3#                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5# This file is dual licensed under the MIT and the University of Illinois Open
6# Source Licenses. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10import platform
11import os
12import libcxx.util
15class CXXCompiler(object):
16    CM_Default = 0
17    CM_PreProcess = 1
18    CM_Compile = 2
19    CM_Link = 3
21    def __init__(self, path, flags=None, compile_flags=None, link_flags=None,
22                 warning_flags=None, verify_supported=None,
23                 verify_flags=None, use_verify=False,
24                 modules_flags=None, use_modules=False,
25                 use_ccache=False, use_warnings=False, compile_env=None,
26                 cxx_type=None, cxx_version=None):
27        self.source_lang = 'c++'
28        self.path = path
29        self.flags = list(flags or [])
30        self.compile_flags = list(compile_flags or [])
31        self.link_flags = list(link_flags or [])
32        self.warning_flags = list(warning_flags or [])
33        self.verify_supported = verify_supported
34        self.use_verify = use_verify
35        self.verify_flags = list(verify_flags or [])
36        assert not use_verify or verify_supported
37        assert not use_verify or verify_flags is not None
38        self.modules_flags = list(modules_flags or [])
39        self.use_modules = use_modules
40        assert not use_modules or modules_flags is not None
41        self.use_ccache = use_ccache
42        self.use_warnings = use_warnings
43        if compile_env is not None:
44            self.compile_env = dict(compile_env)
45        else:
46            self.compile_env = None
47        self.type = cxx_type
48        self.version = cxx_version
49        if self.type is None or self.version is None:
50            self._initTypeAndVersion()
52    def isVerifySupported(self):
53        if self.verify_supported is None:
54            self.verify_supported = self.hasCompileFlag(['-Xclang',
55                                        '-verify-ignore-unexpected'])
56            if self.verify_supported:
57                self.verify_flags = [
58                    '-Xclang', '-verify',
59                    '-Xclang', '-verify-ignore-unexpected=note',
60                    '-ferror-limit=1024'
61                ]
62        return self.verify_supported
64    def useVerify(self, value=True):
65        self.use_verify = value
66        assert not self.use_verify or self.verify_flags is not None
68    def useModules(self, value=True):
69        self.use_modules = value
70        assert not self.use_modules or self.modules_flags is not None
72    def useCCache(self, value=True):
73        self.use_ccache = value
75    def useWarnings(self, value=True):
76        self.use_warnings = value
78    def _initTypeAndVersion(self):
79        # Get compiler type and version
80        macros = self.dumpMacros()
81        if macros is None:
82            return
83        compiler_type = None
84        major_ver = minor_ver = patchlevel = None
85        if '__clang__' in macros.keys():
86            compiler_type = 'clang'
87            # Treat apple's llvm fork differently.
88            if '__apple_build_version__' in macros.keys():
89                compiler_type = 'apple-clang'
90            major_ver = macros['__clang_major__']
91            minor_ver = macros['__clang_minor__']
92            patchlevel = macros['__clang_patchlevel__']
93        elif '__GNUC__' in macros.keys():
94            compiler_type = 'gcc'
95            major_ver = macros['__GNUC__']
96            minor_ver = macros['__GNUC_MINOR__']
97            patchlevel = macros['__GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__']
98        self.type = compiler_type
99        self.version = (major_ver, minor_ver, patchlevel)
101    def _basicCmd(self, source_files, out, mode=CM_Default, flags=[],
102                  input_is_cxx=False):
103        cmd = []
104        if self.use_ccache \
105                and not mode == self.CM_Link \
106                and not mode == self.CM_PreProcess:
107            cmd += ['ccache']
108        cmd += [self.path]
109        if out is not None:
110            cmd += ['-o', out]
111        if input_is_cxx:
112            cmd += ['-x', self.source_lang]
113        if isinstance(source_files, list):
114            cmd += source_files
115        elif isinstance(source_files, str):
116            cmd += [source_files]
117        else:
118            raise TypeError('source_files must be a string or list')
119        if mode == self.CM_PreProcess:
120            cmd += ['-E']
121        elif mode == self.CM_Compile:
122            cmd += ['-c']
123        cmd += self.flags
124        if self.use_verify:
125            cmd += self.verify_flags
126            assert mode in [self.CM_Default, self.CM_Compile]
127        if self.use_modules:
128            cmd += self.modules_flags
129        if mode != self.CM_Link:
130            cmd += self.compile_flags
131            if self.use_warnings:
132                cmd += self.warning_flags
133        if mode != self.CM_PreProcess and mode != self.CM_Compile:
134            cmd += self.link_flags
135        cmd += flags
136        return cmd
138    def preprocessCmd(self, source_files, out=None, flags=[]):
139        return self._basicCmd(source_files, out, flags=flags,
140                             mode=self.CM_PreProcess,
141                             input_is_cxx=True)
143    def compileCmd(self, source_files, out=None, flags=[]):
144        return self._basicCmd(source_files, out, flags=flags,
145                             mode=self.CM_Compile,
146                             input_is_cxx=True) + ['-c']
148    def linkCmd(self, source_files, out=None, flags=[]):
149        return self._basicCmd(source_files, out, flags=flags,
150                              mode=self.CM_Link)
152    def compileLinkCmd(self, source_files, out=None, flags=[]):
153        return self._basicCmd(source_files, out, flags=flags)
155    def preprocess(self, source_files, out=None, flags=[], cwd=None):
156        cmd = self.preprocessCmd(source_files, out, flags)
157        out, err, rc = libcxx.util.executeCommand(cmd, env=self.compile_env,
158                                                  cwd=cwd)
159        return cmd, out, err, rc
161    def compile(self, source_files, out=None, flags=[], cwd=None):
162        cmd = self.compileCmd(source_files, out, flags)
163        out, err, rc = libcxx.util.executeCommand(cmd, env=self.compile_env,
164                                                  cwd=cwd)
165        return cmd, out, err, rc
167    def link(self, source_files, out=None, flags=[], cwd=None):
168        cmd = self.linkCmd(source_files, out, flags)
169        out, err, rc = libcxx.util.executeCommand(cmd, env=self.compile_env,
170                                                  cwd=cwd)
171        return cmd, out, err, rc
173    def compileLink(self, source_files, out=None, flags=[],
174                    cwd=None):
175        cmd = self.compileLinkCmd(source_files, out, flags)
176        out, err, rc = libcxx.util.executeCommand(cmd, env=self.compile_env,
177                                                  cwd=cwd)
178        return cmd, out, err, rc
180    def compileLinkTwoSteps(self, source_file, out=None, object_file=None,
181                            flags=[], cwd=None):
182        if not isinstance(source_file, str):
183            raise TypeError('This function only accepts a single input file')
184        if object_file is None:
185            # Create, use and delete a temporary object file if none is given.
186            with_fn = lambda: libcxx.util.guardedTempFilename(suffix='.o')
187        else:
188            # Otherwise wrap the filename in a context manager function.
189            with_fn = lambda: libcxx.util.nullContext(object_file)
190        with with_fn() as object_file:
191            cc_cmd, cc_stdout, cc_stderr, rc = self.compile(
192                source_file, object_file, flags=flags, cwd=cwd)
193            if rc != 0:
194                return cc_cmd, cc_stdout, cc_stderr, rc
196            link_cmd, link_stdout, link_stderr, rc = self.link(
197                object_file, out=out, flags=flags, cwd=cwd)
198            return (cc_cmd + ['&&'] + link_cmd, cc_stdout + link_stdout,
199                    cc_stderr + link_stderr, rc)
201    def dumpMacros(self, source_files=None, flags=[], cwd=None):
202        if source_files is None:
203            source_files = os.devnull
204        flags = ['-dM'] + flags
205        cmd, out, err, rc = self.preprocess(source_files, flags=flags, cwd=cwd)
206        if rc != 0:
207            return cmd, out, err, rc
208        parsed_macros = {}
209        lines = [l.strip() for l in out.split('\n') if l.strip()]
210        for l in lines:
211            assert l.startswith('#define ')
212            l = l[len('#define '):]
213            macro, _, value = l.partition(' ')
214            parsed_macros[macro] = value
215        return parsed_macros
217    def getTriple(self):
218        cmd = [self.path] + self.flags + ['-dumpmachine']
219        return libcxx.util.capture(cmd).strip()
221    def hasCompileFlag(self, flag):
222        if isinstance(flag, list):
223            flags = list(flag)
224        else:
225            flags = [flag]
226        # Add -Werror to ensure that an unrecognized flag causes a non-zero
227        # exit code. -Werror is supported on all known compiler types.
228        if self.type is not None:
229            flags += ['-Werror', '-fsyntax-only']
230        cmd, out, err, rc = self.compile(os.devnull, out=os.devnull,
231                                         flags=flags)
232        return rc == 0
234    def addFlagIfSupported(self, flag):
235        if isinstance(flag, list):
236            flags = list(flag)
237        else:
238            flags = [flag]
239        if self.hasCompileFlag(flags):
240            self.flags += flags
241            return True
242        else:
243            return False
245    def addCompileFlagIfSupported(self, flag):
246        if isinstance(flag, list):
247            flags = list(flag)
248        else:
249            flags = [flag]
250        if self.hasCompileFlag(flags):
251            self.compile_flags += flags
252            return True
253        else:
254            return False
256    def hasWarningFlag(self, flag):
257        """
258        hasWarningFlag - Test if the compiler supports a given warning flag.
259        Unlike addCompileFlagIfSupported, this function detects when
260        "-Wno-<warning>" flags are unsupported. If flag is a
261        "-Wno-<warning>" GCC will not emit an unknown option diagnostic unless
262        another error is triggered during compilation.
263        """
264        assert isinstance(flag, str)
265        assert flag.startswith('-W')
266        if not flag.startswith('-Wno-'):
267            return self.hasCompileFlag(flag)
268        flags = ['-Werror', flag]
269        old_use_warnings = self.use_warnings
270        self.useWarnings(False)
271        cmd = self.compileCmd('-', os.devnull, flags)
272        self.useWarnings(old_use_warnings)
273        # Remove '-v' because it will cause the command line invocation
274        # to be printed as part of the error output.
275        # TODO(EricWF): Are there other flags we need to worry about?
276        if '-v' in cmd:
277            cmd.remove('-v')
278        out, err, rc = libcxx.util.executeCommand(
279            cmd, input=libcxx.util.to_bytes('#error\n'))
281        assert rc != 0
282        if flag in err:
283            return False
284        return True
286    def addWarningFlagIfSupported(self, flag):
287        if self.hasWarningFlag(flag):
288            if flag not in self.warning_flags:
289                self.warning_flags += [flag]
290            return True
291        return False