the caller.
384  static void CreateWithPersistentMemory(void* base,
385                                         size_t size,
386                                         size_t page_size,
387                                         uint64_t id,
388                                         StringPiece name);
390  // Create a global allocator using an internal block of memory of the
391  // specified |size| taken from the heap.
392  static void CreateWithLocalMemory(size_t size, uint64_t id, StringPiece name);
394#if !defined(OS_NACL)
395  // Create a global allocator by memory-mapping a |file|. If the file does
396  // not exist, it will be created with the specified |size|. If the file does
397  // exist, the allocator will use and add to its contents, ignoring the passed
398  // size in favor of the existing size. Returns whether the global allocator
399  // was set.
400  static bool CreateWithFile(const FilePath& file_path,
401                             size_t size,
402                             uint64_t id,
403                             StringPiece name);
405  // Creates a new file at |active_path|. If it already exists, it will first be
406  // moved to |base_path|. In all cases, any old file at |base_path| will be
407  // removed. The file will be created using the given size, id, and name.
408  // Returns whether the global allocator was set.
409  static bool CreateWithActiveFile(const FilePath& base_path,
410                                   const FilePath& active_path,
411                                   size_t size,
412                                   uint64_t id,
413                                   StringPiece name);
415  // Uses ConstructBaseActivePairFilePaths() to build a pair of file names which
416  // are then used for CreateWithActiveFile(). |name| is used for both the
417  // internal name for the allocator and also for the name of the file inside
418  // |dir|.
419  static bool CreateWithActiveFileInDir(const FilePath& dir,
420                                        size_t size,
421                                        uint64_t id,
422                                        StringPiece name);
424  // Constructs a pair of names in |dir| based on name that can be used for a
425  // base + active persistent memory mapped location for CreateWithActiveFile().
426  // |name| will be used as the basename of the file inside |dir|.
427  // |out_base_path| or |out_active_path| may be null if not needed.
428  static void ConstructFilePaths(const FilePath& dir,
429                                 StringPiece name,
430                                 FilePath* out_base_path,
431                                 FilePath* out_active_path);
434  // Create a global allocator using a block of shared memory accessed
435  // through the given |handle| and |size|. The allocator takes ownership
436  // of the handle and closes it upon destruction, though the memory will
437  // continue to live if other processes have access to it.
438  static void CreateWithSharedMemoryHandle(const SharedMemoryHandle& handle,
439                                           size_t size);
441  // Sets a GlobalHistogramAllocator for globally storing histograms in
442  // a space that can be persisted or shared between processes. There is only
443  // ever one allocator for all such histograms created by a single process.
444  // This takes ownership of the object and should be called as soon as
445  // possible during startup to capture as many histograms as possible and
446  // while operating single-threaded so there are no race-conditions.
447  static void Set(std::unique_ptr<GlobalHistogramAllocator> allocator);
449  // Gets a pointer to the global histogram allocator. Returns null if none
450  // exists.
451  static GlobalHistogramAllocator* Get();
453  // This access to the persistent allocator is only for testing; it extracts
454  // the current allocator completely. This allows easy creation of histograms
455  // within persistent memory segments which can then be extracted and used in
456  // other ways.
457  static std::unique_ptr<GlobalHistogramAllocator> ReleaseForTesting();
459  // Stores a pathname to which the contents of this allocator should be saved
460  // in order to persist the data for a later use.
461  void SetPersistentLocation(const FilePath& location);
463  // Retrieves a previously set pathname to which the contents of this allocator
464  // are to be saved.
465  const FilePath& GetPersistentLocation() const;
467  // Writes the internal data to a previously set location. This is generally
468  // called when a process is exiting from a section of code that may not know
469  // the filesystem. The data is written in an atomic manner. The return value
470  // indicates success.
471  bool WriteToPersistentLocation();
473  // If there is a global metrics file being updated on disk, mark it to be
474  // deleted when the process exits.
475  void DeletePersistentLocation();
477 private:
478  friend class StatisticsRecorder;
480  // Creates a new global histogram allocator.
481  explicit GlobalHistogramAllocator(
482      std::unique_ptr<PersistentMemoryAllocator> memory);
484  // Import new histograms from the global histogram allocator. It's possible
485  // for other processes to create histograms in the active memory segment;
486  // this adds those to the internal list of known histograms to avoid creating
487  // duplicates that would have to be merged during reporting. Every call to
488  // this method resumes from the last entry it saw; it costs nothing if
489  // nothing new has been added.
490  void ImportHistogramsToStatisticsRecorder();
492  // Import always continues from where it left off, making use of a single
493  // iterator to continue the work.
494  Iterator import_iterator_;
496  // The location to which the data should be persisted.
497  FilePath persistent_location_;
499  DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(GlobalHistogramAllocator);
502}  // namespace base