TargetInstrInfo.h revision 6c1d2b90e31ea3337705372d1757727d6764686d
1//===-- llvm/Target/TargetInstrInfo.h - Instruction Info --------*- C++ -*-===//
3//                     The LLVM Compiler Infrastructure
5// This file was developed by the LLVM research group and is distributed under
6// the University of Illinois Open Source License. See LICENSE.TXT for details.
10// This file describes the target machine instructions to the code generator.
17#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineBasicBlock.h"
18#include "llvm/CodeGen/MachineFunction.h"
19#include "llvm/Support/DataTypes.h"
20#include <vector>
21#include <cassert>
23namespace llvm {
25class MachineInstr;
26class TargetMachine;
27class MachineCodeForInstruction;
28class TargetRegisterClass;
29class LiveVariables;
32// Data types used to define information about a single machine instruction
35typedef short MachineOpCode;
36typedef unsigned InstrSchedClass;
39// struct TargetInstrDescriptor:
40//  Predefined information about each machine instruction.
41//  Designed to initialized statically.
44const unsigned M_BRANCH_FLAG           = 1 << 0;
45const unsigned M_CALL_FLAG             = 1 << 1;
46const unsigned M_RET_FLAG              = 1 << 2;
47const unsigned M_BARRIER_FLAG          = 1 << 3;
48const unsigned M_DELAY_SLOT_FLAG       = 1 << 4;
49const unsigned M_LOAD_FLAG             = 1 << 5;
50const unsigned M_STORE_FLAG            = 1 << 6;
52// M_CONVERTIBLE_TO_3_ADDR - This is a 2-address instruction which can be
53// changed into a 3-address instruction if the first two operands cannot be
54// assigned to the same register.  The target must implement the
55// TargetInstrInfo::convertToThreeAddress method for this instruction.
56const unsigned M_CONVERTIBLE_TO_3_ADDR = 1 << 7;
58// This M_COMMUTABLE - is a 2- or 3-address instruction (of the form X = op Y,
59// Z), which produces the same result if Y and Z are exchanged.
60const unsigned M_COMMUTABLE            = 1 << 8;
62// M_TERMINATOR_FLAG - Is this instruction part of the terminator for a basic
63// block?  Typically this is things like return and branch instructions.
64// Various passes use this to insert code into the bottom of a basic block, but
65// before control flow occurs.
66const unsigned M_TERMINATOR_FLAG       = 1 << 9;
68// M_USES_CUSTOM_DAG_SCHED_INSERTION - Set if this instruction requires custom
69// insertion support when the DAG scheduler is inserting it into a machine basic
70// block.
71const unsigned M_USES_CUSTOM_DAG_SCHED_INSERTION = 1 << 10;
73// M_VARIABLE_OPS - Set if this instruction can have a variable number of extra
74// operands in addition to the minimum number operands specified.
75const unsigned M_VARIABLE_OPS = 1 << 11;
77// M_PREDICATED - Set if this instruction has a predicate that controls its
78// execution.
79const unsigned M_PREDICATED = 1 << 12;
81// M_REMATERIALIZIBLE - Set if this instruction can be trivally re-materialized
82// at any time, e.g. constant generation, load from constant pool.
83const unsigned M_REMATERIALIZIBLE = 1 << 13;
86// Machine operand flags
87// M_LOOK_UP_PTR_REG_CLASS - Set if this operand is a pointer value and it
88// requires a callback to look up its register class.
89const unsigned M_LOOK_UP_PTR_REG_CLASS = 1 << 0;
91/// M_PREDICATE_OPERAND - Set if this is one of the operands that made up of the
92/// predicate operand that controls an M_PREDICATED instruction.
93const unsigned M_PREDICATE_OPERAND = 1 << 1;
95namespace TOI {
96  // Operand constraints: only "tied_to" for now.
97  enum OperandConstraint {
98    TIED_TO = 0  // Must be allocated the same register as.
99  };
102/// TargetOperandInfo - This holds information about one operand of a machine
103/// instruction, indicating the register class for register operands, etc.
105class TargetOperandInfo {
107  /// RegClass - This specifies the register class enumeration of the operand
108  /// if the operand is a register.  If not, this contains 0.
109  unsigned short RegClass;
110  unsigned short Flags;
111  /// Lower 16 bits are used to specify which constraints are set. The higher 16
112  /// bits are used to specify the value of constraints (4 bits each).
113  unsigned int Constraints;
114  /// Currently no other information.
118class TargetInstrDescriptor {
120  MachineOpCode   Opcode;        // The opcode.
121  unsigned short  numOperands;   // Num of args (may be more if variable_ops).
122  const char *    Name;          // Assembly language mnemonic for the opcode.
123  InstrSchedClass schedClass;    // enum  identifying instr sched class
124  unsigned        Flags;         // flags identifying machine instr class
125  unsigned        TSFlags;       // Target Specific Flag values
126  const unsigned *ImplicitUses;  // Registers implicitly read by this instr
127  const unsigned *ImplicitDefs;  // Registers implicitly defined by this instr
128  const TargetOperandInfo *OpInfo; // 'numOperands' entries about operands.
130  /// getOperandConstraint - Returns the value of the specific constraint if
131  /// it is set. Returns -1 if it is not set.
132  int getOperandConstraint(unsigned OpNum,
133                           TOI::OperandConstraint Constraint) const {
134    assert((OpNum < numOperands || (Flags & M_VARIABLE_OPS)) &&
135           "Invalid operand # of TargetInstrInfo");
136    if (OpNum < numOperands &&
137        (OpInfo[OpNum].Constraints & (1 << Constraint))) {
138      unsigned Pos = 16 + Constraint * 4;
139      return (int)(OpInfo[OpNum].Constraints >> Pos) & 0xf;
140    }
141    return -1;
142  }
144  /// findTiedToSrcOperand - Returns the operand that is tied to the specified
145  /// dest operand. Returns -1 if there isn't one.
146  int findTiedToSrcOperand(unsigned OpNum) const;
152/// TargetInstrInfo - Interface to description of machine instructions
154class TargetInstrInfo {
155  const TargetInstrDescriptor* desc;    // raw array to allow static init'n
156  unsigned NumOpcodes;                  // number of entries in the desc array
157  unsigned numRealOpCodes;              // number of non-dummy op codes
159  TargetInstrInfo(const TargetInstrInfo &);  // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
160  void operator=(const TargetInstrInfo &);   // DO NOT IMPLEMENT
162  TargetInstrInfo(const TargetInstrDescriptor *desc, unsigned NumOpcodes);
163  virtual ~TargetInstrInfo();
165  // Invariant opcodes: All instruction sets have these as their low opcodes.
166  enum {
167    PHI = 0,
168    INLINEASM = 1,
169    LABEL = 2
170  };
172  unsigned getNumOpcodes() const { return NumOpcodes; }
174  /// get - Return the machine instruction descriptor that corresponds to the
175  /// specified instruction opcode.
176  ///
177  const TargetInstrDescriptor& get(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
178    assert((unsigned)Opcode < NumOpcodes);
179    return desc[Opcode];
180  }
182  const char *getName(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
183    return get(Opcode).Name;
184  }
186  int getNumOperands(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
187    return get(Opcode).numOperands;
188  }
190  InstrSchedClass getSchedClass(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
191    return get(Opcode).schedClass;
192  }
194  const unsigned *getImplicitUses(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
195    return get(Opcode).ImplicitUses;
196  }
198  const unsigned *getImplicitDefs(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
199    return get(Opcode).ImplicitDefs;
200  }
203  //
204  // Query instruction class flags according to the machine-independent
205  // flags listed above.
206  //
207  bool isReturn(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
208    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_RET_FLAG;
209  }
211  bool isPredicated(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
212    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_PREDICATED;
213  }
214  bool isReMaterializable(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
215    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_REMATERIALIZIBLE;
216  }
217  bool isCommutableInstr(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
218    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_COMMUTABLE;
219  }
220  bool isTerminatorInstr(unsigned Opcode) const {
221    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_TERMINATOR_FLAG;
222  }
224  bool isBranch(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
225    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_BRANCH_FLAG;
226  }
228  /// isBarrier - Returns true if the specified instruction stops control flow
229  /// from executing the instruction immediately following it.  Examples include
230  /// unconditional branches and return instructions.
231  bool isBarrier(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
232    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_BARRIER_FLAG;
233  }
235  bool isCall(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
236    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_CALL_FLAG;
237  }
238  bool isLoad(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
239    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_LOAD_FLAG;
240  }
241  bool isStore(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
242    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_STORE_FLAG;
243  }
245  /// hasDelaySlot - Returns true if the specified instruction has a delay slot
246  /// which must be filled by the code generator.
247  bool hasDelaySlot(unsigned Opcode) const {
248    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_DELAY_SLOT_FLAG;
249  }
251  /// usesCustomDAGSchedInsertionHook - Return true if this instruction requires
252  /// custom insertion support when the DAG scheduler is inserting it into a
253  /// machine basic block.
254  bool usesCustomDAGSchedInsertionHook(unsigned Opcode) const {
255    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_USES_CUSTOM_DAG_SCHED_INSERTION;
256  }
258  bool hasVariableOperands(MachineOpCode Opcode) const {
259    return get(Opcode).Flags & M_VARIABLE_OPS;
260  }
262  /// getOperandConstraint - Returns the value of the specific constraint if
263  /// it is set. Returns -1 if it is not set.
264  int getOperandConstraint(MachineOpCode Opcode, unsigned OpNum,
265                           TOI::OperandConstraint Constraint) const {
266    return get(Opcode).getOperandConstraint(OpNum, Constraint);
267  }
269  /// Return true if the instruction is a register to register move
270  /// and leave the source and dest operands in the passed parameters.
271  virtual bool isMoveInstr(const MachineInstr& MI,
272                           unsigned& sourceReg,
273                           unsigned& destReg) const {
274    return false;
275  }
277  /// isLoadFromStackSlot - If the specified machine instruction is a direct
278  /// load from a stack slot, return the virtual or physical register number of
279  /// the destination along with the FrameIndex of the loaded stack slot.  If
280  /// not, return 0.  This predicate must return 0 if the instruction has
281  /// any side effects other than loading from the stack slot.
282  virtual unsigned isLoadFromStackSlot(MachineInstr *MI, int &FrameIndex) const{
283    return 0;
284  }
286  /// isStoreToStackSlot - If the specified machine instruction is a direct
287  /// store to a stack slot, return the virtual or physical register number of
288  /// the source reg along with the FrameIndex of the loaded stack slot.  If
289  /// not, return 0.  This predicate must return 0 if the instruction has
290  /// any side effects other than storing to the stack slot.
291  virtual unsigned isStoreToStackSlot(MachineInstr *MI, int &FrameIndex) const {
292    return 0;
293  }
295  /// convertToThreeAddress - This method must be implemented by targets that
296  /// set the M_CONVERTIBLE_TO_3_ADDR flag.  When this flag is set, the target
297  /// may be able to convert a two-address instruction into one or moretrue
298  /// three-address instructions on demand.  This allows the X86 target (for
299  /// example) to convert ADD and SHL instructions into LEA instructions if they
300  /// would require register copies due to two-addressness.
301  ///
302  /// This method returns a null pointer if the transformation cannot be
303  /// performed, otherwise it returns the last new instruction.
304  ///
305  virtual MachineInstr *
306  convertToThreeAddress(MachineFunction::iterator &MFI,
307                   MachineBasicBlock::iterator &MBBI, LiveVariables &LV) const {
308    return 0;
309  }
311  /// commuteInstruction - If a target has any instructions that are commutable,
312  /// but require converting to a different instruction or making non-trivial
313  /// changes to commute them, this method can overloaded to do this.  The
314  /// default implementation of this method simply swaps the first two operands
315  /// of MI and returns it.
316  ///
317  /// If a target wants to make more aggressive changes, they can construct and
318  /// return a new machine instruction.  If an instruction cannot commute, it
319  /// can also return null.
320  ///
321  virtual MachineInstr *commuteInstruction(MachineInstr *MI) const;
323  /// AnalyzeBranch - Analyze the branching code at the end of MBB, returning
324  /// true if it cannot be understood (e.g. it's a switch dispatch or isn't
325  /// implemented for a target).  Upon success, this returns false and returns
326  /// with the following information in various cases:
327  ///
328  /// 1. If this block ends with no branches (it just falls through to its succ)
329  ///    just return false, leaving TBB/FBB null.
330  /// 2. If this block ends with only an unconditional branch, it sets TBB to be
331  ///    the destination block.
332  /// 3. If this block ends with an conditional branch and it falls through to
333  ///    an successor block, it sets TBB to be the branch destination block and a
334  ///    list of operands that evaluate the condition. These
335  ///    operands can be passed to other TargetInstrInfo methods to create new
336  ///    branches.
337  /// 4. If this block ends with an conditional branch and an unconditional
338  ///    block, it returns the 'true' destination in TBB, the 'false' destination
339  ///    in FBB, and a list of operands that evaluate the condition. These
340  ///    operands can be passed to other TargetInstrInfo methods to create new
341  ///    branches.
342  ///
343  /// Note that RemoveBranch and InsertBranch must be implemented to support
344  /// cases where this method returns success.
345  ///
346  virtual bool AnalyzeBranch(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock *&TBB,
347                             MachineBasicBlock *&FBB,
348                             std::vector<MachineOperand> &Cond) const {
349    return true;
350  }
352  /// RemoveBranch - Remove the branching code at the end of the specific MBB.
353  /// this is only invoked in cases where AnalyzeBranch returns success.
354  virtual void RemoveBranch(MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
355    assert(0 && "Target didn't implement TargetInstrInfo::RemoveBranch!");
356  }
358  /// InsertBranch - Insert a branch into the end of the specified
359  /// MachineBasicBlock.  This operands to this method are the same as those
360  /// returned by AnalyzeBranch.  This is invoked in cases where AnalyzeBranch
361  /// returns success and when an unconditional branch (TBB is non-null, FBB is
362  /// null, Cond is empty) needs to be inserted.
363  virtual void InsertBranch(MachineBasicBlock &MBB, MachineBasicBlock *TBB,
364                            MachineBasicBlock *FBB,
365                            const std::vector<MachineOperand> &Cond) const {
366    assert(0 && "Target didn't implement TargetInstrInfo::InsertBranch!");
367  }
369  /// BlockHasNoFallThrough - Return true if the specified block does not
370  /// fall-through into its successor block.  This is primarily used when a
371  /// branch is unanalyzable.  It is useful for things like unconditional
372  /// indirect branches (jump tables).
373  virtual bool BlockHasNoFallThrough(MachineBasicBlock &MBB) const {
374    return false;
375  }
377  /// ReverseBranchCondition - Reverses the branch condition of the specified
378  /// condition list, returning false on success and true if it cannot be
379  /// reversed.
380  virtual bool ReverseBranchCondition(std::vector<MachineOperand> &Cond) const {
381    return true;
382  }
384  /// insertNoop - Insert a noop into the instruction stream at the specified
385  /// point.
386  virtual void insertNoop(MachineBasicBlock &MBB,
387                          MachineBasicBlock::iterator MI) const {
388    assert(0 && "Target didn't implement insertNoop!");
389    abort();
390  }
392  /// isPredicatable - True if the instruction can be converted into a
393  /// predicated instruction.
394  virtual bool isPredicatable(MachineInstr *MI) const {
395    return false;
396  }
398  /// PredicateInstruction - Convert the instruction into a predicated
399  /// instruction.
400  virtual void PredicateInstruction(MachineInstr *MI,
401                                    std::vector<MachineOperand> &Cond) const {
402    assert(0 && "Target didn't implement PredicateInstruction!");
403    abort();
404  }
406  /// getPointerRegClass - Returns a TargetRegisterClass used for pointer
407  /// values.
408  virtual const TargetRegisterClass *getPointerRegClass() const {
409    assert(0 && "Target didn't implement getPointerRegClass!");
410    abort();
411    return 0; // Must return a value in order to compile with VS 2005
412  }
415} // End llvm namespace